Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 11: sermon

It didn't take long for the Great Mage Greenwyn to operate the forum interface, then exchanged with other people and withdrew. Lin wasn't surprised either, after all, there wasn't much to see on the forum these days. It is impossible to have these magicians and great magicians, and then go to see the introductory knowledge that apprentices need to gnaw.

The great magician walking towards Lin no longer had the expression of a curious baby with sparkling eyes. After the hot freshness passed, he began to examine the practicability of the forum. The magicians in the Lost World are all pragmatists. With a slightly regretful expression, he said to Lin: "It's a pity. Although the forum is quite convenient for long-distance communication, not everyone can know everything."

"Oh, is it a matter of confidentiality? I have also considered this part." Lin then explained the design of the forum permissions. While speaking, the others also stood up.

As for the permissions of the forum, Lin didn't use the Earth method to distinguish between different levels of membership. Instead, use the Linux system method, which is divided into three categories: user permissions, group permissions, and visitor permissions.

Undoubtedly, opening the visitor permission is completely open to the outside world. In the established forum, all discussion threads in the 'Miscellaneous' discussion area are preset to be fully open for visitor permissions.

When it is limited to user permissions, it means that no one can open and modify it except the user himself.

For Lin, the more troublesome design is in group permissions. In the registration part, you only need to fill in the name, the organization you belong to, and the magician's own secret seal as the password. The name is the user. Of course, I will not mention one point here, that is, it is impossible to verify whether the filled-in name is the real name. It is stated directly on the description column after the space, and it is the same as the name registered in the Magician's Association. Guide others to register with their real names, saving you the trouble of being anonymous in the future.

The organization to which it belongs becomes the user's group name. If the group name has not been used, a new group will be created at the same time of registration, and a new discussion area will be created in the discussion area. This new discussion forum, by default, can only be viewed by group members. Then when people want to join this group, they need the consent of everyone in the group to become a member of the group.

And a user can have multiple group identities. When a user does not log in to the forum for ten consecutive days, his authority will be suspended. If there is no login for one consecutive year, the user will be deleted, but the articles and replies submitted in the past will be kept. This is applied when someone is missing or dead, so as to prevent new members of the group from being unable to obtain group permissions because of missing or dead people. Or when everyone in the group -- except the subject -- agrees to expel someone, they can be stripped of their group privileges.

In addition, there is no design to delete articles in all discussion areas. In fact, this is all deliberately done by Lin. Anyway, no one in the Lost World knows that there should be an administrator in the discussion area, so let's pretend that there is no one, and the background system and administrator rights are regarded as a back door opened by oneself, in case of future contingencies. But it's more likely to be indifferent.

Otherwise, he had to explain to a group of more experienced magicians why he was able to serve as the manager of the forum and why the rules were set in such a way, Lin Guang couldn't help trembling just thinking about it. If you let disorder go, you will form your own order after a long time. Besides, he used his real name, so he went out to PK with real people if he was really upset. The magicians in the Lost World are not so much pragmatism as practicalism.

Hiding what shouldn't be mentioned and what he didn't want to mention, Lin spent all his time explaining to the five inspector magicians that they could understand. Greenwin and other talents recognized the forum, and at the same time raised the second question they were most concerned about: "Do you want to hand over this magic... program?"

Magicians and tower owners registered under the association can receive subsidies from the association at a fixed time. This money is not given in vain, every magician must submit the same result to the association every three years. Of course, this handover does not mean that the achievement belongs to the association, it is just to prove that he continues to move forward on the road of magic.

When other people are interested in this magic, they can pay to get the content and learn to use it. In other words, the cultural level of the lost world is almost equivalent to that of medieval Europe on the earth. But in the field of magic, there are already concepts of patent rights and copyright fees.

For Lin, it is extremely desirable to have another way to make money, so why bother to treasure it. What's more, for something like a forum, the most precious thing is the user group, not the structure of the forum. The more people use it, the more valuable it is.

So facing Greenwin's question, Lin said: "I'm ready for this." At the same time, he greeted Kaya. The brown-skinned girl immediately took out a wooden box for sealing and walked towards the crowd.

This kind of wooden box for sealing is used by magicians to pass through the chamber of commerce's carriage team and exchange valuables or secret messages with the association. Ordinary petty thieves have no way to break through the seal, but they will not work when they encounter robbers who are also magicians.

The seal imposed on it will have each magician's own mark, which cannot be recovered after breaking the seal. Therefore, using this kind of wooden box is not so much to prevent thieves as it is to prove that it has not been opened by idlers during the transportation process. It has a similar effect to the wax seals of medieval Europe on Earth.

But at this time, the wooden box Kaya brought hadn't been sealed yet, so Lin opened it casually, and took out the three handwritten booklets and three magic stones inside. On the Hongyao-level magic stone, there is a ribbon with notes written on it, and there are symbols corresponding to the booklet.

Put them in order on the closed wooden box lid, Lin said: "This is my three-year research results that are scheduled to be handed over to the association. They are domain name system, web page system, and browser. The first It is to simplify the complex imprint of the energy pool of the magic tower into a universal and regular website, and to communicate with each other quickly. The second is to build the foundation of the forum. The first two must have an energy pool as a carrier , can only be used. The third one can be used as a carrier above the Hongyao-level top-grade magic stone, and it is also the terminal interface mainly used by magicians."

