Magnetic field rotates in the heavens

Chapter 11

At this moment, Liu Pingan understood,”No wonder when evolving talents, I feel comfortable at the soul level. It should be because the ultimate talents are all soul talents.”

“After all, the talent of the body will be limited, only the talent of the soul has no restrictions and can be used at will.”

“According to the theory of Xiuxian, physical talents will be destroyed, but spiritual talents will not disappear even if they take over the body of another person.”

“Well, not bad.”

Liu Pingan nodded, feeling very satisfied.”Although I don’t need to take the path of possessing another’s body, as for talent, the more amazing the better.”


As soon as Liu Ping’an’s mind moved, the chakra in his body quickly concentrated on his left hand, and then turned into golden lightning, which wrapped around his palm and made a crackling sound.

Mental energy and physical energy can activate talents separately. The chakra refined by the fusion of the two can naturally activate talents, and the quality is even higher.

Looking at the golden lightning in his hand that was obviously more violent than the previous two times, Liu Ping’an did not feel strange. After all, chakra must be of higher quality than a single energy. It is reasonable to use higher quality energy for the golden lightning to become stronger.

At the same time, after these three times of activating talents, Liu Ping’an also understood why he was so weak. To put it bluntly, he was too weak and not strong enough.

After all, the electromagnetic force is too strong, and it cannot be mastered without strong strength. However, as long as Liu Ping’an’s strength becomes stronger little by little, the authority of electromagnetic force will also be mastered by Liu Ping’an little by little.

However, in this way, it will take a long time to practice magnetic field rotation. After all, magnetic field rotation is a very high-level electromagnetic force authority.

Thinking of this, Liu Ping’an couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, but he was not too disappointed. After all, it was a power that would eventually be mastered by himself, it was just a matter of time.

Although magnetic field rotation cannot be cultivated for the time being, the prerequisite for magnetic field rotation, current propulsion, may be successfully cultivated.

Liu Pingan touched his chin,”Let me think about it, current propulsion seems to be using will to control cell friction, and using the generated bioelectric current to strengthen the body.”

Thinking of this, Liu Pingan’s face suddenly became a little ugly,”Damn, is this something that humans can do? Shen Tamama uses will to control cell friction”

“Even if it is an energy system, it only uses the energy of the body and cannot control cells at all, not to mention using will to control cells for friction, which is simply against the will.”

Liu Ping’an had a headache,”Sure enough, those who can become magnetic field masters are all gifted and abnormal people, even the so-called magnetic field fish, for ordinary people, they are no different from gods.”

In Liu Ping’an’s view, the so-called will to control cell friction is also a talent, and it can even be said to be a power of electromagnetic force.

And those with strong magnetic fields are born with this power, so they can control cell friction to generate electricity with their will, and if they want to advance from electric current to magnetic field rotation, they also need higher-level talents and powers.

To put it bluntly, whether it is electric current promotion or magnetic field rotation, it is all talent, if you have it, you have it, if you don’t, you don’t, and it has nothing to do with cultivation efforts.

Although Liu Ping’an has the talent for electromagnetic force, it is precisely because electromagnetic force is a complete talent and power that he can only gradually master the power of electromagnetic force because of his weak strength.

Of course, this is not a bad thing. Although he cannot become a magnetic field master directly, it is inevitable to become a magnetic field master and even fully control electromagnetic force. There are no accidents.

Compared with the bottleneck of magnetic field masters, even because of limited talent, they can only be stuck at a certain stage and cannot make any progress. Once they force a breakthrough, they will die.

Liu Ping’an’s talent, which can perfectly control the power of electromagnetic force without any bottlenecks as long as he grows step by step, is simply too perfect.


Liu Ping’an sighed softly, his eyes became firm,”Since electric current can’t promote cultivation, then just use electric current to temper the body.”

Liu Ping’an did it if he wanted to, without any hesitation. The current situation did not allow Liu Ping’an to hesitate. This world is too dangerous. What if he really goes to the battlefield after graduation?

Therefore, Liu Ping’an planned to use electric current to temper his body directly like the Raikage lineage, so as to become stronger.

Although Liu Ping’an did not have the relevant secret techniques and was easily injured, Liu Ping’an had the Fountain of Life and was not afraid of being injured.

Even if the Fountain of Life had not evolved yet, as long as the arms and legs were not broken, the Fountain of Life could heal them, but it might take a little longer.

“”Swish, swish, swish!!!”

Liu Pingan quickly took off his clothes, pants and shoes, and then soaked in the Fountain of Life naked.

It is worth mentioning that the Fountain of Life has the ability to evolve water quality and will never get dirty, so the bath water in the Fountain of Life is truly drinkable.



Liu Pingan, who was soaking in the Fountain of Life, began to flash a golden arc of electricity, which directly shocked Liu Pingan’s whole body and made his hair stand on end.

This was not an electric current that would not hurt himself under instinctive control. Liu Pingan released the restriction on the current, allowing the current to fully shock his whole body.

It was at this time that Liu Pingan realized that he had underestimated the power of the current. The current that seemed to only be able to make clothes wrinkled was only a small part of it, but it made him tremble all over, numb and painful.

If the Fountain of Life had not been healing his body, Liu Pingan might have cried out in pain, or even fainted.

What does this prove?

It proves that humans are too fragile, and the body of a five-year-old child is even more fragile. It also proves that clothes can’t talk, otherwise they would have stepped on the hemp and cursed.

(Clothes: You are amazing, you are noble, you have made me wrinkled, and you still say that the power of the current is small, you are amazing!)

After a few minutes, Liu Pingan opened his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke. To be honest, although it hurt, it was also very pleasant, so he planned to do it again.

After all, there is the Fountain of Life. As long as there are no worries and as long as he can become stronger, Liu Ping’an is not afraid of this little pain.



The golden arc spread all over his body again, and Liu Pingan was shocked again. His whole body was shaking and twitching, and his hair was always standing up.

After a long time, Liu Pingan exhaled a puff of smoke again and grinned,”Hehehe… Come again…”



Liu Pingan kept shivering, and golden arcs kept splashing.

In this way, Liu Pingan kept repeating this process, and it lasted until midnight, when it was pitch black outside.

Liu Pingan also stopped halfway, but not because he couldn’t stand it, but because he had used up his chakra. After refining it again, he continued to practice with electric shocks.

Originally, Liu Pingan planned to practice until the next morning, but unfortunately he was too tired, not physically, but mentally, because he was constantly being electrocuted.

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