Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 402: world tree and world

In the past, when World Trees fought each other, everyone only focused on how to capture the core of other World Trees as a stepping stone for their own advancement. There are young trees, and of course there are also burned to ashes. At that time, no one cared about how the entire Lost World was.

Today, wars no longer exist, and all World Trees are lingering, guarding against the human kingdom for various reasons, cutting down trees to extract their essence. If someone of the same race finds a new way to advance, of course it will attract the attention of the World Trees. But just pay attention.

Because Wadwo revealed a message that before he wants to advance through this method, he must first accumulate enough strength to advance to the core of other World Trees in the past, not only to obtain new beacons, but also to win Its savings, in order to strengthen one's own intention, make the road to promotion easier to achieve.

The limitation of the new method makes those old things that have a high starting point seem to lack interest. Because the progress of each stage is almost all the accumulation of the past; and the time they need to accumulate enough strength to advance is far beyond the imagination of those few new generations. Therefore, these few world trees of the old generation didn't even bother to ask.

But if there is no other World Tree sacrificed, a certain World Tree is promoted, and it also slightly improves the rank of the entire Lost Land. The direct impact on the rest of the world tree is that the original threshold seems to have dropped a bit, and the limit that restricts oneself seems to be a little loose. What is the meaning behind this discovery? What kind of impact will it bring in the future?

In order to discuss this issue, someone is invited to sit in the high table.

When I talked about this, I felt like I wanted to submit a report. In order to make the report better and let myself take the main credit, I called people to a meeting, and the meeting was naturally It is all kinds of criticism and guidance, and the credit is all his own.

But that was a meeting between Turtle Dove and Meigao. Maybe they didn't get along with the elf kingdom, but it didn't prevent the high-level elves in these kingdoms from knowing what was going on. It was a neutral consciousness space jointly created by five Dharma saints and eight arch druids, and reinforced by the joint efforts of 19 high-ranking alliance members. And impose many rules to prevent clusters from becoming battlefields of spiritual thoughts.

The reason for being so cautious is that before the high-level meeting, in the early days of the Turtledove Alliance, all World Trees did not have the same mutual trust as they do today. After all, they were fighting life and death before, calculating each other, with the goal of destroying each other. Many habits are not so easy to change.

And after everything is on track, the high-seat meeting is not only a space for the 19 World Trees to connect with each other and hold talks; it is also a place to meet some special people. These people have important information, have made great contributions, or represent other countries with sufficient weight to negotiate with the Turtle Dove and Meigao seats.

Therefore, although it is rare for ordinary people to attend high-level meetings, it is not unheard of. This also indirectly proves that the knowledge held by someone is very valuable to World Trees. However, according to those who participated in the high-level meeting, it was just standing in a dark space, and the existence of the nineteen chairs sitting around it was like an interrogation. And the chairs are usually not full.

What no one knew was that a certain World Tree who was dissatisfied with someone did not prevent other high-ranking officials from inviting that person to attend, but he deliberately wanted to make people look bad. Even if it is only a sliver of consciousness in this neutral space, it is not a burden that ordinary people can bear. So he exerted pressure the moment before someone's consciousness was summoned to the high seat meeting.

All members of the high seat are of course aware of it. But most of them choose to sit on the sidelines, and those who intend to stop it are too late. At the moment when someone's consciousness descended, the space of the high-seat meeting ushered in an unprecedented shock. It seems to tear apart the many consciousnesses that have come, and it seems to smash this supposedly unbreakable space into pieces.

In the end, the space of the high-seat meeting returned to stability, and someone who was invited appeared safely in...the twentieth seat.

Because it is a high-seat meeting with World Tree as its members, and in order to abide by the principle of neutrality, some rules of this space were formulated a long time ago, and they will be automatically detected and executed. One of them is the increase of members. in principle.

This is not some kind of god, or the arrival of the abyss lord, you can have a high chair in the high-level meeting, but it must meet a characteristic of World Tree, that is, communicate with one or more worlds, or at least have such an ability. For this trait, no **** or demon meets the standard, only this group named after the 'World Tree'.

But now, there is a human who owns a chair in this place. Most World Trees collapsed, unbelievable; even Wadwo, his reaction was not much better.

