Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 – Magic Or Magic?

“Miniature ARK reactor, worth 20 exchange points, whether the host is exchanged, yes/no…”

A mechatronic sound sounded in Patch’s mind. After hearing what the voice said, Patch couldn’t help opening his mouth wide for a moment, and was so stunned.

It took a long time for Patch to react, and he looked back at the virtual panel in front of him dumbfounded.

Two… twenty… This miniature ARK reactor that I worked so hard to get back is only worth twenty exchange points?

At this moment, Paqi couldn’t help feeling an urge to beep the dog.

From the day he learned that Tony Stark had been kidnapped, Patch had already been planning this matter, and even dispatched the “Shadow Demon” Cullens to the past, and finally succeeded in this technology , but now…

What the hell, finally came up with a finished product, but it turned out to be only worth twenty exchange points. How can this not make Patch angry!

Although this miniature ARK reactor can be mass-produced, it seems that a small amount can save Patch a lot of exchange points, but this one only has 20 exchange points, and Patch has to save it until the year of the monkey!

Moreover, the palladium element necessary to manufacture the reactor is so cheap, even if Patch spends all the funds in his body, it is estimated that it will only be enough to manufacture a dozen.

And more than a dozen micro-reactors, each with 20 exchange points, is only two or three hundred, which is far from what Patch needs.

“Miniature ARK reactor, worth 20 exchange points, whether the host is exchanged, yes/no…” Seeing that Patch didn’t respond for a long time, the mechatronic sound of the main god’s space rang in Patch’s mind again.

“It’s only worth twenty exchange points, and I’d rather exchange it!” Patch slammed the micro-reactor in his hand on the table, and yelled angrily.

After shouting this sentence, Patch immediately flicked the long sleeve of the wizard robe, and wiped the virtual panel from his eyes.

After erasing the virtual panel, Patch rolled up his wide sleeves and flicked it over the desk, and all the instruments on the desk were put into the space ring by him in an instant.

After doing these things, Patch still couldn’t help standing there with an angry face. After more than ten minutes, when he gradually calmed down, Patch suddenly became a little at a loss.

Glancing around blankly, Patch suddenly realized that he had nothing to do now.

The palladium element reactor that took a lot of effort had no effect on him. This sudden blow completely disrupted all of Patch’s follow-up preparations, and made some of Patch’s plans run aground.

Originally, Patch’s plan was to use the micro-reactor to get a lot of exchange points, so as to exchange for a more systematic “Wizard World” wizard training method and some corresponding knowledge, to eliminate the hidden dangers planted by the former main god, and then cooperate with him. Read “The Book of Cagliostro” to understand the mystery of the law of time, and ascend to the position of demigod in one fell swoop.

After becoming a demigod, Patch can gradually start to implement his more ambitious plans in the Marvel world.

But now, missing the extremely important link in the middle, Patch inevitably seemed a little at a loss.

Since obtaining partial inheritance rights of the main god’s space, plus the long time of awakening the memory of the previous life.

Compared with those well-known tasks in the Marvel world, Patch has always placed himself in a higher position than them in his heart.

After all, Paqi not only has the advantage of foresight, but also has the help of the main god’s space, so he is more than a step above them in terms of innate conditions.

And Patch himself also has a deep sense of superiority. The words he said in front of Coulson and Melinda a long time ago were not just words, he really thought so in his heart.

god! GOD! How out of reach.

But Patch thinks he will get to this position sooner or later, and that day is definitely not far away.

Although some hidden powerful characters in the Marvel Universe, such as Thanos who got the Infinity Gauntlet, the Celestial Group, and the Tribunal of Life, Patch has never been in contact with them, but Patch has never been afraid of them from the beginning, because in the end, Patch felt he would one day surpass them.

It can be said that Patch has placed himself in a very high position since the day he awakened the memory of his previous life. For this world, Patch has always viewed the world from the perspective of a bystander. A special existence outside this world.

Although Paqi has his own principles and bottom line, Paqi actually doesn’t pay much attention to everyone in this world.

Or it can be said that in Patch’s eyes, everyone in this world is just puppets and NPCs that he manipulates arbitrarily.

And for such a long time, everything has indeed been under Patch’s control.

It’s just that now there is one thing that doesn’t meet Patch’s expectations, that is to say, there are things beyond Patch’s control, which he cannot accept.

It is precisely because of this that Patch was at a loss for a while.

But after a moment of bewilderment, Patch tried hard to recall all the things he had done before, discarded the doubts about himself in his mind, and finally found a new goal again.

The bewilderment on his face disappeared in an instant, and Patch’s blue eyes began to shine brightly again, and he walked slowly to the window. Patch looked out the window for a while with his head raised, then turned and sat down in front of the desk again.

“Since the micro-ARK reactor is not working, I have another thing that can replace it. I hope this thing won’t disappoint me.” Sitting on the chair, Patch didn’t murmured softly .

After saying this, Patch immediately picked up a book that he had placed on the desk and began to read it.

The title of this book is “Clavins’ Basic Spell Application”, and it is some of the most basic magic books collected in the New York Temple. Before that, Patch roughly scanned all the magic books on the special bookshelf in the library. After reading it again, I found that the level of these classics is not a little bit worse than that of Karma Taj’s collection, and the difference in the middle is enough to be called a difference between clouds and mud.

Moreover, most of the magic books collected in the New York Temple Library were written by mages for nearly a thousand years. They are not like Karma Taj’s collections, which are precious books handed down from the origin of ancient magic.

Relying on the unimaginable memory and comprehension ability of ordinary people, in less than half an hour, Patch read this small magic book completely, and after reading this “Clawens’ After Basic Spell Application”, Patch found some very interesting things in it.

As if to confirm his guess, Patch moved some books from that special bookshelf and began to read them carefully.

Every time he finished reading a book, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Patch’s mouth.

“Is that so?”

After reading the last word of the last magic book on the desk, Patch immediately put the ancient and old book on the table, narrowing his eyes and showing a very mysterious smile.

Keeping smiling, Patch slowly turned his head and looked at the sunset outside the window, which had already covered half of the horizon. After a long time, he shook his head and said to himself slowly:

“Magic or divine art? So the Three Great Temples or Kama Taj still hide such a secret?”

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