Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 26: return trip

It's a pity that I couldn't keep all the money to be paid and turn it into my performance before it was moved out of the treasury. However, the senior manager of the visiting chamber of commerce also understood that this was probably the limit of the two girls.

If you want to encourage two little girls to buy blindly, let alone offend the magician behind it, I am afraid that even the upper management of the chamber of commerce will clean up themselves.

Isn't it precisely to protect the rights and interests of magicians that the association has established affiliated chambers of commerce? Why are they still cheating their own people? If such rumors were spread and caused a loss of the association's credit, maybe my family would put their lives in it, and it would not be able to quell the anger of the high-level magicians.

However, another deal was finalized. This time, as long as the goods are roughly collected, except for a few who have to wait to be mobilized from other places, a team of horses and horses will be specially hired to deliver the goods, and the two girls will be sent back to the Tower of the Great Sage.

The biggest part of the commission is the arrangement of the guard team. After all, there are more than Xbra (10000) gold coins to send back. The **** didn't pick a trustworthy one, and there were enough people. It was very likely that they would be robbed by others or by their own people on the way.

As for the follow-up of the mall system, there is no part to reply. Accustomed to seeing various online shopping malls in the Earth Age, as well as various analysis of pros and cons, Lin has already considered all aspects of this castrated version in the manual, and has also made arrangements for the follow-up.

It seems that the order allocation that has been disputed for a long time at the XIIII meeting finally adopted a method designed by Lin. That is, there is no designated business by default, and all orders will be returned to the headquarters of the chamber of commerce, and then the people in the headquarters will make allocations according to the discussion results of the meeting. Of course, the option to designate business personnel to handle orders and give quotations is also retained, so that magicians who are used to buying goods from someone can continue to establish good trading relationships on the mall system.

As for whether there will be other problems, of course, wait until the system is online, and then consider the solution when encountering the situation.

In short, in the third week after arriving in Wulian City, everything was finally ready, and the two girls will return to the Great Sage's Tower with the carriage team. There are five caravans in charge of carrying the goods, plus the girls' caravans, a total of six caravans, in fact, none of them have fully loaded the goods on the list. Some are to be mobilized from further afield and will go with the next regular convoy.

There are six guards, and they are one of the ace teams belonging to the chamber of commerce. Their loyalty and strength are not a problem. At the same time, there was also the senior manager who was in contact with the girl at the beginning, and a magician, one of the students of the president Chengguo Eaton.

Although it is said that the chairman does not intervene in the management, there are factions if there are people, and there are still some available people under his old man. And the appearance of that student shocked some young people.

On the way back, the biggest news was that with the concerted efforts of the chamber of commerce, the mall system was officially unveiled. Different from the interface of the discussion area, many pictures and detailed descriptions make people feel like visiting a store in person and choosing a dazzling array of products. Many people are deeply fascinated and unable to extricate themselves when they see it.

And the origin of the picture is not the Lost World version of the camera. This world doesn't have that stuff yet, but it has similar magic. Let's start with a saying: After death, human beings will imprint the last thing they saw before death in their eyes. Some magicians used this saying to develop the branding technique. The medium is the eyeballs, not necessarily human, animal eyeballs are also fine.

But an eyeball can only retain a static image, and to watch it, you need to cast another spell. So in terms of practicality, it is not favored by people. On the contrary, in the aristocratic circle, there are often some people who want to cater to the flatterers, use the branding technique to leave the figure of the beauty, and then encourage some nobles to come forward to fight for it, or even **** it.

Afterwards, the branding technique ushered in a reform. Some magicians developed the use of crystal **** to store multiple static pictures, and they could be viewed directly with the crystal ball without additional spell casting. However, the expensive materials made the modified crystal ball branding technique not accepted by most people except for special purposes. Of course, there is no way to form a photography culture like the earth.

And this third major reform is the image storage format developed by Lin Wei for the forum and mall system. The magic word technique has been used on the forum to publish the patterns or magic arrays in books on the Internet in the form of pictures.

At the beginning of the establishment of the mall system, Lin had the idea of ​​storing the static pictures obtained by branding into the system, and did some research. After all, for doing business, purely using words to introduce, and being able to see the product itself are two completely different effects. Moreover, this idea has also been recognized by most people in the Chamber of Commerce, and the effect of implementing it is as fascinating as before.

