Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 18: The king who follows

If the opportunity for a surprise attack had been lost, then Richard Haas would have to re-examine the possible losses from attacking the magic tower.

Is there a way for the magic tower to wipe out an entire legion?

of course can.

But Richard Haas is not a rookie who has not experienced the battle against the tower.

There will be disputes between nobles because of territorial issues, so it is like a fairy tale that nobles and magicians will coexist peacefully without disputes. In most cases, this kind of personal enmity will not arouse the public anger of magicians, and there is no reason for the Magicians Association to intervene. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the nobles' private army to attack the tower.

On the contrary, if the tower owner is killed, there may be magicians who are willing to create an empty tower to compete for, without any aversion to the nobles. As long as the nobles don't claim and occupy the inherent ten-year (10 kilometers) territory of the magic tower, the successor will ignore anything that was plundered by the former tower owner. This is a common practice in the lost world. But if a certain nobleman wants to level the magic tower, there will be big bosses from the association to teach him how to behave.

In other words, from the perspective of Richard Haas, attacking the Magic Tower with the existing manpower is not without a chance of victory. In addition, the magician who took over the tower of the great sage can only be regarded as a new recruit for the tower owner, completely different from those old ghosts who have been in business for a long time, and can be regarded as the easiest to bully. However, whether the loss and gain of attacking the tower are equal is another level of question.

There is no need to consider such a charitable deed that can be easily accomplished to increase the reputation and achievements of Earl Sita and the Thunder and Lightning Legion. For the soldiers he brought out, Richard Haas was fully sure of the surprise attack. But if the opponent is already alert and changes from a surprise attack to a frontal attack and defense, the loss may be huge, so I can't help but think twice.

What's more, there is an extremely valuable temporary cargo in his team. Bringing it back will not only bring great fame to the earl, but also strengthen the strength of the legion. Furthermore, in order to seize the cargo, the elite squadron that followed had casualties, and it was not in the most complete state. All these factors made the legion leader apprehensive, and it was difficult to make a decision easily.

Facing his father's subordinates who remained silent, the young noble gradually lost his patience. From constant urging, to all kinds of threats and curses. In the end, he impatiently issued an ultimatum, and said in a stern tone: "Commander of the Haas Army, I have made it very clear, draw up a plan to attack the tower, and implement it. Remember, whose subordinate are you?"

Impatiently, he stopped thinking in the noisy environment, and when he came back to his senses, he heard his master's threat, and Richard Haas was also amused. He said coldly: "Of course it is clear, Baron Sita, I am your father's subordinate. Unfortunately, you have not inherited your father's title."

The last line of reason in the mind of the young noble who had been ignored for his succession suddenly snapped. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to teach this ignorant guy a lesson. He completely forgot that if there was a real fight, based on the strength of the two sides, he should be the one who gets the lesson. But a tiger's roar resounding through the sky suddenly interrupted Baron Sita's irrational behavior and brought him back to reality.

The roar of the tiger was familiar to everyone present. Several thunderous and lightning soldiers ran out of the forest and came to guard Richard Haas and Baron Sita. The five members of the adventure group looked at the direction of the voice at the same time, and the hunter said in amazement: "Could it be that the king-level monster chased it out!"

The next moment, there was also a whistling sound not far from the forest behind the team. Compared with the previous sound, it seemed much more immature. The warrior leader's face changed, and he cursed: "Damn it, did the cub wake up?"

In the very center of the Thunder and Lightning Legion squadron camp, there is a carriage carrying an iron cage. Inside the iron cage is a four-legged winged cub with black spots on a white background, which is firmly fixed to the base of the iron cage by iron chains.

Potions that hunters use to stun animals have not fully worn off. But when it heard the howling of the female beast, it still struggled to respond, and kept twisting its body, trying to break free from the chain.

This cub was the trophy of the group before. The squadron of the Thunder and Lightning Legion pinned down the king-level beast, the Skywing Tiger, and then a six-person adventure group headed by the heavily armored warrior Schmidt and Baron Sita secretly captured the Skywing Tiger hatchlings.

Whether it is domesticated or turned into a magic material, the value of this hatchling is no less than a standard earldom, several years of tax revenue. It was precisely because of the battle that Baron Sita insisted on launching that the Thunder and Lightning Legion squadron suffered casualties.

But the goal at that time was to restrain the king-level monster. When Wing Tianhu realized something was wrong, he wanted to turn around, but there was no trace of his child. If he wanted to pursue the human beings who restrained him before, Richard Haas would have already led them to escape. It was empty at both ends, causing the monster to rush out of its territory in grief and anger, and began to track down its own cubs.

