Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 391

Chapter 389: I Am The Most Beautiful

And seeing Fini coming back, Tony also stopped to retreat, and then muttered a little unconvinced: “I can get rid of it right away!”

In fact, with the performance of the spaceship, if the surrounding terrain was not too complicated and unfamiliar, Tony would have thrown it away long ago.

Skye, who originally wanted to sense the vibration frequency, also stopped moving. In fact, she was a little lost because she was only a little short of being able to solve the spaceship behind her.

If I can solve the spaceship, Fini will recognize my strength even more!

Skye couldn’t help thinking in her heart, but now that Feeney has returned, she has no chance of this proof, because she knows that the frequency of the spacecraft shield may have been destroyed before she could sense it.

And the truth is exactly what Skye thought.

Fini didn’t care that the explosion magic that had just released in a hurry did not break the shield of the enemy ship.

After watching the other party turn around, he didn’t say much, and another instant burst magic blasted past.


The power of explosion magic is affected by many factors, of which emotion is one of the most important factors.

Since he came to the land of nowhere, apart from the stable transaction with Tiwan, there was almost nothing else that made Fini happy, especially when he saw his spaceship being attacked, he was particularly angry.

So the explosion magic just now, even if it was a hasty and simple instant shot, still destroyed a lot of thickness of the protective cover.

And this one is similar. It contains Fini’s anger explosion magic. With just one blow, it broke the silver-white energy cover of the spaceship.

But at the same time that Fini attacked, the opponent’s attack also came.

Feeney moved quickly in the air, dodging most of the attacks, but some of them were still chasing after him.

Looking at the energy attack that could not be thrown off no matter how much he flew, Fini frowned, then stopped dodging, and stood in the air with a sky dance.

The attack speed of the energy was very fast, and Fini didn’t think about too many solutions.

He directly chose the simplest one, stretched out his palm, and a dark red ether particle shield instantly formed, blocking these energy attacks.

After several months of training, although he can’t say that he has an easy grasp of ether particles, he is much better than at the beginning.

As the treasure of the dark elves, it would be too embarrassing if it was broken by the attack of a spaceship under Thanos.

After the energy beam with its own tracking lock hit the dark red aether shield, there was no wave, and it was as dull as if it had not been attacked.

After blocking the attack, Fini prepared to launch a counterattack, but just as he aimed at the spaceship and was about to release the explosion magic, suddenly the enemy spaceship cracked.

Fini couldn’t help stunned.

Then what did he sense? He turned his head and glanced at the position of his own spaceship, a little surprised in his eyes.

And in the spaceship? Skye cheered excitedly? After Feeney broke the shield, she began to shake the opponent’s spaceship with her ability again.

No accident happened this time? Under Skye’s shock wave ability, Fini didn’t have time to fight back with magic? The spaceship was shaken apart.

Although surprised by Skye’s performance? Feeney did not miss this opportunity.

The complex and mysterious formation of the explosion magic shone with red light in the air, mixed with Fini’s anger, and hit the cracked spaceship with unparalleled power.


With a bang, the ship exploded in the air? Only a few solid pieces survived? It began to fall from the air.

Because of various coincidences, Feeney never thought that these people would be sent by Thanos, but regarded them as the group of people who had been ambushed before, thinking that they had other plans.

Although there are many battles in the chaotic land of Wuxunzhi, but there are not many commotions like this.

Especially the explosion magic that destroyed the factory before? Under the power of the chant, many people saw the explosion caused by the magic circle and the flame.

And these events led Feeney to a decision.

He had planned to stay in ignorance for a few days? But with so much happening in just one day, he felt that it would only be more troublesome to stay there.

Especially since the deal with Tiwan has been completed? I have money on my body and bought a lot of things? It doesn’t make much sense to stay here.

The other is Tiwan? Although he doesn’t seem to be very strong in the original plot? But Feeney still has some inexplicable fear of him in his heart.

So after thinking about it, he decided to leave here now and set off for the next location.

