Male and Female Reversal High School Pure Love

Chapter 51

51. Muddy spoon (5)


“Ahahahaha! Why are you apologizing for something like that! Between friends!”

I forcibly raised the corners of my mouth and pretended to be happy.

I couldn’t just listen to that apology.

At the same time, however, the word friend was given special strength.

It was for selfish reasons.

As I began to recall the careless words I had thrown, I saw my situation properly.

Even if Han Seung-gi immediately distanced himself from me or got angry with me, he wouldn’t have anything to say.

So. Just. I want you to keep thinking of me as a friend.

Han Seung-gi is somewhat unique, yet pure and kind.

Perhaps, the worries I just had are also useless worries.

Is that good?

Not good at all.

If Han Seung-gi thinks of me as usual, it must mean that he puts more emphasis on hiding his circumstances rather than my last words.

This is nonsense.

Everyone has things they want to hide, especially in the private sphere related to family circumstances.

This is not strange at all.

If there is someone who takes issue with that, isn’t that person weird and the person who hid it isn’t bad?

By the way, thinking about that kind of karma comes up again.

A while ago, when I told Han Seung-gi about my wish, the words I threw out as excuses.

‘That’s what it is, but it’s good if friends know a lot… ! Well, I don’t think there’s anything to hide….’

‘You usually save money. Because there is a special reason. Well, don’t you get a lot of pocket money?’

A real crazy b*tch.

What did you say so many useless things?

Even those useless words are things I shouldn’t have done.

I had been holding the corners of my mouth up since earlier.

It’s not okay to make weird faces here.

If Han Seung-gi saw that expression, he would think that I felt uncomfortable when he saw his house.

Because it’s an action that can easily cause misunderstandings.

“Min Arin? Are you okay?”

“Huh? Why? What’s there?”

Han Seung-gi always tells me that.

I can’t stand acting or lying.

So I paid special attention to it.

I risked everything and raised the corner of my mouth.

What should I do now?

Do I have to keep laughing like this?

Isn’t that right?

From noble mtl dot com

He only laughs once or twice, and if this continues, Han Seung-gi will surely notice that something is wrong.

Because one notice is an amazing person.

When I rolled my head like that, it seemed like I could come up with an answer.

I was able to recall what Han Seung-gi said earlier.

‘Just treat it as usual.’

This should have been the answer.

It must have been a hint from Han Seung-gi.

By the way, how can I treat you like normal?

Complaining about eating too much beef?

Are you trying to overcome a child who is living such a hard life with your heart?

It’s complicated.

There are too many thoughts in my head.

“Min Ah-rin.”

“Uh, huh?”

“If you want to use the bathroom, you can go over there.”


Han Seung-gi suddenly throws words at me like that.

I tried to think about what it meant, but I had a better idea.

“Ah, ah! Then I’m going to sleep. I’ll go to the bathroom. I’ve been wanting to use it for a while…!”

I need to take shelter for a while.

I needed time to be alone, even for a short while.

“Ah, Min Ah-rin. When I use the bathroom.”

“Ugh, huh?”

“Hmm… Whatever you see in the window, don’t open it.”

“Uh… Uh…”

I heard a warning that I couldn’t understand and went into the bathroom.


Min Arin’s reaction was worse than I thought.

Serious doesn’t mean that you had a violent reaction.

It just means that it was obvious that the person suddenly broke down.

The severely trembling eyes did not even meet me. I raised my head, but Min Ah-rin’s eyes weren’t looking at me.

Efforts to speak normally were imaginary, but the remarkably reduced number of words or awkward voice could not be hidden.

Well, this part wasn’t because of Min Ah-rin’s lack of ability, but because I was good at it.

Overall, she pretended to be nonchalant, but it could be said that the embarrassment she couldn’t hide was revealed.

So I brought up the topic of the bathroom.

I knew at least that Min Ah-rin’s reaction had nothing to do with the bathroom, but it seemed like she needed time to organize her thoughts.


The warning that Min Ah-rin threw before entering the bathroom.

… ….

If Korea has THAAD, a ballistic missile interception system, my house also has an Old Boy, a kind of mental interception system.

I meant not to look at things like that for nothing.

That’s because it’s quite effective.

If a person who is already confused gets hit by an accidental shot like that, it will be quite difficult.


To be honest, I don’t even know what to do.

The thing I absolutely didn’t want to show was a state where I had already shown everything like this, perhaps because my heart was weak.

