Chapter 100: First Test
Lin Yi approached the main palace and addressed the guards:
“Please report to Sect Master that True Disciple Lin Yi is requesting an audience.”
“Okay, big brother, wait a little,” one of them nodded, although excitement was burning in the eyes of both.
They naturally knew the new rising star Huashan by sight, and therefore fulfilled the request immediately and with pleasure.
“Thank you,” Lin Yi thanked, hugging his fist with his palm.
“Big brother, don’t be so polite,” they shook their heads..
One ran into the hall. A minute passed and he, looking through the crack, said:
“Come quickly, the Master is ready to receive you.”
Lin Yi folded his hands again in a gesture of gratitude and entered.
The Huashan Interior Main Hall was different from the one in which the true disciple acceptance ceremony took place. All visitors gathered there, and were only allowed in for essential business..Ouyang Ming, frowning slightly, looked through the documents. Lin Yi walked in, folded his hands politely, and loudly introduced himself.:
“Disciple Lin Yi has arrived, Sect Master.”
Ouyang Ming slowly raised his head and smiled a little.
“Lin Yi, what business do you have with me??”
They smiled at him and called him by name - this showed how highly the Master valued him. Otherwise they would not have been able to meet - even true disciples had difficulty getting an audience.
“Sect Master, I heard that you have opened the position of Huashan Chief Disciple. And any true disciple can compete for it. I wasn't wrong?”
“It’s true,” Ouyang Ming nodded. And he looked with interest: “Are you going to compete for this position??”
Lin Yi replied in a heavy tone:
“Yes. I ask you to allow me to take part in this fight. I also dream of becoming the main support of Huashan.”
“Sure? You don't have to be a top student to be a top support. But this position requires talent and many other skills - including perseverance, by the way. Why do you want to participate in this fight??” Ꞧἁ₦ỗ𝐛ĘŠ
Lin Yi took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts, and said:
“I have no reason. I just believe that being a master disciple will help Huashan more. Demon sects are preparing for a new invasion, battles break out every day, and are getting bloodier. I believe that disaster is inevitable and very close, and our sect will take the blow first. Therefore, I wish to participate in the fight - to protect Huashan when it needs it!”
The Master's face acquired serious features. He did not ask how Lin Yi knew this or how he was able to understand, but nodded and answered directly:
“Okay, since your goals are so noble, I allow you to become one of the candidates. However, I will not help in the fight. Only your abilities will tell if you are worthy. If you can defeat the other candidates, then the position of head student is yours. If not, then don't complain. After all, you only entered Huashan six months ago, the fact that I allow you to participate is already a privilege.”
“I understand!" Lin Yi nodded and turned to leave when suddenly the Master’s voice sounded again:
“If you can win, I will accept you as my student. In Huashan, all the elders have disciples except me. I hope you won't let me down.”
Lin Yi couldn’t help clenching his fists in excitement. If he becomes not only the main disciple, but also the disciple of the Master, then connections and support will appear at the same moment!
Why was everyone so worried about the position of the head disciple? Not only because of power, but also because the great first-class Master still has not acquired students. And without students there is no legacy, so everyone wanted to try their luck.
In the entire Huashan, he was naturally the strongest expert.
By becoming his student, Lin Yi inherits all the power of a first-class expert, which means he will instantly become the person with the strongest connections and roots.
And then it will be easier for him to protect Huashan in the future.
Without trying to hide his happiness, he exclaimed:
“Master, I will be the best student!”
“Become the boss first,” Ouyang Ming reminded.
Lin, without changing his face one bit, said everything just as confidently:
“Do not doubt, Master, I will definitely become the main student!”
With that, he said goodbye and left..
Ouyang Ming shook his head and sighed, smiling:
“I hope you perform as you promise. Perhaps you are our hope for survival.”
His heart was very heavy. He announced the opening of the head disciple position because he didn’t want Linghu Feng to become like that in people’s minds. This man, no matter how talented he is, is clearly not one of those who can change history.
