Marvel: I am The Gamer

45: Causing Ragnarok

The sound of thunder continuously rang out as Thor confronted the large army of skeletons, with each punch he threw, his fists would become enveloped in thunder and all the enemies which stood in his path would be blasted apart immediately.

Loki, Heimdall, Hulk, and the rest of the gladiator fighters as well as the Asgardians all witnessed Thor's transformation, they didn't know why but they felt a sudden rush of excitement go through their body as they watched the son of Odin tear through the army of Skeletons as if they were nothing but flies.



it was at this moment that fireworks appeared in the sky above the red spaceship, Brunnhilde the Valkyrie could be seen walking across the bridge, slaughtering enemies left and right as she maneuvered around with her sword.

Wearing her white Valkyrie battle armor, she looked like a seasoned warrior of Asgard as she fought bravely through the army of skeletons.

Loki was also in a heated battle with the skeletons as well, but no matter the number he killed they just kept on coming and coming, even so, Loki didn't stop, he continued battling as if his life depended on it.

Loki smoothly slid under the sword of a skeleton before lodging a dagger in the skeleton's neck and then sending it flying with his other dagger.

Loki looked In the distance at his brother Thor, with a simple jump, Thor was able to unleash thunder in his path and destroy all the skeleton soldiers that approached.

even while watching their kind get slaughtered, the brainless skeleton soldiers continued to push their way throughout the battlefield, they were fearless even in front of the god of thunder.

Skurge watched all of this happen with a complicated expression, he knew what he had done was severe, and after seeing the situation of Hela's Army, he could only throw away his weapon and run away from the area.


The black Wolf Fenris who was previously pinned down by Hulk and Thor was moving around in anger after it saw what happened to Hela, it sat up and howled to the sky before it rushed towards Thor.

But before it could approach, Hulk jumped into the air and landed in Infront of the huge beast, using both his hands to pull against the wolf's jaws.

The wolf seemed to have become even more violent after witnessing Hela being thrown off the bridge, it broke free of Hulk's arms and bit down at Hulk, taking the huge guy in its mouth before shaking its head around with uncontrollable anger and bloodthirsty. 


Hulk punched the Wolf in its face, causing the monster to get sent flying off the bridge and into the water before they continued their battle.

the heavy stream of water was enough to push hulk and the huge wolf towards the edge of Asgard, but before Hulk could fall with the wolf, he clutched onto the rocks at the edge of the Asgardian realm and saved himself from falling off like the wolf Fenris.

Fenris fell and disappeared within the void below, perhaps never to be seen again.


Skurge appeared within the group of Asgardians, he was wearing a robe as he tried his best to blend in with the Asgardians, a look of anger and regret could be seen on his face, how could he have known that the "queen" which he decided to serve would get defeated that easily by Thor, it was absurd.

Skurge could only continue blending in with the Asgardians and hope he could escape with his life, if he was caught, he would suffer a fate far worse than death.


After clearing up the battlefield, Thor, along with Brunnhilde and Loki looked at the scattered bodies of skeletons that stretched across the bridge.

"huff... huff, I think we should disband the revengers," Thor said while trying to catch his breath, the thunder which surrounded his body previously had already disappeared.

"w- wait, you hit her with a lightning blast right?" Loki said as he looked at the figure who was approaching them on the bridge, this was a figure that none of them wanted to see ever again.

"I hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning blasts, yet it did nothing" Thor felt defeated as he looked at Hela who was walking towards them with steady and charming steps, her usual smile still on her face.

"We just need to hold her off until everyone is on the ship," Brunnhilde said, even though she said this she knew it wouldn't be that easy to deal with this goddess of death.

"it won't end there" Thor sighed before continuing "the longer Hela is on Asgard the stronger she grows," He said with slow breaths.

"she will hunt us down no matter what, so we need to stop her now," Thor said.

"so  what do we do?" Brunnhilde said with a worried face, how could they deal with Hela who survived such a strong lightning bolt from Thor?

 not only that, but she was even growing stronger with each second.

"This was never about stopping Ragnarok," Thor said with a serious expression, he looked towards his brother Loki.

"it was about causing Ragnarok"

"fine," Loki said before he ran off toward the Asgardians who were hurrying to board the ship.

Looking towards Brunnhilde the Valkyrie, Thor opened his mouth and said "Shall we?"

"After you" Brunnhilde replied with a smile. 

thunder rang out as Thor jumped up and his whole body became shrouded in lighting as he approached Hela.

Hela threw out a sword at Thor after seeing this, but the sword was easily blasted apart by Thor's lightning.

Thor continuously slashed out at Hela with two swords that were covered in snakes of lightning.

After their quick exchange, Valkyrie also joined the battle and began to fight with Hela as well, but the goddess of death slowly dealt with her, almost as if she was toying with the Valkyrie.


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