Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2120

At first, the emperor of Chu thought he would be the winner, only to find out that he was killed by Guo Ziyu and the emperor of the winning Dynasty.

Then, the emperor of the winning Dynasty thought that he was the winner. He wanted to do something to cross the river and demolish the bridge. As a result, he also ended up dead. Although the city of Juchuan has not been broken yet, it has not been long.

So, it really should be that Mantis catches cicadas and yellow finch is behind.

After killing the army of the 1.2 million winning dynasties, song Yan led the battle to another gate.

Juchuan city is the capital of yingdynasty, with nine gates.

An hour later.

When the east gate was broken, the army that formed the battle formation directly smashed the wall and entered, just like the most ferocious beast in ancient times, which could not be reached. ,

all the way to the palace.

But no one dared to resist the half a million troops that formed the battle line, and even opened the gate of the palace to surrender.

As for the remaining deification of the yingdynasty, they had already fled when the situation was not good.

Late at night, the palace.

Song Yan looked at three unhappy Princess Qingqiu and said, "what are you doing?"

"Young master, let's not be emperor!"

However, after conquering the palace of yingdynasty, Guo Ziyu proposed to restore Qingqiu. As the only royal blood, the future emperor of Qingqiu will naturally be one of the three women.

But the three women didn't seem willing to be the emperor, so they came to song Yan to protest.

"You three are the last royal blood of the Qing Qiu kingdom. Who will come if you are not the emperor?"

Song Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Wuwu, young master, do you dislike us? Don't want us!"

Three younger sister yu'er suddenly cried in a low voice.

"Young master, let's not be the emperor, let's follow him!" Binger, the second sister, said.

"The emperor who loves to do who does, anyway we only do princess's servant girl!" Jin'er is also determined.


Song Yan is speechless: "the emperor is not a servant girl, I really serve you!"

"Our lives are saved by the young master. We are all young master's people from generation to generation. Don't drive us away, young master, will you?" Jin'er said again, her face was full of pleading.

"Young master, please!" Yu'er grabs song Yan's arm and shakes it gently.

"Young master, why don't you be the emperor? We will be the concubine for you!"

Binger, the second younger sister, has a strange idea.

Song Yan smiled and shook his head: "I'm not interested in being an emperor, too. So tomorrow, I'll discuss with Guo Ziyu. Anyway, he has a great reputation in the old part of Qingqiu. It's better for him to be the emperor of Qingqiu!"

Get song Yan's promise, three sisters just leave happily.

When they left, song Yan called out the system interface and killed six Huashen, including an emperor and a million and two hundred thousand soldiers who won the dynasty. He got a lot.

The total air transport of the harvest has exceeded 100 million, reaching 150 million.

The next day.

Song Yan found Guo Ziyu and suggested that none of the three princesses would like to be emperor.

"No way!"

Guo Ziyu refused without hesitation: "Guo is loyal to Qingqiu, how can he covet the throne!"

"They all came to me last night to cry. I can't help them if they don't want to be emperor. If you don't want to be emperor, you can find someone who is willing to be."

Song Yan directly threw the problem to Guo Ziyu, who was too lazy to worry about it.

Guo Ziyu's eyes turned: "son of song, why don't you come here? I see that the three princesses have feelings for you. When you marry them, when you have children, you and their children will inherit the throne!"

"No interest!"

Song Yanbai waved: "I'll leave it to you. Goodbye!"

He is not interested in being an emperor. He doesn't want to waste his time on this kind of thing. After all, he has a long way to go before he can prove eternity.

In the dynasty, the strongest cultivator was not able to turn into a deity in the later period, and there would be no strong cultivator in the void of cave. Therefore, he would not stay here for long, and he would go to the emperor.

No matter who was the emperor of song Yan, Guo Ziyu broke his heart for it. First, he asked the old people of Qingqiu to ask three princesses to be the emperor.

But the three princesses were also determined. No matter who advised them, they would not change their mind.

Later, he also personally advised, but the three princesses still do not give face, do not agree is not agree.

There was no way. Guo Ziyu had to kneel outside the residence of the three princesses with all the old green hills. If they didn't agree one day, they couldn't afford it.

In the face of Guo Ziyu and Yigan's persecution of the old part of Qingqiu, the three sisters are also flustered and don't know what to do.

Three younger sister yu'er has an idea: "two elder sisters, we can ask childe for help!"

The two women's eyes brightened, and then jin'er sent a message to song Yan for help.Song Yan is also very helpless about this. If Guo Ziyu wants to hurt the three girls, he can make use of it. But they want the three girls to be the emperor, so he has no good way.

The only way is to escape.

