Chapter 100: Chapter 99 Chase
"They are what,"
Maxien watched Avalon and Chulain clash against each other, Blake saw multiple cars around the one Maxien sent to them, and Avalon was the distraction. He glanced at the shadow who was next to him, watching as Blake had,
"Go after the car, keep the information with you," Blake huffed
The shadow agreed with Blake, flying out the window to where the cars would be, Blake went back to Maxien speaking to her,
"You must get away from Avalon, get to the drive before they do," Blake told her,
Maxien got up, holding onto the car, She heard a crash from beside the car, seeing that it was Avalon on top of Chulain. She knocked him out. Avalon breathed heavily, taking a glance at the people behind her, most where shaken at the site of her on top of the underboss. Avalon stood up, turning to them,
"Take her down at any cost. They are after what Lugh sent," Maxien yelled
They looked over at Maxien, seeing her bleeding heavily from her wound. She stared at them barren of any emotion. She shaking got up and turned to the car that wasn't ridden with bullet holes,
"You must get her off my back, not just for Blake but for Lugh."
Maxien walked to the car with her soldiers behind her, and one gently grabbed her arm, checking the wound. They saw that Maxien's arm cut was deep. They started to drag her to the van while anothor ran up to them,
"Should we help Chulain?"
"Yes, go help him see that...
Chulain was helped up from the car and walked to them, holding onto a phone. Chulain looked down at her arm, watching them examine the gatch. They pulled out the sitches telling Maxien,
"You're going to need stitches, Maxien,"
She huffed, holding her arm out for them, but then a phone was placed in front of her with the name on it. Lugh, Maxein glanced up at Chulain and noticed his already looking at her. His eyes are strict,
"Take this,"
Chulain placed it in her hand and took her earpiece, which Blake noticed on the map changing from one to another. Chulain placed it near his ear and told Blake,
"Lugh will help with this problem. He already had Taran heading towards them,"
"Good," Blake told him,
Blake glares at the map, watching this unfold. He saw that the car had stopped on the road before it moved again, they have gotten the car to turn over.
"Tell them to be quick about it,"
Chulain gave the earpiece back to Maxien, She was biting her lip to the point of bleeding as they stitched the cut. Chulain tilted her head up, making her stare at him,
"You stay here and take care of your people while we take care of the rest,"
He walked past her towards a car, wanting to face the light of ninaina again, Maxine stared at where he was and felt the pain in her arm start to subside, she stared at the phone with Lughs number, but before she could the ear piece rang with Blake's voice.
"Do what you got to Maxine, but don't fail me,"
Maxien could only hear a few words but got the message either way. Maxine answered the call, hearing Lughs voice,
"Your Maxine, right?"
"Then you don't have to worry about my underbosses. I will take care of the rest. Just to keep this deal of ours strong, i will demand a favor in return,"
"What would that be?"
"Avalon Clover, what do you know about her,"
Maxine glanced at the phone, thinking of what to do, remembering what Blake told her, She decided to tell.
"Do you think Avalon got it covered?" Luke asked
Luke glanced at his side, seeing Marcello watching the road, waiting to see the car. Marcello knew that Avalon could distract them but for how long is what he woundering.
"She can distract them, Luke. What I'm worried about is that they will catch on. If they do, they will send their underbosses to take care of us."
Damien looked up from his gun to see Marcello gaze on him, he nodded before turning his attention on his gun, he check the maggasin seeing that it was full before putting it back, Luke looked back to the road and pressed on the cars tablet board, it glowed alive showing the map to him and the car not to far from their's. Luke looked ahead, seeing the shine of the car,
"That is the car,"
Marcello looked and noticed that it had scratches over it, He rolled down the window, taking one of Luke's devices and threw it onto the car, tracking it. He glanced at Luke, seeing him connect to the device,
"They don't seem to know we're here?" Damien muttered
Damien watched the car through the window, and seeing the person struggling to keep the car moving, he could see them talking to someone. Damien opened his window, aiming his gun at them,
"You can tell me when to take my shot,"
Marcello nods, and his gaze goes to Luke, he saw the connection is almost set, and Luke watches it. The bar shows on the screen, and then Luke looks up at Marcello, saying,
"Go ahead,"
Marcello turned to the car looking at there figuer thought the window, he could see that they are moving away from Damien's site, He glanced behind him and Damien nods, he aimed the gun and shot, but the bullet went throught his shoulder making them swirve the car.
