Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 92: God meets Family?


"I knew it. The gods are far more short-tempered than mankind."

- Brunhilde, (Record of Ragnarok)


<{Royal Throne room, Asgard}> 

<(Omniscient POV)>

"Was it wise to banish your own son to Midgard? He can't use his divinity and you even stripped him of his weapon. My worries would have been sated if he could at least use magic but we both know how terrible he is in the mystic arts. He can't even get past the basic runes. A child like him can't survive for long down there." Freyja Freyrdottir, the wife of Odin Borson complained with a displeased look on her face. She seemed rather upset with how Thor was punished.

"That child is 5000 years old, Freyja. He needs to learn humility. He is becoming more and more like me. His power has begun to go to his head. He needs to learn that war is not the answer to everything. I don't want him to find out about it the hard way... like I once did." The Skyfather of Asgard answered from his throne, his voice melancholic like he was remembering something unfortunate. "Also, this was not even a punishment. It's a challenge for him to overcome, you can call it a quest even. If he can pass it, he will prove to me that he will become a great king..., however, if he fails, well that will be something to worry about."

"And what about Loki? Since you have already made up your mind to make Thor the king, what are you going to do about him? You and I both know how much he wants your approval, how hard he tries to be as good as his brother, to be even better than him. After Mjølnir chose Thor, Loki has been wanting nothing more than to prove himself worthy of the throne, worthy to be your son." She retorted back with a frown. 

Thor and Loki might not have been born from her womb, but they were her children, nonetheless. She loved them both equally and hated the fact that her husband's favorite hobby was to manipulate them to mold them into what he wanted them to be. Even if he was pointing them in the right direction, there were still other ways to teach them right from wrong and Odin could easily teach them those lessons as a father instead of as a firm king. 

"Although I only have one eye, I am not blind, Freyja. I can see everything clearly. I know what Loki wants but you know very well why that is impossible. Loki is the symbol of peace between us and the Jotuns but a king, he can never be. However, there will definitely be a time for him and a place for him to shine. He will have his moment." Odin responded with a stern voice. "I have already lost both my daughters. There is no way I am losing my sons as well. Yes, there was a time when I was afraid that one of my children would be the reason for my downfall, that one of them would take away my power. But I have long escaped that... nightmare. One of my children did try to steal my power but she failed. Maybe she will try it once again when she is free one day, you have probably even seen it in your visions, haven't you? But that is life, and I must accept that. Only when I abdicate this throne and move on, can someone else take this position from me..., this burden." He confessed. "Power and greed have given me a lot but it has also taken everything from me, not anymore."

"... My king, actually I still haven't received any vision since that day. I have tried and tried but my seer abilities seem to be almost as good as gone. Initially, I thought that it was just me but after using numerous rituals and magical objects, I have concluded that the timeline itself has become... unsteady." She revealed with a sigh. "Possibly the result of someone messing with time too much." 

"Yes, that is another reason why I have sent Thor to Midgard. Something or should I say somebody there has been evading my and Heimdall's vision for the last few years. We are not sure who it is since even the sorceress has no idea. But whoever this being is, we need to find out their identity as soon as possible to determine if they are a friend or foe. After all, I cannot afford to let someone else interfere in my carefully laid plans. My biggest dream has always been to break this eternal cycle of Ragnarok we are stuck in, to free us from the hands of the ones who sit above in shadows... And I can do absolutely anything to achieve that dream, no matter the price." Odin declared with a ruthless and determined expression visible on his face as he tightly clenched his beloved Gungnir in his hand.

"Some things just never change," Freyja said, shaking her head wearily upon realizing that her husband cared more for his realm and empire than his own family. "I wish you truly cared about us, not just uttered wise words all the time."


<(Atem POV)>

"You have told those Sakaaran scientists to make multiple batches of the Universal weapons, right? I want every one of my generals to carry a unique weapon of their own and Cosmi-rods just seem to be the best suited for that purpose. It might not be powerful enough to become my own weapon of choice but that doesn't mean it is weak. Also, if the girls wield weapons like the Cosmi-rod, then I can at least rest easy, knowing that they will be safe and secure with enough power to defend themselves." I let my thoughts known to Zoya while walking through the main corridor of the Arcane Academy for metahumans. 

"I have, my lord. A number of Universal weapons are currently being manufactured in Sakaar as we speak despite our finite resources. Their construction seems to be extremely resource and time-intensive but once they are finished, they should be in no way inferior to the Cosmi-rod that Ronan himself possessed." The Mother Box honestly answered from beside me.

Now, one might ask what we were doing here in the school. Well, currently, the two of us were waiting here for one particular X-force member who was pursuing a diploma course in physics here, a metahuman who would be extremely useful for what was happening or will soon be happening in New Mexico. I guess you can even say that her power was a cheat when it came to fighting beings who used metal weapons. 

"Atem, you are here. Sorry to make you wait, the class went on for a little longer than I thought it would. I was getting bored out of my mind with having to listen to such boring lectures every day. But now that you have a mission for me, it means I can finally take a breather from my studies." Lorna Dane, aka, Polaris cheerfully stated while approaching me with a big grin on her face. "You know, I always wanted to do a secret mission with you, saving the world and stuff. I thought you would never give me a chance with how powerful and versatile the others like Scarlet Witch, Storm, Rogue, and Marvel Girl are. But it seems I underestimated myself too much, didn't I? By the way, are we going to have sex too?"

"... What?"

"You know like how you have sex with every girl whom you recruit for missions. Rumor has it that you use these missions to test if they are capable and good enough for you before giving them a place in your royal harem. Wait, are you going to do the same with me? Shit, should I buy condoms? But again, I heard that you don't get pregnant if it's your first time. Anyway, so if I prove myself as a strong and useful woman, you are going to fuck my brains out, welcoming me into your harem, right?... At least, that's what Jean said. I thought my time would never come but it seems I lucked out." Lorna giggled happily before bringing her body close to mine in a seductive way. "So, tell me, what do you need of me? I will do anything for you, I mean 'anything' at all."

"Calm down, Lorna. First, everything you heard was just a rumor. I am not here to test you as a prospective harem member or something. Jean was probably joking when she made a stupid remark like that. Also, I am here because I might need your abilities to "peacefully" end a couple of fights without having to exert myself too much. Your magnetic ability is very useful when it comes to handling metal weapons and armor after all." I directed an encouraging smile at the slightly disappointed and pouting Lorna before leading her towards a corner where I opened a boom tube straight to New Mexico. 

'I think it's time I meet my family.' 


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