I just hope you don’t try to help me financially by treating me awkwardly or feeling sorry for me.

I wish I could go as usual.

Between friends who play pranks on each other and act mischievous.


When I entered the bathroom, I had to experience culture shock once again.

It looks so different from the bathroom at my house.

I didn’t mean to say it was dirty.

The bathroom is well-maintained and feels really clean, but it also makes you feel the age.

There is an incomprehensible structure.

Why is the toilet at the top of the stairs?

It looks uncomfortable just by looking at it.

If you use it once or twice, it might be a different experience, but if you have to use it all the time…….

I shook off my thoughts and sat down on the toilet.

I wasn’t trying to urinate, I was just trying to organize my thoughts a bit.

I was wearing a skirt properly.

I don’t know how to deal with it.

I don’t know what kind of reaction Han Seung-gi wants.

Of course, as I thought earlier, the answer would be to treat him as usual.

Because that’s easier said than done.

What can I say?

Even if I try to speak lightly as usual, the other words I said block my mouth.

I think a lot about every word I say, and then I miss the timing to say something.

Really. I’m going crazy.

Not like a metaphor, but for real.

I still can’t breathe properly.

I feel like my chest is blocked, and even if I move my body a little, the cold air gives me a bloody feeling.

I want to hide somewhere, but I know I can’t.

Even if I could hide in the first place, it wouldn’t mean much.

Anyway, this thought will continue.

I sighed and turned my head sideways.

There was a window on the side of the toilet.

Looking at that reminded me of the warning Han Seung-gi threw earlier.

What did that really mean?

It looks like something is stuck to the window.

It seems that the square shadows and traces of the tape are visible.

Hmm……. What is it, looks like paper?

Besides, it looks like something is drawn on it.

It only looked blurry because of the light, but…… Something is V-shaped…… ?

However, that thought did not last long.

A window suddenly darkened.

No, to be precise, something cast a shadow on the window.

… ….

People…… Is not it?

A rustling sound, and a sniffling sound.

It seems like she’s muttering something to herself, but if you listen closely, it sounds like a woman’s voice.

In the meantime.

The outside window opened with a gurgling sound.

“Oh f*ck! aaah!”

As soon as the window opened, the shadow disappeared with a curse.


A situation I don’t understand at all.

I don’t know what happened.

Especially because the outside could not be seen due to the structure of the double-paned windows.

However, when I gathered the circumstantial evidence, I felt something.

No matter how you look at it, the atmosphere of the neighborhood seems to be bad.

A remarkably handsome high school boy who lives alone in such a neighborhood.

Semi-basement structure that is easy to break in from the outside.

That wasn’t the end.

What I just heard was a woman’s voice.

I could only see his shadow, but at a glance, his body looked big.

A window that opened from the outside.


Are you saying Han Seung-gi was living alone in a place like this?

No, can you live a normal life?

The windows aren’t the only ones here.

And with this kind of intrusion, he probably won’t be the first.

Also, it was broad daylight, so what about at night?

I got out of the toilet with a trembling body.

I went to the sink and turned on the water and it came out pretty cold, so I moved the faucet to get warmer water…… But

Hot water that does not come out no matter how long you wait.

I thought it was impossible and turned on the nearby shower, but it was the same.

No warm water came out, just ice-like water pouring out.

I opened the bathroom door and came out.

I went to the bathroom to calm myself down, but my expression was completely frozen and I couldn’t straighten up.

Han Seung-gi approached me like that.

“Min Ah-rin, I heard something in the bathroom earlier…”

“Somebody said they were about to open the bathroom window.”

“Haa… Are you alright? Did something go wrong? You must have been very surprised… I’m really sorry.”

“No, apologies…”

Why on earth is that something to apologize for?

Why should an apology come out of Han Seung-gi’s mouth, and I’m just listening to it?

“Something like that happens. I forgot to say it because I got used to it…”

“This kind of thing is common…?”

“Hmm… It’s become more frequent these days. I can’t help it.”

A bitter smile appeared on Han Seung-gi’s lips, and I didn’t have the strength to move.

While he was going through this, he thought of me bouncing a basketball and killing time in a PC room.

What was even more terrifying.

“Min Ah-rin, why are you making such a face?”

“You… Have you ever been like this? No…, Not that… That…”



“Well, I’m used to it. I just live like that.”

Until Han Seung-gi said that.

The truth was that I hadn’t been of any help to him.

I was too selfish, too helpless.

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