Chapter 12: Chapter 12. A Fated Surprise Party.
Gavin spent a few more days in the hospital recovering. It was Thursday morning when he finally got the all clear to go home. Erza was with him as he signed the final paperwork to discharge him from the hospital room. He was not looking forward to that medical bill when it came. He didn't know how much his parents' health insurance would cover for him. But oh well, he would face that somehow when the time came. Erza stood by his side. She looked a lot better than she did when he woke up on Monday. She had finally gone home and grabbed a change of clothes, taken a shower and had eaten a few meals since he woke up. She didn't look pale nor thin anymore after missing meals for a few days. She wore a plain black t-shirt and blue jeans as she walked beside him towards her SUV.
Gavin's parents had to go back to work, so she was the one who offered to come and pick him up from the hospital, since she had basically lived here for the past five days while everything was going on with him. She smiled as she opened the door for him and helped him inside. "I'm stiff and sore Erza, but invalid," Gavin complained as she reached over him to buckle his seat belt.
She laughed teasingly as she looked at him, her face inches from his in the confined space of the vehicle. "The nurse said no straining your shoulder or arm for a week or two while you finish recovering mister. So let me take care of you and quit being so dang stubborn," she said as she gave him a peck on the nose.
He bit back his words at her sudden display of affection. She had a way of knowing exactly what to say or do to get him to stop arguing. Trickey little woman. He gave up looking offended and laughed as he sighed. "Fine, I'll behave and let you take care of me I suppose." he said warmly as she shut the door and walked around. She had an excited little skip to her step as she walked around the front of the SUV as she opened and shut her door, climbing in.
"You glad to finally be heading home baby?" she asked as she pulled out of the parking spot and headed out towards traffic.
Gavin nodded, "Yeah, there's only so much hospital food I can handle before I start dying to have a cheeseburger or pasta." Gavin shook his head. The hospital food was alright, but it definitely wasn't what he wanted to eat. Erza nodded as she turned down the radio a bit to talk to him.
"Yeah, it's definitely not as good as my cooking or your mom's, I bet," she said as she navigated traffic.
His deep, throaty laughter filled the car as he grinned at her and adjusted his position in his seat. "You're damn right babe. Nothing is better than your cooking." He laughed as he imagined more food cooked by Erza or his mom. His stomach rumbled as if proving a point. Erza joined in with him laughing.
"Sounds like someone is hungry as it is," she said as she changed lanes.
"Oh, I'm starving, that's no secret" he said, laughing. He reached over and gently grabbed her hand, holding it as she drove. Erza smiled at herself as he reached out to hold her hand while she drove. The simple motion gave her butterflies in her stomach. She squeezed his hand lovingly.
They drove in silence for a few minutes. Eventually, they made it to Gavin's house. He was surprisingly happy to see the plain two-story house again. The house was a simple white-painted house with a gray door in the front. It was late in the morning by the time they arrived, the sun was high in the sky.
Erza put the SUV in park as the doors unlocked automatically. She unhooked her seat belt, opened her door and got out. She walked around the SUV and opened Gavin's door. She frowned as she realized he had already undone his seat belt while she walked over. "Too slow," he said, teasing her slightly. He didn't like other people taking care of him like that. It made him feel like a infant, useless. He couldn't stand that.
"You know you shouldn't be using your right arm like that," she said with a frown on her face, her eyebrows wrinkled in worry.
"I didn't. I used my left hand," he said with a grin. "I'm not that stupid, you know," he laughed with a wink in her direction.
She let out an exasperated sigh as she shook her head, her hair flowed back and forth with the movements.
"Smartass" she said, as she walked beside him towards the front door. Gavin just grinned cheekily as they walked side by side. He enjoyed getting a win occasionally against her. It was fun to tease her from time to time.
Erza looked at Gavin and said, "Okay, I got something for you inside, so you have to close your eyes until we get inside," she told him mysteriously.
Gavin frowned confused, but trusted her so he did as she asked and closed his eyes. She reached down to take his hand gently into hers and led the way inside the house. She pulled him down the hallway and into the living room.
