Mage Wall – The split between worlds (Breast/butt expansion story)

18. The vault of Hiires the Third

For a moment. A single moment, Abigail wanted to scream. She was tired. Her arms a little sore from punching stone one time too many. Her legs were in a similar boat, and felt closer to noodles than not. But, before her emotions could pour out in verbal form, Abigail reminded herself that she was alive. That she wasn't dead, after all this.

Screaming might change that. So, instead of doing that, she got up - a task that used to be easier than it was now - and started walking.

At first, it was aimless walking that took her nowhere specific. Every step bringing her closer to one of the featureless walls that dominated the room. But as she circled around for the third time, her eyes locked onto her feet, something shifted. 

It was like the whole vault moved. The floor beneath her rising up for a second. A sense of movement traveling through her, as if she was spinning in place. Then, just as quick as the feeling came, it left. Leaving her standing there, wondering what had just transpired beyond the walls of her rectangular prison.

Except it wasn't a prison any more. 

The wall directly left of her had transformed. Where there had once been only black stone with a hint of green, there was now a door. It was colored in lines of blue and black as thick as her arm, descending in an alternating pattern all the way to the floor.

She was pretty sure if was the only way out, and after double checking to be sure, she approached. As she walked over to it, she made sure to take slow steps, in case of a trap. There were none. The room was, as far as she could tell, just that - a room, plain and simple. Minus the sudden appearance of the door.

Which she found to be unlocked. Pulling open with the gentlest application of force. Where beyond it she found a room made of multicolored cubes awaiting her. It's floor and walls cut into squares that rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Beside them stood statues made of black stone, that looked like monsters and men frozen in place. 

Each one bore a look of absolute terror.

Abigail wasn't sure she wanted to find out why. But she wasn't sure she had much of a choice in the matter. So, with a resigned sigh, she stepped inside.

The door slammed shut behind her, and she heard a lock click into place. Her first thought following that, was to try and open it back up. But she was pretty sure that wasn't going to work, and didn't even try. Instead she continued forward until she was right in front of the first statue.

It was a lion. The features that made up it's structure were perfect imitations of the real thing. It's stone mane looked like a lion's mane, each hair an individual strand. The paws, caught mid-stride, were just as detailed, down to the small imperfection in it's claws. But it was the statue's eyes that left her staring.

Despite the rest of the statue being black, it's eyes were blue. Twin pools of frayed azure that stared endlessly ahead. 

She left it where it stood, and continued on. Stepping around the cubes that made up the room as they rose and fell. Past the other statues, each an oddity in of itself. With some shaped like monsters pulled straight from a fairy tale. The most bizarre of the collection, though, was a statue of a three headed cat in the center of the room.

The statue sat atop a cube that, unlike all the others, floated firmly in it's place.

Almost like a gem sitting firmly within a crown. And when Abigail passed beneath it, a flicker of red passed through the room. It originated from the central statue. The three heads of the stone cat burning with crimson light. 

That light reached every corner of the room. Igniting the cubes and the statues with a red flame. Then, just as quick, the flame went out. In it's absence the statues began to move. First shaking, then breaking free of their eternal positions, eyes ablaze with a red glare fixed on her.

As they shook themselves too life, like dogs ridding themselves of water, she ran. And she only managed a few steps before one of the statues interjected itself between her and the other side of the room. A cruel mix of dog and man with arms not quite in the right place.

With a pained growl it reached out for her. Raking it's claws through the air, as she barely dodged out of the way. Tilting her head back, neck centimeters away from sprouting a fatal gashe.

Then she brought her leg up into a kick. Foot connecting with the statues head and shattering stone. Leaving a headless statue before her, that she stepped around and continued running. 

Feet moving in that familiar pace, broken only when the floor beneath her feet moved up or down. Which was often. Slowing her down just enough that when the lion she had so appreciated before leapt at her it barely missed her head. Paws pinning her to the ground by her back instead.

All while a statue of a man wielding a massive axe slowly approached. His blade held high above his head.

When it came down, Abigail shifted. Ardin pumping through her blood as she lifted herself up and pushed the lion in the path of the axe.

Stone shattered in a cloud of grey shrapnel as the weight of the lion pushed her back to the ground. Holding her there till she rolled, sending it's earthen carcass slamming into the executioner. Who caught it with both hands, dropping his axe.

It clattered to the ground and Abigail grabbed it. Just in time to turn, bringing it around in a swing that decapitated it's previous wielder.

