Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

With Chun-bong’s condition stable, I decided to check out the goods in the Black Tiger Gang’s vault.


First off, there was a sizable stash of silver coins. This was no small fry for a back-alley gang. With this amount, they could easily live like kings for a few years.

Aside from that, there were some land deeds and a few martial arts manuals. However, when I skimmed through the manuals, I shook my head vigorously.

“They’re all trash. Don’t even look at them.”

But curiosity got the better of me, and I started reading anyway. Soon enough, I nodded in agreement.

“Yup, total garbage.”

“Did you expect fake trash?”

“Could be. The Three Calamity Sword Technique isn’t totally useless, who knows?”

“Still, the Three Calamity Sword Technique is a well-validated martial art.”

No matter how commonly spread a martial art is, there’s a reason it’s remained unchanged for so long.

Hearing that made it sound somewhat reasonable.


Anyway, we were rich now. Trying to suppress a smirk, I stuffed a few silver coins into my pocket.

“Goldie, how about a shopping trip?”

“Sho… what?”

“I mean, let’s go buy something.”

“What are we buying? Just because we got some cash doesn’t mean we should waste it!”

After a moment of thought, I nodded.

“Clothes… and your sword? And maybe some food too.”

Looking around, I took in the crumbling state of our home. I’d grown fond of it, but honestly, I was beginning to feel like I might get crushed in my sleep.

“What about moving? Isn’t living in the Black Tiger Gang’s place a decent option?”

“What about the corpses there?”

“Oh, right.”

“And it’s way too big. We’re just two people; why would we need all that space?”

Brows furrowing, I tapped my lips while raising an eyebrow. A good idea popped into my head.

“Let’s just buy the clothes first.”


After a thorough wash-up at home, we headed to the market. After all, it felt a bit off to be in new clothes while still being dirty.

“Honestly, this is wild.”

I nudged my nose into Chun-bong’s hair.

“You’re not using anything odd, right?”

Of course, she flailed her arms in panic.

“What are you doing?!”

“Why do you smell better than me?”

“It’s just that I’ve been given a lot of stuff since I was a kid. No waste in my system, hence no bad smell! Plus, one of my ancestors mixed some fairy techniques into my cultivation!”

“Fairy techniques? Isn’t that the one that makes you gorgeous?”



My gaze traveled over Chun-bong’s body.

“Doesn’t really help with your chest size… Aah!”

I got smacked.

To be honest, I felt I kind of deserved it.

“Ugh… Enough about the chest! More importantly, how did you even do that?”

“Do what?”

“You changed Yin energy into Yang energy. Did you understand the principles of Taiji? There’s no way that could happen otherwise.”

“Taiji? The thermodynamic equilibrium thing? Doesn’t seem like it applies here.”

“You know what Yin energy feels like, right?”

“Yeah, it’s closer to what I handle.”

“And you roughly know what Yang energy feels like too, don’t you?”

“Sure, I guess?”

So if that’s the case, isn’t it simple? Yin is calm, while Yang is lively. Just give those chilled-out buddies a solid smack into liveliness; isn’t that Yang?


“What kind of nonsense is that? How could that even work?”

“Well, it worked.”

“Okay, fair point.”

As Chun-bong was making a weird face, we reached a fabric shop. They mostly sold cloth but had some clothes too.

Chun-bong stepped inside first when something suddenly came flying at us.

“There’s nothing for you beggars! Get lost before you dirty my goods!”

Chun-bong touched her cheek, and some leftover food sauce dripped down her jawline.


Her face flushed with anger. It even looked like she might cry a bit.

What must it feel like to be treated like this after being raised in a noble family?

Not that I knew, but it seemed pretty awful.



A kick obliterated one of the stalls, sending it flying.

This was the martial world. If you’re feeling miserable, you settle it with force.

If it’s that bad, just don’t act like an ass; how can so many people not get that?

“Did this jerk just make my sister cry?”

“I-I didn’t cry… And what’s with this third-rate thug act? Knock it off.”


I unsheathed my sword from its scabbard. Seeing this, the shopkeeper hesitated.

“Y-You! This shop pays protection fees to the Qinghua Sect! Are you ready for the consequences?!”

“Qinghua Sect? What kind of no-name sect is that?”

Not that I cared who they were; as far as I was concerned, separating a jerk’s head from its body was no problem at all.

“Get over here, you punk!”


The cornered shopkeeper threw a bowl at me. The contents were still there. If he was eating, he should have finished up, right?


From the tip of my scabbard, my internal energy spread wide. It was only palm-sized, but with a swing, the residual shadow transformed into a protective barrier.

“Y-You’re using a sword barrier?”

For some reason, Chun-bong behind me looked startled, but I didn’t pay attention.


