Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 185

Chapter 176 – Visitor From Asgard

“If they want to launch a war against the earth or do something unfavorable, Speaker, do you think we can really stop it?”

Rayleigh couldn’t help feeling a little dazed. Thinking back to the scene he saw just now, the powerful force shocked him, but at the same time, it also made his heart beat. Now, with deeper doubts in his heart, he couldn’t help but let himself fall into in a dead end.

After hearing what Rayleigh said, Earls couldn’t help but become ugly.

Indeed, just as Rayleigh said, a power like Thor is indeed something that he and the Holy White Council cannot stop.

But when Earls was standing stiffly on the spot without speaking, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly entered his ears, and Earls couldn’t help but look up towards the sky.

A blond man wearing silver armor and a red cloak and a woman in normal attire who was hugged by the man appeared in his line of sight instantly.

However, just when Earls looked up and saw them, the blond man seemed to notice his gaze, and looked down at him.

It’s just that after sweeping his gaze, the blond man quickly turned his head back, and with a slight explosion of anger, the two of them completely disappeared from Earls’ eyes.

The man and woman Earls who are fleeting in the sky can be said to know each other. They are Thor and Dr. Jane Foster who were in the town not long ago.

Seeing that Thor, the God of Thunder, didn’t come to trouble him, Earls couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, he was going to trouble Thor’s four Asgardian companions just now.

But when Earls completely relaxed his body, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his head, and finally found the answer to the question that Rayleigh raised just now and the confusion in his heart.

“If Asgardians with his power invade Earth…”

Hearing Earls’ voice, Rayleigh on the side couldn’t help turning his head to meet his gaze.

A faint smile suddenly appeared on Earls’s face, he stretched out his hand to remove Rayleigh’s hand that was supporting him, and patted him on the shoulder, and at the same time a voice rang out: “Maybe their power is indeed something we can’t stop Yes, but… as long as we do everything we can to deal with it, I think someone else will take care of it.”

“Just like my lord!”

After saying this, Earls turned around slowly and walked forward, and a force surged out of his originally weak body.

After hearing these words of Earls, Rayleigh seemed to have figured out something suddenly, and his wrinkled and confused face immediately stretched out, and he glanced at Earls’ back with a smile, then Quickly followed up.

The universe is endless, it seems that there is no border at all, but there is a special space in this boundless universe, which connects nine planets or worlds of completely different dimensions and connects them together. These nine worlds are to some extent They are inseparable, but under normal circumstances it is difficult to be able to communicate with each other.

However, one of these worlds can come to other worlds at will, and this special world is…


In the vast and boundless Asgard, the land and the sea are connected into one piece, and in the center of Asgard stands countless magnificent tall buildings that go straight into the sky.

Here is the king’s capital of Asgard, where Odin, king of Asgard, is located.

Although Odin had already slept in his bedroom because of the hibernation period, the entire capital was not affected. The streets were crowded with people, and everyone seemed to be busy with their own affairs.

Among the crowd, a group of guards wearing armor and holding spears passed by from time to time. Obviously, they were maintaining the normal order of the capital.

But when everything was calm as usual, a middle-aged man with white beard and hair suddenly appeared in the crowd as a white light fell from the sky.

But although this white light is extremely obvious, and the clothes of this middle-aged man are completely different from those around him, everyone is strangely oblivious to this light and… the middle-aged man who appeared along with this light man.

“Is this the capital of Asgard?”

The middle-aged man glanced around, and then whispered this sentence to himself.

And when the voice fell, the middle-aged man’s footsteps also moved immediately, and he lifted one foot slightly, and when he was about to land, his whole body completely turned into a white light and disappeared without a trace on the spot no trace.

By the time the middle-aged man showed his figure again, he had arrived at a palace at the top of the capital.

The gate of the palace was open, but there were four guards in armor standing on both sides of the gate, but these four guards seemed to have problems with their eyes, and they didn’t notice the middle-aged man’s arrival at all, so that he never The four of them walked into the palace without even noticing it.

The middle-aged man walked in the palace as if no one was there, passed through several palaces, and stopped until he came to a tightly closed white stone door.

Standing in front of the door, the middle-aged man paused for a while, then stretched out his hand to push open the door, raised his leg and walked in.

And just as the middle-aged man’s footsteps landed, a thick and deep voice sounded immediately.

“Hello, visitor from a foreign land.”

I saw an old man sitting on the bed behind the door, one of his eyes was covered by a golden sheet, and he stared at the middle-aged man who walked into the room with his one exposed eye.

Although the tone of the old man seemed extremely peaceful, when he was staring at the middle-aged man, there was a faint aura that locked him in.

“A visitor from a foreign land?”

However, the middle-aged man didn’t seem to be affected by his aura, looked at him peacefully, smiled and said: “Yes, this is indeed my first time in Asgard, but it is not here. It’s not as good as I imagined, but luckily I didn’t come to see Asgard.”

“Odin, the king of Asgard and the father of the gods, hello, please give me your advice when we meet for the first time…I am Jehovah, from the earth, which is what you call Midgard.”

While talking, the middle-aged man Yahweh was still facing the old man… Well, that is, Odin nodded slightly and greeted him.

“Earth? When did a strong man like you appear on Earth?”

As if he had sensed something from locking on the Lord’s breath, Odin slowly stood up from the bed, walked forward a few steps, and asked with a slight frown.

“There has never been a lack of strong people on the earth, but they are unwilling to reveal themselves, and there is a person who comes from the earth like me. I think you, the father of the gods, should be familiar with her.”

