Male and Female Reversal High School Pure Love

Chapter 33

33. Bare Face (2)


The midterm exam period at our high school is about 3 days.

No, not pills, just 3 days.

Yesterday too. After I bought a skewer for Min Ah-rin, I spent the same time as usual when I came home.

To be honest, it’s a test now, but I’m not particularly interested.

It’s just that school ends early and I don’t have to take notes for classes, so it’s comfortable.

I came to school with that mindset, so I could see Min Ah-rin sitting in her seat as she arrived earlier than me.

Of course, the desks were all separated because of the exam, so our seats were a bit far apart.

“Why are you here so early? Are you still not relaxed?”

“Ah, are you here? It’s just a test, so I’m nervous. I’m nervous because I ate that yesterday… And got better.”

“It’s fine as long as you’re not nervous.”

Still, I’m glad my 2,500 won skewer worked.

What does it mean to have a restless mind? Of course. It’s the first time you’ve taken an exam so seriously, isn’t it?

Anyway, apart from that, there’s something I thought.

Anyway, the grade doesn’t come out immediately after the exam, and it’s quite difficult to wait until you receive the report card.

So, just.

When I saw Mina Lynn and she wanted to get decent grades, she just said take off her glasses. Of course, if it is below the standard, it will be a little.

Understanding the criteria…….

I’m a person who can predict the approximate grade cut, so it’s not a big problem.

As I was thinking about that, I heard Min Ah-rin calling me from the side.


“Can you help me? I’ve memorized everything, but I’m a little embarrassed…”

“There is nothing difficult.”

“I don’t want to interfere with your studies.”

“I don’t have anything to do. The preparations have been done a long time ago.”


I just told the truth as it came out. I think this is very condescending, I think I need to restrain myself a little.

Anyway, Min Ah-rin asked me to memorize the print blanks.

When I say something related to the blank, Arin Min guesses the blank.

As I helped with that for a while, I felt that there was a limit to someone who had just started studying.

Because there were subtle mistakes

“Stop it.”

“Huh? There are still blanks…”

“There are only tens of minutes left until the test. I’ll let you know soon. Stick around.”

“Huh? Huh…”

Well, somehow it ended up being like tutoring until the day of the exam.

I don’t see anything bad about it.


Normally, when taking a test, I don’t push my classmates into one place.

Because it proceeds in the form of removing half of the students from that classroom and moving them to another classroom, things like seniors from other grades coming to our classroom or we going to the seniors’ classrooms happen.

Today was quite a special day.

We usually stick together no matter what we do, but today, for some reason, we got separated.

I moved to the class of the seniors, and packed my things with the feeling that it was a nuisance.

And Min Ah-rin.

“Why are you making that face again?”

“No…, Did you change seats too?”

“Didn’t you see the last time I announced it?”

“That… I forgot…”

Something that looks very pitiful.

I wonder if there is anything different whether I am or not. I’m not the kind of person who would do cheating.


“Min Ah-rin, you’re smarter than most kids. You studied a lot with me. Don’t be nervous. If you don’t know something, think about the class you took with me. If you still don’t like it, take number 4.”

I left the classroom with a word of encouragement.

I’ll be fine.


The first test was integrated society, and the questions seemed a bit difficult.

Of course, I’m not saying it was difficult for me to solve, it just means that other kids would have had a hard time looking at it objectively.

The multiple choice type had some confusing problems, and the short answer type seemed a bit tricky to write overall.

Hmm. Minarin did well, right?

I didn’t think much of it while I was solving it, but now that I think about it, I’m a little worried.

I don’t want to see you look down.

I thought about going there, but soon realized that it was impossible.


“Seung-gi! Can you guess the answer to this?”

“Right 5 times out of 14? A problem with the environment!”

“Isn’t that number 3? That’s what the teacher emphasized in class.”

“Uh… I wrote Seung-gi number 4?”


“It’s ruined.”

It was just that they were so excited.

Guessing the answer is something that can be said to be a taboo during the exam period, but you can’t expect that much patience from these little kids.

Honestly, you must be wondering how far you got it right.

Looking at the fact that more than 5 people had already gathered around me, it seemed that my test papers were becoming quite popular.

I thought I’d just aim for the next break.

… ….

The same thing happened the next time.

To be precise, I was in a similar situation until I came to the classroom after the exam.

Like that, I finally arrived at the classroom after the exam.

There were a few seniors packing their bags, but it wasn’t difficult to find Min Ah-rin.

“When you finish that exam paper, put it on my desk.”


Looking at them, they look a bit like piranhas.

Anyway, Min Ah-rin is sitting with a sad expression.

“What’s wrong? How was it?”

“That unified society… How was it for you?”

“It was difficult.”

“Isn’t it?!”

Actually, it wasn’t that difficult for me.

That’s not important at all.

I asked myself about the other subjects, and it seemed that I handled them as much as I had learned.

Looking at her test papers, it was clear that her grades were slightly better than I expected.

Actually, the most unfortunate thing about the test is that the grades don’t follow as well as the amount of learning, but I think I did well with this.

Min Ah-rin seemed to feel lighter. She

Her expression loosened up, and she unraveled her thoughts about her exams.

Yes, well, he’s more suited to smiling than being depressed.

She waited for a while, so the teacher came into the classroom with the answer sheet, and the students started marking their exam papers by taking pictures of them.

And I.


It’s good that we got hit.

Judging by the expressions of the kids around me, it seems wrong to come to meet Min Ah-rin for the exam tomorrow.

