Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 426: showdown

The military system of the Piejaime Elf Kingdom army, when they heard or saw the warning arrows of the sentries, immediately put on full armor and assembled in the shortest possible time. Even if it turns out to be a prank by the sentinel afterwards, the sentinel will be punished at that time; but those who assemble after seeing the warning and not wearing clothes, in terms of fleeing before the enemy, the only death penalty.

And this time the elves who came with their young king actually have the identity of the military, the difference lies in the standing soldiers and the reserve soldiers. Therefore, including King Ridan III himself, and several ministers of the kingdom, after hearing the warning sound, no one asked why. They all put on their armor first and got all their weapons.

It's just that when they assembled, all the elves couldn't figure it out. Send out an enemy warning within the scope of the world tree? What kind of idiot would trouble an elf in a place like this?

And the elves of the Shenmu guards echoed with this group of elf guards. The order to warn and gather was also valid for the Shenmu Guards, but they did not integrate into the large square of the elf guards, but assembled independently, forming another army formation that was clearly separated from the main army formation.

At this time, they were also baffled by this assembly order. There are many cases of invading the Elven Kingdom, but no one is stupid enough to invade the scope of the World Tree, and it is not the tree destruction war thousands of years ago.

All the elves looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering if they should disband. In such an occasion, there is still a slight incongruity, that is the four silver-bearded dwarves who were also driven to the assembly point. Everyone still looked like they didn't know what was going on, but they still gathered around Riley, who was wearing peaceful weapons.

At this time, the elf sword dancer and the four human magicians were late. Instead of entering the square formation of the Kingdom Army, she walked to the middle of the two sides. Looking at this appearance, many people guessed that the warning arrow might have been sent by Liena Titov. As a scout, she already has such authority and equipment. But the question is, why?

"Little girl!" In the front row of the Shenmu guard, the oldest of the three druid elders said: "You should understand the seriousness of lying about military information."

"I don't need to be reminded by the elders, I am very clear."

"Then let me ask you, where does the enemy come from?"

"The absence of external enemies does not mean that there are no internal ghosts." Riena smiled coldly, and threw a magic stone with her hands. As the magic stone fell to the ground, a huge water mirror screen was unfolded, and only a static picture was displayed on it. It was two Elf Druid Elders, sitting around the pool of blood, while a grayscale picture of a kitten floated in the air. There are both pros and cons, so that all the elves present can see clearly.

Liena asked in a high voice: "May I ask Elder Taokachi, Elder Latz, what is your intention for placing the incarnation of His Majesty Lahti in the magic circle of the slaughtering god?"

Damn, this chick just flipped the table. Someone following behind thought so. In fact, as early as when she shot a howling arrow, Lin felt that something was not right. Shouldn't this kind of thing be done in a sneaky way, because if it gets bigger, it's because it's not serious enough or messy enough.

"We are doing it for the good of His Majesty Lahti. Eliminate for him the part that does not need to exist as the guardian of the kingdom and the World Tree. Your Majesty, he will not do any harm, and everything will be the same as in the past, like a guardian, silently , and selflessly guard all the king's subjects."

"Hmph, is it under your control?"

"What's wrong with being under our control? We still have to let the likes and dislikes of the World Tree decide who of us is worthy of help and who is not. And the expelled elves can only face this cruel world alone. No! Absolutely not, He's just a tree!"

The druid elder's excited remarks may not have been made very clear, but it elicited a question from someone. Also owning a world tree, the population of the Wood Elf tribe is not in the same order of magnitude as the population of a kingdom. After thinking about the reasons behind it, there may be something chilling.

The secret story between elves may not be unfamiliar to Liena, so she no longer entangled with the other party about the right and wrong of this point, and said: "Well, I have another question. There are a total of two hundred guards in the Shenmu Guards. Thirteen people, have you all arrived? When even the three elders responded to the call, where did the people who didn’t come go?──”

Riena didn't wait for a few eloquent elders to start arguing with her, but threw out another magic stone, which was no different from hell, a bunch of elves were wrapped up, hanging the bloodletter like coir worms The real scene is presented in front of everyone's eyes,

"—or should I ask, are they still alive?"

"This..." Elder Elf Druid hesitated for a moment, he could only shift his focus and ask, "Where did you get these images from?"

"Ask me how I got it, instead of asking me whether it is true or not. It seems that the news is indeed correct. But I suggest you, don't think about how I got the news; first explain the life and death of these elves clearly." Li Ena pointed to the group of elves who did not know whether they were dead or alive in the image and said.