Back on the ship, Feeney spoke about the decision.


Tony just wants to study those newly bought extraterrestrial items. It doesn’t matter if they stay or not. As for collecting intelligence, he has already collected a lot of things while shopping.

“I agree!”

If Tony doesn’t care, then Banner can obviously be very happy to describe it. He was very opposed to coming here from the beginning, so when he heard that Feeney planned to leave now, of course he agreed.

As for Skye’s words, she didn’t express any opinion, or said that she agreed with what Feeney said.

No one objected, Feeney returned to the co-pilot position, and Tony and Tony steered the spacecraft to leave the land of no knowledge.

“Where are you going next?”

In the driver’s seat, Tony turned his head and asked,

Fini looked at the star map and said without much thought: “Xandar Star, their civilization is quite developed, go and see!”

In fact, at the beginning, Fini was going to set the second station at Sovereign, because this was Frigga’s suggestion, and their energy research was likely to help him take out ether particles.

But considering the character of their race, Feeney thought about it carefully, and instead put them at the end.

He felt that if he had met in the past, once the relationship was not handled well, he might have a fight with the other party, so he kept it until the end to prepare for the return trip to meet.

And Xandar is also one of his planned destinations.

He has a lot of impressions of this planet in the original plot. Compared with places like Wuxianzhi, Xandaar is undoubtedly a healthy and developed civilization.

Among them, there must be a lot of advanced science and technology. The reason why it is not placed in the first stop is because the more robust the civilization, the more money is needed to solve things.

Hearing Fini’s answer, Tony nodded and started to set the ship’s route according to the star map.

Banner, on the other hand, was quietly relieved, for fear that Fini would go to another chaotic place. He had also studied the star map of Asgard, and the one he most wanted to go to was Xandar.

Because according to the introduction of the star map, Xandar Star is a country that integrates multiple races, advanced technology, and has a sound civilization system.

And when Fini was going to Xandaar, Thanos also knew about the destruction of the tracking team.

Because there are four Infinity Stones on the earth, Thanos never gave up his attention to the earth, so he received the news at the first time.

But until now, he still didn’t know that the person the team was tracking was actually the Fini he wanted to see the most.

Because it didn’t take long for the team to see Fini, they were directly destroyed by the destruction, and it was too late to report the final situation.

on the Temple.

Thanos looked around at his subordinates, thinking about who to send to solve this problem.

Although it is just an unidentified spaceship, the news of the Infinity Stones is too important, and he does not want to let go of any possibility of spreading it.

And because he can’t go to the earth casually, the target coming out of the earth is also the key for him to obtain information.

After thinking about it, he called out a name:



A green woman walked out in response, and a trace of displeasure flashed in the eyes of a blue woman standing beside her.

And Thanos looked at Gamora in front of him with satisfaction, and he decided to give this task to the most outstanding daughter to complete.

“Can you bring back that ship and the people inside?”

“I never let you down, Father!”

Gamora said confidently with a face full of confidence, which made the blue woman not far away even more upset, and even turned her head quietly, not to look at her.

“I believe you!”

With a smile on Thanos’ face, he continued, “Go, I’m looking forward to your return!”


Gamora didn’t say anything more. After nodding, she turned around and prepared to perform the mission.

It’s just that when she left, she unconsciously glanced at her sister who had always been against her, and she saw a look of disapproval in her eyes.

After showing a defiant look, Gamora walked out of the hall.


Nebula, who was secretly angry at Camorra’s eyes, suddenly heard Thanos calling his name. After shaking his body, he immediately stood up and responded:


Facing the blue and faint nebula, the expression on Thanos’ face became a little dull, and said: “Recently, the Kree and the Xandars may sign a peace treaty, you go to collect information on this.”

“Yes, Father!”

Nebula replied happily immediately, with a look of anticipation in her eyes. She also hoped that Thanos would say something to her, even if it was an exhortation or expectation.