I think my test papers will be treated like answer papers again.


The next day was not too different from the first day.

If there’s one thing that changed, it’s that there were kids who looked a little more comfortable today.

I felt like I was doing that because I thought the exam period was over when tomorrow was over.

I don’t know if it’s correct to say that it’s fortunate, but Min Ah-rin still had a certain level of seriousness.

It’s definitely not that kids who are waiting for the end of the exam won’t be able to take the exam.

Min Arin is someone she needs to hold her heart for a little while.

As for the test the next day, Min Ah-rin scored a little higher than I expected.

She thought that maybe even if she messed up tomorrow’s test, she would still get a grade 6 or higher.

Time passed quickly, and the third day came, the last day of the exam.

The highlight of the day was definitely math.

Including math as the last subject of the exam must have been the school’s idea not to relax, but I don’t know if it worked for the students.

I’ve already let go of the kids who will let go of the tension, and I haven’t let go of the kids who won’t relax.

Math was definitely difficult.

Because even I could feel it clearly while unwrapping it.

Of course, it wasn’t hard. I wasn’t one to get beaten by high school math.

Anyway, the classroom after math was just hell.

… ….

This is something I have a small share of.

As for math, you can be confident that you got everything right without looking at the answer sheet.

Because my friends who suffered from this difficult test took my test papers and started to fall into a mental breakdown.

… ….


So who wants to take someone else’s test paper?

Well, it doesn’t really matter.

The important thing is Min Arin.

She’s a woman sitting over there with a serious expression.

“Min Arin, how was your day?”

When I asked him that, he got a very gloomy expression.

It seems that the victim of the math test is here too.

“I don’t think I saw that…”

“Give me the test paper.”

I was worried.

It’s the first time I’ve seen him make such a gloomy expression.

It was even more strange because a bright person is always like this.

However, it didn’t take long for her expression to change.

… ….

No kid.

You’re really good at math.

I knew I had talent, but I didn’t expect it to be this great.

“No matter how hard you try, you’ll just pass the 5th grade?”

From noble mtl dot com


“Wouldn’t it be possible to see the 4th grade? No, at this level, the 4th grade will come out unconditionally.”


“I’m not lying about this.”

Min Ah-rin can’t control the rising corners of her lips.

She must feel like she’s back from hell. The test is kind of like that.


The ceremony was over in an instant, the teacher went to soothe the crying boys, and the girls ran out, talking about where to go.

The only things left in the classroom are the male students and the teacher at the other end.

And us in the back seat by the window.

Min Arin didn’t make an appointment with her friends unexpectedly.

She didn’t even think that her exam was over now, she was just expressing her surprise at her math performance.

“So good?”

“Of course it’s good! No… I have to say it quietly… I really thought it was going to be 9th grade…”

“Grade 9 is a score that requires effort.”

“No. Anyway… When will the report card come out? I’m really looking forward to it?”

Still, seeing her smile made me feel good.

Looks pretty excited.

As we were trying to listen to Minah Lin’s chatter, the teacher also sent her male students, and she left her classroom leaving us with only the words to lock the door and go.

In the end, it’s just the two of us.

The corridor was also quiet.

It seems that most of the students went to enjoy the end of the exam.

Minah Lynn must have felt that she was strangely quiet.

“Uh… Why is the school so quiet?”

“The test is over. I guess everyone went out to play.”

“No, but. Going out this fast?”

“Do you know we’ve been talking for quite some time?”

“Uh…, That’s right…”

How excited were you that you were talking like that in the classroom even though the test was over?

Well, I don’t think it’s bad.

I didn’t have any appointments anyway, so it didn’t matter if I stayed for a long time or not.


I am now.

I wanted to fulfill my promise.

No, but the report card must come out in order to fulfill the promise.

Didn’t I say that I was a person who could do a grade cut analysis?

Min Ah-rin passed the 6th grade unconditionally.

I probably passed the 5th grade unconditionally.

If you think about one uneasy thing…….

To be honest, I look the same whether I wear glasses or not.

Did you try so hard to see something like this…… I thought it might come to mind.


That’s why you can’t show it, right?

“Min Ah-rin.”


“You’re probably above 5 stars on average?”

“Is that enough…?”

“That’s about it. I don’t know until level 4, but at least not level 6.”

“hehehe… This is me.”


“Huh? Why?”

“You know what we promised.”

“Promise? Um…, Ah… Ah!!”

Did I forget?

I don’t know.

It’s not important.

Because the rewards aren’t that great.

I’m just taking off my glasses.

“I thought I’d show you now.”



“A little mental preparation…”

“But, it’s the same even if you take off your glasses anyway. It’s strange that your impression changes just because you take off one pair of glasses in the first place.”

“That’s… I think so too… But it’s just for some reason.”

“What a big deal. And now we’re the only ones. I think it’s better to show it now.”

Preparation of the heart, useless things.

I just took off my glasses.

“Just what. It looks like this. It just feels the same, doesn’t it?”


Arin Min.

… ….

Why is he broken?

“Min Arin? What’s wrong?”




Ah. Come to think of it, maybe it’s because it doesn’t look good.

My hair has gotten really long lately.

I lifted my bangs.

I could see everything, even my forehead, but it didn’t matter.

“Does this look good?”

I still don’t know how others see it.

Everyone said it was better to be naked, but I knew it was polite.


What’s wrong with him?

I brought her face to Min Ah-rin, who was completely frozen.

Min Ah-rin gave off an atmosphere where something went wrong.

“Hey. Min Arin. Are you okay?”




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