Chapter 151: Energies of Finor
"A blood oath? That seems like a good idea" the sorcerer nodded slightly while looking at leon.
He was very excited that they were inside the Palace right now, if Leon could just let him loose inside here, he would be able to steal every single treasure in here.
At least that was his belief.
"Let me draft a contract then" Leon smiled and pulled out a piece of paper and began writing with some input from the sorcerer.
"No, I’m not setting you free in here, there’s an automation here that would probably rip us apart if I do"
"No, that’s too risky, I’m not going to risk my life for a treasure"
"Hmmm, I can agree to that"
"Nope, that’s impossible"
The negotiations on what and what would be in the contract took about 30 minutes as both of them didn’t want to give room for the other to manipulate.
It was an air tight contract, one that even gave Leon a hard time setting up. The sorcerer was a worthy opponent in contract signing. He was definitely use to it.
"Okay, it looks good, let’s proceed" the sorcerer scanned the documents and nodded. Leon couldn’t pull a fast one in him, he had hundreds of years of experience there was no way a kid could win against him.
Of course, he didn’t know how old Leon really was, or what was behind his confidence. But he had reason for his own confidence.
"Okay" Leon dripped some blood on the paper and squeezed some from the sorcerer’s dried up body.
Then he back the process of a blood oath. Blood oaths weren’t easy to break, not impossible, but very difficult. That was why the sorcerer insisted that Leon add a clause where he wasn’t allowed to attempt to break the oath.
"Blood is sacred, and so I life, the heaven favorite is bright red. Blood meridians flow through all, let it be the binding vow for soul and..."
Leon chanted a blood oath..... with each word, the blood In his veins and that of the sorcerer sped up, indicating that they were going through this blood oath together.
But mid way, Leon’s blood stopped flowing forwards and began flowing backwards.
The sorcerer didn’t notice this though. He had been placed under a seal for many years and didn’t know of so many new methods to break oaths.
"Done!!" Leon smiled and presented the seals of their oath made with blood to the sorcerer causing him to smile.
This contract guaranteed his freedom. Leon couldn’t let him out here and now, but after he left duan city he would let him make his way back here to do whatever he wanted.
It wasn’t the best deal but it was one he could work with
"Now tell me the method of extracting the essence of the purple heart eternal flower" Leon looked to the sorcerer and said.
This deal was all for the eternal flowers essence.
"Hmmm, the purple heart eternal flower.....oh how I’ve longed for it, unfortunately, it is not my destiny" the sorcerer reminisceed.
Leon’s deal included him getting the method to extract Lilian’s essence meaning he would have to give up on that treasure.
But there were many more treasures in the Palace that Leon didn’t know about. After all the Palace of eldoria was a monsterous treasure hold that even the level 5 mage of miracle couldn’t explore in its entirety.
"The reason you couldn’t get the purple heart eternal flower Is quite simple. You were looking for it in the wrong place"
"It’s physical essence might have melded with her body and might be long gone, but a treasure like this doesn’t just nourish the body, it nourishes the soul also."
The sorcerer spoke.
The body could only hold essence for so long, but the soul? It wouldn’t easily give up essences it had absorbed. This was his plan from the very beginning.....consume Lillians soul.
"Hmm? What does soul magic have to do with with me, old man? Don’t try to trick me" Leon looked sternly at the sorcerer.
He was saying that the essence of the purple heart eternal flower was inside Lillians soul and needed to be extracted from it.
But there was only one person here that could extract anything from the soul and that person was the sorcerer.
"I know you won’t let me out, but that’s not what I’m gunning at. I want you to do it yourself. Extract her soul and consume the essence for yourself" the sorcerer’s dry face contorted into an evil, vile smile.
He wanted Leon to consume Lilians soul....but Leon was not a sorcerer, how would that be possible.
Leon was confuse,
"You’re not very smart are you?" The sorcerer mocked. "I’m saying I want you to become a sorcerer"
Finally, he got to the point. He wanted to teach Leon how to manipulate and consume souls effectively turning him Into a sorcerer.
"That’s not possible right? I’m a warlock, I can’t use soul energy...." Leon frowned deeply.
"Stupid!!! Who told you that you can’t use soul energy? You can use mana right? Why can’t you use soul energy then?"
The sorcerer said with a look of condescendance. His words were logical. If Leon could use mana while being a warlock why wasn’t he able to use soul energy?
"Expain" Leon asked this time in a more serious tone than ever.
"Your ancestors were mages with little talent so they embarked on the path of life energy manipulation gaining them the ability to use life energy hence becoming "warlocks" but does the title warlock mean anything more that those who use life-energy? No!!"
"Life energy is only a type of energy to be used, granted it has its price, but that’s the only difference between you and a mage. Your usage of life-energy. We are all one race we are just on different paths and one of those paths is the path of soul energy manipulation."
"That’s..." Leon was shocked.
What the sorcerer was saying was that anyone could be a sorcerer or mage or even warlock, they just needed to learn the method of using the energy type associated with it.
This went against all the preconceived notion in eldorian society today. Leon had his suspicions but for them to be proven true was mind blowing.
"And have you tried this before?" Leon asked.
"Hehe kid, what? do you think I was born a sorcerer? Kid, I am just like you. A warlock" the sorcerer looked deep into Leon’s eyes and his eyes turn yellow.
He had ether in his eyes
"You are....." Leon squinted his brows..
That’s right, he was a warlock!!!!!
"Yes yes, but I set aside that are you willing to learn" the sorcerer shook his head and looked up to Leon with the beckoning eyes of a devil.
(This changes everything)
Leon’s eyes beamed, the sorcerer thought that he was enticing Leon to put down his moral compass to be like him. But he couldn’t be more wrong, and this would be proven by Leon’s next words.
"Does that mean I can use the energy of other races? Like without limits?" Leon asked the sorcerer causing his eyes to widen in shock.
He had offered this kid a slice of a forbidden fruit, but he was planning to consume the whole fruit? He was greedy!!!
"I assume there’s a limit, after all....there are some energy types that nullify others.. .but who knows?" The sorcerer couldn’t help but think of this possibility.
If someone could wield all the energy types in this world, what kind of monster would he be?
"Enough of that.....sit let me teach you the ways of the sorcerer" the sorcerer said to Leon.
"Oh by the way Doros is my name" the sorcerer said to Leon.
"Leon Alduwin" Leon replied and paid closer attention to the sorcerer.
After badurs gate merged with the ss grade pagoda. It gained time manipulation powers much higher that the pagoda on its own.
1 hour here was but a minute in the real world. Leon had the time.
"Your lordship!!! We have trouble!!" The marquee cane appeared before two individuals playing chess in a pavilion.
"Sigh, I noticed" one of the two individuals who had a furry fluffy cloth around his neck Said with a look of annoyance.
Warlocks had crashed the sky festival couldn’t he know that? But what was he supposed to do? Go in flying and ready to fight? That was stupid.
"You....are requested" the marquee said with a shaken voice. This was the king he was speaking to, and eixtance at the peak of level 4 the closest being to level 5 in the whole kingdom. It might seem like they were at the same realm, but the difference was all too clear.
"Let me finish this game first" the King said before proceeding to completely ignore the marquee.
He made a wager on this game, if he won, this lady would take action against the warlocks on his behalf. But if he lost, then he would need to do it himself.