Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 404: world tree lahti

Homo sapiens is a very interesting creature. When the elves hand over the right to choose to make a contract with the World Tree to the adult elves, the number of elves who choose to make a contract becomes quite small, or even none. It's normal to think about it, who would suddenly choose a more restrictive life after getting used to a certain life, and such a change has no meaning other than trouble.

But when this right to choose suddenly changed, it became an honor that only a few elites can have. Only by becoming the Shenmu Guard can they sign a contract with World Tree. Although once a contract is made, the commandments must be strictly followed, there are still countless young elves who seek to become part of a fixed number of guards.

The benefit of the change in relationship with the World Tree is that the productivity, creativity, and destructive power of the elves were liberated, and even the elves once ruled the world of Midi and established a huge empire.

But the side effect that followed was that the world tree seemed to degenerate, the avatars no longer appeared, and even the elves lost the ability to communicate with the world tree. Only the elves of a certain special bloodline are left, and they can still communicate with the world tree.

Maybe the branches are still dense and lush, maybe people still dare not be insulted under the shade of the tree, but except for the blood that became the royal family and a very small number of members of the Shenmu Guard, the World Tree seems to have closed its heart and become a tree. Pure plants.

In this regard, the elves of the kingdom do not know how to recover. Speaking of this, there is only a deep sigh.

The news obtained from these old elves is completely different from what the wood elves said and what they imagined. As for the reason behind it, a certain person had a flash of inspiration, as if he had some ideas, but the furry feeling that suddenly appeared at his feet dispelled his newly sprouted thoughts. Lin looked at the kitten rubbing against his feet in surprise.


Stretching out his hand to grab the uninvited guest who was barking in a milky voice, Lin asked curiously, "Hey, little thing, how did you get in here?"

In my impression, a group of armed elves didn't keep their doors tightly sealed. Is there a mouse hole for this kitten to chase in? It's just that the movement of holding the cat with one hand looks puzzled in other people's eyes. Lin smiled and asked, "What's the matter? Are you also surprised to see this tabby cat? Let me tell you first, it's not I sneaked in, you have to ask yourselves."

"No, sir, you don't have anything," said Luka Titov.

The prime minister of the kingdom is lying, or... Lin turned his head, looked at Fen who was sitting beside him, and asked, "Didn't you see it too?"

The lich looked at someone with the look of seeing an idiot. No matter how stupid someone is, he should know something. He looked back at the kitten he was holding in one hand, and said, "Hey, little thing, what the **** are you?"


"What's your name?"


"My name is Meow, what a nice name.──" A certain cat rolled her eyes, "──How did you get in here?"


"Where are your parents?"


Hold the underarms of the forelimbs with both hands and lift the kitten up. "Are you male or female?"

"Meow meow!" The kitten flicked its lower limbs uncooperatively, and its hind paws were about to scratch someone's face.

"Okay, okay. You want to ask me for help. If so, just meow."

This motley cat, who should be at the age of drinking milk, has settled down, tilting his head, with a cute face, and meowing non-stop. It looked like he was going to pretend to be stupid to the end.

Only then did I have some guesses in my heart, how could this kitten be allowed to play dumb. Lin smiled and asked: "Well, I am very interested in what you are. So do you agree to let me dissect you? Oh, that is to cut it up and study it. If you agree, just meow, if you agree very much, keep meowing .”

The originally cute Sanhua kitten stared at the person in front of her with unlovely fish eyes, and dared not make any noise.

"Heh, aren't you going to pretend you don't understand? Can you speak human language?"

"Meow meow."

"I don't understand. Then it's worthless, and it's better to cook it. Cat meat, I heard from Lao Guang that it tastes very special, but unfortunately I haven't had the chance to taste it yet."

The Sanhua kitten stopped barking this time, and turned to bite her hand. Don't look at this little thing's size is very small, its claws and teeth are strong enough, if someone hurts, of course it will be thrown away. The kitten, which broke free, darted across the table nimbly, trying to run away.

But it's not so easy for someone to let a small animal that has come into view run away. With a flash, he grabbed the skin at the back of his neck; with another flash, he returned to the original position.

This one-man show, of course, made a group of elves dumbfounded. They didn't understand the meaning of someone's operation at all. Especially when he acted vividly, as if he really had something in his hand. But the last trick of appearing and disappearing suddenly still frightened this group of well-informed old elves. If such a technique is used in assassination, who of them can prevent it?

