Chapter 103: Chapter 102 Gut Turning
"Damien is stable,"
Liz mutters, staring at the monitor. It's showing a stable heartbeat better than what it was. She glanced at his face, noticing that he was flushed. It must have been him figting the poison Liz placed an ice rag on Damiens forhead. Before walking out of the room towards the room where Avalon and Marcello were watching over Chulain, Liz looked around her, seeing some of the security went past her. Liz huffed, remembering that Salvatore had security heightened because of Chulain,
"You have to go to the back door,"
"But they wanted... no, you're right, my bad,"
Liz went past the opening the door and saw that Avalon had pinned Chulain to the bed. While Marcello had his gun in hand, Marcello turned to the door, noticing it was Liz,
She moves past him, holding a syringe. Liz walked to Avalon holding down Chulain while he shouted at her,
"You're deranged to believe you'll get anything from me,"
Chulain was able to get out of Avalons grip and went to grab Liz. She wasn't able to move away. He grabbed her, pulling her to the bed, Avalon grabbed his arm, trying to lose his grip on Liz, but Liz did one better. She stuck the syringe into his arm and injected the calming drug, Chulain tightens his grip on her but Marcello grabbed his hand pulling it to the side of the bed, he stapped him to it feeling Chulains gaze on him, He tried to pry Avalon off of his other arm, Avalon stared at him with a blank expression, before pushing his arm down to the bed and strapping it, Chulain glared at her feeling the effects of what Liz gave to him, he was left calm. Weirdly calm. He couldn't raise his foot to kick Avalon off him. He couldn't even move his head to the side.
"What did you do?"
Liz held the syringe and brought out a bottle of the drug she used filling it. She placed it back in her bag before looking back at Chulain with a small grin,
"Just a new agent to make you more relaxed while we ask questions," Liz told him
Avalon strapped his legs before looking over at Marcello. He had a tablet in his hands with all the information they could gather on Lugh and his family,
"I won't tell you s..."
Chulain felt the air his lungs leave him. He looked over at Avalon, seeing he glared at him, and her eyes were shining with color, which rung true. Chulian turned to Marcello,
"You were in the meeting the day. They wanted a deal. What was said in there,"
"None of you time is spent well, isn't Sickle,"
Marcello kept a blank face, looking down at the tablet. Avalon noticed this and watched over them holding her sword. She looked up, and Liz was staring at her. They knew he would be difficult. So they had to have something Chulain couldn't have out,
"I would peffer you answer this Chulain, before we do somthing you will regret,"
Chulian let out a laugh, they wont have anything his family didn't have, he was hidden for some time now that they wouldn't find much on him, for it was burn a long time ago.
"Go ahead, Marcello, bring all of what you have out. You can't harm me. You're a part of the agency for this city. You can't do anything to me,"
The room went silent until Liz started to laugh. Chulain turned his gaze to her bewildered by this. He hasn't had that reaction from someone before. Liz glared up at him,
"You have no idea what else i put in your system, do you?"
Liz looked through her bag, pulling out the bottle, the watched as she pointed out what was in it,
"You see, it has some calming agents, but the more important drug in this is a truth drug."
She pointed it out to him, and he read it. It contained a very small dose of a sedative, but there is something he hasn't seen before. That was labeled laso. Liz noticed his expression change. She looked blankly at him, placing it back in her bag,
"This is a new drug the lab has been making for three years, a nonlethal truth drug,"
Chulain grimed at her. That is how they are trying to get what they want out of him, to force it out with with out being violent themselves. Avalon looked at them confused, three years that mean she should have known about this drug. Must have been kept secret for a reason, Marcello looked at Chulain again and said,
"What do you know about Lugh,"
Chulain kept quiet, but his stomach started to turn. A sharp pain spread around his stomach, and he let out a groan, Liz knew what had happened.
"It made it to your stomach. You should be honest with us. It will only get worse,"
"This is some sick thing you have," Chulain muttered
"Then you better let it out," Liz told him,
Chulian sat there feeling his stomach torn from the pain. He glared at them before he held his breath. Avalon went to him, placing a hand on his chest, leaning on him. Chulain felt the weight on her on his chest, the pain spread to his chest,
"Avalon, do you..."
"He was the side boss of his uncle before his uncle died. He worked for the mafia Morrigan took over. But it all changed when he died, Morrigan was ruthless. But Lugh survived with his best men, me and Tran he had deals with the elits of society to rebuild what was supposed to be...his,"
Chulain let out a breath, glaring at Avalon. She smiled at him and got off him,
"That wasn't what i had in mind to do," Avalon muttered
Avalon stood near him. While Marcello recorded what Chulain said to Salvatore, Marcello went back to the question and said,
"What made Lugh so interested in a partnership with Blake?"
Chulain held his breathing feeling his stomach trunning again, They watched him do that while holding on to the bed, to the point where they thought he could break it, He could see black come into his vison, he took a breath.