...Then, there are countless howls.

The network of Lost World does not have a specification for network speed, but there is a limit for traffic. And this limitation depends on the carrier of the browser system, that is, the magic power contained in the magic stone or the energy pool itself.

If it's a semi-infinite energy like an energy pool, there's nothing to say. However, although the energy stored in the magic stone has a phenomenon of natural recovery, it is only possible to use it permanently if the energy consumption does not break the balance in the magic stone.

In terms of usage, even the lowest-level Hongyao-level magic stones can be used without wear and tear simply by viewing the pure text information on the forum.

As for the video currently on the forum, only the surveillance footage provided by Lin to the association as evidence is not made public, so it can be ignored.

As for the part of the picture, it will also appear in the discussion articles on the forum, but they are only supplementary and supplementary materials, not as explanatory materials for the theme. So relatively speaking, the appearance of pictures is quite rare. Therefore, although turning on the picture will consume energy and break the balance in the magic stone, but in the experience of using it for several months, that kind of consumption is not obvious, which makes people ignore the lethality of the picture.

Now that the mall system is online, the dazzling pictures and information have deeply stimulated everyone's desire to consume, and they couldn't help but look down page by page...then the magic stone exploded.

Except for a very few magicians who are rich enough to use high-level magic stones as browser carriers, most of the users are magicians who are not financially well off, or apprentices who continue to pay the price of learning magic knowledge. Even ordinary people related to Wulian City have some spare money in their hands.

The latter types of people all use the lowest-grade Hongyao-level magic stone as their carrier. In terms of the original usage, it is more than enough. But once the mall system was launched, everything was tragic.

This is also a certain time when the caravan team went to the tower of the great sage to camp at a certain time after everyone rushed to inform the mall system that the system was activated. The magic stone made crisp crackling sounds one after another. There was an extremely miserable howl, which also included Harumi and Kaya and the six guards.

Most of the browser systems that use magic stones as the carrier can be used as long as they are Homo sapiens who can use magic props. So these fighters who work under the Association of Magicians will also use it. On the one hand, it can be regarded as a work requirement, using the forum to report various news and the whereabouts of the caravan to the chamber of commerce. When they need it, they will also buy things from the Chamber of Commerce, so the launch of the mall system is naturally the focus of their attention. Then...the magic stone exploded.

In the carriage team, except for the two girls who were able to take out a spare browser magic stone from their luggage, only the leader of the guard had a publicly issued browser magic stone, which was used to process official information and was generally not used. , It didn't explode. And that Chengguo? President Eaton's student also looked at the powder in his hand, and then asked the sky to make a distant eye shape speechlessly.

Consider the mentor of the two girls, the inventor of browser magic. Since I will bring a spare, maybe there will be a second and a third. Therefore, at the request of others, Harumi and Kaya only kept one magic stone that already had a browser system, and sold the five extra magic stones to other people in the team . The price is directly the value of the magic stone itself, plus Ikele's browser magic, there is no need.

There will be so many spares, all of which are the habits brought out by my teacher. When you are away from home, it is better to be prepared than to be in a hurry. For some irreplaceable items, always bring some preparations to avoid accidents. As for life-saving items, they have to be checked again and again. If you don't have enough things, you can buy them with money, but if you don't have life, you can stop mentioning everything.

As for the magician sent by his president teacher to carry out this **** mission, he looked at the cash box on the carriage with some helplessness. The reason for this mission was that there were rumors that some people coveted this huge amount of gold coins, and President Chengguo Eaton made a big move to show his attitude and warn those villains hiding in the dark.

Anyway, as long as you have been escorted once, you shouldn't get so much profit in the future.

But teacher, maybe this cash box of the same weight has to be delivered again. The magician muttered silently in his heart.

With the launch of the mall system, ten magic stones exploded from this caravan alone. What a wonderful picture it would be in Wulian City. Just imagining it is chilling.

This is not. Just after it was re-launched, the association is in all the discussion areas that can post announcements, warning people who browse the mall page, except for the various magic tower masters that use the energy pool as the system, please change the browser settings to not open all pictures by default. Options. Which picture you want to open, just click the icon box to open it.

Come to think of it, Wulian City should also be in mourning at this time.

Finally, when everyone was full of grievances, the tall figure of the Tower of the Great Sage appeared at the end of the field of vision.

Got home.

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