Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 45: Mall layout proposal

Tapping the table with his index finger, an upright water mirror and keyboard projection appeared in front of Lin. The three presidents looked at it and asked quickly: "Your Excellency, who is in front of you?"

"This, oh." Remembering that he hadn't explained it to the guests, Lin turned the water mirror, turned the display screen to the three presidents, and said, "Because there are occasional guests who come to visit, and sometimes two of my own students want to use it. It doesn’t make sense to let them occupy my research time in the core room. So here in the dining room, open the terminal interface connected to the energy pool.──”

While speaking, Lin enlarged the water mirror in front of him, stretched it to the width of his arms, and threw it on the blank wall next to the long table. So that everyone can see the screen display.

"──If the three adults also want to use it. You can also tap the desktop twice to call out the terminal interface. Then log in to your own user account, or browse with guest privileges. I want to send a message to President Eaton , just don't know how quickly he will respond. Maybe it will take some time."

When closing and opening the water mirror technique, the forum page that will definitely pop up. To be honest, Lin himself was a little annoyed watching it. If you work in your own core room, you don't have the problem of being tied to the front page. But in restaurants, since most of them are used by others, fixing the forum page as the homepage is a trick to force sales.

And after closing it, there is a burst of dizzying operation. In fact, it is to call the message to mark the position of Chairman Chengguo? Eaton, and then send a paragraph of words to the past. It mainly explains that the presidents of the three district branches are at the Tower of the Great Sage and hope to discuss matters related to the mall system.

Looking at the typing skills with flying fingers and the incomprehensible operation, the three presidents were speechless for a while. There is a feeling of being a lot of age, but not understanding what young people are doing. Is it the feeling of living a dog at this age?

After sending the message, Lin stopped and waited. After all, not everyone will stay by their own energy pool and wait, nor will anyone respond immediately when notified. The other three people are also very aware of this, not to mention that this kind of request for immediate contact without an agreed time, in fact, no one can guarantee how long they will wait.

However, the three presidents opened their respective forum pages without being rude, and each operated with their heads down. The network stickiness of the Lost World is not as pathological as that of Earth, and the self-control of the three high-ranking elderly people is not comparable to that of young people. So they still chose to chat with the tower owner, although both inside and outside the words began to have some spying meaning. Make someone more miserable.

Just when I was thinking about whether to escape with urine or excrement. The water mirror technique screen thrown on the wall suddenly flickered, and the familiar old face filled the whole screen again. Although Lin was still frightened, he felt grateful for the first time. As for the three people on the opposite side, they seemed to have gotten used to the old man's demeanor, but they were very calm, without any fright.

"Hey, in my impression, I have never seen such a scene. The three presidents sit side by side. It's a pity that I'm not there at this time. I heard that you want to talk to me about the mall system. Things, but this doesn't look like they want to talk to me." Chengguo Eaton fired as soon as he appeared.

Compared with the battle of words, the three old men did not lose at all to the one who talked through the screen. The four of them held guns and sticks like this, you come and go, out of the ten sentences, there are three sentences of scraping, three sentences of washing, and three sentences of hitting the sky, and only one sentence has something to do with the business. Lin was left alone like this, unable to get in a word.

Looking at this scene, Lin thought to himself, luckily there was a video screen. If they were face to face, then there would be no fight. But when they are face to face, can they really fight? This is another question.

As a bystander, when he was wandering nine days away, Lin was suddenly sent back to the world by a question. Chengguo? President Eaton stared and asked aggressively, "Your Excellency Tripwood, what is your opinion?"

"My opinion?" How dare I have any opinion. Lin, who wanted to yell so much, felt dizzy from the four pairs of staring eyes. At this time, I asked everyone where the dispute was just now, and I don't know if it is a white eye. However, although he didn't listen to the content in detail, it's not that Lin couldn't find a point of entry for both parties who held their own opinions and didn't want to give in at all.

"The four presidents, in fact, I think the concerns and persistence of the four are very reasonable. The only difference is that they have different positions. If you want to ask me, I will talk to you from different angles. That is From the standpoint of a magician being served by the chamber of commerce, what the association is going to do is more beneficial to us."

Throwing out a question, Lin cautiously looked at the expressions of the crowd. Seeing that there was not much resentment and contempt, Lin Cai continued: "As an ordinary magician, the most beneficial and convenient situation for me is that I can use the mall system to purchase or reserve what I need. It doesn't really matter who this system belongs to. But for the association, there is a difference. It is a system of shopping malls that serves the people of the entire southwest peninsula; Build a shopping mall to serve people in their respective regions; or without restrictions, the royal families and noble chambers of commerce in various countries also build shopping malls, and then compete with each other. Of course, the last one is the least desirable, so I won’t discuss it here So what’s the difference between the first two?──”

In front of everyone, Lin used the water mirror technique to open another screen, enlarged it, and placed it flat on the table. The picture is a map of the southwestern peninsula of the mainland. It is not detailed. It is a map sold by the Magician Association for magician adventures. Several presidents recognized it at a glance. But what he did next caught everyone's eyes. Lin grabbed a red, white and blue color block out of thin air, and put it on the map, fitting the outline of the peninsula. At the same time, reach out a little, and there are five small magic towers connected to each other at the location of Wulian City.