It is definitely bad news for the human side to meet again now. Because there was still a time difference before, to escape separately. Now it is necessary to fight positional warfare, not only to guard the cub and prevent it from taking it back, but also to defend against the attack of a king-level monster until it is killed or repelled. This difficulty is not only one or two levels higher.

At this time, the magician Meher Linde Oles proposed a choice that he thought was the most rational: "Let's hide in the magic tower and rely on the tower's defense to meet this king-level beast?"

Everyone immediately gave him contemptuous looks. It was so stiff before, how can I ask to come to the door now?

At this time, the magic tower reacted, and the strategic-level attack magic it relied on - the light bomb attack technique, blasted towards the source of the roaring sound. Then everyone was disappointed, even desperate.

As the strategic-level attack magic deployed by the most magic towers, the name and power of the light bomb attack technique are very familiar to those with rich experience. It will condense a small sun-like dazzling light ball on the top of the tower, slowly descending towards the enemy's head. The condensed huge magic power will annihilate everything passing by until the magic power contained in the light ball is exhausted.

You must know that most attack magic can lock the enemy, and they are limited to the state that the caster can see, and actively bombard the enemy with mental power control; there is no real locking, and then automatic tracking. And the more complex the magic, the more difficult it is to use mental power to change the way of attack.

As for the use of strategic-level magic, most of them are used in places where the caster cannot directly observe, so there is no way to talk about things like locking the enemy. The only thing that can be done is to specify a direction and distance, and then expand the killing range as much as possible to cause a large number of killing results.

This means that strategic-level magic is not suitable for dealing with Warcraft. Because when the caster completes the magic and casts it in the specified direction and distance, the monster may have gone to other places to show off its might.

Therefore, the magic tower's way of dealing with monsters is to lure the opponent closer, and then use a large amount of attack magic in the range centered on the tower to attack the monsters outside the tower. Obviously, the rookie tower master didn't have such common sense.

Secondly, there was only a light ball the size of a human head that I saw just now, and it slammed in the direction of the Winged Tiger with a whoosh, completely lacking the power that the light bomb attack technique should have. Meher Linde Oles was the first to react and cursed in a low voice. Because this means that the tower owner, perhaps in the process of renovating the tower, modified the strategic magic circle on his own initiative, and the worst result was that the magic circle was damaged. Then, everyone was in trouble.

Richard Haas gave orders in an orderly manner, and the soldiers of the Thunder and Lightning Legion also moved quickly.

To deal with this kind of monster with a huge body and amazing attack power, unless it is a fully enclosed fortress like a castle or a magic tower, it is extremely unwise to choose a simple wooden village for positional warfare. UU reading

The best way is distributed siege, which takes the form of hunting, and the soldiers standing behind the monsters attack, and it also has a provocative effect. The purpose is to make Warcraft take care of one thing and lose another, making it difficult to balance the head and the tail.

But the reality is that there is still the restless cub to defend, so that the Winged Tiger cannot take it back; there is also the need to protect Earl Sita's heir. This will disperse a lot of manpower. Richard Haas quickly had an idea. He first asked the hunters in the adventure team to deal with the cubs. The tone was a bit harsh, but at this terrible moment, no one would care.

Then arrange the assembled teams. Although this group of elite soldiers were not afraid of fighting at night, but what they had to deal with was a king-level monster that had reduced their numbers a lot before, so everyone cheered up. In the relationship between life and death, oneself is the greatest reliance. I didn't see the weak attack of the magic tower, even if I said it was tickling...

Regarding the three-story building standing not far away, the complaints of the crowd were not over yet, and they saw continuous light **** shooting out from the top of the tower, connecting them in a line like beads, attacking in the direction of the Winged Tiger.

No matter how fast the ball of light flies, it is silent, but after hitting an object, the chaotic power generated by the magic annihilation will produce a muffled crackling sound. But because the human legion was still some distance away from the Winged Tiger, they couldn't hear that muffled sound. In their ears, it was the roar of the injured king-level monster, which was louder and angrier.

The attack launched by the magic tower is an unprecedented form. Seeing the strings of light **** swinging in the air, and the Winged Tiger's constant howl, the hunter couldn't help but came to the team's magician and asked: "Is it possible? Those light bullets all hit the devil tiger? How did you do it?"

Meher Linde Oles held back for a long time before replying: "Well, don't ask me."

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