Malevolent Warlock: Sin Of Eternity

Chapter 304: The Power of Sky Palace

"Lordship, please…..forgive" the leader squirmed as he struggled to breath while pressed to the wall.

When he saw Leon and his friends at the gates, he thought them to be some random group of travelers that came to the city in hopes of a better future, he hated that, but the more they spent the more envious he became and soon enough he decided to put them in their place just for being….

A warlock

Never in a hundred years would he have thought that this good for nothing warlock and his friends were somehow related to sky palace.

"Lordship? You don't think of me as that, no you think I'm a piece of shit for being crippled, huh? You see my with warlocks and you assume I'm a traitor no?" Amir spoke condescendingly highlighting several things that had nothing to do with this whole thing.

'Yeah…why is he with a warlock?' Like a baby being fed food, the gatekeeper's (leader of the people's resistance against evil) reasoning bent to the will of Amir.

The warlocks and sky palace were currently embroiled in a massive war, forget slave status, a warlock being seen with a mage of sky palace was a massive scandal.

Was this the problem? Was this why this sky palace official was acting so erratic?

But of course, he had no choice idea that this was far from the case. Amir didn't fear scandals, he was so high ranking in the palace that even the city lord of sky city who was a peak level 4 existence had to pay him respects.

No, the reasons Amir brought this up was to give himself a reason to end his life.

"Now that you know that I'm not only a cripple but also a traitor, what do you expect me to do? I can't let you go….that would be stupid" Amir's expression turned from one of condescension to one of mockery in a split second.

"Wait a minute?" It was at this moment that the gatekeeper realized that he had made a big mistake, Amir wasn't scared, he was planning to kill him.

"Martin, kill him and every single member of this so called 'people's resistance against evil' I want the entire organization uprooted from sky city" Amir's smile became evil as he looked down the gatekeeper.

Truth was that, Amir was usually an extremely kind person, but he genuinely hated people and organizations like this. They were extremely discriminatory not only against warlocks, but anyone else in association.

Even sky palaces most racist factions weren't as brutal and unfair as these fools, they had to die.

"Yes sir" a young man with purple hair stepped out from the blind corner of the room and nodded, then in the next second—

He stepped out and started taking lives. However, he left the gatekeeper and his two subordinates alive for the meantime as he slaughtered everyone else.


"what is th.."

"my leg….. "

Soon agonizing screams erupted from the inn scarring not only the gatekeeper and his two subordinates, but also everyone in the neighborhood, but for some reason dispite these horrendous screams, the city guard did not seem to want to interfere.

They only stood outside with their spears and watched in absolute silence.

That night, a message went out to all city guard officers to wipe out the people's resistance against evil movement, not just in terms of those here, the entire organization in itself.

And the following days were followed by several arrests and executions.

Sky City was a subcediary to Sky palace, whatever they say goes.


"This is so pretty, I like it, give me 5" in a random marketplace Inside of sky city, three individuals could be seen looking at a jewelry stand.

"5? That's….vivik go get me five of these from the other shop" the shop keeper immediately commanded his apprentice.

From the luxurious wares on this young lady and her beautiful purple hair, he could easily tell that she was a spoilt rich kid who liked to spend, this was the best kind of people according to him.

"Miss, while you wait please take a sit here, you and your friends" the shop keeper began to grovel trying by all means to make them more comfortable.

There was this sayings that, the more comfortable a customer was in your business the more willing he/she will be to to spend.

"Hehehe" behind Ember, Leon smiled bitterly seeing her act so lavish, it wasn't like she would be paying for anything.

He had suddenly become a money mule

"Hmm" turning to the side with his head bowed, Leon used his fingers to adjust his eye lenses carefully concealing his ether brimming eyes.

Staying in sky city without a disguise just made things incredibly hard, he was sure that this shop owner, if he knew he was a warlock would probably not even serve them.

"Won't you get anything?" Leon slowly panned his head to Arian beside him, asked.

She was always so cold and unbothered, but lately she seemed to get lost In thought quite often, did it have to do with her brother being here in sky city or the fact that the father had somehow gone missing.

She spoke as if she didn't care, but Leon could see straight through those eyes. They were filled with helplessness.

"I….theres really nothing of worth here, maybe a drink?" Snapping out of it, Arian turned back to Leon and said.

Her worry was one thing, but what was she supposed to do? Leave everything and go searching for a man who had made their life and living hell?

That was stupid,

"Okay, we'll get a drink after this, just you and me" Leon smiled then panned away to several decorations being put up.

They were so familiar, the sky festival was in a few days, just thinking of the atmosphere gave him a form of nostalgia.

"Sure, thanks" Arian smiled then walked over ember and the shop keeper.

She couldn't control it, the prices being called by the shopkeepers was ludicrous. It was no different from daylight robbery

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