Mafia Deadline

Chapter 112: Chapter 111 Tuatha

Avalon observed the metal dripping down, Lugh pushed her down and the sword broke from his strength. She dropped her sword falling on her back, Lugh thrusts the sword to her head, a bullet hit his head. Lugh's gaze went to Damien holding his rifle that had smoke coming from the barrel, Damien glared at Lugh, holding the trigger, he yelled out for Avalon,

 "Get up, you still have to stop this golden bastard,"

Lugh snarled at him, a golden bastard. The boss of cliste ah hain, Lugh has done more than his irrelevant ass could. He's defeated the remnants of the old mafia when their terrorize was forfeit. Lugh didn't move off of her only pushed the sword closer to her head, Avalon held onto it, her hands staring to burn. Damien cursed him under his breath and unloads his rifle, the bullets hit him, every one and caused Lugh to loss his grip on the sword, Avalon glared at him melting the sword pushing it together, Avalon kicked him off, standing up, Lugh took a step back, the sword still in his hand but it was melted. Lugh glared at them dropping his sword,

"Golden bastard, not bad," Avalon muttered

Avalon shook her hands from the molten metal, it flew towards Damien and he moved back missing it, he glanced at her and mutter,

"Be careful, you are protected not me,"

"Sorry, didn't think of it,"

They watched Lugh body spit out the bullets, Lugh made two moon sword with symbols on them, Avalon stepped up to him, holding out her hand having her dagger apper, Damien pointed his rifle at him but a muffel voice could be hear, yelling for Avalon and Lugh,

Lugh stared behind them, recognizing who's yelling. Lugh gaze went ot Avalon walking to her, Avalon flings her dagger at him and Lugh flung the dagger with his sword, Avalon made another dagger, but he had shattered it out of her hand, the sword cut into her hand. Avalon watched the other sword went to her head, Avalon ducked under it, Lugh moved the sword to stab into her back, Avalon stepped towards him holding her hand to his stomach stabbing him with the shards of the dagger, Lugh stared at her hand, inferiated and kicked her off him, Avalon moved away, running to his side cutting into it, 


Lugh uttered brought the sword down at Avalon, he had his arm shot by Damien's rifel, it didn't stop him, the blade's stabbed Avalons back. She seethed at the stab wounds but the swords didn't push into her. It stopped by the heat coming from her. Lugh pulled away the sword, Avalon turned stabbing him in the chest then kicked him to the wall, Lugh went to block her kick but it sent him at the end of the hallway, Lugh felt the heat coming off her, she's feels like the sun beating down on him. Lugh stopped crashing his feet to the floor, he stared at Avalon, she glowed so beautifully, the power coming from Sandel leaked out of her. Lugh stood straight twirling the weapons at his side, when he heard the angel on his shoulder,

"She is over powering you. Lugh get to Chulian before she burns you to ashes,"

Lugh stopped breathing falling onto his knee. He touched his throat feeling his chest tightened, his body ached from his head to feet,

"Avalon did his angel give all his energy to him?" Damien asked

"I'm not sure," Avalon spoke

They observed something odd. Lugh stopped breathing but stared at Avalon, his eyes a pale white and his face glowed, they could barely see his face from the light coming off him, Avalon stomach dropped watching Lugh stand up not breathing but alive. He smiled sending a shiver to go down her spine, this wasn't Lugh anymore. A heat come onto her shoulder, Sandel stared at Lugh frightened.

"Avalon he's taken Lugh over,"

Avalon looked to Sandel, shocked he took Lugh over, this only happened once to her, Sandel gave her consciousness. But it won't be the same for Lugh. Thats what Chulain wanted to warn them about. Is that what his still trying to tell them,

"Finaly. I thought i would never get this body,"

Lugh took a step towards them, looking over his body, a grin came over his face as he let out a loud chuckle, placing his hand on his hip staring at them, mischievously twirling his swords with his gaze not leaving there's,

"He wasn't open for this but after you took Chulain, it changed. He's willing to give his body for the needs of his business,"

He hummed twirling the sword one more time, Avalon didn't see him but a flash of light making Damien cover his eyes, Avalon stared at where he was unfazed and Sandel looked around them, she couldn't sense him in the room or where Chulain is, Damien uncovered his eyes when anothor flash of light appered, Lugh above Avalon his swords infront of him, he pointed down at her.

"You don't have the high ground anymore, your morals, like dirt under your feet,"

Avalon didn't see him swing his swords at her, it went to her head until a fiery hand stopped it, he huffed glaring down at Sandel, her flame burned bright on Avalon's shoulder,

"Stop this madness Tuatha,"

"I won't Sandel it's my time to take control, from you, from them, from him."

Tuatha pushed down the blade's glareing down at Sandel, she felt her hand start wreaking but the stare he gave her, the same look they gave her before they went down. They still held that against her. Filled with burning hatred with scattered relationships, off into the embers of time, all for there pride and greed. Sandel let go of the sword and Tuatha grin grew when it hit her head,

"After all this time. It's now us that take it away from you!" Tuatha shouted

He pushed the sword but it didn't move. It cracked apart, breaking. Sandel wasn't there on Avalons shoulder. Avalon stared up at him her eyes glowing iridescent, her body had the same shine. Her glare sent shivers down his body, Sandel just let Avalon take her energy. Tuatha saw Avalon piercing gaze from with in the colorful exterior,

"You gave me no choice,"

