Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 178

Chapter 169 – The Author Who Can’T Get The Title Out Is Very Distressed

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the Marvel daily life of a certain master god!

Leaving from the room of the wizard’s high tower in a blink of an eye, Patch traveled thousands of kilometers to a small town near the Mexican border, which is the dust tornado he saw through witchcraft not long ago The place.

Standing on the wasteland, Patch looked at the shallow pit hundreds of meters in front of him, stopped for a while, and then floated to the center of the shallow pit.

And there, a one-handed short hammer was quietly placed on a mound of soil.

Staring at the hammer on the mound, Patch rarely showed interest on his face. After circling the hammer a few times, he suddenly laughed softly.

“Mjolnir, Thor’s Hammer, is an artifact that Odin took from the core of a dying planet and let the dwarven masters of the Nine Kingdoms forge it.”

Staring closely at the small hammer in front of him, Patch couldn’t help showing a faint smile on his face, and whispered to himself: “Now it seems that this so-called artifact Thor’s Hammer is indeed exquisite in skill, and the magic engraved on it The runes are also very different from Karma Taj’s magical system.”

“Although the magic runes on this do have merits, they are of no great use to me now, and this so-called artifact is only slightly more advanced than Owen’s Celestial Spear. What a powerful thing, if it is the divine weapon spear in Odin’s hand, maybe I will be a little interested.”

What Patch said is not false. Compared with the incomplete magic system of Kama Taj and Asgard, the wizard inheritance he exchanged through the space of the main **** is obviously more complete and more systematic.

Moreover, the degree of development between the two is completely different. Just imagine how long it took for magic to be born on the earth in the Marvel universe, and in the end it was only a few thousand years. What about Asgard? In Patch’s estimation, it is absolutely impossible to exceed 20,000 years. After all, even if Thor is counted in Asgard, it has only been passed down for three generations. Uh… Although the general lifespan of Asgardians is four to five thousand years year.

However, compared to the wizarding world, the development history of thousands of years or 10,000 to 20,000 years is really nothing, and the comparison of top-level power between the two worlds, although the wizarding world cannot be said to be absolutely crushing , but Earth or Asgard is no better in front of the wizarding world than a young child standing in front of a big man.

Therefore, even if Asgard’s magic system does have some merits, it is just a dispensable thing in Patch’s eyes.

Smiling lightly and shaking his head, Patch turned around and walked away slowly after taking one last look at Thor’s Hammer. Gradually, after he had walked a dozen steps, he completely disappeared without a trace. .

The vast universe is boundless, and time and space together make up this unimaginable special place, but there are many secrets hidden in this special universe, many secrets that are completely unanalyzable or even difficult to understand.

Asgard, as one of the nine kingdoms, maintains the same front with the earth. Although the two are in the same universe or time and space, they do not belong to the same dimension.

It is almost impossible for people on the earth to reach Asgard, but because of the special creation of the Rainbow Bridge, Asgard can send people to the earth anytime and anywhere.

At this time, on the throne of Asgard, the old and old Odin was sitting on it holding his spear.

The surrounding area was empty, except for the figure of a woman beside the throne.

On the throne, one of Odin’s blind eyes caused by a battle a long time ago was covered by an eyepatch, but his other good eye looked radiant, but…

Even so, it still couldn’t cover up his oldness and the tiredness and depression on his face.

“Are you going to sleep again?” Seeing his appearance, the woman beside the throne asked softly.

“Yes.” Turning his head to stare at the woman, Odin nodded in response.

“But at this time, why do you still want to send Thor to the earth, and restrict him from using Mjolnir? Chaos has begun in some parts of the Nine Kingdoms. During your dormant period, if Thor is there, you will definitely replace him.” You share a lot of pressure.” The woman asked again, but at this time, she couldn’t help frowning slightly.

“A person who knows how to fight can only become a general, but Thor, he will be the king of the entire Asgard in the future, and he needs to learn more to become a qualified king.” Odin responded road.

“Okay, I know what you mean! But I hope that Thor can grow up on Earth.” The woman said softly, and after saying this, she tugged at the hem of her skirt, turned and left the building. Splendid and magnificent hall.

“Don’t worry! He will grow up, the future king of Asgard.”

After the woman left, Odin murmured again, then leaned on the throne and slowly closed his eyes.

On the other side, back in the room of the wizard tower, Patch continued to sit cross-legged on the stone bed and began to meditate.

On the second day, when the first ray of sunlight hit Paqi in the morning, he opened his eyes faintly, and a trace of expression rose rapidly from the fundus of his eyes, gradually occupying the entire eye sockets.

After his eyes recovered, Patch stood up from the stone bed with his hands together, then turned around and walked towards the door of the room.

Go all the way down the spiral staircase in the center of the tower, and when Patch came to the hall on the first floor, he found that Owen and Elizabeth were already sitting at the long table, while Orianna was alone in the kitchen Busy, obviously preparing breakfast for them.

At Patch’s current level, he can completely avoid contact with human food to replenish his own energy, and on the contrary, if he still maintains the habit of three meals a day for ordinary people, the food ingested into his body Not only can it not help him satisfy his hunger, but it will also destroy some functions of his god-like body, and… Now Patch doesn’t need ordinary food to satisfy his hunger.

It’s just that Owen and Elizabeth are different. Although they are also magical beings in a strict sense, they are still very different from magical beings like Orianna. Said that everyone can understand.

Although their flesh and blood bodies are slightly different from normal people, it is still inevitable to take food daily to make themselves function normally.

