Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 175

Chapter 166 – Real Christmas Day


When I said this, I saw Patch’s expression suddenly changed, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and a strange brilliance flashed in his blue eyes.

“It seems that the Holy See in the Marvel world is not as simple as I imagined. If I hadn’t been recognized by the world as a result of being the first to appear in the world of saints, and I had attributed the power of faith accumulated by the Holy See for thousands of years to myself, maybe…”

Just as he was talking, Patch suddenly smiled, looked at the Holy Church Mountain far away from the demiplane, and continued to talk to himself: “Perhaps in the near future, the huge and incomparable power of faith accumulated by the Holy See will Perhaps self-consciousness can really be born through human will, and under the support of the power of human belief in each era, it may really be no different from the omniscient and omnipotent God.”

“But the so-called God born by this method has a fatal flaw. The saying ‘faith is poisonous’ is not just for fun!”

Staring intently at the top of the Holy Church Mountain in the distance, Paqi suddenly couldn’t help sighing a few times, and then opened his mouth to talk to himself: “Oh, it’s a pity that such a huge power of faith cannot be directly used by me. If I can If there is no use of any troubles, I will surely make a lasting progress on the road to the highest truth, alas, what a pity…”

When Patch sighed, his eyes did not shift for a moment, he was always looking at the top of the Holy Church Mountain, and on the top of the distant mountain there was a strangely shaped colorful cloud that kept rolling and surging , The constantly surging clouds are like a living creature with life.

But Paqi knew that this cloud-like thing condensed and condensed by the power of faith actually did not have autonomous consciousness, at most it had some characteristics of life forms.

That’s right! This cloud-like thing is the highly concentrated power of faith.

And these powers of faith are the biggest gains Patch has obtained after a lot of hard work.

Although these powers of faith are only the size of this small cloud after materialization, Paqi knows what kind of terrifying power is hidden in this cloud.

Just imagine how huge the purest power of faith has been accumulated and preserved by the Holy See for thousands of years and countless human beings who believe in God, and now these purest powers of faith have been condensed by Patch An essential sublimation.

According to Patch’s estimation, the power contained in it may be able to turn the current earth upside down. The reenactment of civilization and the reopening of the world are not just some kind of concept of human beings. Under this absolutely powerful force, everything The impossible becomes possible.

It’s just that Patch didn’t have such crazy thoughts. He didn’t collect this power of faith to overthrow the civilization of the earth, and the civilization on the earth is still very useful to him. If it wasn’t a last resort, he wouldn’t It will be easily overturned.

For this power of faith, Patch has a deeper plan, and his plan is also closely related to certain links of his follow-up plan.

Putting his hands together, Patch slowly stood up from the high platform that went straight into the sky. As soon as he straightened up, he saw his figure suddenly sway, and then a ray of light flashed, and Patch’s body disappeared in place. In an instant, I came to the top of the Holy Church Mountain in the distance.

Patch slowly approached the cloud of faith that was floating in mid-air and constantly tumbling and surging, and he stopped abruptly when he came within a step of the cloud of faith.

Slightly looking up at the colorful and inexplicable cloud in front of him, Patch suddenly shook his head and sighed, and then he opened his mouth to talk to himself.

“It’s a pity that such a huge power of faith can’t be used directly by me. But if I use it forcefully and pollute the soul by the will of all beings in this power of faith, it will be even more harmful than the gain, but…”

Just as he was speaking, the corners of Patch’s mouth suddenly rose a little, “I have a more reasonable way to use these powers of faith. Although ‘faith is poisonous’, if used properly, these powers of faith will definitely become My biggest help in the future.”

Before the words fell, Paqi’s body suddenly moved, and an invisible force that came from nowhere supported his body and slowly lifted up, gradually rising to the same level as the colorful cloud in front of him s position.

“Under the pull of my power, you obviously have a preliminary life form, and you have also given birth to a chaotic self-awareness. Now I just need to give you some consciousness that can dominate, then…”

Staring at the cloud of faith in front of him, Patch laughed to himself before he finished speaking, and after chuckling for a while, Patch had no desire to continue talking, but at this moment Suddenly Patch’s hands moved.

I saw his left and right hands making a move in the void, and suddenly a brown-yellow scroll and a metal scepter were held tightly in Patch’s hands.

The front end of the metal scepter is inlaid with four spars of different colors. It is obviously the magic wand that Patch forged in the New York Temple of Karma Taj that time, but the brown-yellow scroll is Slightly special.

I don’t know what kind of material this scroll is made of. It doesn’t look like lambskin or cowhide. On this scroll, there are countless black lines that are clearly visible to the naked eye, just like the one Patch used before. Magic patterns, but upon closer inspection, there is a very obvious difference.

And after Patch’s hands held these two things, they quickly made other movements.

I saw him holding the metal scepter tightly in his right hand and pointing directly at the cloud of faith in front of him. The scepter suddenly shone with red, blue, yellow, and blue dazzling lights on the way to the cloud of faith. After the front end of the scepter came into contact with the cloud, the four-color rays of light erupted and expanded instantly.

The extremely gorgeous four-color rays of light rushed straight to the belief cloud, and the terrifying energy contained in the four-color rays of light, driven by Patch, instantly caused amazing changes in the belief cloud.

The belief cloud suspended in front of Patch was like a frightened child, rolling and leaping up and down, and the current activity was several times or even ten times more intense than before in the normal state.

The violently churning cloud of belief also showed a very strange and special state. After Patch glanced over, he suddenly saw countless human faces flashing across the surface of the cloud in an instant.

These faces are either peaceful, or hideous, or angry, or joyful, or sad…the list goes on.

The only thing they have in common is that these faces all display extremely vivid images, as if… like a living person.