"SURPRISE!" a chorus of voices shouted, "Welcome home Gavin!" they all shouted in unison as Gavin entered the room and opened his eyes.
He was stunned. All of his loved ones and friends were there. Tessa, Aria, Lyla, his parents, and even Erza's parents. There was a giant banner hanging from the ceiling of the living room that had Welcome home Gavin! Written across the banner in giant bold letters. He blushed profusely from all the attention suddenly placed on him. He also never felt more loved than having his friends and family gathered together to welcome him home from the hospital. He swallowed hard against the lump of emotion as he looked at everyone.
"Thanks you guys," he said as he smiled at them all. On the table was a giant buffet of food. Most of it was his favorite breakfast food. Waffles, eggs, sausage and bacon along with a bunch of other finger food. Aria and Lyla both walked over to him with energy drinks in their hands like normal. Each one took a turn giving him a warm hug before they let go.
"Thanks again, you know, for being the hero and saving our butts that night," Lyla said as she smiled down at him. She had her blonde hair pulled back into a messy bun as she looked at the young man. She no longer had a crutch, but just had a heavy boot over her leg.
Gavin nodded, "I just did what was right. I didn't want to see anyone get hurt," he said softly as he rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand.
Aria smiled as she nudged his side, "But, you just had to be a total badass when doing so, didn't you?"
Erza laughed as she hugged him from behind. "I wanted you to have a welcoming home party for all your hard work," she said as she laid her head on his shoulder.
Gavin sucked in his breath. He did not expect Erza to wrap herself around his body like this so publicly. But boy, did she smell like heaven this close. The feel of her soft body pressed against his back made him feel like a million dollars. He smiled as he finally began to relax and leaned back against her. "This is wonderful, thank you," he said as he turned his head to kiss her cheek lovingly.
Mr. Johnson smiled from across the room as he watched his son. He was truly in love with the girl. The way his body instantly relaxed against hers. The smile that lit up his entire face whenever she enters a room. He just couldn't believe it took them so long to be honest with each other. It was a darn shame. But it made the scene before him ever more precious as he recalled the afternoon and conditions of that day when Evelyn and himself found the boy, hidden under a pile of corpses.
Mrs. Johnson wiped a tear silently from her face, as her heart was overwhelmed with emotion. Her boy was growing up into a fine young man. He had the love of an amazing female and a partner by his side, and some amazing friends with him.
Tessa walked over and gave Erza a grim look before she smiled warmly at Gavin. It seemed there was still some tension between Erza and Tessa after the confrontation at the hospital. "I'm glad you're home jerkface," she said as she gave him a high five.
"Thanks, it's good to be home, buttmunch," he said as he high-fived one of his best friends before he gave her a crap eating grin.
Mr. O'Malley, a tall red-haired middle-aged man, walked over with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Now enough of this. Let the poor boy breathe everyone. This is supposed to be a party, so let Gavin enjoy the food and drink, instead of crowding around him", he said softly with a warm smile on his face that reached his eyes. He was glad the boy made it back. He was very likely the reason his daughter made it home that night. The others laughed and went around to mingle and put on some music through the stereo, as Mr. O'Malley walked over and offered his hand to Gavin. "Thank you, son, for bringing my daughter home that night. So long as I have shelter, you will always have shelter, Gavin," he said as he looked at Gavin as a young man, capable of protecting his daughter.
"Daaaaad," Erza grumbled in protest, "Stop embarrassing me already dang it," she said. She may be twenty one years old, but her parents could still easily embarrass her when they wanted to. Even without trying.
"Oh hush, you already know your mother and I approve of this joyful relationship." Her father replied dryly at her before he cracked a wry grin, "Plus, I won the bet with your mother. She gave it a month before he confessed to you. I said before the weekend was over," he laughed at her frustrated and annoyed expression on her face.
"Not you guys too," she complained as she covered her eyes with her hand and shook her head.