But Thanos didn’t, just glanced at her indifferently and called other people’s names.

Nebula bowed his head, silently turned around and walked out.

On the other hand, Fini didn’t know that Thanos had sent another person to look for him. They had left the Land of No Existence and were heading to Xandar.

The Xandar star is not too far away from the Unknowing Land, at least much closer than the distance they came from the earth, and it only takes about a day and a half to reach it.

After Tony set the route of the spacecraft, he hurriedly began to study the purchased alien technology items, and Banner was also pulled over to help.

And Fini found Skye and praised the previous battle.

“You did a good job today, even if I didn’t come, you can solve that spaceship alone!”

Hearing Fini’s praise, Skye showed a very happy expression on his face, and then said dejectedly: “But there is still no way to find the frequency of the vibration at once!”

“It’s okay, take your time!”

After hearing this, Fini couldn’t help laughing. Looking at Skye’s lost face, she lightly pinched her white and tender face with her hand, and encouraged, “You’re already great now!”

Seeing Fini treating her like a consoling sister, Skye suddenly glared at her with some dissatisfaction: “Don’t treat me like a child, I’m your sister!”

“Yes Yes!”

Feeney put on a serious expression and perfunctory, but seeing Skye’s puffed and cute look, he couldn’t help laughing again.


Looking at Fini’s overjoyed appearance, Skye was not able to get angry, but his mood affected by the previous battle also improved inexplicably.

Then Skye asked about the situation over the ambush. Fini didn’t explain it in too much detail, but simply said it and solved it.

Seeing that Feeney didn’t want to talk about this, Skye didn’t ask any more and started talking about something else.

Just chatting, she suddenly thought of Zhao Hailun, and the reluctant and worried eyes appeared in her mind when she saw off, she couldn’t help asking:

“Speaking of which, how did that Dr. Zhao know your identity?”

Fini didn’t think too much, and replied casually: “I told her!”

“Did you take the initiative to tell her?”


Skye was inexplicably nervous. Fini usually paid great attention to hiding her identity, but this time she took the initiative to tell others, which made her think a little more.


Skye tried to keep his expression calm and asked.

But what kind of strength is Fini? Even if he didn’t turn on the breathing method at this time, his observation power was still inhuman. Skye’s little camouflage was basically the same in front of him.

Feeney reacted somewhat, and Skye seemed to be concerned about this issue.

This made him feel funny at the same time, but also somewhat strange. Although there is no blood relationship, Skye is still his sister after all.

In comparison, his emotional concealment is more powerful, he still maintains the original tone, and pretends not to notice anything and explains: “Because I need her help!”


Not many people actually know about Wanda and Pietro, and Feeney didn’t mention it to Skye deliberately.

Afterwards, Feeney explained the experiment, and Skye realized that the Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch of the Avengers were actually created by Feeney.

But then she thought of her own superpower, which Finney brought her to obtain.

Although I knew the, Skye wanted to know that it wasn’t this, but Fini’s opinion and feelings about her, so she continued to ask casually, “I heard reports a few days ago that she was completely The most beautiful female doctor in the world, what do you think?”

“How to see, see with your eyes!”

Feeney muttered silently in his heart, looking at Skye, who was so nervous but trying to pretend to be plain, and replied with a nonchalant expression:

“Actually, the skin is just the outside. Whether a person is beautiful or not mainly depends on the soul. The beauty of the soul is the real beauty!”

Skye frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Feeney’s answer, and couldn’t help but ask, “Then who do you think is more beautiful between me and her?”

After asking this question, Skye regretted a little. On the one hand, she hoped that Feeney would tell her, but on the other hand, she was worried that Feeney was comforting and deceiving her. Of course, the most worrying thing was that Feeney said it was not her.

So whether the answer is her or not, Skye will be worried.

However, in the face of this kind of proposition, Feeney was obviously more worried. Looking at Skye with a tangled expression, he finally sighed and said faintly: “Actually, I am the most beautiful!”

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