As the head of Huashan, one of the major sects, and also on the border with the lands of vicious cults, Ouyang Ming knew better than anyone about the approaching catastrophe.
As long as he is alive, Huashan can still be saved. But if he dies or is killed by someone, then their future will turn sour.
The world is too big, it is full of talented young men and old masters. In the approaching times, he could not maintain confidence even in his own survival. And what bothered him most was that there were too few strong figures in Huashan.
They could not compare with Shaolin, or Wudang, or even Emei and Qingcheng.
The rest of the sects in the Alliance were the same, only the Masters had reached first grade in all five. In calm times, one for a large sect is enough, but if demons attack, then even five will not be enough.
Only by uniting together will they have a chance to survive the coming catastrophe..
But how to persuade five sects in the Alliance to begin to obey one?
Ouyang Ming frowned.
How many problems have come in his lifetime?!
The news that Lin Yi would be competing for the position of chief disciple spread like wildfire..
Naturally, she caused a stir.
Most of the disciples in the lower and upper court supported him, so the momentum behind the Heavenly Sword was strong.
But the power was not in their hands. A flock of lambs cannot defeat even one lion. Although they were the majority, none of them knew what to do - among the entire crowd, not a single person occupied an important position.
Moreover, the most important thing was the opinion of the true disciples, and among them no one was happy about this news.
“A man without roots who has only been in Huashan for half a year wants to become a head disciple? It's a joke, isn't it??”
“It's not just a joke, it's absurd. Does he think it's a regular title? What about work??”
“Just a fool's dream. Someone would explain to him what this position is like..”
“Hmph, can he manage at least one branch? Or does the guy really believe that the whole world can be conquered in battle? Laughter and that's it.”
“Yes, he made a fool of himself. Talents like him should swing their swords, not think with their heads..”
“Ha ha ha, well, well. Okay, there's no harm in dreaming, at least he won't get in the way!”
There was laughter and disdain all over the top of Mount Hua..
When the news reached the ears of the Huashan Seven Heroes, Linghu Feng, who had just recovered from his injuries, smiled slightly and forgot. But the younger sister, Liang Zhulu, growled:
“This Lin Yi thinks he is the center of the world! How dare he even challenge you? No, I even admire his courage! You have to believe that he can defeat you! Pha, he'll never be as strong in his life!”
Remembering Heavenly Sword's action in Lanzhou, Zhulu felt hatred and contempt. Previously, she did not perceive him as a serious threat, no matter what he achieved among his weaklings.
But after Lanzhou she began to feel real anger. A person who allowed himself to risk the entire Huashan did not deserve such a worthy position!
Still, she didn't see him as a threat, so she said with admiration:
“Senior brother, consider yourself to have already become a master disciple.!”
Feng lowered his head. After Ao Tianjiao's defeat, he could not recover his spirit. If earlier he drank to be in a cheerful mood, now he drank until he was oblivious..
He waved his hand and snorted.:
“Figure it out for yourself, people. I don't get involved in Huashan's affairs.”
“Don’t worry, big brother, your victory is in our hands,” Zhulu nodded happily. “The main thing is to prepare for the second test and defeat all your opponents!”
What happened to Linghu Feng’s mood and spirit didn’t bother her one bit. He is the strongest, that's it, period..
She was only worried that, although he agreed to participate, he continued to look at the position so indifferently. However, this is a small thing. With their help, he won’t have to touch a single document..
If only he became the head disciple, then the six of them would live well again.
Noticing the joyful expressions on the faces of the six comrades, Feng sighed and left the room. Gloomily hunched over, he walked towards a large boulder in a lonely corner of the mountain..
Three days later, all the true disciples and elders of Huashan gathered at the top of the mountain, in the central and largest of the palaces.
The students sat in lotus positions, the elders took chairs.
With a serious expression on his face, Ouyang Ming looked like a sharp blade. He entered the hall and sat on the throne.
After looking over everyone, he named the names of thirty-six candidates for the position of head disciple. After this, the first test was announced: for three months, each of them would go to the Huashan branches.
Depending on their success, he will choose those who are worthy to fight for this difficult position.