Chapter 12: Entering the dungeon
Nim finally made the decision to enter the dungeon alone, before entering he would have to make some preparations.
First he would take a quest, there were some for adventurers who were below level 10, they were mostly simple since the maximum floor for these quests is not higher than the 3rd floor.
Looking for some on the huge quest board, he found one that suited his tastes.
This quest only consisted of subjugating 10 Hobgoblins, these Hobgoblins were a stronger evolution than normal goblins, in the dungeon the monsters could evolve and become stronger, these stronger evolutions could be found on later floors.
The same boss monsters were also an evolution of their same species, but these were at a very high evolution.
To corroborate that you completed a subjugation quest, you had to cut off a part of the monster and bring it back to the guild, doing that you could claim the reward.
After waiting a while in line, his turn came. The receptionist looked at the quest and accepted without any problem.
After leaving the guild, he went to buy some more things, such as food that he was going to bring, a backpack specially made for adventurers, and a new set of steel swords.
In the course of his shopping, he had seen a strange little cube in a store. Out of curiosity, he had asked about it and was told that it was a storage cube. This cube was an object where you could store things in a separate space.
Nim was surprised to hear that. He only had information that a magician when he reached a certain level could use a little spatial magic and create a small separate space. In this separate space, he could store his things.
After asking and knowing the price, he had decided to buy just one backpack. This storage cube was worth its price in platinum coins.
He had mentally decided to buy one of those cubes in the future.
He then went to the inn and said that he would not return for the last few days.
After doing all this, he held his map of the city and headed to the dungeon, the latter was located in the center of the entire city.
Walking quickly, he arrived at the dungeon in an hour. The dungeon was located in a place with many trees around it and in front of it there was a large empty space where many adventurers gathered, some of these groups of adventurers entered directly through the entrances it had.
And others used some portals that were nearby, these portals served to go to a level they had been before such as the fifth floor or the tenth floor.
He also notices that there are some portals that no one uses, but he does not give this matter any more thought.
He continues observing and realizes that not only the adventurers were waiting and entering, there was also a group of people wearing a similar outfit.
Seeing this, he decides to ask an adventurer who was alone under the tree.
The adventurer who was waiting for the other members of his group is interrupted by the presence of Nim.
-Hello Sir, I would like to ask you who those people are- Nim points to the group of people with similar attire.
The adventurer turns and looks at the huge backpack on Nim's back while he only equips a simple leather armor, seeing this appearance the adventurer smiles, (this boy is a rookie).
Realizing this, a distant memory of him comes to mind, when he was starting out as an adventurer.
-Sir...- Nim sees that the adventurer does not answer him.
-Ah... those people are students of the great Magic Academy- the adventurer is taken out of his memories and answers Nim.
-The great Magic Academy- Nim had heard that name from the adventurers who were in the restaurants.
-Yes, that place, where the nobles and aristocrats of the city put their children- the adventurer makes a sneer.
The group of students wore a red and white uniform, they also wore light armor on their vital points and on their waists they carried a sword in its sheath, all these equipments were of good quality.
In addition they were being guided by two middle-aged people who also wore light armor, these last ones were the teachers who came to protect them.
-Every so often a new group of students comes, to be able to gain experience and thus be able to get a class.
Nim listens to the explanation until it ends, then thanks and says goodbye to the adventurer.
Leaving aside what the adventurer had said, Nim begins to advance towards one of the dungeon entrances, the important thing now for Nim was to enter.
After Nim entered, he carefully observes his surroundings.
The first floor was a somewhat dark place, there were only some torches and some magic stones that illuminated the way.
The walls were made of some kind of stone and the ceiling was very high, Nim takes out his sword and makes a cut at the wall, the wall does not receive any scratches.
After seeing that, he no longer tries or he could break his sword.
Nim's plan was simple, kill monsters and level up while continuing to go down the floors of the dungeon.
With that in mind he advances with his sword in his hand, he didn't know where he was since when one entered through one of the dungeon entrances or through a portal he was randomly sent to some part of the floor, unless the group entered holding hands.
That's why there were maps of the floors, and these maps were updated from time to time, since the dungeon floors became larger from time to time.
Now Nim hadn't bought any maps of this floor, since he knew he wouldn't stay long on this one.
He had considered buying maps of the floors higher than the fifth floor, but in the end the prices were too high and he didn't buy any.
Now he would have to look for them on his own, thinking about that Nim feels movement in a corner of this room.
When he looks he sees a huge rat, the rat jumps up wanting to attack him.
Nim cuts the rat in half with a sword movement.
Nim, watching the rat die, makes a sound with his mouth (I did it again).
Nim sometimes had a bad habit when killing monsters, that was killing them brutally.
Uncle Smith had pointed out that characteristic of his, the latter had advised him to control that way of killing or it could cause him some problems when grouping up with others.
Nim making a mental note about that continues moving forward, on the way he met a small group of goblins that he simply decapitated.
Some spiders that were the size of a person also appeared.
These spiders were killed quickly because they could bite him with their poison, Nim knew that thanks to his special physique he could have resistance to their poison, but it was better to be a little cautious.
There were also some more monsters that he killed but none of them caused him any pressure.
After going around a few more times he hadn't leveled up, Nim expected it since these weak monsters wouldn't give a lot of experience, he didn't meet any people either, just monsters.
Even this first level was that wide. After almost two hours of walking without stopping, Nim arrives in front of a door, during the course of his journey he had come across many doors and when he entered he simply entered another room where there were more monsters.
But this door looked different, Nim thinking that it could be the door that leads to the next floor opens the door and enters.