When Patch saw the densely packed faces attached to the surface of the cloud, not only was he not frightened, but a faint smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

While smiling, Patch immediately stretched out his left hand, and threw the brownish-yellow scroll in his hand to the middle of the cloud of faith.

As soon as the scroll reached the middle of the cloud, it spread out completely in an instant, and the black runes that were constantly dancing on it also jumped out of the scroll and rushed towards the faces on the surface of the cloud.

In just a blink of an eye, the black runes on the scroll were all gone, but these tadpole-like black runes did not leave the range of the cloud of belief, but rushed into the surface of the cloud one by one Among those vivid faces.

“Uh…” “Uh…”

From the moment these black runes entered the face, Patch heard countless miserable screams one after another, and his eyes immediately saw the dense faces on the surface of the cloud, and they quickly began to distort stand up.

The shrill screams continued, but after a quick glance, Patch never looked at it again, because he still had an extremely important thing to do next.

Seeing that Patch suddenly retracted the metal scepter that had penetrated into the belief cloud, the four-color light flashed away, but then Patch suddenly aimed the front end of the metal scepter at his forehead.

The four-color light appeared again, but this time these lights were entangled with each other, and entered Patch’s spiritual world directly through the center of his brow.

As soon as the intertwined four-color rays of light entered Patch’s spiritual world, it seemed as if he had acquired something in an instant, and withdrew towards the way he came. However, Patch’s spiritual world seemed to have some special power and four-color light. The light began to pull violently.

Under this time and again pulling, Paqi’s face could not help showing a bit of pain, and his forehead was also unknowingly covered with tiny beads of sweat.

“No, you must be more decisive. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.”

Suddenly, a thought quietly popped up in Patch’s mind. With the emergence of this idea, Patch’s right arm moved, and the four-color light at the front of the metal scepter suddenly intensified a bit.

In Patch’s spiritual world, the four-color light that seemed to be wrapped in something pulled out instantly, and outside, with the movement of Patch’s arm, the front end of the metal scepter was immediately separated from the position between his eyebrows.


But under this internal and external movement, Patch couldn’t resist the pain like tearing his head, he clenched his teeth and took a hissing breath, his wrinkled forehead that was about to be twisted fell down. There were bean-sized drops of sweat.

After more than ten minutes, Patch finally regained his strength, but he still couldn’t help but grinned because of the pain.

“The witchcraft in the aspect of mental stripping is really cruel, and this kind of pain is unbearable even for an inhuman existence like me.”

While talking to himself that no one was listening, Patch slowly turned his head and looked at the metal scepter held flat in his right hand. He finally revealed an extremely ugly face after he saw the front end of the scepter. Smile.

Following his gaze, I saw a fuzzy and shrunken version of Patch suddenly appearing at the front of the metal scepter among the four-color rays of light.

Looking at this shrunken version of himself, Patch couldn’t help but smiled wryly: “Is there a spiritual body with a small part of my self-consciousness? Although the mental stripping technique plays a key role in some aspects, it is obvious to me after doing this. It will take a long time to cultivate again, but…”

“Compared to the upcoming harvest, these are not worth mentioning…”

Just as he was talking, Patch suddenly turned his head to look at the belief cloud on the other side. At this time, on the surface of the cloud, those densely packed faces and countless black runes like tadpoles had disappeared completely, and the cloud The tumbling and jumping inside the group also stopped, and the whole cloud group was extremely quiet.

After seeing the scene in front of him, and feeling the pain of tearing the spiritual world gradually weakened, Patch didn’t hesitate at all.

In an instant, the metal scepter tightly held in his hand was probed into the cloud of belief again, but this time Patch did not wantonly volatilize the energy in the element spar, but only used a little pushing power to push the one at the front of the scepter The spirit body is slowly sent to the middle of the cloud.

At this time, in the middle of the cloud, the scroll was still spread out, but the black runes attached to it had completely disappeared, leaving only a blank space.

What Patch wanted at this time was this blank scroll, and he pushed the spirit body to the blank scroll without hesitation. When the spirit body came into contact with the scroll, the blurred and chaotic spirit body instantly merged with the scroll. One.

The brownish-yellow scroll just now also changed, and the whole scroll swelled up in the blink of an eye, and the swelled scroll slowly changed until it gradually turned into something similar to a human heart.

And during the period when the scroll slowly expands and then gradually changes Patch on the side is also watching closely all the time, coming to the Marvel world for so long, this is something Patch has ever done The most focused time ever.

When the scroll turned into the shape of a heart and began to beat slowly, a smile appeared on Patch’s serious face, and his tense body relaxed a little.

“After removing the mixed will in the cloud of belief, the heart of God that can dominate now has also been completed, and then…”

Still staring at the extremely quiet cloud of faith in front of him, Patch suddenly paused when he was speaking, and then saw a bright light in his eyes, and his voice suddenly increased a bit when he spoke again: ” Next… it’s time for the real God to be born!”

As soon as the voice fell, Patch suddenly pulled out the metal scepter that had penetrated into the cloud of belief, and following his movement, the heart in the middle of the cloud suddenly accelerated its beating speed.

At the same time, a powerful energy burst out from the heart, causing the cloud of belief to roll violently again.

The colorful cloud of belief burst into a burst of white light for some unknown reason during the violent tumbling, and as the speed of the cloud rolling became faster and faster, the white light became more and more dazzling.

The blazing white light even made Paqi on the side cover his eyes.

I don’t know how long it has passed, and when the light through the slit of the hand gradually dissipated, Patch removed the covering left hand, and when he opened it again, he finally saw what he was expecting to see.

“Compared to that Christmas in history, today… should be the real Christmas day!”

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