When Patch walked slowly to the head seat of the long table, Orianna just happened to walk over with a dinner plate in one hand.

Orianna put the two dinner plates in front of Owen and Elizabeth, greeted Patch, then turned and left immediately, while Owen and Elizabeth lifted the lids of the dinner plates to enjoy breakfast.

Seeing the two of them sweeping away the food on the dinner plate and wiping the stains on their mouths with the tablecloth, Patch turned his head to look at Owen who was sitting on his left.


He called Owen softly, and when he turned his head to look at him, Patch continued to ask: “What’s the matter? That female agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha, is still in contact with you ?”

“Yes Master.”

Looking at Patch, Owen nodded slightly, and then responded aloud: “I originally thought that woman was just an ordinary woman who had been hanging out in nightclubs for a long time. At first, I thought about having a physical fight with her. What a special spiritual collision! I didn’t expect that she was sent by the bald man from S.H.I.E.L.D. to spy on us, but luckily I found out early, otherwise I might have suffered a big loss from this woman!”

“Answer my question well, I’m not interested in knowing your meaningless things.”

After hearing Owen’s irrelevant answers, Patch couldn’t help but turn cold, staring at him and asked aloud, “Has that female agent still contacted you?”

Seeing Patch’s drooping face, Owen immediately didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly opened his mouth to respond: “She has been in contact with me for a while, and since I revealed her identity that time, she immediately changed her strategy. Simply appear in front of me in the official capacity of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“Is it the official status of S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

After getting Owen’s response, Patch pondered for a while, then nodded with a smile: “Very good, since I have room to play now.”

After bowing his head and muttering this sentence, Patch turned his head to look at Owen again, and said to him aloud: “Owen, don’t have any scruples now, you can continue to contact that female agent, even if you use a special It doesn’t matter if you join S.H.I.E.L.D., but I don’t think Nick Fury’s big bald head will be able to accept you, so you just need to have good contacts with them now.”

“After a while, they will most likely invite you to help them once, but…they may also invite another person.”

While talking, Patch suddenly paused, and the image of a familiar person appeared in his mind.

After seven or eight seconds, Patch stared at Owen again, and said to him in a commanding tone: “And what I need you to do is to accept their invitation without drawing their extra attention.”

“Accept their invitation to help S.H.I.E.L.D.? Master…”

After listening to Patch’s order, Owen just wanted to ask why, but he immediately noticed Patch’s sharp eyes in the middle of speaking, swallowed the words that came to his mouth, nodded and said: “Okay Yes, master.”


Seeing that Owen agreed, Patch nodded immediately, and finally said to him: “I will tell you what to do when they invite you.”

As soon as the voice fell, Patch stood up and turned around and walked up the spiral staircase not far from the long table. Owen and Elizabeth also left one after another after Patch climbed the stairs.

Following the spiral staircase all the way up, Patch returned to the previous room, but now he did not choose to continue meditating, but sat next to the desk by the window.

Looking at the blue sky outside the window, Patch’s eyes rolled from time to time, as if he was thinking about something.

What he was thinking was related to what he said with Owen just now, SHIELD and some other things.

For a long time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has not had any form of contact with Patch, and Patch has not seen Coulson, a good old man, and Melinda, a cold-faced female agent, for a long time.

Obviously, after the awakening of the mutants, Nick Fury has already realized the danger of Patch, and I am afraid that he has completely put an end to the idea of cooperating with Patch in his heart.

It’s just that although Nick Fury has never had direct contact with Patch, some small tricks behind the scenes have never stopped, um… For example, the black widow Natasha Romanoff who was lurking next to Owen in disguise before .

In fact, Patch has always known about Nick Fury’s little tricks, but he has never pointed it out, because in his opinion, it is better to let Nick Fury know something properly than to keep it hidden.

Moreover, it is impossible for Patch to let Nick Fury get in touch with his real secrets. Besides, Nick Fury has no chance of getting in touch with these secrets, because his real secrets are even for people whom he trusts, such as Owen and Orianna. Never understood.

Therefore, Patch also turned a blind eye to the contact between the famous black widow and Owen, UU reading www. Moreover, this kind of situation is what Patch likes to see happen.

Of course, these are not the things that are really worthy of Patch’s deep thinking.

Patch, who was looking up at the blue sky, looked down slowly, and gradually shifted to the lush forest not far from the window.

“Thor’s Hammer and Thor came to the earth. According to the normal situation, SHIELD should not be aware of it for a long time! It’s just…”

Staring out of the window, Patch chuckled and muttered to himself: “Whether S.H.I.E.L.D. is aware of it or not, it has nothing to do with me. Now they are no better than small miscellaneous fish in my eyes. I just wanted to make things a little more interesting this time. Well…I remember Captain America Steve Rogers seems to have been dug out by them for a long time!”

“Hey… the hero from World War II is indeed a bit outdated in this era, and it is difficult for him or S.H.I.E.L.D. to be in my eyes now. The vision is different, and the way of seeing things is destined to be different. It’s different, and what I’m doing now is incomprehensible to the vast majority of people on the planet.”

“As long as my plan can be successfully implemented, then everything else is not so important.”

Just as he was talking, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Patch’s face, “Since the God of Thunder has arrived, it shouldn’t be long before all my preparations will come in handy. By then…”

“I will definitely bring about an earth-shaking change to the whole world!”

Mixed-race female anchor forgets to turn off the camera after the live broadcast to private_Life video exposed! Watch online:!!

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