Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 43: Data Definitions for Astronomy and Power

After seeing off the Great Mage Greenwyn and the Undertaker team, Lin returned to the life of an otaku. Continue to realize all the ideas you want.

In the past use of magic towers, as long as each brick has an energy channel to pass through, the characteristics of the magic material can be maintained, and the entire tower can be connected to make it a whole.

The Tower of the Great Sage is in Lin's hands, and each brick is no longer just an energy channel to pass through, but various magic lines and formations, representing different functions. Just like the technological progress of the earth, the more sophisticated something is, the easier it is to cause problems due to some small flaws. Therefore, the debugging work of a certain tower owner expanded from the computer program to the scope of the entire tower, which made him regret his superfluous behavior.

At the same time, the discussion on the forum on the Tower of the Great Sage ushered in another peak. The captured surveillance images are still only available for the three agreed-upon great magicians to watch, but the tragic death of the five former inspectors is still leaked from the mourners team and relatives of the deceased.

What kind of trap would cause such a tragedy? What kind of trap is it that can kill three great magicians? Various discussions and speculations set off waves of discussions on the forum. On the contrary, the three great magicians who had watched the evidence screen remained silent quite unanimously. It only shows that the owner of the Tower of the Great Sage was not at fault for this incident.

In this regard, the president of the Kadiz branch, Gray Otto, once again used the Charles calling technique to make video contact with President Chengguo Eaton.

Gray Otto confirmed the situation with his own eyes after the remains of his subordinates returned to the headquarters of the Kadiz branch. Including those ruined relics, with his knowledge, he can't imagine what kind of blow he suffered to end up like this. He only asked the old man in the picture: "Is there any chance of winning?"

"Besieged, the food dragged to the magic tower is exhausted."

This is the biggest reason why the association can control the magic tower, starting with food supplies. As a tower master, if you don't want to hand over your weaknesses to others, farming is a must.

If you want to farm, you need people. In the territory under the Great Sage's Tower, the only village was destroyed by the tower owner, so naturally don't want anyone to help him farm. Since the food is in the hands of the chamber of commerce affiliated to the association, Chengguo Eaton is not so worried that Gabrash Lin Tripwood will escape from his control.

But Gray Otto was not satisfied with such an answer. He asked: "Could it be that he can't be defeated? He has just settled in that tower for more than a year."

"The allied forces of the four districts should be able to capture that tower with human lives. But I don't guarantee success."

For the judgment of the old man Chengguo Eaton, the blood rushing to the head of Gray Otto instantly cooled down. He asked: "Green-level tower?"

"Green level."

Such an evaluation really shocked Gray Otto, the division president. Chengguo Eaton continued, "If it weren't for the unprecedented evaluation of a three-story tower against a four-story tower, I would like to raise the level of danger of the Tower of the Great Sage."

He pondered for a moment, as if he had awakened. Gray Otto let go of his tense face, returned to normal, and said to Chengguo Eaton, "Thank you for your reply." Then the conversation was interrupted.

Looking at the silver-white, calm mirror of the energy pool, Orange Fruit? Eaton also exhaled a long breath. He lived to this age, and he was also frightened by the record footage brought back by Greenwin. In the past, in my own cognition, what did it mean to throw a forbidden spell into my tower? That's a suicide act in which you die with the enemy if you don't agree with each other. Nowadays, if the younger generation dares to do this, does it mean that they are really old?

As for the various speculations on the forum, let everyone play. Anyway, as long as you don't understand the truth of the trap, there will be no Lengtouqing threatening to destroy the tower. Those group of people are stupid, they rush forward, and they will not act without accurate information. Ignorance is no different from death, especially when there are three great magicians and two magicians as martyrs.

Things should come to an end here. Whether it's the people in the Wulian City or the people in the Great Sage's Tower, they all think so. Life also returned to its own pace.

On a rainy night, Lin wanted to analyze his accumulated mana and power.

In fact, this kind of thinking has been thought of as early as when it was discovered that the eight functions can become the basis of an 8-bit computer. But at that time, it was impossible to define the basic unit, and there was no technology for various sensors.

Including temperature, length, weight, time, etc., all kinds of measurement units are extremely confusing in the lost world, and there is no uniform standard, or even no. And almost a country or a region has its own set of standards.

The establishment of most standards is based on the arm length, finger width, and weight of a certain founding emperor, which become the standard unit of the country. When the country is destroyed, the standard is also replaced. This unscientific and difficult to unify weights and measures, of course, deeply troubles modern people from the 21st century on earth.

And to find the metric system used by the earth, or adapt measures to local conditions, and use the weights and measures measured by the lost world version, which is another problem that plagues Lin.

After long-term observation and measurement of the distance between the sun and the earth, that is, the average distance from the sun to the star Midi, that is, the alien version of the sun to the earth. On a whim, Lin divided it by the customary astronomical unit constants of 149, 579, 870, and 700, and then compared the units with his own height. He accidentally discovered that the Lost World version of Gabrash Lin Tripwood , the height is 1.76 units.