And then she heard a meow come from behind her.

But when she turned to meet it, a three eyed, three armed giant frog jumped at her. It's bulk slamming into her gut and sending her flat onto her back. As it prepared to leap again, she kicked off one of the cubes and out of the way. Then it landed where she had just been, head first. 

As she got back on her feet, she heard the cat hiss from behind her. And then it barreled into her from the front. Momentum and weight driving her into the ground. Where it pinned her with it's paws, six glowing eyes staring into her own. It's three mouths creeping into a ferocious grin.

Abigail head butted it.

And only regretted it after the cat recoiled from the blow. But it was enough to get the feline to relent for a moment and set her free. Paws rising up into the air as it hissed something foul. Before it could come back down, Abigail kicked it as hard as she could, legs straining from the effort, and sending her tumbling back. 

Finally free to actually get up, she did so, and was immediately thrown back to the ground by the frog jumping into her. Bit she rolled with the hit, literally, and back onto her feet.

Just in time for the cat to return. Hissing so fiercely that she could almost physically feel it as the feline descended towards her, claws first.

Abigail jumped out of the way, straight back and right into one of the cubes. Where she was forced to duck under a swipe of the cats claws. Which tore into the cuboid section of flooring, causing something red and hot to pour out of it like blood.

The liquid barely touched Abigail's back and she had to hold back a scream of pain. Distracting her from noticing the cat swiping at her again. 

This time, though, it claws found purchase in her side. The combination of it's swipe plus the searing hot pain enough to force the scream out of her. But it wasn't enough to stop her.

With a rage induced growl, she went on the offensive. Jumping at the cat, her hands meeting it's paws it a struggle to dominate the other. As she pushed against it and if against her, the frog returned. Bouncing toward her like a rock bouncing of water.

And when it suddenly gained speed, going from stone to ballista bolt, she dodged. At the same time, she pushed the cat in the frogs direct path. The end result was the two crashing into each other and the frog shattering upon contact with the cat.

Whereas the cat only lost one of its heads. With it's disappearance, the four remaining eyes shone with maroon light. Flaring in intensity as several more statues came to life around the room.

More than she could hope to fight.

So, she ran. Pushing past the cat as it let loose an ear piercing screech, and over the remains of the frog. Bounding from shifting cube to shifting cube. Each step putting her closer to the exit and further from the cat.

Or, it was. Up until the cat finished shrieking and the began again. But this time, when the cat pounced, crossing the distance between her and it in a second, one of the newly awakened statues was there to grab her. Wrapping it's arms around her and holding her in place as she struggled against it's grasp.

And then the cat came crashing down like a meteor. 

It hit her, head first, then came the shockwave. An expanding force that blew her away, throwing her back, through the statue that held her and into a cube. 

She sat there a moment, and only for a moment. Then she was up, body screaming for her to lay back down. Pain scorching her nerves, slowing her by the smallest margins as she turned and continued running. Each step sending a bolt of pain through her everything.

But she ignored it. Pushing past and marching onward. Forcing herself to dodge out of the way when one of the statues leapt at her from the side. Claws gently raking across her back as it passed her by. Narrowly missing her spine.

The cat didn't make the same mistake.

When it pounced at her, it's claws found purchase in her back. Drawing blood and making new wounds. The weight of it's body, though, she turned against it. Rolling till it was underneath her, and then kicking off of it up onto her feet.

From there it was a straight sprint. Or as straight as it could get when the floor was shifting beneath her feet. Rising and falling like a gentle ocean wave. All the way up to the door, which she quickly pushed open and stepped through. Slamming it behind her.

And when her heart stopped thumping and death stopped knocking, she relaxed. Falling to the floor. Taking in a deep breath. Then counting her newly added wounds. Cuts and marks that would likely be with her for the rest of her life. 

A too common occurrence this side of the Mage wall. 

But, like always, she'd walk it off. And, as she went through another dark hall, she did. The pain becoming background noise as she focused on where and what she was going to do next. 

A question, that as she pondered, she came across a set of steps leading further into the vault. Steps that were lit by blue torches fixed to the wall. The ceiling above them adorned with emblems of wars and beasts. All of which featured a central figure in the center of it all, bearing a spear.

She didn't think it was unfair to assume that the spear she was looking for was down them. 

So, after only a moment of hesitation, checking to see if the bandits were anywhere nearby, she went down.

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