Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 5: Poor land and bad water

Laying bricks is a technical job, and if the young apprentices can't do it, only the teacher can do it himself.

It's not without reason that you will work so hard. Although in terms of current construction technology, magic bricks that conform to the golden ratio should be the most ideal material, but the Tower of the Great Sage was a product of thousands of years ago. People in that era must have been less particular about this aspect. They created a different structural part with bricks of different sizes, which made it difficult for those who were interested in repairing it.

The only good news is that the magic bricks that Lin ordered the two girls to recreate are smaller in size than the antique bricks from thousands of years ago, no matter which part it is. There is no requirement to restore the old world to the old world, and the small size is easy to fill the gaps, but in the end, there will always be some small gaps that do not fit the size of the bricks. At this time, if two girls are working, they will come to ask for instructions.

It takes time to hear the actual situation explained, to come up with a way to make up for it, and then to explain to the two girls that it will take time. Even after ordering to follow suit, the two girls still asked about everything. As for the reason behind it, whether they really don't understand, or because they don't like someone being lazy, so they pretend not to understand, that's unknown. After coming and going, Lin found that he came faster.

Who is someone who is not enlightened to be a teacher, usually does not look like a teacher, only when he wants to be lazy, he will say something that is not a reason. After touching fish a few times, people will see through his hands and feet, and he will not be able to hold it if he wants to. So Lin can only touch his nose and join the ranks of labor.

Anyway, with the speed of two magic apprentices, it would take a lot of time just to make new magic bricks out of waste. When someone joins the construction, the overall efficiency is still improved a lot.

After working for a few days, seeing that the supplies were almost exhausted, and the caravan agreed upon when he left the association hadn't arrived yet, eating wild game every day was not an option, so Lin had to order his apprentices to go to a nearby village to buy some food.

That's right! There is a human village within X ten days under the jurisdiction of the Tower of the Great Sage. According to the general legal principles of the Lost World, villages and towns within a certain territory belong to the jurisdiction of the territory and have various obligations. In fact, the common people in the Lost World are not like the ancient Earth, whether it is medieval Europe or China before modernization, they are so submissive to nobles and scholar-bureaucrats.

Due to the threat of wild monsters and uncivilized races, the civilian force is also quite strong. In addition to all kinds of warriors, mercenaries and magicians known as adventurers wandering the entire continent, most of the villagers, regardless of gender, as long as they wear leather armor and hold swords, they are also qualified soldiers.

After all, without such strength, it is impossible to protect yourself outside the city wall. Although noble lords have the responsibility of guarding the land, it does not mean that ordinary people can get the protection of noble lords in the first moment of danger. Most of the time, I still have to ask for blessings, and take up arms to defend the safety of my life and property.

This has also created the strong folk customs of the Lost World. The duty of the lord is to prepare the army and participate in the war; to manage and mediate disputes. Taxation, military service, labor, etc., have to be recognized by the people of the lord before they can be expected to cooperate.

If you want to bully men and women, or use aristocratic arms to force people to obey and collect wealth, once the reputation of the evil lord is spread, it will only attract some righteous demons, cyberbullying, and the like on Earth. At most, he sprayed his face with saliva.

The question is whether the righteous devil in the lost world really knows how to greet with a knife, and then cut off the head of the evil lord. Then, in the bard population, there is another story about chivalry and righteousness.

What's more, some small lords who were canonized in remote areas took office with as few as three or five entourages. It is also heard from time to time that people were buried in deep mountains and old forests by local people before enjoying the power of the nobility.

If the national center sends troops to investigate, most of them will get a sentence: "The new lord thought he was very powerful, so he went to the forest to hunt monsters, but he never came back." Words that are so reasonable that people can't pick a thorn. To put it simply, it is poor mountains and rivers supporting troublemakers.

To put it more bluntly, the village under the Tower of the Great Sage lived in such a group of unscrupulous people.

The Lost World can be called a vast land and sparsely populated. People are a kind of wealth. The development of wasteland by humans not only symbolizes the expansion of the scope of civilized activities, but also the reduction of the scope of monsters and other dangers. Therefore, destroying villages for no reason will attract the attention of the higher-ups of the power in the Lost World, and it will not be a good thing for the perpetrators. Not to mention the messengers of "justice" among the people.

Since the magic tower is the most powerful strategic weapon, it is useless to attack the magic circle with light bullets, because if it is used, it will kill the village. You can't kill people casually, you can only rely on gentle means to gain the trust of the people. Huairou has to have background power, political backing, and most importantly, bribery... Is it worthwhile for a magician with so many advantages to be reduced here to become the tower master?