As if angry, speaking on behalf of the Shenmu guards, the oldest Elder Kaiden scolded: "All this is the fault of that little girl Valeria! If she hadn't accidentally awakened the consciousness of the World Tree, His Majesty Lahti Will still be sleeping peacefully. During this process, we can naturally collect enough materials in a relatively peaceful way to allow His Majesty Lahti to continue to sleep. Instead of using this rude method like now, Only by sacrificing your compatriots can you achieve your goal!"

Hearing that his beloved little sister was named, Ridan III couldn't help feeling a little angry. Especially listening to the meaning of those words, it seems that all the faults are on his little sister who is still ignorant of everything. It's just that the status of the other party is too high. If there is no good reason, even as a king, he can only obediently be reprimanded in front of the three druid elders.

Similarly, the elder Elf Druid, who was furious, actually calmed all the elves present in terms of momentum. For a while, everyone failed to think about the right and wrong, but habitually succumbed to the authority, nodding submissively.

"You did all of this, human magician!" It wasn't enough to reprimand his juniors, Elder Kayden yelled at a few humans who seemed to have nothing to do with him: "Let the world tree advance, this kind of What is the use of doing meaningless things? Who do you think you are, hooking up with the barbaric elves of the wood elves, you become an ally of the World Tree. What does it matter if they advance or not? Why do you interfere with the internal affairs of my kingdom? Do you rely on the demon king who destroyed my country once by your side? Have you ever thought about where you are now!"

"Whether Lahti is promoted or not, or even whether he is alive or not, of course it has nothing to do with me." Someone's bright conclusion shocked not only his two apprentices, but also Riena, Ridan III, and the other disciples. The group of elf guards who followed the young king were all shocked.

Seeing the surprised looks of most people, Lin was a little proud, but he had no choice but to continue to explain: "I was originally invited here. But it doesn't matter to me whether I do something or not. If I don't do it, everything will continue as usual , I continue my journey; to do it, I can also get what I need from the process of research. I am indeed not a friend of the World Tree. The world tree has no responsibility or obligation. What kind of attitude you plan to use to treat your world tree is your freedom, national policy, idea, whatever. The same is that I should not interfere with those of."

"Since you understand this, you shouldn't care about these things, or even step in here. But you help this group of elves who don't know anything, and create these slanderous images. What do you do with these things? It's easy to say."

Being questioned so unreasonably by an old man, no matter how soft a person is, it is a little unpleasant. Lin replied a little harshly: "I will investigate these things because you have something to hide, and those may have something to do with me. In order to confirm this, I tried to investigate. All this is to find out , you, and them—"pointing in the direction of Ridan III,"—what is their position? Because I understand very well that a group of people who claim to be chess players are very concerned about sacrificing a few chess pieces that have nothing to do with them. , absolutely without hesitation. I don't want to be simply sacrificed, or given up. So I can only make this move to find evidence of what the **** you are doing. If nothing can be done, I will leave... leave .”

There will be broken sentences, because the person who was backstabbed in order to avoid the backstab of the person who performed the backstab, triggered the self-protection mechanism of the flash technique, allowing him to come to the back of the person who backstabbed in an instant.

Lin looked coldly at the back of the elf superhuman assassin who missed a single hit, and Vasily Petrovich was about to jump into the shadow world again. Before that the Smith & Wesson M29 extended revolver in someone's hand, the hammer hammered **** the end of the special magic stone ammunition.

The armor made of the world tree is completely immune to the attack of pure energy. But among the seven magic guns made by Lin, the big hammer in his hand is the only magic gun that can shoot live ammunition, and its power is astonishing.

As the magic stone bullets in the magazine were fired with a detonation sound that the elves could not imagine, the quality of the close-range live bullets directly penetrated the World Tree plate armor and entered the elves' bodies. At this time, the power and magic in the magic stone bomb produced a disordered interaction, and then lost balance and exploded violently.

In the eyes of others, it was an elf who was about to jump into the shadow world, and a violent explosion occurred in his chest and abdomen, directly blasting him into two pieces. Moreover, the upper part of the torso fell into the shadow world, and then suddenly appeared not far from the direction he was going; but the lower part of the elf remained in place forever. Just like that, an extraordinary person, a strong assassin among assassins, not only missed, but also died under a strange weapon.

"I have no position, and I can leave at any time. But if you have already regarded me as an enemy and are betting on your life, are you ready for awakening?"

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