Avalons voice echoes throught the hallway, voice sounds so angelic, Tuatha could melt from her voice gracing his ears, She grabbed onto his sword pulling him to her, Tuatha gave her the swords and went around her,

"I need to get Chulain,"

Tuatha hears Lugh in his mind over and over again, trying to crawl out of his hold. Avalon grabbed onto the back of his hair pulling him back, Tuatha twisted her hand out of his hair,

"You aren't going near him,"

There voice mixed, the angels voice he could barely hear her, but Avalon is prominent, Tuatha twist her hand the wrong way breaking it. Avalon didn't react, she grabbed him making a dagger, she went to stab him but went in to his arm, Avalon pulled the dagger away but Tuatha put his hand onto her chest,

"Your pathetic,"

A knife went stabbed her chest, Avalon glared at him, blood spilling from her mouth, Tuatha twisted the knife, she grabbed his hand stopping him from pushing it closer to her heart, he grabbed her hand but it burned him, Avalon took the advantage taking his knife cutting off his hand, Tuatha let out a shocked grunt when Avalon stabs the side of his neck, Tuatha hears Lugh yelling a him to stop her from killing them, 

"Tautha stop her, she going to kill me at this rate,"

"I know. Give me a moment, i have to regenerate your hand,"

Tautha felt a excruciating pain from his other arm, Avalon cut off his other hand. Tuatha stared at her enraged, how could she be this fast, it must have been Sandel's doing. She lifts the knife to plunge it into his head, but it disappeared from her grasp. Tuatha regenerate, his hand grabbing her by the throat and pushed her off of him, Damien moved out of the way and Avalon crashed into the wall behind him, near Chulain, he heard it and yelled out,

"You fucker, you took him over,"

Tuatha let out a scoff, insolent fool, lucky that he made the deal for your life, he would have been in prison if he didn't agree to Lughs deal. Lugh telling him to focus on Avalon, 

"She's is not easily defeated,k Tuatha," 

 "I know Lugh, leave it to me," 

Tuatha ran to where Avalon laid, Damien went in front of him and shot his rifle at him, unloading the bullets at Tuatha, he huffed holding out his hand holding a shield taking the bullets. Damien reloads his gun Tuatha seized his gun breaking it. Tuatha striked him with the end of the gun. Damien head moved to the side with a loud crack. Damien backed away, holding his jaw, Damien turned his head back with his jaw dislocated, Damien ran at him and Tuatha thought he would try to hit his face, Damien evaded his fist and swept his legs, Tuatha fell onto the ground holding, Damien put his jaw back in place stopped his foot into Tuatha back, Tuatha wasn't there. Damien looked around him thinking, 

"Where is he?" 

Damien has his neck hit from behind, he saw a flash of light as his vision went dark. Tuatha watched Damien fall staring at him, unsympathetic. Tuatha went to stomp on his back but Lugh stopped him, saying,

"Don't pay attention to him Tuatha, she's the problem in front of us,"

Tuatha stopped hearing her move from the other room, Tuatha looked into the room seeing Avalon holding her chest, coughing blood. Tuatha grinned at her suffering, her influence is weakening. Tuatha rushed to her his eyes glowing brighter, he laughed hearing her cough more, Avalon felt her breath get heavy with Sandel talking with her,

"Avalon you have to breathing, I'm healing you as we speak,"

Avalon held her chest, observing it bleed, she felt her chest heave in and out at a heavy pace, Sandel moved her energy to Avalon chest close to her heart, it's a heart of fire. There wasn't any cut into her heart, but it was so close that it was enough to worry Sandel, 

"Avalon I'm healing your heart,"


Avalon looked ahead not seeing Tuatha, Avalon felt Sandel energy in her chest healing her wound slowly. Sandel senses an off energy coming from the room where Tuatha was. Sandel fire burn brighter warning Avalon,

"Avalon he's heading towards us,"

A flash of light appeared above her, rushing to the other room,Tuatha gave her a menacing grin, pointed at her heart, a knife lodged itself into her heart, Sandel yelled for Avalon to stay awake and Avalon stared up at Tuatha, faint. Tuatha moved to the other room, leaving Avalon in her room, she hears him break down the other wall with Chualin yelling at him,

"Can't you be careful, that could have hit me!" 

"Shut up pitiful skin sack. Be lucky i have helped him or you would be good as dead to me," 

Avalon's vision dotted black, but she can still see the Tuatha and Chulain talking, he got him out of the bed catching Chulain from falling, Avalon raised her hand feeling the heat gather in it. 

"Avalon you shouldn't move, I'm trying to keep you stable,"

Sandel told her frantic. She shouldn't be moving shes in critical condition, Sandel appered on her chest counserned. 

"Avalon you shouldn't use your power, youll die if you do," Sandel said

Avalon glanced down at the fire out of her chest, with a faint smile telling her, 

"I must try my all Sandel, that bastard will have his end," 

Avalon shot the beam of fire at Tuatha back, Chulian looked over his shoulder wittnesed he fire comgin for them, bit Tuatha didn't know. He couldn't sense it.

"Behind you," 

The fire hit his back, Tuatha let out a shout of agony and let go of Chulain, the fire burned his back throught his skin,

"I stabbed your heart, how are you able to live after that?" Tuatha asked

Avalon grinned at him falling on her back, fainting. Tuatha couldn't stop the fire until Chulain grabbed his iv bag, ripping it open pouring it on him. Tuatha glared at Avalon heaing Lugh trying to talk with him, but Tuatha didn't hear him geting up on his knees,

"That was the both of you wasn't it Sandel?"

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