Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 41: Survey of local associations

At this moment of turmoil, it is quite risky for the association to send people to the Tower of the Great Sage. So Greenwyn planned to go there in a private capacity, hoping to say a few words based on the goodwill and friendship of the past few meetings. Don't let other members of the Ombudsman team you belong to participate, so as to avoid creating too much pressure and stimulating the tower owner.

In addition, he also asked the president to send a team of mourners to accompany him, responsible for the task of collecting the remains. This is a team composed of members who study death and soul magic.

Because the unnatural death of a magician may be accompanied by curses, plagues, or even undead and summoning demons. The Undertaker team's combat effectiveness is not high, but they are good at this area of ​​knowledge. The main task is to bring peace to the magician's soul. In addition, there are more or less autopsy and investigation capabilities. Wanting to confirm the identity and ownership of the remains is also a job that this group of people is good at.

After the two discussed everything, Greenwyn asked the last question about his duties as a supervisor: "Mr. President, Tripwood has the means of video surveillance. Do you want to keep this evidence to deal with when someone questions this matter?" The thing, is the behavior that happened inside the tower or outside the tower?"

As an Ombudsman, especially when the matter involved an official team being annihilated in a magic tower, it would be unreasonable not to investigate.

However, this kind of behavior involves investigating the privacy of the magic tower. For some tower owners, it is a big taboo. It was reasonable to be killed as a spy for this reason, and the person involved had nowhere to cry. So Greenwyn couldn't help but ask his president about his thoughts on this aspect.

It was discussed before that if the relic is forcibly left in the name of spoils of war, the association's position is not to fight. Regarding the idea of ​​surveillance footage, Chengguo Eaton also adhered to the same principle, saying: "If Tripwood is not willing to provide it, then forget it. If you are willing, you must set viewing permissions for your investigation report, and you cannot let unrelated People who read it. I think the authority is open to you, me, um~, and the owner of Sita. With the approval of three great magicians, it should be enough to block the voices of doubt."

"Sita." Greenwyn couldn't help elongating his voice when he mentioned the person he didn't deal with very well.

"Although Master Sita has many different opinions from us, he still has some justice in the matter. He was chosen to reduce the credibility of others who questioned whether we were involved in an affair. After you set off, I will send someone else to convey my message to him."

"Understood." Greenwyn nodded and got up to leave at the same time.

Back in his research room, finishing the ongoing research, Greenwyn made preparations for travel. In addition to sending someone to notify the mourner team and agree on a departure time, he also went to the Adventurer's Guild Tavern in Wulian City to temporarily hire a group of people. It is mainly to carry five coffins for collection and drive the carriage for transportation.

Because I didn't transport any valuables, and I had my own great magician escorting the car, I didn't choose high-level adventurers, and I didn't deliberately find people with high credibility. Basically, I just had enough strength.

Besides, the business in Wulian City is booming recently, and the labor market is in short supply. As long as you come here with good skills, you can find a job with good salary. The guard team belonging to the Chamber of Commerce didn't even have time to rest. After returning to hand over the carriage, they set off with the next team. It can be said that it is pain and happiness. There is nothing wrong with earning a lot of money, but there is no time to spend it.

It will be three days before everything is ready. The delay was so long because of the shortage of horses and vehicles. Many caravans have shipped out in caravans pulled by mules. Even a great magician with the identity of an inspector, it is difficult to invoke something that is no longer there.

In the end, Greenwin, who couldn't wait, pulled out a magic caravan from the association, put the hoods on the two camels, and then set off. It's not that no one doubted whether it would be too exaggerated to use this kind of welcome-level carriage to pull five coffins. Greenwyn countered plausibly, saying that it was an exaggeration to welcome back the remains of the three great magicians.

The name of the great magician has been pulled out, who dares to continue to talk. It's too vain, and you don't come to the living group to ask, you don't respect the dead, is it true that you don't intend to respect me after I die? This usually ends badly.

At the same time, word spread that the tower of the great sage had wiped out the team of inspectors. What is even more surprising is that the inspector team is also a sharp knife team named after the God of Death, belonging to the Kadiz branch. Although the real identities of its members are confidential information, the information blurted out by the great magician of Greenwyn shows that there are three of them who are also great magicians.

The only member of the magician who was made public was the fact that the Koos family condemned the Tower Master of the Tower of the Great Sage on the forum. However, the identities of the other four people were quickly found out by forum members.

The reason is very simple. There are not many great magicians in the Kadiz area, only a hundred or so, and each of them is a celebrity with a high degree of attention. Now that three people have lost contact, if you think about the news from both sides, you can know why. As for the last magician, there are many guesses.