Thinking of the rumors I heard before departure, the previous pagoda masters were indifferent to that village, and the previous pagoda master even sadly abandoned the pagoda and fled. Before setting off, Lin decided to continue what the previous tower owner did and continue to ignore the human gathering place.

In the environmental assessment of the Great Sage's Tower, the degree of trouble was rated as upper-middle, and that village really contributed a lot.

Now that he is forced to deal with each other for food, Lin said in his heart that it is impossible not to worry. But instead of negotiating directly, he sent Harumi, who was eloquent and eloquent, and brought money to buy food. Considering how cute the girl is, there shouldn't be a big problem. Lin thought in his heart, maybe it was sending sheep to the tiger's mouth.

In any case, things are done and the result is waiting.

The remaining master and apprentice became much quieter because of the absence of the most outgoing and cheerful girl. Kaya herself doesn't like to talk, and Lin, the former fat house, is also the type who is not good at chatting. Suddenly someone was missing in life, both of them became lazy, and even their work efficiency dropped a lot.

Then, at the expected return time, there was still no sign of someone, and the level of worry gradually increased. Lin warned himself not to be impulsive, maybe the girl loves to play, and it might be delayed on the way.

Until dusk, the master and apprentice sitting at the gate of the magic tower saw someone coming out of the woods crying, were they angry? Or relax? Lin had mixed feelings in his heart. Things that I hoped would not happen still happened. Although the worst situation was not reached, the village under the rule has already expressed its attitude, and the next response will be very important.

The girl who returned to her teacher crying looked very embarrassed. Not to mention the tattered clothes, there are many bruises and sword wounds on the body, the face is also disfigured, and the legs under the skirt are covered with red and white stains. It is clear how Harumi was treated after she went to that village. Of course, the purse he brought along with him, as well as the few infamous magic accessories on his body, were all gone.

Calming the girl's emotions, Lin didn't have to ask what happened right away, but just ordered Kaya to take a bath. At this time, scrub your body and soak yourself in hot water to help stabilize your emotions.

Lin closed the door of the magic tower, walked into the forest to look for herbs for trauma and ingredients for dinner, while thinking about the next countermeasures.

It was dark and the moon was rising. The sun and moon in the Lost World also rise in the east and set in the west, Lin was quite surprised at the beginning of the journey. And he was even more surprised when he saw two moons in the sky. But twelve years is enough to make myself accustomed to watching the moonlight. It's just that what's different today is the smoke rising not far away, which is the location of the village.

Rush over to kill and kill?

From Hallumi's tragic situation, it can be seen that they have the means to restrain the magician. Although he can deal with magic apprentices, he may not be able to deal with real magicians, but this is not the reason why Lin can't find the murderer. After all, some people will be allowed to commit violence against a tower master's apprentice. To some extent, this is already the attitude of the entire village.

If you go to other people's land to ask questions, UU Reading will definitely not please you. And if you want to swallow your anger and calm things down, it depends on whether the other party is willing or not.

Thinking of the rumors that the former tower owner abandoned the tower, the reason behind it is not only that the village occupied the nearby resource output. The main reason is that after hunting monsters, the skins and bones that can be used to refine potions are controlled by the people of the village, so that the poor income of the tower owner of the Great Sage's Tower becomes nothing.

Not to mention that the village has not paid taxes for quite a long time, it is not under the jurisdiction of the kingdom, and the magic tower has no power to manage it, just like a place of alienation.

The worst thing is that the former tower owner was forced to refine potions and nitrate the fur of monsters. All the income was also taken by the village. Even the monthly fixed subsidy from the association as a magician was paid into that miserable unpaid labor career. No wonder he ran away in the middle of the night and fled to the east of the mainland, under another branch of the association.

The Magic Tower Association in this area only discovered this exaggerated fact after discovering that the magician registered as the tower owner went to other branches to log in. Today, the seal of the tower was imposed by sending a team of inspectors, and at the same time brought back the abandoned magic tower log.

As for the ordinary people in that village, after realizing that the Great Sage's Tower has become an ownerless thing, they dare not continue to use the facilities in the tower. The magicians who are inspectors have permission to kill. Anyone who encroached upon the registered property of the association would be killed first and questioned later.

Anyway, the physical death in the Lost World is not real death. Imprisoning souls and making various tricks are also the strengths of magicians.

But Lin didn't want to get into that realm. Now that the people in this village seem to be planning to find another unlucky ghost to be their coolie, and they also gave it to them. How to deal with it has become an unavoidable and unavoidable problem for Lin.

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