Gavin laughed boisterously at her father's words and shook his offered hand. "Thank you sir, that means a lot to me. I promise, so long as I have strength, I will keep her safe," Gavin said as he met her father's gaze levelly as an equal in their affections for Erza.
"You shut up, you don't get to speak. Maybe ever, lover boy," Erza snapped in annoyance. There was no venom in her tone as she snapped at Gavin. She was embarrassed that apparently everyone, and she meant everyone, could see the love he carried for her all this time, and she was blind to it entirely.
"You love me, and you know it," he responded as he walked over and made a plate of some waffles and eggs and found a spot on a stool near the table to eat the warm food. The others followed suit and grabbed their own food as music blasted through the house.
It was a fun and enjoyable evening for the hero returned home. He can't remember a time in recent months that he laughed and relaxed so thoroughly like this. Between the cramming for finals, and the attack on the studio, he had been on edge or sleep-deprived every single day. This was the first time in what felt like months that he could really let his guard down and just relax.
It was later in the evening when he yawned as he sat on the couch chatting away with Tessa about her scores that came out. "I cant believe that you aced all of your finals except the math one, that insane dude," he said to her. She turned to face him with a soft blush on her cheeks at his praise.
"I'm just as surprised. I thought for sure that I would have failed at least the science or history finals," she said as she shook her head. "So is it true, you are going to the magic academy in Allario?" she asked him softly.
He took a drink of his cup of cold coffee he made earlier before he nodded. "After what happened, yeah. I want to get stronger. I want to learn so much about myself and the abilities and skills I could learn. The Allario academy has the best reputation for success," he told her.
"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," she said as she leaned back on the couch. "So, you're just going to ditch your girlfriend and best friend for some fresh sweet piece of tail now, aren't you?" she said teasingly with a grin on her face.
Gavin protested in annoyance. "Why do both you and Erza think the same freaking way?" he groaned out in frustration.
Tessa gave in and laughed as she caught sight of Erza laughing nearby. "She told me to rib you about that, said you'd get really annoyed by it," she grinned as she came clean.
Gavin looked over his shoulder at Erza and threw a couch pillow at her. "Not cool babe," he said.
She only laughed and grabbed the pillow before she sat down on the couch next to him.
"You should probably learn the basics of shifting before you go to the academy. It'll be easier to protect yourself if you are comfortable shifting on command," she suggested softly.
Gavin nodded, "Yeah that makes sense. I don't want to shift and accidentally hurt someone," he said, barely audible.
Erza's eyes flashed yellow for a moment, "Me, Aria and Lyla can help you learn control and to shift. We will teach you the basics, and of magic this summer before we take you to the academy," she said with a warm smile as both the girls also walked over nodding in support.
"This is going to be an intense summer," Gavin said with a grin. He was already looking forward to how much stronger he could become before the summer would even be over.
Erza grinned before she yawned deeply. She was utterly exhausted. It had been such a chaotic week and she had barely slept or ate anything. Her body finally was relaxed for the first time since the attack at the studio. Her boy was home, her friends were home and alive. Everything somehow turned out for the better. She smiled as she looked over at Gavin as he chatted away with the others. She walked over to grab some food from the table as Mr Johnson walked over. She smiled warmly at the man who became like a second father figure to her growing up while she baby sat Gavin in the early years.
"Hey," she said to him as he grabbed a plate of food for himself.
He nodded kindly as he sat down next to her at the kitchen table. "I just wanted to say, thank you for taking care of my son, I know he's a handful most of the time. He can be stubborn, hard headed and irrational." he began as he took a bite of food. "But what he does, he puts his entire heart into it, right or wrong," he finished as he looked at the young red head.
Erza grinned affectionately as she listened to his heartfelt words about the boy she was crazy over. "Oh don't I know it. The little monster somehow wormed his way into my heart without me even realizing it until it was too late to do anything but accept it," she said with a gentle laugh and shook her head. "But you know, I don't think I'd have changed anything. The long friendship we've experienced together has helped build a strong foundation while we explore this new thing between us," she said softly as a small heat and blush crept up her cheeks as she talked about this to his father.
