Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 156

Chapter 148 – Guess (2 In 1)

The light falling down like a meteor came and went quickly, but in a flash, the starry sky at night returned to its original appearance.

It’s just that not long ago, the brilliant light of the feather day that reflected the entire earth and the countless lights that looked like the scene of the end of the world were deeply reflected in the hearts of everyone who saw them.

Countless complex emotions such as horror and panic gradually began to spread in everyone’s hearts.

However, Patch, who did all this, didn’t have the time, nor did he have the mood to calm people’s panic. After finishing all the things he wanted to do, he greeted Owen who was stunned aside, and returned extremely calmly. In his own humble room inside the Wizard’s Tower.

Sitting cross-legged on the stone bed, Patch looked out of the dark window and thought of many things in his mind.

“Although the history of human beings on Earth is not inferior to those races on other planets in the universe, it is not too short. In such a long time, I don’t believe that only the current human beings have the characteristics of the X gene. Humans on Earth There are definitely many mutants in the long history of China, and I think it is very likely that the number of mutants in a certain period of time is even much higher than now, otherwise the X gene chains in these hidden mutants would not be passed down. “

“But if this is the case, then why didn’t the mutants in history leave any records? Could it be that not only now, the X gene contained in the mutants has been locked down in the long history? .”

“It’s just that if this is the case, it’s even more unreasonable! The X gene in the mutants is extremely powerful. Even if they were not awakened at birth, they must be able to awaken at a certain time! But now those mutants have X genes. The gene was in a state of complete blockade before, and I even needed my power to successfully start it. Huh? No…Could it be…”

Just when Paqi was full of doubts, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and a different kind of brilliance suddenly jumped out of his eyes.

“Could it be that someone has already tampered with mutants a long time ago, making it difficult for them to realize awakening through themselves?”

Patch’s pair of blue eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes kept turning as if he was guessing something. After a long time, he nodded thoughtfully, and opened his mouth and murmured softly: “My The guess seems very possible. It seems that someone wanted to limit the development of mutants, so they made a move to block their X gene chain. If it wasn’t for this, then the development of mutants on Earth is probably no better than mine. How much worse is the condition of those mutants in the memory of the previous life.”

“But why did that person or those people make such a move to restrict mutants?”

Thinking secretly, Patch unknowingly turned the problem back to the beginning, and if he used his way of thinking, the problem would be completely unsolvable.

After thinking for a while, Patch himself seemed to have thought of this aspect, and he laughed to himself, and even made fun of himself.

“Why do I have nothing to think about this problem when I have nothing to do? Even if someone tampered with the mutants, it’s none of my business anyway, and even if the man behind the scenes who has been hiding for a long time discovers that the awakening of mutants is related to So what about me? I can’t wait for him to come to my door.”

Just as he was talking, Patch’s complexion suddenly changed, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and he said in a deep voice: “What I should be most worried about now is that the scene I directed and acted on the earth stage should be How to present it perfectly, and how should I continue with my next plan after this scene is over.”

“There is no doubt that this is the biggest problem I should think about!”

And while Patch was thinking about these issues alone, on the other side, the **** woman who had a wonderful encounter with Owen in the bar was walking into the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. building.

The **** woman seemed to be extremely eager. As soon as she entered the gate, she frowned and boarded the elevator leading to the director’s office on the highest floor without stopping.

The elevator went up all the way, and in a short while came to the top floor of the building. After the elevator opened, the **** woman stepped out quickly and walked towards an office facing the elevator.

“Boom…” “Boom…”

The huge director’s office seemed unusually empty, with nothing but a desk and a few chairs, and Nick Fury, who had a big bald head as bright as a light bulb, was holding his hand behind his back as usual. Standing in front of the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, frowning and staring into the distance, his eyes are erratic, as if he is thinking about something extremely important.

When two hasty knocks on the door came to his ears, Nick Fury quickly came back to his senses, and turned around to adjust his state, so that the solemn and serious expression on his face seemed to ease a little. Then he shouted in the direction of the office door: “Come in!”

With a “squeak”, the one-way glass door of the office was quickly pushed open, and a **** woman with long brown hair in a tight combat uniform walked in quickly.

Before Nick Fury sat down, the **** woman walked to the desk.

With both hands resting on the table, the **** woman’s face looked extraordinarily dignified and nervous, her big eyes fixed on Nick Fury who hadn’t sat down yet.

Although the sensitive Nick Fury didn’t see the woman’s face, he clearly felt the urgency coming from her.

As soon as he sat down, he raised his head to meet the woman’s burning gaze. After seeing her expression, Nick Fury’s dark forehead couldn’t help but wrinkled slightly, and he quickly asked her: “What’s wrong? Natasha, Did something serious happen?”


The **** woman Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow, one of the ace agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., greeted Nick Fury and quickly said: “I think the weirdness that lit up the entire sky not long ago Did you see the light and the light that fell like a meteor shower?”

“Yes, but is there a problem with that?”

Nick Fury nodded slightly, looked at Natasha and asked aloud: “That burst of light should be just an extremely abnormal natural phenomenon?”


Natasha raised her head slightly, suddenly raised her voice, and quickly retorted: “Sir, this can’t be just a natural phenomenon, I think it should be caused by man.”


When Natasha said this, Nick Fury couldn’t help but look a little confused, frowned slightly and thought about it, and continued to say: “But in my impression, it seems that no one person or organization can make such a Make a big move.”