As the contents splattered on the barrier, it looked like it was some kind of red soup. Smelled horrible, too. Who would throw something like this?

“Uh… uh…”

Panicking, the shopkeeper plopped down onto the ground.

“I-I had no idea you were a master! Please, have mercy…”



“Let’s have some fun first.”

I really beat him up.


“Ah, what a charitable heart I have.”

“Well done.” (Chun-bong)

“Really? I thought you were going to scold me.”

“Why would I? That was somewhat reasonable.”

At least he hadn’t lost a life, nor did he get any limbs broken. Not even a bone was fractured.

Just some good ol’ beating is definitely a gentle resolution.

“I was just worried you might kill someone again.”

“Do I look like a killer?”

“Wasn’t that you? Surprising.”

“Who are you calling a killer?”

Chun-bong and I strutted over with our outfits now neat and tidy.

These were the clothes we got from that shop, freebies as a reward for being merciful!

“Now let’s go get your sword.”

“My sword?”

“Wouldn’t it be mine? Mine’s still intact.”

“Did yours not get wrecked? It looked beaten up.”

At her question, I pulled the sword out. The crowd gasped.

“Hey, dude! Don’t unsheathe your sword in the street like that!”

Led by Chun-bong, I ducked into a corner. As she looked at the sword, she nodded, somewhat impressed.

“Looks fine! That’s amazing!”

“Told you I’m good at handling it.”


What? Surprised by her unexpected reaction, I quickly stepped back, and Chunbong glared at me.

“What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter?”

“Who are you? You’re not the real Chu-nbong, are you?”

“Shut it!”

That lunatic threw my sword. I quickly snatched the hilt and put it back in the scabbard.


“What’s dangerous about it for a top-tier swordsman? Wait, what was that sword barrier earlier?”

“Ah, that? I just thought I could do it.”

“Damn, that’s some ridiculous talent.”

With a curse, Chun-bong slapped her forehead.

“Congratulations, master of the peak.”

“…Peak? Really?”

“Yup, for real.”


As I rubbed my chin in thought, Chun-bong rolled her eyes.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Hey, for real, is this martial art not just easy peasy? Like a baby’s toy?”

“…You little shit!”

Chun-bong kicked the air, fierce as ever. Quickly reacting, I dodged and caught her waist, bringing her back down.

“Phew. Miss Kim Chun-bong, you’re quite nimble!”

“Shut up!”

Pouting, Chun-bong raised her finger, emitting a platinum glow.


“Now I can use at least first-tier power.”

“What? Aren’t you supposed to be seventeen? Have you been first-tier since before?”

Hmph, Chun-bong snorted and stood tall.

“I was at the peak state, you know? I told you, people around called me a genius!”

Reaching the peak at fifteen—such an event was nearly unheard of in the long history of the martial world.

Back then, the martial world had quite a stir, but now, in this situation, it was completely useless.

“Damn things.”

“Why the long face now?”

I tapped Chun-bong’s head while speaking.

“But seriously, a peak at fifteen? And you’re acting like this now? What’s up with that high-level qi or whatever?”

“Are you kidding me?! Are you and I even comparable? Let’s just go buy the sword.”

Chun-bong, with a sudden heavy mood, stepped ahead. I quickly scooped her up from behind and gave her a piggyback ride.


“Let’s go, Chun-bong!”

“Wait, put me down, you jerk!”

“No chance!”

Chun-bong’s grip on my hair was strong, and it felt like some strands were getting ripped out. Tragic.


I was a crazy guy.

Continuing the ride, I finally reached the blacksmith. Seriously, was I nuts? I almost felt shame at the glances of the surrounding people.

“…Put me down.”


Setting her down on solid ground gave a strange feeling. Looking up at me, this girl had a smirk on her face as she ruffled my hair.

“Stop that.”

My rough-yet-soft touch was oddly pleasant. Trying to squirm away didn’t help; I continued to mess with her hair, making her feel a little warmer inside.

“Anyway, don’t overestimate yourself. Control and power are different things.”

“Control” is a measure of how freely one can maneuver their internal energy.

Using myself as an example, while my internal energy skills were at the peak, I only handled a sword at a beginning first-tier level.

Honestly, that didn’t really make sense. What? Catching the essence of combining sword and spirit while using sword energy?

It was crazy talk, but the way I handled my sword had noticeably improved, leaving her with no room to complain.

“Okay, okay, I get it, Teacher Chun-bong. So shall we go check out some swords?”

– Old man! Has it been a year?

Goldie, who’d been staring at me entering the blacksmith, piped up with a pout.

“Seriously, you never listen to my words… Hey! Let’s go, you punk!”

Chun-bong scurried after me with her short legs.

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