Only rarely attended, but the age of existence is long, and all kinds of strange experiences are unimaginable to others—the ancient Fasnas can still maintain his usual composure. He ignored the extra chair, even if it meant someone had left their mark on the space. The ancient said directly: "Since you are here, let's start today's discussion."

A certain traveler who entered the high-level meeting for the first time, of course, did not understand what the 'normal' situation here should look like. He took it for granted that it was normal for those who were invited to have a chair. So he sat upright, complaining in his heart that the hardwood chair was a little knocked.

Of course, he didn't understand how rare it was for all members to attend in this space. He just looked at the rest of the high seats with interest, except for Wadwo who used the image of a beautiful woman with silver hair and long legs that he had seen before, there was only a cloud of fog in the other seats. Monochromatic, erratic, the only difference between them is their different colors, and the...'fruit' hanging on their bodies?

It was like a bubble, with an illusory silhouette of the world wrapped in it. And all the silhouettes of the world that can be seen have different characteristics. There are world silhouettes full of magma and bubbling, and there are world silhouettes like ice and snow; there are worlds full of water, and there are worlds where only clouds can be seen and the rest is empty.

Is this the world connected by these high seats? someone thought. And it can be seen that the world everyone connects to is not repetitive. Most of the high seats only connected to one, and the one who spoke before and planned to go straight to the topic was the one who connected the most worlds among the people present. On Him, there are a total of eight such bubble silhouettes.

But someone didn't think much about it, he just thought that everything he saw in front of him was so ordinary. On the contrary, what surprised him was that he found that the characters of the World Trees were also quite vigorous, instead of saying hello for three hours, and introducing themselves for a week, that came from a certain stereotype.

Since everyone didn't want to waste time, Lin, who was pulled into this special consciousness space, was of course happy to get straight to the point. It was also in this kind of discussion that he changed the meaning of the word "World Tree" again, instead of just serving as a space bridge to connect different worlds in the original cognition.

First of all, what kind of role do plants play in a world? In the case of the earth, the environment of the primitive earth was full of carbon dioxide, so when organisms evolved from single-celled organisms to multi-cellular organisms, the plants capable of photosynthesis were first produced. They continuously absorb carbon dioxide and then expel oxygen, so that animals have the basis for survival.

That is to say, on the earth, plants not only grow and reproduce, but also shoulder the responsibility of ecological balance. So what about the World Tree in the Lost Land? Do they only need to consider their own advancement?

In this regard, I have been listening to the opinions of the high-ranking people present, and at the same time imitating Wadwo's practice, and put forward various data related to myself, or the data they observed, trying to explain a certain phenomenon, However, it was refuted by other senior officials with evidence. And someone who spoke for the first time put forward a bold hypothesis: What if the current situation of Midi is actually brought about by the World Tree?

The eight powers of Midi, the gods and demons born on this basis, compared with ordinary beasts, monsters and dragons that belong to a higher level of life, elves, dwarves, and half-orcs other than humans. These things that the earth does not have, the reason why Midi exists, is it because Midi has more plants like the "World Tree"?

Maybe the earth will look like a certain time traveler, because in the "twilight of the gods", the world tree was bitten off by the poisonous dragon earth ushered in the end of the era. Although it was just a fairy tale, how could someone not think about the reasons behind it when he witnessed things that would only appear in many myths and fairy tales.

The power of the World Tree is to extend its branches into other dimensions, relying on the energy tide brought by the gap between dimensions to continuously nourish itself. That is, the sacrifice of ordinary flesh and blood is meaningless to them. The common warrior training method and magician meditation method are also useless to the world tree.

Now that we know the source of their power, where will the unusable remnants go? Everything comes in and out, people **** when they eat. But these filth will become nutrients for other species, and the ecology will cycle from this.

As with animals, so with plants. Ordinary plants absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen after photosynthesis. For them, carbon dioxide is the key to survival, and oxygen is just a waste product that is expelled. Ordinary plants are like this, but what about the world tree? After they absorb the energy tide brought by the dimensional gap, what do they discharge?

If the world tree is a vital part of the magic side of the lost world, then the improvement of the world tree as a whole means the improvement of the lost world. Because the 'waste' released by the world tree must be consumed by other species, perhaps by increasing the amount of consumption, or by increasing the type of consumption.

Once the consumption increases, World Tree must absorb a larger amount of energy tides and convert them to make up for the shortfall.

In this way, an ecological balance and cycle is established. Then, the magic civilization was established.

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