Martial Elf

Chapter 59

Saraswati was known for her reclusive nature among the High Elves.

Even when the Elves descended into this world under the World Tree and were expanding their territory, she rarely stepped out in front of others unless something piqued her interest.

However, today was a rare occasion where Saraswati, with a stern face, hurriedly walked toward the office of Demis, the leader and eldest son of the Elven Road, where he spent more than half of his day.

‘…The protector talisman has been destroyed.’

Her mischievous youngest, Araya, had been given her own protector talisman.

To accommodate the troublemaker, she had woven her hair into a talisman using the method she had created and named herself.

Though she couldn’t expect much effect due to her rather limited understanding, it had the power to repel curses from ordinary wild deities.

However, given that Araya was one of the strongest warriors among the Elves, she wondered if the talisman would be necessary at all.

Even Palas, who inherited the gift of battle and bravery from their mother, had never once defeated Araya.

Conversely, if there were situations where Araya had to rely on such a talisman, it surely indicated that dangerous circumstances had arisen.

Naturally, after Araya departed, she hadn’t encountered any problems.

There was a minor incident years ago when Araya, going through her growth phase, returned the clothes made by Atira, but it was not fundamentally a significant issue.

Having grown stronger day by day while in the forest, Araya had even caused Palas to feel a bit of inferiority seeing his younger sister.

Now, seven years later, one could hardly speculate how strong she had become.

Excluding their mother, did any single being exist on this earth that was stronger than Araya?

She thought so.

But today, in her laboratory, the hair entwined with the magic linking her to Araya’s talisman was broken.

The meaning was clear.

It meant that the protector talisman had been destroyed, severing their connection.

It was hard to believe anything could happen to someone as strong as Araya.

It seemed far more plausible that she had broken it while playing around rather than having fallen into danger.

Still, she could not shake the anxiety that was rising in her heart.

‘I’ll just say that the protector talisman I made for Araya has broken. By now, everyone is probably not too worried, just like me. Worrying about Araya would be foolish.’

Now, she was walking through the enormous tree known as the palace of the Elven Road.

Even while walking toward Demis’s office, some Elves greeted her as she revealed herself after a long absence, but she politely greeted them and quickened her pace.

When she arrived at Demis’s office, she found Anart, who seemed to be on the verge of tears, and Demis, who was listening with a serious expression.

The small anxiety in her heart instantly expanded to a larger size.

As Demis remained silent, Anart approached Saraswati with teary eyes and trembling hands, gripping her hand tightly as she spoke.

“Um… mother said… we should… all… stay… something has happened to Araya…”

A sense of foreboding never failed to come true.

Saraswati tightly closed her eyes at Anart’s words.

◈ ◈ ◈

“…Does this mean that Araya’s trace is gone?”

“Yes. In the North. From that far land, the branch I bestowed upon that child has disappeared. I can no longer locate it.”

The six High Elves fell into silence at the summons and the bad news from their mother.

“Seems like Saraswati already knew. Did you give that child a talisman like I did?”

“…It’s not to the extent of pinpointing its location like you, Mother.”

“In terms of the years you’ve lived, that in itself is impressive. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Not only yours, but my protector has also shattered, indicating the disaster that has befallen that child is likely substantial.”

EL Prigion extended a branch to comfort her daughter, who smiled bitterly.

“However, even so, there is something obscuring my vision, yet I still sense a faint connection that hasn’t fully died out. Truly, that child is cursed with misfortune.”

“Let’s send a reconnaissance team to the North.”

“…We now have the capacity to turn outward as well. But…”

“Heading straight to the North right now doesn’t seem like a good idea.”

When Palas expressed some hesitation while Demis somewhat agreed, EL Prigion supported Demis.

“Why not?”

“Before the trace of Araya vanished, there were two massive collisions in the North. I can’t be sure, but it seems like beings similar to me exist up North. If we head North right now to find Araya, we are likely to confront such beings without any information.”

“Wait a minute. Are you saying Araya fought against… a being similar to you in the North?”

“That seems to be the case. Astonishingly, the fight appears to have lasted quite a while. If she is still alive, it could mean that Saraswati’s talisman and my branch were merely caught up in the aftermath of the battle, and Araya may not have as big an issue as we fear.”

The five High Elves, excluding Elmony, lamented.

“What on earth is Araya doing…”

Every time the topic of Araya came up, the chronic headache returned, and she rubbed her forehead.

“…Demis, I think it’s time to make a decision. That child would only cause trouble if left to roam outside. If she returns safely, we must confine her in the Elven Road.”

Palas, with a neutral face but flames sparking in her beautiful green eyes, expressed her concern.


Atira, resting her chin on her hand, looked troubled.

