Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 49 – The last confrontation

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Back to Church

At the Same Time

After Ultron grabs Thor by the throat and beats him for a few minutes, he pauses the beating session and glares at Thor with an angry face.

"Do you really think you're saving anyone? Look around. If I turn this key and drop this rock just before you solve this problem, you'd still lose because billions would still be dead, and not even you, a god, could prevent this tragedy."

Thor, to buy some time, tries to provoke Ultron.

"You don't know me. I am Thor, the god of thunder, son of the father of all. And as long as there's life in my body, I... I don't know what else to say. Is it going to take long?"

Thor says, with some difficulty.

After uttering those words, Vision appears in a split second and, in a swift move, grabs Mjölnir from the ground. Without time to react, Ultron fails to defend against the attack and is thrown away.

Taking advantage of the opening created by Vision, Thor quickly gets up and prepares for the next showdown. Ultron, still recovering from the impact, looks furiously at Thor and Vision.

"Do you think you can stop the inevitable? Even with your tricks, you can't avoid the fate awaiting this world. Humanity is fragile, and you are powerless before the grandeur of the approaching chaos."

While Ultron was delivering his speech, Vision remained calm, analyzing the entire situation. Thor, on the other hand, still firmly wielded Mjölnir.

"You underestimate the will of human beings too much. They have a strength you will never have: unity in the determination to fight for a greater good. And I, as a protector of life, will ensure that this will is not destroyed."

Said Vision, serenely looking at Ultron.

Thor, with a swift motion, calls the hammer back, which returns to his hand again. After the hammer's return, Vision decides to make a comment about his first experience with the hammer.

"I could perceive now, while using it, that the hammer is a bit unbalanced."

Affirms Vision, looking at Thor.

"And still, if you tilt it too much, when spinning, it loses a bit of its strength."

Thor comments while spinning the hammer, demonstrating the correct way to use it.

After Ultron realizes that he is being ignored by Thor and Vision, he becomes even more enraged.

Meanwhile, with Tony, besides trying to find a way to bring the city down without killing everyone, he is still dealing with the robots Ultron sent to hinder him.

"I got it, what if we created a kind of heat circle around the core? That way, I could try to overload the tower from below."

Tony says, still struggling, while dodging and at the same time destroying several robots coming towards him.


Says Friday.

While Friday analyzes whether the plan would work or not, Tony fails to destroy one of the robots, which manages to escape and hits one of the life rafts that begins to fall. Tony, seeing this, manages to destroy one of the robots in front of him and heads towards the giant bus, successfully saving people by lowering the bus onto the aircraft carrier.

"Boss, it could work, but unfortunately, the circle would need a large amount of energy to function."

Says Friday, after the analysis.

"Doesn't matter, I just wanted to know if it would work."

After saying this, Tony tries to contact Thor.

"Thor, I came up with a plan, where are you?"

"I'm still at the church, and I'm running out of time. Ultron is sending a group of robots here."

Thor says from the other end of the line.

"Rhodes, take the remaining civilians to the ship."

Says Tony, while safely lowering the bus onto the surface of the aircraft carrier.

"Got it."

Says Iron Patriot flying in the opposite direction of Tony, where the other buses were.

After Rhode leaves, Tony contacts the other Avengers.

"Avengers, with me! It's time to show Ultron who we really are."

Says Tony, activating the thrusters of his armor and flying quickly towards the church.

After Tony asks everyone to regroup in the center of the church, everyone starts appearing there one by one. Tony arrives flying and destroying one of the robots. Beside him, Vision appears and immediately destroys another robot. On the other side, Thor alternately punches the robots and throws the hammer. Peter arrives shortly afterward with a somewhat unusual scene, which, due to the situation, goes unnoticed by everyone. He appeared there carrying Wanda in his arms, in a pure bride-style, while shooting his webs. Wanda's brother, Pietro, did notice that scene but decided to overlook it due to the current situation.

"Did something happen?"

Peter asks while gently placing Wanda on the ground.

"Nothing happened, I'm fine, thank you for asking."

Says Wanda, somewhat embarrassed.

"No problem."

Says Peter, while destroying a robot.

"Romanoff, where are you? I hope you and Dr. Banner aren't playing hide and seek. Because I don't see you, and certainly not him."

Tony says while shooting at a robot.

"Relax, canned sardine, not everyone can fly like you."

Says Natasha, who at that moment was driving a truck while running over Ultron's robots in front of her.

After reaching her destination, Natasha crashes the truck but manages to enter the church safely.

"What happened?"

Natasha asked as she approached the church and joined Tony.

"This happened."

Natasha asked as she approached the church and joined Tony.

"If Ultron can get his hands on this core and turn this key, everything will have been in vain; then, it will be the end of everything."

Tony warns, emphasizing the urgency of the mission.

While Tony points in the direction of the core, explaining the gravity of the situation they were in, Hulk also appears and begins to destroy all the robots that were nearby.

Without wasting time, Tony coordinates the attack.

"Let's go, guys! Together we are stronger! Thor, Vision, in the front! Peter, Wanda, protect the perimeter! Natasha, cover from the sides! Let's show Ultron what we are capable of!"



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