"I missed," Daimen muttered
The car swerves in to there car hitting it, Luke tightens his grip on the stirring wheel, turing it to the left, Luke moves the car on the right lane behind the car,
"Try again, Damien," Luke let out,
Luke stabilised the car, and Damien aimed at the car agian, noticing that they had a gun pointed back at them,
They shot back at them. Marcello felt the bullet go past them. He felt the wind from the bullet. Marcello pulled out his gun from the side and aimed it at their tires,
"We are almost at the spot," Marcello told them,
Marcello shot at one of the tires missing it but Damine shot it before he could, the car swiveled agian, this time they where behind them, not to far but not where they could get caught in the escalation.
"After they regain control aim for the left, i will aim for the right." Marcello told
"Got it," Damien let out,
Daimen looked out at the car with Marcello, Luke heard something go off on the tablet, Luke saw that it was from the other car, which meant they had sent a warning.
"Get them to stop the car by any means," Luke said
The car stopped swiveling only had a few bumps, they both aimed at the car and took their shot. However, they didn't think the car would stop hitting their car. Luke pressed the break, stopping the collision from going any further. They stared at the car in front of them and saw that a gun was aimed at them,
They shot at them, Marcello moved to the left, missing a bullet while Damine had the bullet cut into his bicep. They ducked with Damien holding his cut, and the car started to move again, Marcello shot back at the car and yelled out,
"Damine, are you..."
"I will be fine. Follow that car,"
Damine looked at Luke who was staring at him, Luke started the car driving towards the car, Damine ripped his shirt and wrapped it around his arm, Marcello saw the car and was about to shot at it, but they heard a noice coming from the tablet,
"There's another car,"
They saw it was not far from the other car, Marcello aimed at the tires and shot the front tier. He missed making him try again,
"They are almost at the spot," Luke said
"Then take put the tiers," Damien grunted
Damien shot at the back tiers with Marcello aiming for the front, Damien got the back tier and made the car swerve, Marcello did the same, taking the front tier, leaving it with one tier left,
"We are almost there," Luke muttered
Damien looked out the window staring at the last tier, Luke glanced at the tablet and saw how close they were,
Damien took the shot, taking the tier out, leaving the car stopping in it tracks. it flipped onto it side, Luke pressed the break stopping there car near and Marcello got out of the car, He went to the car pointed his gun at the car with Damien out of the car, behind him having his gun aimed at the same target, Marcello glanced behind him and pointed to the right, Damien moved from behind him and went around it side, Marcello walked to where they could get out, Marcello noticed the door opened with the case put out on the side of the car. Marcello yelled out to Damien, warning him.
"Damien, they're on to something,"
Damien felt wind blow past him, it was a bullet, Damien moved away from the car and Marcello saw that they climbed out of the car aiming their gun at him, they shot at him and Marcello got shot in the side of his leg, they climbed the rest of the way taking the cass from the side of the car and went to get off the car, however, They were shot in their own leg making them fall.
"Marcello," Luke muttered
Luke pulled his gun to his side, running to Marcello, Luke checked his leg, seeing that it wasn't that deep, but it was bleeding, He helped up Marcello and kept him off his leg,
"Not the..."
They shot at Marcello and Luke, but Damien kicked the gun out of their hand, Damien knocked them out using the bottom of his gun, Damien took the case and started to looked inside for the drive, while Luke took Marcello to their car sitting him in the car,
"This doesn't seem too bad," Luke told him,
Luke pulled out a med kit they had and started to check his wound, Damien looked in the car, seeing that the drive was in the panel, Damien went to pull to out of the tablet, however, it glowed with life showing him the dot that was close to them was here. Damien took the drive and climbed out the car, seeing that there was another car in front of them. Damien got off the car, taking the drive and case with him, Damien stared at the car, seeing that there was only one in the car. Damien picked up his gun from behind him and saw that someone had opened the car door,
"You are a part of Shepard arn´t you?"
He closed the door, staring at Damien who noticed who he was just by the tattoo on his left arm, his eyes cold and indifferent stared right thought him, a dark blue that can only be imagined as a dark sea. His hair has gone lighter. from a deep dark brown to almost light brown with to white strecks on the side of his head, Taran Solvo the left hand of Lugh.
"What is it to you?" Damein asked
Taran looked at the case on his hands, and there stared back up at him, Taran glared at him before walking closer to him, having his hands to his side, holding something.
"You have brought this apoun yourself, putting youselve into the mafias dealings is not one you should do young man," Taran told him
Taran pulled out his brass knuckles and placed them on his hands. While Damien placed the drive in his vest and threw the case near their car, Taran watched this before asking,
"Do you truly wish for this?"
Damien pulled out his gun and loaded a new magizen into it,
"What choice do i have other than to fight?"