Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 180

Chapter 171 – Eve Of The Outbreak


Hearing Earls’ words, Nick Fury couldn’t help but open one eye suddenly, staring at Earls in front of him and exclaiming in horror: “You just said that the owner of the hammer, Thor, also came to the earth ?”

Nick Fury had an unbelievable expression on his face. Obviously, what Earls said just now was difficult for him to accept, so he couldn’t help asking him again.


Turning a blind eye to Nick Fury’s shocked appearance, Earls nodded very indifferently, and responded aloud: “It is very likely that Thor, the God of Thunder, has also come to Earth, and according to my guess, his current state is very likely not so good.”

After thinking for a while, Earls quickly added: “After all, that Thor’s Hammer is something he regards as his life. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for him to leave the hammer there. But since this happened The situation, that also shows that his current situation is extremely pessimistic.”


After listening to Earls’ explanation, Nick Fury finally breathed a sigh of relief and stabilized his panic.

But before Nick Fury’s emotions calmed down for half a minute, Earls’ voice came into his ears again.

“But even though Thor’s current state may not be very good, we can’t take him lightly. Although Thor is just an alien in a precise sense, far from the level of a god, his strength is still beyond doubt. of.”

Nick Fury, who hadn’t calmed down for a while, couldn’t help but feel a sudden shock when he heard what Earls said quickly.

And at this moment, from the perspective of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he naturally thought of another aspect, and quickly asked Earls: “Mr. Field…”

Nick Fury called Earls with good intentions, and then quickly asked: “Since Thor is in a bad state now, what caused him to cause this situation? And he is here Under such circumstances, why did they come to Earth?”

“I don’t know the reason for his situation.”

Facing Nick Fury’s first question, Earls shook his head decisively, but after shaking his head, his voice sounded again quickly: “But according to the revelation of our Lord, the reason why he is in this state Coming down to Earth probably wasn’t at his discretion.”

“Didn’t he decide on his own? Why?” Nick Fury continued to ask the bottom line.

And Earls narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn’t feel dissatisfied because of it. He still replied very patiently: “This question is a bit complicated to answer, but before answering this question, Director Nick Fury, I think you need Learn something else.”

Nick Fury did not interrupt Earls, but nodded slightly to signal him to continue.

“In a special cosmic dimension, there is a tree of the world, and on this tree of the world, there are nine different kingdoms. Thor and his father Odin come from one of the most powerful kingdoms. The country of the world—Asgard, because of the strength of the Asgardians, they call themselves the protectors of the nine kingdoms, of course…”

Just as he was talking, Earls suddenly paused, and looked at Nick Fury with deep eyes, “In a sense, they can indeed be called the real protectors of the Nine Kingdoms, but the Nine Kingdoms There is one country where few people know these things, and this country is—Earth!”

“Earth? Earth is also one of the nine kingdoms?”

Suddenly hearing the blockbuster thrown by Earls, Nick Fury looked extremely surprised, but after thinking for a while, he thought of the unreasonable things in it, and asked Earls in a loud voice: “Since the earth It is also one of the nine countries, so why the Asgardians who are the protectors have not come to the earth to implement their rule for so long? Also, since the nine countries are in the same space, why do our scientists never What about the undetected so-called Asgard?”

While Nick Fury said these words, he couldn’t help but look at Earls with deep doubts. He even felt that what Earls said before was probably not true. He felt that Earls The ultimate goal is likely to be the mysterious hammer.

“Why don’t the Asgardians come to Earth to enforce their rule? The question is simple…”

Facing Nick Fury’s questioning gaze, Earls just smiled lightly, and immediately opened his mouth to explain: “Because the lifespan of Asgardians is generally close to 5,000 years, perhaps in the eyes of people on Earth, they have not lived for a long time.” Been here, but almost only for a short time, as far as they were concerned. And…”

“The power displayed by the people on Earth is almost nothing compared to Asgard, so there is absolutely no need for them to pay too much attention to Earth.”

After a short pause, Earls continued to answer Nick Fury’s second question aloud: “As for why the people on Earth can’t detect the location of Asgard? It’s because although both are in the same cosmic dimension Among them, but the distance between each other is so large that it is unimaginable, and because of the particularity of the cosmic dimension in which the two are located, it is almost impossible for the earth’s technology to detect it before it reaches a certain level. Sgard’s.”

“Even if Earth’s technology reaches this level, I guess it will be difficult for people to reach Asgard.”


After hearing Earls’ answer, Nick Fury couldn’t help but frowned, because these words of Earls were so straightforward that Nick Fury didn’t know what to ask.

But when Nick Fury was silent, Earls’ voice sounded again.

“But Asgard is different from Earth. They have mastered a mysterious technology a long time ago, which can transport their people to any corner of the Nine Kingdoms, and Earth is no exception.”

Regardless of Nick Fury’s attitude, Earls continued to answer Nick Fury’s initial question: “It’s just that this technology is obviously an extremely important strategic technology in Asgard. Even Thor Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Thor to use this strategic technology arbitrarily, and Thor, who is in a bad state, can be teleported to Earth without thinking that it is definitely someone else’s deliberate effort.”

“Director Nick Fury, you can just imagine how powerful a person who can make Thor into this state and forcibly teleport him to Earth will be.”

