Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 221: Mission. 2016 CE

Helios stood on top of a rooftop, overlooking a rather ordinary looking warehouse. With him was Peter, also watching the warehouse closely.

“I can’t believe this right now…” Helios murmured.

“Come on dude, it’s our first mission!” Peter excitedly said.

Helios just sighed at Peter’s statement. “Whatever, let’s just get this over with.”

The boy-eternal then used his communication device to contact the twins, who are also helping in this mission.

“You guys ready?” Helios asked.

[Ready.] Answered the twins.

Helios’s body instantly glowed golden, and he flew towards the air above the warehouse.

“Alright, Pietro, you’re up.”

In an instant, streaks of blue energy dashed around the warehouse, seemingly taking down every single guard that was patrolling the area. Meanwhile, the other twin, Wanda, simply walked inside the warehouse quietly, along with Peter who went from the rooftop.

[Hey guys, I think they’re evacuating the weapons.] said Peter from the comms.

[I can see that.] Wanda answered.

“Pietro?” Helios asked.

[On it]

As soon as he said that, Helios could see another blue streaks of light dashing around the loading area, and in an instant, the drivers of the trucks were knocked down.

But, suddenly, the alarm triggered. The sound of loud sirens echoed throughout the night, red lights flickered around the warehouse, and the rest of the guards turned on guard, and they pulled their guns from their holsters.

[What was that?!] Peter screamed on the comms.

[Sorry, my bad] Pietro answered.

Helios just sighed at this sight. “Peter, web them up. Pietro, find Toomes’ wingsuit and disable it.”

[Too late for that…] Wanda suddenly speaks.

Toomes, with his wingsuit, suddenly took off from the warehouse, barring through the rooftop of it. Helios could hear the buzzing sound of the jet engine of the suit, and Toomes was flying to him, intending to attack.

“You kids are messing with my business!” he screamed at Helios. Toomes then used the sharp edges of his wingsuit to try to attack him, but it was of no use.

Helios simply descended a little bit, and Toomes missed. Helios quickly conjured a giant golden hand that shone in the sky, and he reached for Toomes’ wingsuit.

He grabbed Toomes’ left wing using the hand, and instantly crushed it, disabling it instantly. Toomes quickly fell from the air, struggling to balance the wingsuit.

[You’re gonna kill him!] Helios heard Peter shout in the comms.

“I know, I know.” Helios sighed. The boy quickly dashed towards the weapons dealer, grabbing his body this time using his golden hand.

Helios entered the hole that Toomes previously made to exit, and landed safely inside the warehouse.

As he looked around, he saw that Peter had finished his job. He could see some grunts being webbed to the wall, tied upside down, and being webbed on the ground.

Suddenly, Peter dropped in front of him with his spider costume, seemingly really hyped up.

“That was a great mission.” Peter nodded vigorously, his hands on his hips.

“That was a boring mission.” Pietro suddenly appeared beside Peter, replying to Peter. “No superpowered fights, just normal humans.”

“Well, it wasn’t supposed to be our mission in the first place.” Helios sighed. “It’s yours, remember?”

“Hey, it’s you kids that were bothering us last time!” Pietro protested.

“Pietro, shut your mouth.” said Wanda, walking lazily towards the rest of the group. “Anyway, you should call for the cleanup team.”

“What about that bird guy?” Peter asked, looking at Helios’s golden hand.

Helios just opened his hand, and the man dropped to the ground, unconscious.

“Wow, passed out? Just like that?” Pietro said, examining the man.

“Maybe I clenched my fist too hard…” Helios murmured. “Anyway, let’s call Kojiro.”

Helios now stood at the corner of the warehouse, eating some sandwich that Kojiro had given him. The place was now surrounded by SWORD members, and the weapons were loaded to the Thopters, to be placed in the secure place and for research purposes.

Besides him, Peter, also eating a sandwich, just looked at the cleanup team in excitement, as he sometimes wanted to check it out, but was stopped by the guards.

Then, Kojiro walked towards them.

“Good job,” he said. “It was quite fast.”

“It’s an easy job.” Helios answered. “I’m only doing this for one warehouse, I don’t want to do it anymore.”

“Don’t worry, you can go home after this.” Kojiro answered. “Besides, it seems like you have bigger problems to deal with.”

Helios frowned. “Meaning?”

“Well, Cleo told me that that blonde girl constantly visits your home asking for you. She seems really pissed.”

“Oh shit…” Helios sighed, massaging his head.


“Anyway, you can go home. But you…” Kojiro pointed at Peter. “Do you want to follow the others?”

“W-What does that mean, Kojiro-san?” Peter held out his excitement.

“There’s a lot more warehouses that we need to do.” Kojiro said. “You can come if you want. I’ll consider it as part of the internship I guess. There’s money of course.”

“Y-Yes! I’ll go!”

And to that, Peter went with Kojiro, and Helios went home. Though, on the way, he bought some flowers first.

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