Mr. Johnson looked on knowingly. A grin appeared on his face, "Oh I know. Those kinds of relationships are truly the best ones. It's how me and his mother met and began dating. We were friends all through highschool, and by chance started dating in college and the rest is well, history," he said with a boisterous laugh.
Erza had always enjoyed being around Mr. Johnson. He was kind, warm and peaceful to be in the same room with. He always had a grin or laugh going on as he made all kinds of random jokes to keep the atmosphere light when he was nearby. "Thank you, for your support and advice all these years sir, it's been so helpful so many times." She told him and thanked him for everything he's helped her with over time.
He waved his hand dismissively as he glanced at his possible future daughter-in-law. He had no doubt that as close as they two already have been, that they would be a match made for perfection in time and he would be thrilled to call her daughter at some point. "Think nothing of it, young Erza. I should be thanking you, for taking care of and wrangling my son most of the time when I haven't been around," he said with a soft laugh as he studied her.
"Tell me something, Erza" he began before he hesitated.
Erza's ears perked up. Mr. Johnson never hesitated before, so she had a feeling what he was about to ask or say was not a joking matter for once. "Do you truly love him, truly want to protect and be with him?" Mr Johnson asked softly. He knew the girl cared for him, but the last thing he did want was his son to be hurt. As much as he had hope's for them, he wanted to protect his son, it was a father's job after all.
Erza bit her lip softly. She looked over to where Gavin laughed in the middle of conversation with her parents and smiled over at him. Gavin, as if sensing her gaze, looked over and gave her a playful wink in her direction before he returned to the conversation with her parents. She thought for a moment. Besides the girls, he was truly her best friend. They were always seeking each other's company out, always in contact via text or instant messaging. It was almost as if they had been dating for years instead of barely a few weeks. She looked up at Mr. Johnson, and knew why he was asking. She nodded firmly before she responded. "Yes, I love him with all my heart, there isn't anyone else I could see myself being with. In all honesty, it feels like we have been dating for years, not just a few weeks," she said with a slight blush in her cheeks as she kept his fathers gaze while they talked.
Mr. Johnson smiled as he saw the look on her face. It wasn't the look of someone that was indecisive over their affections. It was the look of someone that was hopelessly, madly in love in the purest definition of the phrase. "Thank you Erza, that was all I wanted to know. I hope you both nothing but the best happiness you can achieve." He said before he offered her a warm tight hug. "I look forward to calling you daughter at some point in the future, so don't disappoint me," he said with a soft laugh in her ear as she wrapped her arms around him and returned his hug. She stiffened in his arms as she heard the last part of his words.
"Yes sir," was all she said as she smiled into his chest. She yawned again as she got up and walked over to Gavin.
"Hey, I'm gonna go crash in your room for a bit," she said softly in his ear.
Gavin blushed and stiffened instantly as her breath tickled his ear. He turned to look at her and said, "I'll be there shortly, I'm exhausted myself." he said as he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. She smiled warmly as she excused herself and headed over to his room. She didn't have any night clothes here, but she knew he had plenty of hoodies and shorts she could steal for the night. A wicked grin flashed across her face as she entered his room. She shut the door behind her and imagined his reaction to seeing her body in one of his hoodies and pairs of shorts on his bed. She laughed to herself as she pictured his flustered reaction.
Gavin spent maybe another fifteen or twenty minutes mingling around with the party before he excused himself. He was also exhausted. The past month was nonstop running. Between studying for finals, then time spent with Erza. His life had already changed so much and it was just the start of summer. He bid everyone a good night and went upstairs to where he imagined Erza was asleep on his bed. He opened his door, walked in and shut it behind him. As he turned his breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of his girl in his bed. She had thrown her clothes on the ground and changed into a black hooded pullover sweatshirt that appeared to be two sizes too large for her body, and a pair of his gym shorts. She laid over the blankets on his bed and smiled at him as she heard him enter.
Oh yeah. His life had changed so much for the better, he hoped it never went back to how things were a month ago.