Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 207

Chapter 193 – Alien Armies And…

In the center of New York, on the top floor of the Stark Tower, the machine loaded with the Rubik’s Cube suddenly started running at high speed, and then, a huge blue streak suddenly shot up into the sky.

Tony Stark, who was wearing steel armor, quickly raised his head and looked towards the sky. When he saw a huge oval-shaped hole in the sky and some small black spots drilled out of the hole, he didn’t hesitate at all. Armor rushed up.

“Come on, army.”

Numerous aliens driving aircraft rushed out of the void, while Tony relied on steel armor to shuttle among these aliens driving aircraft, firing energy cannons from time to time to shoot down one of the aircraft, but there was still a steady stream of follow-ups. Enemies fly out of holes in the sky.

It seems like there is no end in sight.

After the center of gravity was unstable after being hit by several aircraft, Tony quickly asked Jarvis to open the steel armor on both shoulders and fired all the tracer bullets inside.

Dozens of tracer bullets were fired quickly, hitting these aircraft with incomparable precision, and dozens of aircraft were completely destroyed in an instant.

High in the sky, these destroyed aircraft continued to explode, looking like a gorgeous firework.

But even though Tony destroyed many alien aircraft, more enemies rushed to the ground, and they drove the aircraft to destroy the city wantonly. After a while, the streets, buildings, and surrounding shops were completely devastated.

At this time, on the roof of the Stark Tower, Thor, who was wearing a coquettish red shirt, fell from a distance. After his feet landed, Thor quickly aimed the hammer in his hand at Loki, and shouted:

“Loki, close the Rubik’s Cube immediately, or I’ll destroy it.”

Smiling and shaking his head, Loki responded: “You can’t do it, you can’t stop it anymore, now there is only…”


As soon as the voice fell, Loki raised the spear in his hand and jumped down from the high platform, stabbing straight at Thor.

Thor blocked Loki’s stab with his hammer, and held Thor’s hammer tightly so that Loki could fight.

Not long after, the planes driven by Rogers, Natasha, Patton and others also rushed to the battlefield, but when they arrived near the Stark Tower, Loki also spotted them instantly, and threw Thor to the ground , Twitch gave their plane a laser.

With a sound of “Boom~”, the propeller of the fighter jet ignited flames, and the whole plane suddenly bumped up.

Patton, who was flying the plane, had no choice but to do his best to control the plane to make a sharp landing towards a place with few people. When they walked out of the ruins hit by the plane, seven or eight alien enemies quickly surrounded them.

“Captain, leave this to us, you go and evacuate those people.”

A few people glanced at the ordinary people who were besieged not far away, and Natasha hurriedly said to Rogers.

Barton, who drew an arrow from his quiver, also nodded immediately.

“You guys pay attention to safety.”

Glancing at the two of them, Roger didn’t hesitate at all after saying this, Dang even tightened his legs and ran towards the other side at full speed.

Just when the streets around the Stark Tower fell into chaos, a white man with light brown hair was standing quietly in an unknown place on the outskirts of New York.

The man stood on a high **** and borrowed a telescope to carefully observe the situation in New York City in the distance.

When a huge, steel dragon-like creature drilled out of the huge hole in the sky in the distance, the man put down the binoculars in his hand and murmured softly:

“Looks like it’s about time.”

As the sound sounded, the man’s eyes slowly moved to the open space in front of him, and there was a strange pattern on the open space.

The man casually threw the telescope in his hand to the ground, stretched out his hand to grab the void in front of him, and suddenly a fist-sized diamond-shaped stone appeared in his hand.

After holding the diamond-shaped stone, the man obviously hesitated for a while, and then threw the stone in his hand to a sunken groove in the center of the pattern in the distance.

When the stone fell steadily into the groove, the strange pattern in front of the man suddenly lit up, and the dim light burst out from every line of the pattern, revealing the surrounding area of more than ten square meters. Like a spooky ghost.

After the man saw this scene, although his face was serious, his lips opened and closed slightly, and he uttered some strange words that ordinary people had never heard before.

At the same time, the man’s hands also moved quickly, making an extremely strange gesture, and after he finished speaking each sentence that seemed to be a spell, his hands quickly changed into another gesture.

It went on and on for seven or eight minutes before the man’s lips were completely closed, and his hands immediately dropped to his sides.

At this time, the gloomy light from the weird pattern in front of him has completely subsided, and the pattern on the ground and the diamond-shaped stone have completely disappeared.

But the man didn’t pay attention to these things. As his voice and movements fell, he slowly raised his head and cast his eyes on the huge hole in the distant sky.

“Come on, Dormammu, master of darkness and destruction!”

On the battlefield in Pike Street, Thor and Hulk were standing on a steel dragon. Together, they knocked away the alien fighters rushing to them, and launched a fierce attack on the steel dragon below them.

After Hulk threw away a Chitauri warrior beside him, he reached out and tore off a piece of the steel dragon’s shell, and inserted it fiercely into the steel dragon.

And Thor saw that the fragment of the shell had not completely entered the inside of the steel dragon, roared, raised Thor’s hammer high, and completely sank the fragment into it.

On the battlefield in another block, after Rogers cut an enemy in half with a shield, he saw Natasha not far away was in danger, and before he had time to catch his breath, he quickly ran over.

After holding the shield tightly and knocking away a Chitauri who was about to launch an energy bomb, Rogers quickly ran to Natasha’s side, jumped up and split one of the enemies who was fighting with her in half~www Just as Rogers landed on both feet, Natasha also happened to solve another enemy.

“Huh… Thank you, Captain…” With a long breath, Natasha thanked Rogers with a sideways smile.


But before he could say “It’s okay”, Tony Stark’s surprised voice suddenly sounded in the headset, “Thor, captain, Barton, Natasha… can you all hear me? Hurry up!” Look, why did a strange thing suddenly appear in the sky?”

The moment Tony’s voice fell, the Chitauri who were fighting Thor, Rogers, Hulk and others suddenly collapsed to the ground, and all the guys who were driving the aircraft also fell down.

“What’s going on? What’s the situation?”

Everyone’s pupils couldn’t help shrinking suddenly, and they quickly raised their heads to look towards the sky, but when they just raised their heads and saw the strange thing Tony just mentioned, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes instantly.

“This… what the **** is this?”

Natasha, who was standing beside Rogers, suddenly turned pale, and following the gazes of her and everyone around her, she could only see…

A darkness darker than the night is gradually spreading from the center of the huge void. In less than a few minutes, the mottled darkness completely occupied the huge void, but it still did not stop spreading to the surrounding area, and it took another few minutes. In the past, nearly half of the sky in New York was completely covered by this indescribable darkness.

And at this time, Tony, Rogers, Thor, Hulk… everyone in New York City and the surrounding area finally saw clearly what was hidden in the darkness.

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