"Avalon is why he intrested in the partnership. That angle that she has with her is like h..."
Chulain held his breath again, not wanting not to let that out. But Chulain couldn't hold it for long. He started to breathe again. Before saying,
"He is like her in more ways than one. That ability she has is like him, but he is used for the less fortunate."
Avalon looked at him with a hint of empathy. Not even him deserves this. With all the blood on his hands... not even him. Chulain saw the look in her eyes,
"Dont look at me like that... like you have empathy on me,"
Chulain took a deep breath in trying to regain his breath. He glared at her. She had empathy for someone who ruined lives, for someone who has taken live... Chulian tried to tug on the straps, but he could move slightly,
"It's not that effective with you?" Liz huffed
She leans on the chair, looking at Chulain unimpressed. She has seen worse interrogations from her time in the mafia, Chulain is let off easy. Marcello looked at him and asked,
"It says that you have been with Lugh since you were eighteen, is that true,"
Chulain eyes slightly widden, they knew of that? That should be gone from recorded only him, Lugh and Maxien knew. Unless they had someone listen to their conversation, Chulain looked at Avalon and saw that she looked at him waiting for his awnser. She was gone when he told Maxien,
"How could she know?"
"I wasn't too far from you."
Chulian looked at her, seeing she held a small amount of compassion for him, Avalon looked at Marcello. He saw that Chulain wasn't having much of the effect of the drug by concentrating on Avalon.
"It's odd when you can hear from a distance. Answer the question, what happen when you were eightteen joining the Lugh,"
Chulian felt the buring in his chest and his stomach starting to turn again this time with more pain than before. Chulain let out a shout, felling it burn with in him, he didn't try to hold his breath.
"I was sold off to them and was made more a family there. Then where i was... then, i became one of their low soldiers to the underboss in under four years, getting my hands dirtied with blood just so i can make the boss the godfather of ninianne,"
Chulain snarled at them, feeling the fire and pain subsiding. The only thing left was his hate for them. They were stopping his family from taking ninianne.
"You think have me here will get you a way to stop my family? You think that would be all they would care about. Fools, you will end up the old dark mafia before us. Gone in the ground, for no one to remember."
Chulain didn't realize that he was pulling at the straps, Avalon placed her hand on the sword and stared at him seeing the straps staring to ripe, Marcello placed the tablet down placing a hand on his gun while pressing a butten on hoster,
Liz got out of her chair, looking through her bag, taking out a tranquilizer drug out. She got the needle taking the drug into it while walking towards him calmly. Chulain saw her doing this and pushed his arm against the restrain, breaking it. He grabbed Liz and pulled her closer to him, dropping the syringe.
"You think i dont know who you are..."
Avalon placed her swond on his arm, buring it,
Chulian grunts, not letting go of Liz, Marcello aimed his gun at Chulain threatening him, but Chulain didn't hear him. He was more interested in Liz.
"You are her old scientist, aren't you, the one who listened to her ever command reather it be sick or twisted in you morals. You had to, and soon you started to..."
Chulain felt his grip being pulled away, Avalon hand a tight grip on his arm pulling it away for Marcello to stick the needle in, Marcello looked at Chulain who didn't stop glared at them and Marcello pulled away, Avalon placed his arm on the bed glancing down at Liz, Marcello helps her up and checked if she walk fine,
"Im fine. I know what i did under her reign. I had to do it because i thought it would bring me closer to my dream. But it brought me farther from it, and then i thought,"
Liz fixed her glasses and watched Chulains strugle to stay awake, glaring at them before spitting on her shoes,
"You are a disgrace to the mafia."
Chulain head fell with the sedative effects. Liz grins at this, letting out a chuckle.
"Good, must mean i have done something right."
Avalon grew a soft smile, then glanced at Chulain, started to let go of his hand, but Marcello stopped her,
"We have another strap in here. Keep him there. I'll get it,"
Marcello went to a cabinet, grabbing a strap. He went to Avalon holding Chulains arm in place before stapping it back to the bed, Avalon glanced at Liz,
"You alright?"
Liz stared at her, Avalon could see that she was resilient, Liz fixed his clothes before responding to her,
"I've been thought worse, Clover,"
Liz took her bag seeing if anything was broken, while Marcello and Avalon were done strapping down Chulain,
"You have it recorded?"
Marcello turned to Liz and nodded. Liz went to his tablet, checking it. Nothing was wrong with it, so she sent the last recording, Avalon watched Chulain thinkjng of what he told them,
"The godfather of ninianne?"
Avalon huffed and looked away from him, seeing that both Marcello and Liz were talking,
"No. Not my city,"
"Avalon, we have someone coming to watch over Chulain for you,"
Marcello gave the tablet to Liz, walking up to her,
"Good, i need a break,"