Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 47: blatant spy

In the previous layout of the magic tower, it is already a remarkable thing that each brick can ensure that one or two magic channels pass through and complete the cycle. And every magic circle that appears is the most important part of every magic tower. These formations may be a magical trap, or they may be a node that stores mana power and distributes it to multiple locations. In other words, by observing the types of these magic circles, one can know the abilities of this magic tower, including its strengths and weaknesses.

But what if every brick is covered with magic patterns? Every three or five bricks, there will be a small magic circle. If there is a large magic circle, the secret text will be included in the huge text strokes.

The most frightening thing was the people standing in the lobby on the first floor, no matter if it was the walls, floors or ceilings, it was hard to describe the density of them one by one. It can be said that the entire space is like a spider web, densely covered with strange lines whose functions are unknown.

Standing on the top of the tower, the few masters who were preparing for construction were not much better. In addition to the light bomb attack array mixed with arcane eyes that has been changed beyond recognition, there are also countless energy channels climbing up from the edge of the tower to supply the needs of the magic array on the top of the tower. They couldn't understand this unprecedented arrangement, and they couldn't get started.

The disciples of the masters painstakingly moved the mushroom-shaped bollards made of the magical star copper to the top of the tower. Looking at his teacher helplessly, he said, "Where can this be installed?"

It's a pity that this group of masters who built the magic tower all seemed to be possessed, pulling their hair or beard, and muttering to themselves: "No." "It shouldn't be like this." Interference, how can it be set together?"

With a roar like madness, several masters lay on the top of the tower regardless of their appearance, identifying every magic circle. Swipe your fingers along its lines, trying to find the possible effects of such an arrangement from past experience and knowledge.

The prototype of the light bomb attack array is still there, but it is full of countless magic lines and secret spells that were added later. In the gaps, words or lines are overlapped, and there are more circles of formations with unknown meanings on the periphery. It made this strategic-level attack magic circle seem so unfamiliar that no one was even sure that it could still play its original role.

Cuenca Carlos, the captain of the Gaosibotong, also came to the top of the tower. He boasted that the airship has concentrated the most advanced technology in the Lost World, but there is no magic circle on the airship as complicated as it is in front of him. He has even been to the Elven Empire and visited the root of the World Tree. The natural magic pattern that the elves are proud of is the object that all magicians are willing to spend their entire lives studying. But it seems that there is nothing in front of him... He can't even use any words to compare the two.

However, the panic of others had nothing to do with Lin who was staying in the core room. If you want him to say that when he was on earth, he mostly did research at the nanometer process level, and playing with super-large circuit boards by himself can only be regarded as a middle school level. Not worth talking about at all.

Anyway, the group of masters accompanying the ship must have their own level, and it is impossible to carry parallel goods on this airship that is the facade of the association, so there is no need to worry about it yourself.

Besides, in the world of Midi, it is taboo to watch the homework of some craftsmen without permission. Even if he is the owner of this tower, if he wants to supervise from the sidelines, he must first ask for permission. But if you do this, you will usually be scolded by those masters. If you have a bit of a temper, you might just quit.

So Lin stayed in the core room with peace of mind, and then took out the research he had interrupted for a closer look. Then, I was interrupted again.

"Your Excellency, Pagoda Master, my teacher invites you to go to the top of the pagoda."

"Oh, done? It's so fast."

The young magician who came to the core room to say hello said with an embarrassed face, "No, work hasn't started yet."

"Ah, got it."

Lin didn't think much, and followed up to the top of the tower. I saw a group of masters looking at each other in blank dismay, staring at the floor covered with magic patterns around the copper pillars to be used as bollards, not knowing where to start. "Masters, is there anything wrong with the magic circle I set up?"

Facing the tower owner's doubts, one of the masters said in a bewildered manner: "No, there is no major problem. It's just that the magic array is arranged too densely, and we don't know where to place the bollards so that it won't affect the original formation."

"Oh, it's such a small matter." Lin Buyi had him, and asked about the mushroom-shaped copper pillar that was expensive and heavy just by its weight. Erase the small magic circle. And instruct others to place bollards at that spot.

In fact, in the process of Lin improving the magic tower, not all improvements can achieve the expected results, or have significant performance improvements. But those failed transformations, he did not deliberately erase them. Firstly, the paint used to paint the magic circle cost money, and the potion used to wash it away also cost money; secondly, these failed operations were only less effective, or not as expected. If it will have a negative impact, of course it should be corrected as soon as possible.