Staring at Nick Fury, Earls finally said: “And do you think your S.H.I.E.L.D. can resist such a powerful person?”

Staring at Earls, listening to him finish these words, there was no kindness in Nick Fury’s one eye at this time, and his black face quickly drooped down. Obviously, he learned from Earls. In these words, what Earls really wanted to express to him was heard.

“Mr. Field…”

Nick Fury’s tone suddenly became cold, and he said very bluntly: “What do you want to do?”

Nick Fury’s attitude of taking a turn for the worse is very obvious to Earls, but even so, he still didn’t care about anything, and still said what Nick Fury didn’t want to hear the most: “I want our Holy White Council to fully take over Thor All matters related to the Hammer until this matter is completely dealt with.”

“Hehe…Mr. Field, do you think this is possible?” Nick Fury couldn’t help but sneered when Earls said the answer he guessed in his heart.

“I don’t think it’s possible, but certain.”

Seeing that Nick Fury lost his face, the smile on Earls’s face quickly retracted, he took a deep look at him, and said expressionlessly: “Because I’m not discussing with you, but just out of Let me inform you politely, so that you can have a mental preparation in advance.”

After saying this, Earls quickly turned around and walked towards the French windows without looking at Nick Fury, who was showing a blank expression.

“What the **** do you mean?”

After more than ten seconds, Nick Fury suddenly came back to his senses, looked up and looked in front of him, and shouted loudly.

But when he shouted out, he found that there was no one in front of him, and Earls who had just just disappeared without a trace.

However, before Nick Fury figured out what Earls said just now, with a slight vibration, the phone behind him suddenly rang a series of “beeps”.

Quickly turned around and picked up the phone, Nick Fury immediately heard the nervous report from the other end of the phone.

“Sir, the proposed base around the hammer we built has been taken over by a group of people, and now we…”

After patiently listening to a man’s report voice on the phone, Nick Fury suddenly pressed back the receiver of the landline phone in a fit of rage, an uncontrollable anger rose on his dark face, and he immediately cursed Get up: “SHIT…”

After coming out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building, Earls quietly suspended in the sky. After watching the scene of Nick Fury throwing the phone in anger, his figure slowly faded away in the clouds and mist until it completely disappears.

And just as he disappeared from the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., his figure slowly reappeared in a place far away in Mexico.

Floating in mid-air, Earls looked at the crude base in front of him without any hesitation, and immediately passed through the wall and entered the base.

A place that looked like a conference room appeared in front of Earls, and beside the long table in the conference room, eight extremely young men and women sat quietly.

The costumes of these eight people are very similar to Earls’ robes, the only difference is that Earls’ robes are white, while they are black.

When the eight people saw Earls appearing out of thin air, they didn’t show the slightest surprise on their faces. They just nodded to him and shouted in unison: “Speaker.”


Earls nodded and responded softly, and walked slowly over to sit on the chief seat of the long table in the conference room.

After sitting down, Earls took a look at everyone, and then opened his mouth and said, “Now…”

What you can see is white and holy, and the whole world seems to be shrouded in holy light. Boundless and endless brilliance sprinkles down from the sky, filling all places like warm raindrops.

On the endless white grassland, two people in white robes were pacing slowly. One of them had eyes as blue as the sea and looked a little younger, and this person was undoubtedly Patch.

And the person standing next to Paqi is also wearing a white robe, but the robe on him is very different from Paqi, like countless long scarves wrapped around his body, it looks weird Incomparable.

And this person has a gray beard, um… It seems that even his hair is gray, and the person’s appearance is slightly older, he looks like a middle-aged person.


Patch paced slowly, spit out a name that would be unbelievable on earth, and then said slowly: “You have this demiplane… no, how much do you know about the kingdom of heaven?”

“Not much…”

The long-bearded middle-aged man who was walking side by side with Patch heard the question, and couldn’t help but smile and responded aloud: “Almost one-tenth of it has been mastered.”

“one tenth?”

After hearing Jehovah’s answer, UU reading www. Patch pondered for a while, and then continued to say: “Well, it’s not bad. According to this progress, you should be able to fully grasp it before that day comes.”

“You were born in this world, and your compatibility with this world is also very high. I think this world is very likely to be upgraded again when you fully integrate with it, and at that time…”

As he was speaking, Patch suddenly turned his head slightly to look at Yahweh beside him, with a satisfied smile on his face, “This world is probably not much different from the real kingdom of heaven.”

However, after hearing what he said, Jehovah at the side immediately spoke up: “Who knows what the real kingdom of heaven looks like! Maybe the real kingdom of heaven is not as perfect as this world, but…”

“As long as we continue to improve and upgrade here, it will always be beneficial.”

“Yes, it is easy to create a demiplane, but it is not easy to perfect it into a real world.”

Patch nodded slightly, but after saying this, he didn’t continue to talk about this topic, but turned his head to look at Jehovah beside him, and said aloud as if reminding: “But These are not our main goals now, and the real world cannot be completely perfected overnight.”

“Our main task now should be on that matter, so…”

Just as he was speaking, Patch took another deep look at Jehovah, “You have to make preparations in advance.”

Yahweh, who was walking side by side, didn’t respond. He just turned his head to meet Patch’s gaze, and nodded with a smile.

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