The ability to quickly prepare these things is due to the relevant concepts and designs. Lin had already conceived and experimented when he discovered that the power of magic in the Lost World was similar to that of an eight-bit computer. It's just that the magic stones that were affordable at that time were not enough to load server-level operations, so the program was only limited to logically reasonable machine language. It wasn't until he became the Tower Master of the Great Sage's Tower that he truly implemented the entire system and adjusted its content.

In other words, these days, Lin Tiantian's main job is to debug, and then put the system online. Feeling that he was going crazy after catching bedbugs a while ago, Lin felt a sense of relief at this moment, and said: "The relevant notes have been prepared. Originally, I had to wait for the next convoy from the chamber of commerce to arrive and entrust them to deliver the items Sent back to the Association."

"Then..." Greenwin and other inspectors all had eager expressions on their faces, but they still asked restrainedly, "How much do you plan to sell this knowledge for?"

Lin held up a finger and said, "Every kind of I Keel."

The five inspectors were shocked! He also stretched out a finger, and asked in a slightly trembling voice, "I Keir?"

Lin's price after careful consideration is definitely not too expensive, but too cheap. Looking at the five people opposite, their expressions were more exaggerated than when they first saw the forum and video clips, Lin knew that this really shocked them.

Coins in the lost world are minted in every country. Basically, as long as it is not bad money—coins with too many impurities in the country where the minting country is poor—it can be circulated throughout the continent. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of coins: Kiel, Jiangxi and Danba, which are actually gold coins, silver coins and copper coins.

Jiang Xing and Danba are used for relatively small transactions, basically only ordinary people use them. Transactions between magicians are all based on Kiel. Coarse food for four people for half a year, I Kiel (1 gold); magic introductory books, each of which is XX Kiel (20 gold); can be obtained from the association, the most widely spread high-level attack magic in the lost world ──Samasi Yan Snake Art, CM Kiel (900 gold).

As long as a general magician has a mentoring apprentice, the monthly subsidy he can get from the association is between XX and LXX Kiel (20-70 gold).

I Kiel's price is not too much for a formal magician. After all, magic knowledge is a one-time sale, not a continuous expenditure.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the association doesn't allow free broadcasts, and the smallest unit of pricing is Kiel, Lin would consider ordering a lower price. But it’s impossible for free, so it’s uprooted to make up for the family.

The reason for the pricing is that Lin still remembers hearing a word from Bill Gates, the big boss of Microsoft, a year before time travel. The general idea is: If there is no piracy in this world, the size of Microsoft will be more than five times that of the time.

In fact, anyone who really understands knows that if there is no piracy, Microsoft will not have the subsequent market share, let alone five times.

Before the computer was windowed, it was a controversy among a hundred schools of thought, and Microsoft was the oldest. When computer windowing started, that guy Jobs not only sold the OS, he insisted on packaging and selling it together with his machines. The trust law should deal with this guy first. Windows has the opportunity to unify personal PCs, but it is only an opportunity. It was not the rampant piracy that really made Windows95 dominate the world, and it was the later world.

As for Lin who came to the Lost World, instead of earning money from selling the system, it is better to find a way to increase the base of users. It is the same as operating online games or mobile games. Only when the number of users increases, can there be opportunities to make money. There is not such a saying: free is the most expensive.

However, these principles are difficult for the aborigines of the Lost World to understand. Just as Greenwyn was shocked, with a serious expression, coughed and cleared his throat before saying: "Tower Master, I believe you can also feel our interest in these magic programs, UU reading is also interested Study. But I don’t want the price you set to be affected by my authority as an inspector. I don’t have any intention of coercing your lord, but I don’t want these spells to become bribes either.”

"Your Excellency the great magician, you really misunderstood." Seeing the other party said solemnly, Lin quickly shook his hand in response: "I don't mean to be bribed or threatened. This is really my original pricing idea. Of course, after the association Afterwards, the follow-up management, copying, and copying of magic stones will all require costs, and the price may not be just Ikiel. This is not something I can decide. I just hope that if this thing is really convenient, then there will be enough It is more meaningful when many people come to use it.”

Looking at the booklet with a few thin sheets of paper, and the few magic stones shining red, Greenwyn nodded in approval. General high-level magic knowledge is expensive, so the cost of the scribe's salary, paper, and other necessary accessories can be ignored. Not to mention that the association still has taps in it.

But the price of these three pieces of knowledge provided by Gabrash Lin Tripwood may not even be enough to cover the cost of transcribing. Therefore, when the association sells this knowledge in the future, it will inevitably add costs. However, this also means that as long as the material is self-reported, the person in front of him will only charge I Keir's fee.

Thinking of this, the five of them moved almost in unison, and took out a shiny gold coin and a translucent yellow magic stone. "Then please ask the tower master to help me copy the magic stone of the browser."

"Well, in fact, it is enough to use Hongyao-level magic stones for browsers. Wouldn't it be too wasteful to use Huangshang-level magic stones?"

"This is the lowest-grade magic stone in our possession. It doesn't matter, just use this."

Damn, these big dogs. Lin slandered in his heart.

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