On Earth, Lin was exactly 1.76 meters tall. At the same time, through observation and calculation, the equatorial radius of the Midi star is about 6,4320,000 units. Assuming that 1 unit is equivalent to 1 meter in the metric system of the earth, it is actually similar to the data of the earth's radius of 6370 kilometers. It can be roughly speculated that the astronomical environment of the Midi star is almost the same as that of the earth.

After obtaining such data, Lin thought to himself: No wonder after coming to Lost Land, except for two satellites in the sky, which caused the climate to change many times and violently, the activities in the rest of the time felt not much different from the Earth period.

The key to measuring mana power and quantifying it is a phenomenon that was accidentally discovered during the process of obtaining the purple-level magic stone and researching the laser of the ecstasy version.

The eight powers of knowledge, power, authority, faith, wealth, dexterity, perception, and mystery can keep pure magic energy stored in magic stones or energy pools, and there is a certain proportion. If the mystery with the least content is set as 1, the ratio of the eight powers is 128:64:32:16:8:4:2:1. Only this ratio can keep the eight powers in balance.

As long as the balance is disturbed, supernatural effects will be produced, that is, magic. The permutation and combination of powers affect the change and intensity of supernatural effects. The so-called incantations, magic circles, or the computer program of the lost version that Lin is writing are all a control method to guide the imbalance of proportion and arrangement and combination.

To measure a unit of mana power, one must start with the magic stone that has exhausted its energy. During observation, the magic stone that has just exhausted its energy will lose its light and turn into a white transparent crystal. But in fact, crystals also contain some powers more or less, that is, knowledge, power, authority, etc., which themselves account for a relatively large proportion of powers in a balanced state. In other words, depletion of energy is actually a kind of balance destruction, and what is missing is the dexterity, perception, mystery, etc., which account for a small proportion.

Then Lin used the magic tower to extract the energy pool and supply the pure magic energy of the whole tower to extract the balance energy in the magic stone. And record the moment when the energy is exhausted, and can also observe the state of seven powers such as knowledge, power, authority, faith, wealth, dexterity, and perception, and set the power of perception at that moment as the most basic unit.

This process was repeated thousands of times, and thousands of the lowest-grade Hongyao magic stones were also scrapped. It wasn't until the two young apprentices could no longer stand this kind of wasteful behavior and were unwilling to cooperate with the research that they stopped. The average of thousands of measurement results is the 1 unit power defined by Lin. And a balanced power of 255 units, Lin called it 1 mana. Mana is also a common name for magic power in the lost world.

In fact, the thousands of experiments, Lin himself recalled, it was like a state of being in a dazed state with a ghost covering his eyes. Looking back afterwards is also painful.

Based on this measurement result, seven grades of magic stones were tested for their mana power content. Every big level difference is about ten times the difference in energy, that is to say, the power content difference between the Hongyao level magic stone and the purple change level magic stone is a million times.

Since the energy pool of the magic tower is just a channel and not a storage medium like magic stones, it cannot be measured.

However, the proportion of the value obtained by Lin's own measurement is not the power of the equilibrium state. At least the value of the measured mysterious power is far lower than 1/255 of the whole. To cast the same magic, the power consumed is not the same every time. UU Reading Sometimes it consumes a lot, but its power is also great; when it takes hours, its power becomes smaller.

The situation of the two apprentices was similar to that of their miserable teacher.

It can be said that the research of this thing is of no help to the casting of magic; or it should be said that there is no help at this stage, but it is for humans. For the programming of the magic tower, the power can be successfully digitized, and the writing of various programs can have a clearer process and result. Not to mention the advantage in adjusting the size of the energy output. The laser network in the lobby on the first floor is an important result of the success of digitization.

So in the past few days, Lin, who is quite satisfied with the digitization of the power of the magic tower, has turned his focus back to the human body. Want to explore the secrets that may be hidden in it.

But the frantic dog barking interrupted his thoughts.

The two big dogs, Gray Hoof and White Nose, could no longer be kept in the magic tower. So the two girls set up a shed outside the tower, leaning against the outer wall of the magic tower, and used a pile of worthless broken animal skins to make a bed for two dogs.

The two dogs usually play outside day and night. Unless you get the girl's whistle, you don't come back for training or hunting missions. Only when I am tired from playing, will I come back to nest for a while, and then run out again. But when it rains, the two dogs usually nest quietly under the shed.

They are very clear, don't disturb the humans on the third floor easily. Whether it's a dog barking with unknown meaning, or running up to the third floor, that human's territory will be exchanged for that person's fury, and then he will be miserable. So as long as they are near the tower, they will not bark if they can.

Now there was a burst of barking, and even Lin could hear a little anxiety. Is this something bad close by?


Thank you book friend Wuxin Qingyun for your reward.

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