"──A shopping mall system serves the entire peninsula. The biggest advantage is that it can effectively integrate the resources of the entire peninsula. But it doesn't matter what kind of solution it is.──" As he spoke, Lin ignored the smiling Chengguo? Chairman Eaton , and the other three presidents who frowned, threw away the red, white and blue blocks, put on the yellow, white and red blocks and marked the magic tower of the Cardiz District Branch Headquarters.

The faces of the four presidents all changed, some were happy, some were worried. But Lin immediately threw away the color blocks, and then put on the green, yellow, red and Leon district branch headquarters, and then threw it again, and finally put the red, green and red blocks on, and erected a small magic tower representing the nonan district branch headquarters .

"─These situations all have the same shortcomings. It is true that the transaction contract can be reached quickly through the mall and the forum; but the delivery of goods still has to rely on traditional methods, either human or animal power. That is to say, in the delivery Speed-wise, we haven't improved."

After changing four times in a row, several presidents also saw the problem. Lin snapped his fingers, and nearly a thousand small magic towers immediately appeared on the map. "This is the location of most of the magic towers that I know. As far as I know, the current shipping mode of the chamber of commerce is to concentrate first and then ship. No matter which area the headquarters starts from, the most remote towers mainly wait to arrive. The goods I buy have to wait for about four months to half a year. Looking at this matter from the perspective of the same tower owner, maybe I buy things much faster, but waiting for delivery to my door is slower than before. Be slow."

Throw away the red, green and red color blocks on the map, and at the same time all the small magic towers are also emptied. Lin Cai used the final template, which was based on the division of the four divisions in the Southwest Peninsula today, with their respective color blocks. Lin continued: "As far as I know, the Mage Association is now divided into so many regions, which is based on the original consideration of regionality and support distance. So it can be regarded as a good choice to keep it as it is. Tower owners in the border area It depends on the habits of each tower owner to choose which shopping mall to trade with. After all, some people don’t care about waiting for a long time, but they hope to get a cheaper price. Some people hope to get the purchase in a relatively fast time items, and don’t care about paying a higher price for it.”

With such a proposal, the three presidents who came from afar smiled, but the old man frowned. Of course Lin knew what the reason was, it was nothing more than the feeling that the profits had been divided, and it was like making wedding dresses for others after working so hard for so long.

Of course, if the words can only be said to this extent, Lin would not dare to speak, and it would be a waste of himself as a member of the time-traveling crowd. The Earth Age is a man who has been baptized by the Internet. He yelled without hesitation: "But!" He instantly drew everyone's attention back to himself. Lin Cai continued:

"As I mentioned at the beginning, using forums and shopping malls to integrate the resources of the entire southwest peninsula is also an advantage that cannot be ignored. Just like myself, I ordered arcane weapons for building towers from the chamber of commerce that the Xijia district branch belongs to. The materials for the eye, UU Reading Although most of the materials were delivered in the fastest time, there are still a few auxiliary materials missing. So although my arcane eye building is built, it is not complete .Maybe, I mean maybe integrate the rare resource information of the four districts of the Southwest Peninsula, and the auxiliary materials I need can be found in the three districts other than Xijia District. So now I just wait for the items to be delivered, and It’s not that I don’t even know where the materials I need, or where there are substitutes.”

Taking this as the beginning of the turning point did not seem to arouse the resentment of several big figures, but instead made them face up to the necessity of resource integration. Lin also dared to put forward the next opinion: "Then can we say that after the establishment of the shopping mall system in each district, the resource scheduling of each district is still the priority. But if there are rare items that are also lacking in this district, they will be replaced The demand is reported to a unit that integrates the information of the four districts, and this special unit dispatches resources. Sometimes when an emergency occurs, the chariot teams of various chambers of commerce are responsible for transporting strategic supplies, so the multi-district coalition is established Afterwards, can this special unit also be responsible for assigning material delivery?──”

For such a proposal, the eyes of the four presidents lit up. They all understood very well, and they all had ideas about what kind of changes might happen to such a unit above the four districts. However, Lin Ke didn't intend to let a few old people scramble for it. He said directly:

"─As for this special unit, I suggest that the affiliated chamber of commerce of the Xijia district branch be in charge. The reason is of course that they were the first to launch the mall system, and naturally accumulated a lot of experience in handling affairs. When encountering this kind of cross-district Of course, security is the main priority, so don’t be in a hurry, which will make the buyer unhappy, and the association will take the blame. The above is my opinion on this matter.”

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