“I agree.”

Saraswati nodded with unusual determination.

“…I think it would be a good idea too.”

Anart, timidly expressing her opinion while tightly gripping her favorite oak staff.


Elmony remained just a blank expression.

“One of the two in the North is likely a being I have seen once from a distance long ago. An extraordinary being enveloped in golden light. However, that aura did not feel merciful. A significant battle has occurred there early enough for me to sense it from this far in the North; it could be in a highly heightened state. If we carelessly tread into that territory, a gigantic war that could sweep across this land might break out.”

“…So are we just going to wait?”

The impatient Palas complained to El Prigion.

“Don’t act too hastily, Palas. This concerns my beloved daughter, after all. Demis.”

“Yes, Mother.”

“If I assist in managing this forest for a while, how many of those called forest guardians could move with you?”

“…If you assist, around 50 more… we could manage about 80 in total.”

El Prigion hardly interfered in the affairs of the Elves he had created.

It was also because, while creating the Elves, he devoted himself to the fundamental mission of using his great power to nurture the land as the deity of the Earth Mother.

However, as the World Tree looked at the situation from the perspective of a transcendent being, it did not favor the Elves over his children.

The last time he actively lent his power was 13 years ago when Araya sustained critical injuries.

The only recent help had been granting his vessel tree to the Grand Temple of the human capital, Pohelrn.

Yet, he had not accomplished anything significant through his vessel so far.

“Then I will assist with that. You can think about the rest.”

“…Thank you.”

The forest guardian Elves.

They were the foremost inheritors of the essence Araya created and, with a numbering of 300, managed a vast forest filled with monstrous beasts and wild deities. They were the superhumans regulating the Elven Road.

That was roughly one-third of their strength.

If it was labeled as ‘extermination’ rather than ‘regulation,’ it could wipe out all the beasts and wild deities in the Elven Road within a month.

Outside the forest, their power would lessen a bit, but it was undoubtedly an overwhelming force.

El Prigion reached out a branch to gently stroke his children and then issued a summons.

The six High Elves gathered once more in Demis’s office.

“…We’ve got ourselves a heavy burden.”

Demis sighed.

How many times had he sighed now?

“What do you plan to do next, Demis?”

After pondering for some time at Atira’s question, Demis slowly opened his mouth.

“Well, if heading straight to the North isn’t a wise move, our destination should be the capital of the human kingdom where Araya stayed, Pohelrn.”

“To the human city Araya mentioned?”

“Originally, Araya has been serving there as a divine messenger and priestess in a religion that worships her mother and a being named Ul Kanadiel. If she has headed North, the humans will likely know the reason. We need to start gathering information from there.”


“We need to lead the forest guardians and head to the human city.”

“I’ll go.”

Saraswati and Palas replied in unison.

The two looked at each other.

“…You, dear hot-headed sibling, would surely cause trouble if you acted out in the human city, wouldn’t you? I think I should be the one to go.”

“…You, who are always holed up at home and lack social skills, might create some misconceptions about Elves among other races if they see you.”

Seeing Saraswati and Palas snarling at each other, Demis shook his head and continued to explain.

“Both of you should go.”


While watching the two tugging on each other’s heads and mouths, Demis continued.

“This is our official first encounter with humans. Unforeseen events may happen. It’s better to have multiple decision-makers present. However, I will give the decision-making priority to Saraswati.”


“Glory to the wise King Demis!”

“And Anart.”


Anart was startled as Demis suddenly called her name and gripped her staff tightly.

“You should go as well.”

“Me? Really?”

“As Palas mentioned earlier, if we can find Araya’s whereabouts this time, we plan to confine her to the Elven Road.”

“Huh? Um… okay.”

“However, the immigration religion founded by Araya and Alia, the succubus, has a political structure suitable for achieving harmony beyond races. If the Elves can control it as they do now, that would be great. If you see it in person and don’t feel bad about it, I’d like you, Anart, to become the priestess of the immigration religion in place of Araya.”

“…Demis’s words are hard to understand, but… that sounds like it would help the Elves, right?”


“Then I’ll do it!”

Although Demis felt a bit worried about his sister’s abrupt enthusiasm without fully grasping the situation, he nodded.

“Sarah. Take good care of the younger ones.”

“Leave it to me.”

Saraswati confidently stuck out her ample chest and smiled.

Palas clicked her tongue in discontent, but preparations progressed swiftly.

And a few days later.

Three high Elves, representing Saraswati of the Elven Road, along with 80 forest guardian Elves, stepped out of the Elven Road’s woodland toward the capital of the human kingdom, Pohelrn.

It was the first moment the Elven Road, the land of the Elves, stepped into the world.

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