Less than two seconds after finishing speaking, Nick Fury seemed to feel that something was missing, and quickly added: “Even Hydra has no possibility.”

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was immediately refuted by the black widow Natasha.

“No! Sir!”

The solemnity on Natasha’s face suddenly increased a bit, she stared at Nick Fury and quickly opened her mouth and said: “There is a person who is absolutely capable of making this scene, and I think you will definitely be familiar with this person.”


After being reminded by Natasha, a figure of a person appeared in Nick Fury’s mind. One eye suddenly widened a bit, and he raised his head to meet Natasha’s clear gaze, and said together with her A person’s name came out.

“Patch Meiwes.”

Hearing Natasha say the name together with him, Nick Fury couldn’t help lowering his head with a gloomy face, seemingly thinking about something.

“Natasha, I admit that Mr. Wizard named Meiwes may really be capable of doing such a thing, but…”

After a long time, he raised his head to look at Natasha again, and asked aloud, “But why do you think that this thing must be done by him?”

“Sir, this is actually just a guess of mine, but after my deliberation, I think my guess has a great possibility.” Natasha continued to explain to Nick Fury aloud.

“You might as well talk about your guess.” Nick Fury reached out to Natasha, motioning her to continue.

“The thing is like this, sir, didn’t you give me a task some time ago, asking me to contact those subordinates around Patch Maiwes?”

“Although most of his subordinates stayed in his wizard tower and never came out, there is one exception, that is the night knight Owen who destroyed the khaki giant on the streets of New York before. He’s had a lot of contact…”

Natasha slowly told Nick Fury about her contact with Owen these days, and highlighted a few slightly important things, but when she was about to speak to the end, her voice suddenly changed .

“But just last night, when he was chatting happily with me in the bar, he seemed to have received some instructions and left in a hurry, and not long after he left, what we saw happened immediately. I don’t think there is anyone else who can make the night knight Owen so important except Patch Meiwes.”

“So sir, I don’t think it’s just a coincidence that these two things are connected.”

After hearing these words from Natasha the Black Widow, Nick Fury’s face couldn’t help becoming serious again.

“It really shouldn’t be just a coincidence. Maybe this thing was really done by our Mr. Wizard Patch Meiwes.” After a little silence, Nick Fury said slowly with a sullen face.

Seeing that Nick Fury had been contemplating, Natasha couldn’t help asking again: “So what do you think we should do now, sir?”

“How to do it?”

However, after listening to Natasha’s words, Nick Fury shook his head slowly, and looked at her and said, “Natasha, what do you think we can do?”

“Let’s not talk about the terrifying ability Patch Maiwes possesses. Even if it’s just one of his subordinates, it’s hard for us to handle it. What do you think we can do to punish or warn him?”

“No matter how powerful he is, he is still just a human being. Couldn’t modern science and technology and all kinds of advanced weapons cause any harm to him?” Natasha asked back with a frown.

“But Natasha, you seem to have forgotten one of Patch Maiwes’ most important abilities.”

Hearing Natasha’s words, Nick Fury couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled wryly, met her suspicious eyes, and explained to her aloud: “That’s teleportation, and his teleportation is more than we imagined. Simple, before our attack fell on him, he probably already moved to a certain corner of the earth or outer space, and…”

Just as he was speaking, Nick Fury’s tone suddenly became a little more serious: “And judging from the first contact between Coulson and May, he seems to have a place outside the earth that belongs to him alone. Space.”

“So Natasha, do you still think our conventional means can be useful to him?”

Looking at Nick Fury’s inquiring gaze, Natasha couldn’t help but pursed her lips and fell silent.

“Natasha, and even if Patch Meiwes did this, what’s the matter?”

Looking at the silent Natasha, Nick Fury sighed lightly, and continued to say: “We don’t have the force to contend with him, and we don’t have any real evidence or evidence for this matter. There’s no credibility in our guesses alone. And…”

“Although the scene that Patch Meiwes made not long ago was really shocking, but I don’t seem to see anyone hurt by it, so…”

After finishing the last word, Nick Fury didn’t continue speaking, but closed his mouth and shook his head helplessly.

“Sir, but many people have already panicked because of this. Could it be that we really have nothing to do with this Mr. Wizard?” Natasha finally asked again after the emotions in her heart had been pent up for a long time.

Nick Fury thought for a while, then opened his mouth and replied: “I can’t say there is no way, I can only say how we should do it.”


Just when Natasha was about to ask Nick Fury’s voice rang out again after she had just finished speaking, interrupting what she hadn’t finished speaking in an instant.

“All right…”

Nick Fury stood up abruptly, waved his hand towards Natasha, and said aloud: “Natasha, you don’t have to worry anymore, I will naturally think of an appropriate and effective way to solve this matter.”

“You go out first, let me think about it alone.” Finally, a hint of impatience appeared on Nick Fury’s face, and while speaking, he raised his hand to signal Natasha to leave.


Natasha naturally noticed Nick Fury’s expression, responded softly, then turned and left with a frown.

After Natasha opened the glass door of the office and stepped out so that Nick Fury could not see her figure, Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief, got up and came to the French windows again.

The huge office was quiet again, but Nick Fury, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, frowning and looking extremely solemn, couldn’t calm down at all.

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