Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 214

Chapter 200 – Final Belief


As Yahweh held the spear and turned it into a ray of light that was almost reaching the limit, it penetrated Dormammu’s huge palm, and Dormammu’s heart-wrenching roar suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth.

The people below could only see a huge hole in the center of Dormammu’s palm, and the surrounding area of the hole seemed to be scorched black by flames.

However, although the huge palm made of rocks was cut open, not a single drop of blood dripped from Dormammu’s palm. His palm didn’t seem to be made of flesh and blood.

It’s just that the scorched black dust kept falling from the burned part of the palm, and the scorched black dust floated down profusely. After a while, a layer of gray-black color was laid on the holy light barrier condensed by the pure white light curtain.

Because they were covered by the gray and black dust, even though Nick Fury, Tony, Rogers and others looked up at the sky as hard as they could, they still couldn’t clearly see the specific situation in the sky at this time.

Now they can only vaguely see a long beam of light piercing through Dormammu’s huge palm, and rushing straight towards the mottled and dark world where Dormammu’s body is.

The beam of light that Yahweh and the spear turned into was brilliant and almost reached the extreme, but it rushed into the dark sky in the blink of an eye.

This light beam is like an extremely sharp knife, directly tearing a huge gap in the dark sky, just like tearing apart a huge black cloth covering the sky.

The mottled darkness where Dormammu was located quickly began to boil again, like boiling water.

Although Yahweh’s spear turned into a beam of light piercing through the dark sky was extremely fast, but Dormammu’s reaction was not slow at all. At the moment when a roar resounded through the sky, Dormammu was just The exposed half of the body quickly turned around.

At the same time, the huge hole in the center of his palm that was pierced and burned quickly returned to its original state as the tumbling mottled darkness filled it.

“Lord, you are unforgivable!”

Dormammu’s huge mouth like a black hole opened and closed quickly, and after uttering a sentence of extreme anger, his dark purple eyes suddenly widened, and the dim light flickered in and out of it, as if he wanted to absorb the human soul into it.

Dormammu, who turned back to his body and head, fixed his eyes on the dark world behind him. Driven by his thoughts, the mottled darkness that was violently tumbling like boiling water became more obvious, oh no… now it looks like It’s like a layer upon layer of huge waves.

The waves of darkness keep rolling, constantly attacking the beam of light that Yahweh turned into, as if trying to completely obliterate him in this dark world.

Although Jehovah, who was in the light, heard Dormammu’s roar just now, he was still unmoved.

After tightening the light spear in his hand, he quickly pierced through the darkness in front of him and continued towards a deeper place.

And the billowing wave of darkness driven by Doam never stopped, chasing after Jehovah in the direction he was going, but every time when the wave of darkness was about to completely cover Jehovah, the ray of light that Jehovah transformed The light quickly broke through from the dark wave again.

Seeing the light passing through the dark world like an aurora, Dormammu couldn’t help roaring angrily.

Bursts of roars spread to the city below. Nick Fury, Tony and the others only felt their eardrums swell continuously, and their brains suddenly went blank. When they recovered from the state of brain distortion, they looked up again. When facing the sky covered by gray powder, while nervous, I couldn’t help but feel worried.

Seeing and hearing the shocking momentum of Dormammu’s battle with Jehovah, they are now extremely worried that they will cause irreparable damage to the earth if they are not careful.

The wave of darkness chased after the light transformed by Jehovah, but none of them could stop the light from continuing to move forward.

In less than a few breaths, with a loud “bang”, this beam of light actually hit the dimensional barrier of the dark world. The dimensional barrier that should have been extremely strong and existed between endless time and space suddenly burst It shattered completely like glass.


Seeing this scene, Domamu let out another heart-piercing roar, but this time his voice was obviously much angrier than all the previous roars combined.

The moment Dormammu roared, the colorful rays of light beyond the shattered dimensional barrier rushed into the dark world without any scruples, making the whole dark world suddenly weird stand up.

The endless world at a glance seemed to be completely distorted. After the colorful light rushed into the dark world, it began to merge with the darkness, forming a strange color.

Immediately, these colorful rays of light were completely covered by the billowing waves of darkness, as the dimensional barriers were shattered, there were bursts of incessant sounds.