Yahweh did not answer directly, but smiled and transferred Odin’s thoughts to another person.

“The only strong person on Earth I’m familiar with is Ancient One, but she probably hasn’t reached your level, and if you remove the time gem, she can’t be considered a real strong person at all.”

After hearing Yahweh’s answer, Odin thought for a while before speaking out, and when the voice fell, he stared at Yahweh again, and asked in a very serious voice: “So… from the earth Strong man, what is your purpose in coming to Asgard?”

“Father of the gods, I came here purely to find you and…to discuss something with you.” Facing Odin’s mountain-like and sea-like aura, Yahweh seemed comfortable and unafraid, raised his eyes to meet his lightning-like gaze, and calmed down. echoed.

“Ask me to discuss something?” Odin frowned, unavoidably a little puzzled.

“Something very important.”

When he said this, the smile on Jehovah’s face could not help but slowly retracted, and he said in a deep voice with a sullen face: “Your Asgard’s interference with the earth, and what your eldest son Thor has done on the earth recently. Why. I don’t think you don’t know these things, do you?”

Before Odin could answer, Yahweh continued to open his mouth and said: “The earth is also one of the nine kingdoms. I cannot tolerate you Asgardians acting mischievously on the earth, and the behavior of your eldest son Thor has caused disasters on the earth.” The estimated impact, the main reason why I came to Asgard today is to tell you about this matter.”

Without giving Odin a chance to reply, Yahweh immediately said loudly: “Father of the gods, the earth is not as weak as the Asgardians imagined, and I and other people on the earth are capable enough to defend the earth from being destroyed.” Infringement, we don’t need your help from Asgard at all, or your help is actually a kind of infringement on the earth.”

“Okay, that’s all I want to say, Father of the Gods, I hope you can think about what I said, and don’t provoke another enemy for Asgard where you are.”

Just as he was speaking, Jehovah’s voice suddenly dropped. After he finished speaking, he looked at Odin with meaningful eyes for a while, then took a step back, and completely withdrew from the room.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of Jehovah who exited the room slowly blurred before Odin’s eyes until it turned into a ray of light and completely disappeared.

However, just as Yahweh was about to leave, his last words were still heard clearly in Odin’s ears.

“Father of the gods, it seems that your Asgard is not very stable, so I won’t bother you any more. I just hope that you will carefully consider my suggestion after finishing your work. I don’t think you will Do something bad for Asgard!”

The voice slowly dissipated in the air, but after hearing these words from the Lord, Odin’s complexion unavoidably darkened instantly.

Looking at the direction in which Jehovah left at the door, Odin’s complexion fluctuated, making him look extraordinarily weird.

After a long time, he squinted his one eye, and murmured in a low voice: “There are many such powerful existences on the earth? But why have I never heard of them before? Could it be that the one just now called Are the Lord’s fellows deceiving me?”

“But even if it’s just him and the ancient one who has the time gem, it’s enough for me to think carefully. Maybe my attitude towards the earth will really change.”

“It’s just that now I have more important things to do…”

Whispering softly, Odin straightened up suddenly, turned his head and looked towards the wall on the other side of the room, as if his gaze could see something through the wall.

After turning into light and disappearing from Asgard, the figure of Yahweh did not appear on the earth, but passed through the dimensional barrier and came to the half-plane that was not perfect in the past, and now the kingdom of heaven.

The light transformed by Jehovah seems to have transcended the limitations of time and space, and in just a blink of an eye, it passed through infinite dimensions and descended to the top of the Holy Temple Mountain in the kingdom of heaven.

And at the top of the mountain at this time, there is a person who has been waiting here for a long time.

Wearing a holy and snow-white robe, with a handsome young face, this person is the original owner who created this demiplane, Patch Maiwes.

After the figure of Jehovah appeared and fell to the ground, he walked up to Patch with a smile on his face.

“Lord, it seems that your business is going well!”

Looking at the smiling Jehovah, Patch also showed a smile, and then asked slowly, “Did that old Odin overreact?”

“Odin has been King of Asgard for so long, I don’t think he would go out of his way to pick on me when I wasn’t showing hostility, and…”

Just as he was speaking, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Jehovah’s face, “And they seem to have a lot of troubles of their own. If UU Reading really wants to make an enemy of us, I’m afraid they will fall into a state of being attacked from both sides , Odin can’t possibly do such an unwise thing.”

“It’s just that after he solves the troubles in Asgard, I’m afraid he won’t accept my request so easily.”

“Of course.”

Patch nodded in affirmation of Yahweh’s opinion, and said aloud: “Although Asgard claims to be the guardian of the nine kingdoms, in essence they are no different from the feudal countries before the earth.”

“If a place under their control wants to break away from the rule, they will definitely not agree. This is the most basic principle of the ruler.”

“And the reason why they didn’t dare to do too much on Earth before was all because of Gu Yi, or in other words, they were afraid of the time gem in Gu Yi’s hands.”

“Indeed, the power of the Infinity Stone is indeed enough to make Odin afraid, but…”

Yahweh nodded slightly, and said aloud: “There is only one ancient one, and it is difficult for Odin to completely give up the earth. Other preparations are needed to get the earth out of Asgard’s control.”

“Isn’t that what we’re doing now?” Hearing Jehovah’s words, Patch couldn’t help but chuckled.

And Yahweh looked at Patch with a smile on his face. Obviously, he agreed with Patch’s words.

“There are still many troublesome things to come. It can be said that there are many difficulties to achieve our goal. We must make preparations in advance.”

As soon as this sentence was finished, Patch didn’t care about Yahweh’s reaction, and even turned around and left. 8)

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