Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 401

Chapter 399: Next Stop

Chapter 401 Next stop

Watching Peter’s screen turn black, he slammed down the table with courage.

“This bastard!”

Although he scolded fiercely, he was relieved when he saw that Peter was okay, but the last sentence made him a little concerned.

“Accepted the job…”

Yongdu pondered, because he discovered Egg’s secret, so he chose to detain Peter secretly at first.

But they were a bunch of robbers, thugs, and they didn’t raise useless people, so he let the young Peter follow him to steal and teach him all kinds of skills.

“Just been released, what kind of work can you take on!?”

Yondu frowned, and pulled out the screen to check the bounty tasks posted on the black market. Among them, there were no tasks that Peter could act alone.

He knew Peter’s character, and if it was just petty theft, he certainly wouldn’t say that.

“This stinky boy!”

Yongdu felt a little uneasy in his heart. Although he was disgusted and scolded, in his heart he regarded Peter Quill as a son, but he just didn’t know how to be a good father.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!”

A crew member with a cockscomb head came in, looked at Yongdu sitting in the chair, and asked, “Captain, where are we going next?”

Yondu tapped the table with his fingers, but in the end he couldn’t worry about Peter’s situation, and said:

“Go to Xandar!”


The subordinates didn’t ask any further questions, and happily closed the door to set the route.

And Peter didn’t know that Yondu was worried that he was coming to Xandar, and after hanging up Yondu’s phone, he began to investigate the situation of Fini.

Because Fini introduced himself and told the origin of the earth, he really investigated some things through various channels and based on these two pieces of information.

But the results of the investigation startled Peter a little.

“Silver Knight!? One person wiped out the Chitauri fleet!?”

Looking at the information on the screen, Peter’s face was ugly.

Although Feeney was not wearing any silver armor at this time, he believed that Feeney was the silver knight in the intelligence.

This is the existence of one person destroying a fleet.

Not even Yondu’s whistleblower can do this.

Peter hesitated whether to call Yondu again to inform him of the situation at this time, but just as he was thinking about it, a faint green figure climbed out of the cab where he was.

“Dong Dong Dong!”

Peter was startled, quickly turned off the screen, looked up, and saw a green woman knocking on his window.

By mouth, Peter knew that the woman was telling him to open the spaceship door.

Because he was overcast by being brought back to the spaceship by Fini, Peter has some psychological shadows now, so instead of opening the spaceship door, he opened the communicator on the spaceship through the window and asked:

“Who are you?”

“Peter Quill?”

Looking at Peter in the spaceship through the glass, Gamora frowned, she didn’t understand why Finney had to let her come to this spaceship to be with Peter.


Peter looked at Gamora suspiciously.

“Finny Hearsides asked me to come to you!”

Hearing Fini’s name, Peter trembled in his heart. Thinking of the information he had just seen, he hesitated and opened the hatch of the spaceship.

Gamora jumped vigorously and jumped directly into the cab.

After so many years in the universe, Peter’s aesthetics have long been assimilated, so he doesn’t think Gamora’s appearance is weird, but thinks that she is very beautiful.

It’s just that because of Feeney, he can only suppress the feeling of chatting up now.

“You are?”


Although Gamora is well-known in the universe, Peter usually doesn’t pay attention to information in this regard, so he didn’t recognize Gamora’s identity, but asked cautiously, “Is there something wrong?”

“He asked me to come to your spaceship!”

Just as Gamora finished speaking, Fini’s phone call suddenly came on the screen.

Peter quickly chose to connect, so that Fini on the screen was stunned for a moment.

“Mr. Quill, you should have met Miss Gamora. If you don’t mind, please let her stay on your ship for a while.”

Although he wanted to refuse in his heart, Peter didn’t dare to show it, because he felt that this was sent by Fini to monitor him, so he could only answer reluctantly:

“Good… good!”

‘sorry to bother you!”

Watching Feeney hang up, Star-Lord turned his attention to Gamora.

At this time, Gamora was looking at the environment in the spaceship, frowning tightly, and the expression of disgust on her face was very obvious.

Peter turned his head and looked at it, a look of embarrassment on his face. He was taken away by the Nova guards before, and the spaceship has not been cleaned up for a long time, and he is not someone who likes to organize.

When he came back just now, he didn’t care because he had a lot of thoughts. Now that he came back to his senses, he felt that the spaceship was in a mess.

“I’ll clean up right away!”

Gamora didn’t say a word, even though she was very reluctant in her heart, she didn’t dare to refute Fini’s request casually, because if she left now, she wouldn’t be able to get the money or give Thanos a reasonable explanation.

With Gamora by his side, Peter didn’t think about contacting Yondu for the time being, but started to pack up the spaceship.

But while cleaning up, he also began to inquire about the relationship between Gamora and Fini.

“Did you come from the earth too?”

Stuffing the **** that had been left in the corner for an unknown amount of time into the garbage bag in his hand, Peter asked Gamora who was sitting in the driver’s seat.


Gamora didn’t ignore anyone, and replied coldly, because she actually wanted to know the relationship between Peter and Finney.

Next, Peter talked about a few unrelated little things, and then pretended to be nonchalant and asked, “Then how did you meet him?”

Gamora looked back at Peter, who was packing up the spaceship, and did not answer the question, but instead asked, “How about you?”


Peter pretended to be cheerful and said, “I’m also an Earthling, but I just left Earth very early!”

Gamora’s expression didn’t change, but she was vigilant in her heart. In fact, like Peter, she also suspected that Peter was sent by Feeney to watch her.

So instead of answering Peter’s question, she asked off topic:

“You have a flame mark on you, are you a predator?”

Peter was stunned for a moment, then nodded, thinking whether he should find a way to notify Yondu, but quietly looked at Gamora, and in the end he didn’t act rashly.

By the time Banner and Tony returned from shopping, more than seven hours had passed, and they had also bought a lot of things during this time.

“Someone has been following us on the road!”

As soon as he returned to the spaceship, Banner immediately said with a serious face that he was extremely sensitive in this regard after being chased by the military for so long on Earth.

“It’s okay, it’s from Nova Corps!”

Feeney shook his and said calmly, when the two of them came back, Feeney found out that the guards of Nova Corps were following them.

If nothing else, it should be someone from the Nova Supreme faction, pay attention to when he plans to leave Xandar.

In fact, when he came back from the Nova Government Hall, he felt a sense of surveillance, so he chose to lead Star-Lord into the spaceship before starting.

Immediately afterwards, Feeney briefly told the two about the physical examination and Star-Lord.

Banner and Tony didn’t expect to meet other Earthlings here, which made them a little curious about Star Lord, but they were more concerned about the next action plan.

“That is to say, let’s go to the cosmic spirit ball first?”

(⊙o⊙)…Ugh, let’s start with a chapter, there’s a lot of debt…then what…will be repaid, absolutely will be repaid. .

(End of this chapter)

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