Watching someone with interest on the table, the empty space. Fern asked, "What's the reason? You can see it, but I can't. And I've tried a few different observation methods, but I can't detect anything at all. Is it in consciousness? Or is it a specific wavelength of light? frequency?" Of course she wouldn't think that someone was cheating, that kind of cheating was pointless. Then the only possibility left is that the object in his hand has indeed avoided the sight of others in some way.

Press the kitten in your hand on the table. The suppressed kitten lay on its stomach very recognizably, neither moving nor barking. Those dark eyeballs fluttered restlessly.

Facing Fern's question, Lin thought for a while and said, "This should be a characteristic of high-dimensional creatures. If he doesn't limit his own information transmission, it's like those indescribable things. Just by looking at them, people will be able to see them." will be driven mad by redundant and unprocessable information. But if he restrains himself, then if he does not exist in other people's cognition, he really does not exist."

"Can't you touch it?" Fen reached out and touched under someone's suppressed object, and it turned out to be empty. But in Lin's eyes, it was the lich's hand that swept past, but the kitten let out an unpleasant cry. Fern asked suspiciously, "Then why can you?"

"Well, because he sent me some information, he also established a relationship with me, allowing me to observe the part he sent. Of course, to recognize the information he sent out in a way that I can understand. But this connection is permanent. After it is established, it will not disappear if he wants to disappear from my cognition again. So I think if he can maintain this state, will he appear in more In front of people, maybe you need to think about it. But it’s not like there are other ways.”

Maybe the elves couldn't understand most of the dialogue between the two magicians. But the part they can understand seems to indicate that the human magician can see a certain existence. And it is very likely... "Could it be possible that Your Excellency can see His Majesty Lahti?"

With an unfamiliar name, Lin asked directly, "Lahti? Who?"

When several old elves mentioned this one, they all respected him and said, "The guardian of the kingdom, His Majesty the World Tree Lahti."

Looking at the well-behaved kitten under the pressure. Lin said: "Is he your World Tree? I'm not sure. Maybe he's just a little thing running from other worlds along the passage of the World Tree."


For this uncertain guess, someone suddenly thought of himself. How did I come to Lost Land? Can we go back the same way? With such a distraction, the hands will naturally relax. Of course, the kitten who was under the pressure seized this opportunity and rushed out, looking at someone warily on the other side of the long table.

As for the escaped kitten, Lin looked at his empty hand, but never thought about catching it back. Instead, he looked at the kitten with its forelimbs lowered and its **** raised high, ready to sprint at any time with a smirk on its face.

Because you guessed why you were invited to the elf kingdom, Lin You made some preparations in advance. At this time, he took out a magic stone that he had prepared a long time ago, which contained the introductory knowledge related to the innate magic pattern of the World Tree. It is mainly about organizing and summarizing content, as well as explaining with mathematical methods.

This was originally used to prevaricate the elves, a small gadget for business affairs. If the other party makes any unreasonable demands, I will throw this magic stone to dismiss the elves. Now this magic stone is just used to lure the unknown kitten in front of him.

As soon as someone took out the magic stone, the kitten seemed to sense what was inside, staring straight at it with two eyeballs, not relaxing for a moment. As someone moved up, down, left, and right on purpose, the little head turned accordingly.

Seeing this appearance, Lin couldn't help but smile. He also stopped teasing the cat, and threw the magic stone lightly. With this action, not only the kitten stared at but also all the elves and Fern present. When the magic stone landed on the table again, after bouncing it a few times, it spun around bone-like, and all the elves woke up, realizing that they had watched someone's one-man show for long enough.

Only the calm old elf wanted to scold someone. But right in front of their eyes, the swirling magic stone stopped abruptly. They vaguely saw a motley kitten covering the magic stone with its short forelimbs crossed. Then he lowered his head and put the magic stone into his mouth.

Just when the kitten with the magic stone in its mouth wanted to swallow it up, it realized that it had become the focus of everyone's attention.

Cognition is a reciprocal act. There is no one side that can see the other without being noticed. People who have not established any relationship with the kitten are the background in its eyes, no different from the stones on the side of the road. Once the connection is established, the person who knows it seems to be alive in its world, so it can also find that it has been seen.

Pretending to swallow the magic stone as if nothing had happened, the Sanhua kitten was still cute, tilted its head, and called in that milky voice: "Meow."

Then he jumped towards the edge of the table. The short limbs kicked vigorously, and the figure of the flying kitten faded away. Just before landing, he disappeared from everyone's eyes.

At this time, someone said from the side: "To let others see things that don't exist, first of all, there must be something they can observe as a medium to make people realize that there is something. When cognition is established, you can see the original Something that doesn’t exist anymore. Of course, that’s not necessarily a good thing.”

Magic Tower Starry Sky

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