Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 29: Artificial magic open-air hot spring

Satisfied looking at the fruits of his labor, but still one last step away. Just like the joke about building the pyramids, the last thing missing is the Pharaoh.

Get ready for a change of clothes, close the door, just scrub yourself up and down, and then jump into the pool filled with hot spring water. There are no floor-to-ceiling windows or large glass in the Lost World, so Lin directly built the hot spring pool on the open platform. When a person was soaking in the pool, he turned his head, and what he saw was the scene outside the Tower of the Great Sage.

The gloomy forest is full of eyes, and there is no one inhabited. There is a falcon soaring into the sky, soaring in the sky. From time to time, there are birds and magpies flying around the crown of the tree, and it seems that there are animals running under it. Looking at a piece of green, a feeling of leaving the world and being independent, filled my chest.

But let's be honest, it's a wonderful feeling to go camping in the wild once in a while on Earth. But I live in this kind of place where birds don't lay eggs and chickens don't **** for a long time. The scene in front of him really can't bring up the slightest ambition. What really made Lin feel so sour was the feeling of his whole body being soaked in water.

If there is another glass of rice wine with a low alcohol content, it will be more perfect.

It is a very troublesome thing to take a bath in the Lost World. You have to prepare a bathtub in the room, then boil a pot of hot water, lift it into the room, and pour it into the bathtub. And cleaning up aftermath is equally troublesome. Otherwise, find a stream or a small lake outside, and jump into it after stripping naked. The construction of a large bath can only be seen in the history books and records of some stupid kings.

So it is very common not to take a shower for a few days. But this was something that Lin, a time traveler, was most unaccustomed to.

Yes, ever. One thing has lasted for more than ten years, and I will get used to it even if I am not used to it. But now that he has the conditions, there is no reason to continue to abuse himself.

But the request for wine was really helpless. Although Midi World also has rice, the main alcoholic beverages are beer and fruit wine. The colder it is, the better it is, but it is not suitable for warm drinking.

How about getting some wine-making equipment? Lin thought about it in his heart. But brewing is a technical job. You can't make anything just by looking at it and relying on your impressions. Just about the production of distiller's yeast, Lin was blindfolded and couldn't figure it out. Physics is okay, but microbiology is not good enough.

"Teacher, what are you doing?"

Harumi's voice made Lin turn his head slightly, and when he rolled his eyes back, he saw four heads protruding from the crack of the door. Two girls, two dog heads. Lin said lazily, "Didn't I hang a 'in use' sign on the door?"

"Yes, in use. But in use of what?"

"Take a bath."

"What is a bath?" asked, but two people and two dogs opened the door and walked in directly. Kaya also reached out to touch the water, and was a little surprised that the temperature of the water in the pool was not too low. The face that has not changed for thousands of years is also slightly moved.

"The whole person is soaked in water, otherwise it's called a bath." I feel like I'm talking nonsense. But since people come in, let's go by the way. Thinking so, Lin got up and wrapped a towel around his crotch.

The two girls didn't have much reaction to their teacher's behavior. Anyway, they have been adventuring together for so long, and it's not uncommon for them to see each other's bare buttocks. Instead, Hallomi asked enthusiastically, "Then can we take a bath?"

Sitting on a small stool, with his back to the two girls, Lin said: "If you want to use it, of course you can. I'm not soaking in the water all day. But not now, don't rush to take off my clothes,── "Stop the two people who are about to strip off their clothes and jump into the water, "──There are some rules of use that I need to tell you first. But before that, help me brush my back first."

Seeing her teacher pointing at the vegetable cloth beside her, Harumi rolled up her sleeves, splashed a ladle of water, and then brushed vigorously on her back. That sense of comfort is really like the taste of the previous life. "Oh~, you should invent a back brushing magic."

After a strange groan, Lin's nerve cord was finally reconnected, and he said to the two girls: "Rule one, when someone is washing, the sign on the door should be turned over to the 'in use' side, and tell others Don’t wash it in if you’re okay. After washing, turn the other side to be ‘idle’. Rule 2, scoop water on the side to wash your body before soaking in the pool. Rule 3, don’t wear clothes into the pool , of course you can’t do your laundry here either.”

After speaking, he looked at it and thought about it, and then Lin added: "Rule four, the two dogs can't enter the pool."

"Why?" Hallomi asked a little excitedly. After they came back, they found that the habits of the two big dogs were somewhat different from before. If you don't train, or don't tell them what to do, you are always going crazy outside, and you will be dirty when you come back. Wouldn't it be nice to have a place to wash up?

However, the teacher did not directly answer why this question, but said otherwise: "If the pool is dirty, I just ask you to clean it."

Without hesitation, the two girls shouted out the two big dogs that seemed to be planning to jump, as they were testing the temperature of the water with their tongues. That aggrieved look with tail tucked and head raised made people find it funny.

Then the two girls were kicked out by their teacher, and Lin Cai went to soak in the pool again. It seems that there is no plan to leave for a while.

The setting of the man-made magic open-air hot spring undoubtedly became Lin Xin's source of motivation. Not only can soaking in it when it is wilting, it can refresh your spirit, but even the few difficulties you encountered before are all a flash of inspiration, and you have overcome several in a row.

The two little apprentices also fell in love with taking a bath. In the past, I didn’t have the conditions to take a bath every day, and it was nothing more than serving the teacher. When it was my turn, I was too lazy to move the tub, boil hot water, and tidy up after washing. Because after finishing these things for a round, the freshly washed body is covered with sweat again, which is really a waste of effort. So when the body is really dirty, they always run to the river to solve it.