The magic circle that was erased belongs to this type. But the others didn't know and exclaimed. Lin said casually: "This magic circle is only used for long-range spellcasting. There are several of the same formation on the top of the tower, this one is not bad, and I can't use so many magic at the same time. So it's okay to erase it. .”

To be honest, everyone can't understand it, so naturally they don't understand it. Regarding the instructions of the tower master, everyone was confused. In the chaos of his mind, he placed the bollard firmly on the edge stone, and then used magic to almost connect the two into one. At this time, there will naturally be disciples of the master who skillfully re-draw the energy channels and make the bollards truly become a part of the magic tower.

It's just that after a few strokes, everyone was caught blind again. The lowest-level materials can connect one energy channel; middle-level materials can connect two; high-level materials like star copper can connect four to six. This is of course related to the speed at which the airship recharges, so the more the better.

But what should I do when there are more than ten energy channels waiting to be connected? And you can't just connect the required quantity, and let the others be interrupted. The energy channel of the magic tower must form a circuit in order to be effective. If there is a breakpoint, there will be countless ills, and in the worst case, it may cause an explosion.

But you can't go around directly. The direction of each magic pattern has its reason, and it cannot be bent or turned at will. Not to mention that it cannot be fully connected. If materials such as bollards and mooring cables cannot be loaded, it may become an explosive airship.

Since my teacher is still struggling, it is useless. After asking about the situation, the tower owner casually drew a few small magic circles at the bottom of the cylinder, simplifying the energy channels and reducing them to six inputs;

"Can this work?" An assistant magician looked at the tower master's essay and asked worriedly.

"Let's try it. If the airship is abnormal, there should be a precursor, and then the connection will be disconnected. It won't explode without warning."

The magic circle that Lin drew casually was the most interesting discovery he got in the process of researching the magic tower. The mana power that can be transmitted by each magic energy channel is the same, and it will not be different due to the depth and thickness of the marking. In other words, if a magic circle wants to exert greater power, it must input more energy, and it needs more energy channel links.

However, the amount and characteristics of mana power transmitted by the energy channel can be changed. Just like the electricity on the earth, it can be filtered and transformed.

However, Lin did not dare to guarantee whether the bollards were suitable for charging the airship. Because Midi and Earth have a lot of knowledge, and they seem to have similarities, but they are not exactly the same. So everything depends on the experimental results.

In desperation, the airship dropped the tethering cable and tied it firmly to the bollard. The light cyan light also extended to the airship along with the cable, symbolizing that the energy of the magic tower began to flow into the airship.

The people on the boat and on the top of the tower all pay attention to the connection with fear, and if there is anything wrong, they will release the mooring in the shortest possible time. As time passed, things seemed normal. When they got the return from the airship, the mana power contained in the secondary energy pool was slowly rising, and everyone on the top of the tower breathed out a sigh of relief.

After exchanging pleasantries with the captain, Lin also returned to the core room and closed the energy channel to reveal it. He was finally able to regain his composure and was no longer disturbed by others.

But at the same time, another debate on the airship has just begun. UU Reading In the largest cabin, except for the three presidents who have seats, the rest of the space is full of people. Everyone took turns reporting what they had just seen.

If Lin had been present, he would have summed up everyone's feedback into the most common situation Taiwanese students encounter when learning English, that is, they can recognize all 26 letters from A to Z; but they cannot recognize them together.

The magicians who came with the airship are all the best in each branch. They involve a wide range of knowledge, which cannot be compared with ordinary magicians. Of course, they recognized a lot of the magic circle drawn by Lin. However, no one can tell what the effect will be if so many magic circles are arranged and overlapped together.

"So,——" Gary Otto, the president of the Kadiz branch, looked at the crowd and asked, "—Are we going to launch an attack on the Tower of the Great Sage according to the original plan?"

"No, that's not the original plan. It's just one of the backup plans after the tower owner rejected our proposal. It's just one of them, and it's not the only backup plan." Rashidia, the president of the Noonan branch, said without hesitation refuted.

Gray Otto stared at someone sharply and said, "Implying that, you are against the attack."

"That's right, I object. If you insist on attacking, please allow my men to leave first." Rashidia was not afraid of the threatening gaze of the fellow president at all.

In terms of strength, on the airship, there are five or five waves of magicians in the Kadiz area and Noonan area, and no one is afraid of anyone. The key party is the people in the Leon District who have the same number of magicians and control the airship.

So the two parties turned their heads to look at the president of the Leon branch, Jose Carlos. Gray Otto even asked: "President Carlos, what do you mean?"

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