And in this matter, following closely behind the Koos family, few condemned at the same time, but many celebrated. The main reason is that the origin of the grievances between the two parties was also announced on the forum. Coupled with the sensitive identity of the inspector, most people dislike this organization. Although everyone dare not speak out, they still secretly like it.

Even the old relatives of the four magicians who died pointed the finger at the Koos family and expressed their dissatisfaction with them. Because of that kind of insignificant reason, when someone dies in someone else's magic tower, no one complains about the tower owner who holds the power of life and death, but complains about people who don't have long eyes and cause trouble, which is the norm in this world.

There is no way, the other tower masters have wiped out a team of inspectors, who dares to come to the door to argue. If you want to vent your anger, go back and find the family that caused trouble because of getting into the eyes of money, and most of them are ordinary people. This is not easier.

Lin, who was in the Tower of the Great Sage, had heard Kaya mention all these arguments, but he didn't continue to care about them. It's also because the world doesn't know how to use the army to control public opinion, but stays at using a speech with gorgeous rhetoric to attract people's hearts. The latter acts like a bubble, which is easily burst by the truth of different positions, and then loses its effectiveness.

However, Lin didn't have the idea of ​​going to the forum to make trouble, that would be a waste of time, he might as well do his own thing seriously. At the same time, he also learned from the president's message that the Great Mage Greenwynn was about to visit and its purpose.

After more than ten days of waiting, Lin finally waited for the arrival of the Great Mage Greenwyn. This time he chose to greet the guests in person instead of meeting the guests in person. After all, the other party's previous attitude was quite friendly, and the two apprentices also received a lot of care during their stay in Wulian City. Such a person should not hide evil intentions.

After the two parties greeted each other, Greenwyn took the lead in explaining his intention. For the work of collecting the remains and requieming the soul, there are certain ceremonies and it takes time, so Lin first led everyone to the place where the remains were temporarily placed.

In fact, after what happened that day, how to deal with the aftermath really made the three masters and apprentices distressed for a while. It is unlikely to use the method of dealing with the villagers, directly exposing the corpse outside the tower as a respectful example. It's one thing to provoke a village with fewer than a hundred people, but it's another thing to provoke a branch of the Association of Magicians. The former will only make Lin feel some trouble, while the latter is the prelude to courting death.

After contacting the president, considering that someone might come to investigate the whole story, Lin decided to treat it with caution. Fortunately, it was Kaya who took the lead in cleaning up the mess. The brown-skinned girl carefully packed up the scattered body parts as much as possible according to the individual they belonged to, and put them in sackcloth bags...

Lin was speechless for a while.

According to Hallomi, her suggestion was to pick out the meat and feed it directly to the dogs. The rest were thrown into the furnace in the foundry.

Im speechless...

In the end, the teacher personally commanded the two girls to make ten wooden boxes to store the remains and relics respectively, and put them in an empty room on the second floor. And arrange the magic circle of freezing and tranquilizing, so that the corpse will not rot and stink too quickly. until today.

Guide the Great Mage Greenwyn and the five-member mourner team to the resting place on the second layout here is in accordance with the tradition of the lost world, and it is well-regulated, so that there will be no doubts about desecrating the dead.

After the simple requiem ceremony, the mourners opened the wooden box of the deceased, and were so shocked that they couldn't speak. There were no less than hundreds of flattened internal organs and body parts, all piled up in wooden boxes in a messy manner. No one is a complete limb, and even many pieces of meat are difficult to identify what part of the body they belong to.

What kind of attack did he suffer to have such a miserable death?

Rao is this group of magicians who are used to dealing with the dead, and they also feel a kind of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox.

The leader of the team, Great Mage Greenwyn, was even more surprised. He once put himself in the situation and thought of many ways to kill five magicians with the power of one tower; but the tragedy in front of him was not caused by any method he knew.

Open the box where the relic was placed, and the situation inside is the same. It's no wonder that at the beginning, when Greenwyn proposed to take back the remains and relics, Lin agreed very readily without any hesitation, let alone intercepting anything as spoils of war. Because it has been shredded to such a degree, nothing can retain its original function and value.

Looking at the fragments of the black robe, Greenwyn knew very well that this was what the Kadiz branch wanted to recycle. In addition to improving the ability to resist magic, the stealth robe made by the royal court of the elves also has several anti-detection enchanting functions.

In other words, unless the person wearing this robe is seen with the naked eye, in the perception of magic, it will be as if he does not exist. It can be said to be a perfect match with the assassin's stealth ability. Among the magician community, this robe is also popular.

Now it has become a pile of rags. I don't know if it will still have the original ability after sewing it back.

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