Now that I don't have those troubles, I don't need to scrub every day. Although it is stipulated that you must wash your body first before you can take a bath, and you cannot wear clothes in it or wash clothes, but there is no rule that you cannot play in the water. So the two girls are always having fun in the pool.

And one day, I accidentally discovered that when I was meditating while soaking in the water, I felt that the accumulation of mana and power was faster than usual, almost catching up with the feeling in the meditation room. So taking a bath became the daily homework of the two girls.

I thought that the days would continue like this, but on a rainy afternoon, the Tower of the Great Sage welcomed another group of guests. Generally speaking, it is enough for apprentices to come forward to receive them. But during the continuous rainy days, Lin felt that he was nesting on the third floor and was about to get moldy, so he went downstairs to say hello to the guests.

In the group of seven, several people were packing their wet luggage, and the leading swordsman was talking with Harumi. When Lin appeared on the first floor, the new guest followed the two apprentices and greeted the tower owner respectfully.

On the surface, he responded kindly, but Lin was actually looking at the way of the visitor. There is no way, anyone who was called to the tower of the great sage before can be called a bad guest. There are two waves of villagers who want to treat the magician as a slave, one wave of inspectors who want to punish the evil magician, and one wave of inspectors who want to attack the evil magician after hearing about the incident.

Now why this group of people came to this remote place, which is not a traffic hub, Lin couldn't help thinking about it.

But looking at the crowd, there was only vigilance, but no disgust. Maybe these people were just passing by?

"I don't know, where is the guest coming from?" Lin asked politely.

"We are an adventure group from the Kingdom of Salamanca, Sword of Radiance. I am the leader, Kohler.──"

The Kingdom of Salamanca is a small kingdom within the scope of the Association of Magicians, Cadiz District. As for the brilliance, or the sword, it belongs to the name of the vegetable market in the adventure group, and it can be seen everywhere. Anyway, the same name is not prohibited in this world, so no one cares about this trivial matter.

"──Our group is going to the Dodorian Mountains. We heard that there are ogres in trouble there, and we plan to go to crusade."

The Dodolian Mountain Range is located within the range of the Nonan Branch of the Magicians Association. In terms of the action path of this adventure group, it can be said that it rushed from the northernmost edge of the peninsula in the southwestern part of the mainland to the southernmost edge. Ogres can be regarded as a very troublesome uncivilized species of Homo sapiens. They are very powerful, and they are not targets that ordinary adventurers dare to deal with.

But this group of adventurous group, who were full of confidence and planned to go to hunt down the ogre, was poured a bucket of cold water here. Kaya said in her unique flat voice, "If it is the ogre tribe in the Dodoren Mountains, it has already been eliminated."

"What!" Everyone was shocked. Even Lin was shocked when he heard Kaya's words. Swordsman Kohler hurriedly asked: "How did you know this news, can you confirm it?"

"It was Earl Sita of the Kingdom of Huesca who sent the Thunder and Lightning Legion to fight against it. A magician named Meher Lindfries announced it on the forum." Kaya called out the forum with the water mirror technique screen, and quickly found the bragging article.

Lin looked at the name of the person who posted the post, and suddenly remembered that this was not just a colleague of the group who accompanied a nobleman who came here to find trouble.

Swordsman Kohler looked at the discussion thread opened by Kaya, and attached to it was a picture of ogre bones piled up like a mountain, a backward tribe caught in a sea of ​​fire, and a group of soldiers holding a military flag beside them. On the military flag is an aristocratic coat of arms, and there is a lightning symbol next to it, which should be the flag of the Thunder and Lightning Legion.

The inner text is quite wonderful, it describes how the legion concealed its whereabouts and surrounded the tribe secretly. UU Reading Then when fighting, how do the soldiers cooperate to reduce their own casualties, and kill a large number of ogres whose individual strength surpasses that of humans. In short, he tried his best to brag, and almost wanted to praise this army to the sky.

When they learned that the nest of troublesome ogres had been dealt with, everyone in the adventure group had complicated expressions. I am happy that the safety of ordinary people has been guaranteed, but I am also helpless that this time I may have to make a waste of a trip.

But Kaya continued: "Although the ogre is solved, there may still be a lot of manpower on the Dodorian Mountains."

"Well, what's going on?" This time it was Lin Zai's turn to ask.

"In the discussion area of ​​the Adventurer's Guild in the Kingdom of Huesca, the post dedicated to the mission stated that it is said that the original king-level monsters in the Dodorian Mountains have disappeared, and the remaining monsters have begun to fight for the king. The entire mountain area is in commotion. I heard that There are also dragons infesting. In order to prevent monsters from attacking the town, the Adventurer's Guild has issued a large number of crusade missions. Go there now, and anyone who leads a monster can receive a reward."

"It's such a mess."

...If someone who knows everything is here, hearing what Lin said from an outsider's point of view, I'm afraid I'll be **** off. I really don't know who should be responsible for the instigator.

But swordsman Kohler, who finished reading the relevant content, turned his attention to the forum interface. Said: "It turns out that this is the time when I heard the so-called forum in Xijia District. It's really convenient. It's just that if you want it, you have to go to Wulian City, which is a bit difficult. It's a pity."

Hallumi said proudly at this time: "Do you want to buy a browser? You can just ask my teacher. My teacher is the inventor of the forum browser technique. If you bring your own magic stone, I Keir will do it."

The wonderful expressions of everyone in the adventure group are beyond description.

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