Seeing this scene, Dormammu’s roar stopped abruptly, staring blankly at the radiant light that had stopped on the other side of the dimensional barrier.

The light that Jehovah turned into hovered in the distance, and then the dazzling white light around him gradually faded, revealing his body that had returned to normal.

“You… what did you do?” Seeing the appearance of Jehovah, Domamu couldn’t help but asked instantly.

“Dormammu, behind me is a barren world.”

Jehovah looked up at Him and said slowly, “This world should be enough to recover your loss. Now, you withdraw from the earth immediately, and I can forget everything before. I believe you should also know that the battle between us is It is impossible to win or lose. If this stalemate continues, it will be an unimaginable loss for us. And…”

The Lord’s voice suddenly became a little more serious, “And the wizard who you deceived into the gap in the void will arrive soon, I don’t think you are so stupid, prepare to face the two of us at the same time ?”

“So, you want to replace the earth with this barren world?” Dormammu’s resonant voice sounded again.


Yahweh nodded, but his expression was still extremely solemn at this time, “But I’m not discussing with you. When that wizard arrives, don’t forget to occupy even this desolate world.”

“Are you threatening me?” Dormammu’s voice turned cold when he heard this.

But Yahweh was unmoved, nodded slightly and said, “Yes, I am threatening you.”

“There are very few existences in the entire universe that can reach our level. It took tens of millions of years of savings to finally reach this point. You don’t want to lose everything you have, right?”

“Also, I have heard about your deal with that wizard, but you have violated your agreement. I have never been your enemy. Your real enemy should be those three guys. We don’t need to waste time In these trivial matters.”


After listening to Jehovah’s words, Domamu sank for a long time before finally opening his mouth to respond: “It’s just that what’s the loss you caused me by breaking the dimensional barrier?”

“This desolate world is much wider than the earth. I think devouring this world will be enough to make up for your loss.” Jehovah’s calm voice sounded slowly.

“You want to use a barren world to replace the earth and make up for the loss of the dark world?” Dormammu asked in surprise as if he had heard some incredible words.

“Don’t forget, you have no choice.” Jehovah’s face was serious.

Dormammu raised his eyes, glanced at Yahweh with his huge dark purple eyes, stared deeply at Him for a long time, and said nothing more.

The earth-shattering momentum came and went quickly, and before Nick Fury and others could react, the world returned to its original tranquility.

And after being quiet for a while, they saw angels scattered in eight directions in New York suddenly rise from the ground and quickly fly towards the sky. Naturally, the barrier of holy light covering the entire New York City also followed. Instantly disappeared without a trace.

Then, Nick Fury, Tony and the others who were still looking up at the sky only saw the mottled darkness occupying a small half of the sky quickly shrink and recede after a violent surge and tumbling.

In less than a dozen seconds, the sun jumped out and returned to people’s sight, but the endless sea of light in the sky on the other side and the majestic Holy Church Mountain hanging above it still stood happened? ? Dormammu retreated? ” Rogers asked in a daze.

“I think it should be.” Tony’s voice sounded in the headset.

Just as he finished speaking, a ray of light came quickly from the distant horizon, and within a breath, that ray of light landed on the carriage on the long river of brilliance, revealing a tall figure.

As soon as the tall figure of Yahweh more than ten meters landed on the carriage, he quickly lowered his head and looked down. After inspecting the city below with his burning eyes, a loud and gentle voice sounded.

“Dormammu, the lord of darkness, has completely receded.”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the eight angels who had just risen from the ground divided into two rows and floated on both sides of the chariot where Jehovah was standing. As soon as the eight angels arrived, they all nodded and said to Him:

“Your Majesty.”


The Lord responded lightly, and slowly shifted his gaze from the city below to the angel, and said aloud, “Okay, since Dormammu has retreated, we should go back too.”

As soon as the words fell, Jehovah suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at the Holy Temple Mountain above, and then the long river of light across the sky quickly gathered, leading the angels and eight white horses into more than a dozen white rays of light and flew to the Holy Temple Mountain.

In an instant, everything in the sky quickly disappeared, as if nothing had happened before.

But when Nick Fury, Tony, Rogers and others turned their heads and looked around, they saw countless ragged men, women and children kneeling on the ruined street, crossing their chests devoutly, Still muttering softly in his mouth:

“Hallelujah, praise God, praise the Lord…”

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