So, after Song Yan and three girls had a discussion, jin'er went out and showed Guo Ziyu and the old Qing Qiu that she would like to be the emperor of Qing Qiu.

In this regard, Guo Ziyu and others are very pleased.

When on the second day.

The maid in charge of serving jin'er hurriedly found Guo Ziyu, saying that the princess had disappeared, and left a letter.

Guo Ziyu read the letter and was so angry that he almost spit out old blood.

The eldest princess, the second princess and the third princess all ran away.

"By the way, what about song inkstone?"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly rushed to song Yan's residence, which was also empty. Now, Guo Ziyu was so angry that he stamped his feet, and couldn't help saying: "Cheng is also song Yan, and defeat is song Yan!"

A silver treasure ship is flying rapidly in the sky. Song Yan stands at the bow of the ship and looks at the rising sun. He wonders whether Guo Ziyu will jump and scold in anger.

"Young man, have some snacks!"

Jin'er came out with a plate of delicate snacks.

"You eat fruit!"

"Young man, drink good wine!"

The other two sisters followed.

Song Yan beckoned them to put down the fruit snacks and drinks, and said, "OK, you don't have to worry about me, just practice. If you are too low, don't blame the childe for not you!"

The three women all look like a flash: "young master, let's practice now!"

The three women are of royal blood. In addition, he sent a lot of air transport gold crystals to them to absorb. Therefore, their souls are far superior to those of the same level of cultivators, and their cultivation speed is quite fast.

The eldest sister jin'er has already touched the threshold of the first baby period. The other two sisters almost reached the later stage of Jindan.

The silver treasure ship was acquired from the treasure house of the palace of the winning Dynasty.

Very fast.

It's several times faster than that blood boat. Even so, it will take half a month to enter the great Jin Dynasty.

Ten days passed in a flash.

A mysterious breath suddenly came out of the cabin. Song Yan knew that it was a sign that jin'er wanted to break through the first baby period.

He dodged into jin'er's room.

Several air transport gold crystals are directly injected into her soul to help her digest and absorb them.

About an hour later.

The other side completed the breakthrough and condensed the yuan baby in the body. However, there were dark clouds gathering on the top of the head, but it was a disaster.

So he manipulated the treasure ship to fall down, and put several pieces of defense magic weapons into jin'er's hands for her to use when crossing the robbery.

There are a lot of good things in those Huashen and yingdynasty emperors he killed. There are dozens of defense magic weapons.

Sure enough.

After destroying two defense magic weapons, jin'er successfully survived the disaster and made a great achievement.

See, two younger sister bing'er and three younger sister yu'er both show envy.

"Young man!"

Jin'er seems to have grown up two years old, looking more charming and charming.


Song Yan is reading in the cabin with an ancient book in his hand. Suddenly a figure pushes in, not jin'er.

"Why are you here?"

Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Childe, jin'er is here to serve you!" Jin'er bowed her head and her beautiful face was full of coyness.

"Come on!"

Song Yan beckoned to her, called her to her side, and then put her in her arms, which immediately filled her nose with fragrance.

Contact with the body of song Yan, jin'er has some movement, subconsciously around his neck.

Song Yan, the third daughter, does not dislike it. He knows that the fate between them has been intertwined, so why affectation.

"Young man!"

Jin'er utters a light chant, but her cheeks are more and more red and charming. She is pretty.

"Don't move, read with you!"

Song Yan patted her hip and said with a smile.


This time, he made jin'er make a noise.

Outside the hatch, bing'er and yu'er carefully release their minds and peep at the scene.

See song Yanzhen just holding jin'er to read.

Bing'er and yu'er are a little impatient.

"How come it hasn't started yet, young man, it's really boring!"

"Don't talk, be careful to be found by the childe!" Binger's tape worries.

Unconsciously, the time passed. Song Yan had already changed another ancient book, and jin'er was also restless at the beginning, and gradually became calm, and even fell asleep in Song Yan's arms, because it made him feel safe.

It's bing'er and yu'er who have been waiting for the good play to begin.At the end of the third book.

Song Yan stretched out and looked at the one who was sleeping soundly in his arms. He picked her up and put her on the bed.

And the ice and feather, who had been waiting for a long time outside the door, were shocked and excited. Is this the beginning?

Put jin'er on the bed, but song Yan suddenly turned to the door and shouted, "aren't you two tired after peeping out for more than one hour? Would you like to come in for a cup of tea? "

"No, it was found!"


Seeing bing'er and yu'er who fled in panic, song Yan could not help but smile a little bit. Then, he looked at jin'er on the eye bed and lay down directly with his clothes closed. The other side had just broken through yuan'er, and the realm was not stable. If he took yuan'yin away, it would have an impact on her later practice, so he didn't eat jin'er.

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