Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 56 – Thank you gift

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After Peter left the room, Wanda started staring at her brother with a smile on her face.

"What's up?"

Pietro inquired, showing some embarrassment.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just proud of you"

Affirmed Wanda, walking towards her brother and hugging him.

"Alright, Wanda, I have to admit he's a cool guy"

Pietro said, somewhat embarrassed.

"It's good to hear that"

Wanda replied, separating from her brother with a welcoming smile.


After Peter left the medical area where Wanda and her brother were, he began walking aimlessly, lost in his thoughts about a thousand things.

"I wonder if I'd really be accepted into the Avengers. Like, I know I helped them defeat Ultron and saved countless people in danger. However, I recognize that unfortunately, I don't have any special powers that could be useful in battles of that level. Maybe it's better for me to stay in Queens, where I belong. I think I should let the Avengers handle these planet problems, and I focus on taking care of New York"

Peter thought, releasing a brief sigh as he walked slowly.

"Man, I wish there were more vigilantes like me."

As Peter continued to walk without direction, a hoarse and serious voice called out to him, interrupting his thoughts.


The mysterious person, unknown until then, said. After being called by that voice, Peter instinctively turned quickly and was surprised to discover who was calling him. It was none other than Nick Fury himself, standing there, staring at him with an unpleasant expression on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Fury"

Peter said, almost shrinking in fear.

"I've been observing you constantly, Mr. Parker, for a long time now"

Fury said, maintaining a penetrating gaze on Peter.

"But, Mr. Fury, what did I do?"

Peter asked, with a confused expression on his face.

"I'm not just talking about you, but also those night-time vigilantes who don't follow rules and play heroes"

Declared Fury, staring at Peter and then noticing the change in the young man's expression.

"Hold on, rewind that a bit because I got lost in the subject. What do you mean, other vigilantes?"

Peter asked, with a surprised expression.

Fury, keeping his serious look on Peter, decided to clarify things.

"Yes, Parker. Didn't you hear?"

"Of course not. Until yesterday, I thought I was the only one"

Peter replied, astonished by Fury's revelations.

"Seriously, you've never heard of Matt Murdock, the Daredevil, or the Punisher, or Luke Cage? Nothing? What about the assassin Elektra or the detective Jessica Jones? You don't know any of these people?"

Fury asked, still maintaining his stern posture.

"No, Mr. Fury. I don't know any of those people. In fact, since the day I started doing this, I thought I was the only one doing it"

Peter replied, still surprised by the information revealed by Fury.

"No, Parker, you're not alone"

Fury replied, with a serious tone before continuing.

"And if I could, I would take off that blue and red suit so you'd stop playing the little hero out there."

"But, Mr. Fury, I'm not playing the hero; I just try to do what I think is within my reach when it's possible"

Peter argued, trying to change Fury's opinion about his double life as Spider-Man.

"I know about your deeds, Parker, because I saw them firsthand, like how your mind wasn't controlled by Maximoff, or how you got help in the fight against the Hulk, or how you were crucial in the final battle against Ultron. All of this made me think and ended up changing my opinion about you, proving that I was wrong about you"

Explained Fury, recognizing all the qualities he had found in Peter in the battles he had fought as an Avenger.

"So, does that mean I can keep being a hero and saving people?"

Peter asked, still with a hopeful look on his face.

"Kid, not only can you but you should, as long as you stay on the straight and narrow. Got it?"

Nick replied, changing his expression to a calmer one.

Peter, absorbing Nick Fury's words with a mixture of relief and determination, responded with joy in his voice.

"Thanks, Mr. Fury. I swear I won't let you down."

"But before you go, there's someone here who wanted to give you a present as a thank you for saving her twice"

Nick Fury said, staring at Peter for a few seconds until the elevator behind them started making a small noise, and the numbers began to rise one by one until it reached zero. After that, the doors opened, and Dr. Helen Cho came out.

Dr. Helen Cho walked out of the elevator with a small smile on her face, holding a black and elegant box in her hands.


Said the geneticist, walking slowly towards Peter.

"Hello, Dr. Helen"

Peter greeted, bowing as a gesture of gratitude.

"I was thinking about how to repay you for saving me twice; it was more than my obligation to give you a present as a thank you"

Said Dr. Helen, handing the box to Peter.

"Thank you; I don't even know how to express my gratitude"

Peter thanked, taking the box in his hands.

"I hope you like it. While I was talking to my assistant (Mysticwolf), he gave me a tip about the gift I could give you."

Dr. Helen explained.

Peter opened the box with curiosity, revealing a meticulously wrapped object. Upon unwrapping it, his eyes lit up as he found a wristwatch.

"Wow, that's awesome"

Peter said, with an excited face.

"I'm glad you liked it, but you'll like it even more when you find out that this is not just an ordinary watch but a watch that contains nanotechnology for cell regeneration. Basically, it can become your new suit, and it also comes with some special utilities that I put in myself, like if the suit tears, it will rebuild the tissue cells, and if you get hurt or cut, the suit will regenerate your cells"

Explained Dr. Helen, impressed with the young man's reaction to discovering all the benefits he had just gained with a simple gift.





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