Madness of the Heart

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Demon Hunting (04)

Under the bright light, a male body buried in the rocky ground was dug out. The corpse was covered with a strong transparent sealed bag. Under the environment of high temperature and low humidity, the stiffness of the corpse had been completely relieved, and the abdomen was initially decaying.

The sealed bag has not been untied, and the smell of corpses is faintly smelled in the air. The detectives have long been accustomed to this smell, but they still frowned instinctively. The most annoying thing in handling homicides in summer is to avoid the inevitable smell of corpses. The body odor is very adherent. Forensic doctors usually wipe their hands with coriander, fold ear roots, etc. repeatedly after an autopsy to eliminate the body odor, but even if the smell has been overshadowed, they still feel that indescribable psychologically. The strange smell lasts for a long time.

The condition of the corpse in front of us is not too bad. If it is discovered ten and a half days later, the corpse has formed a giant view in the high temperature and humidity, and even appears “corpse explosion”, then it will be black in every minute. .

There is a road outside the popular science amusement park that is being closed for construction and can only go one-way. Forensic doctors and some field workers are blocked on the road. Ming Shu arrived first, put on double-layer latex gloves and a three-layer mask, and squatted on the ground to examine the corpse.

He is not a professional forensic doctor, but he has dealt with various forms of corpses for many years and has already mastered the basic identification methods.

Fang Yuanhang stood aside with a black leather notebook, his eyes closed from time to time.

“The time of death was three days ago, that is, July 2. To adjust the surrounding surveillance-not only to adjust the public surveillance, but also to check the private cameras of the surrounding shops.” Ming Shu’s right finger pressed on the corpse, his eyes suddenly turned away Go to the corpse on the side.

The corpse pit was very shallow, and there was only a layer of sand less than ten centimeters in length covering the sealed bag, and there were large tracts of **** piled on the sand. This easily exposed corpse creates a weird sense of contradiction with the murderer’s corpse-throwing behavior—there is no monitoring and will not be developed for at least the next three years. It is undoubtedly an excellent place to hide the corpse, but the corpse is again It is too shallow, and it is not the most hidden place in the entire playground. Even if there is no accident between Zhang Sihao and Xu Linshan, as long as there is a heavy rain or waiting for the body odor to completely dissipate, the body will definitely be found.

No documents and communication equipment that could prove the identity of the deceased were found on and around the corpse, which was obviously handled by the murderer.

Obscuring the identity of the dead and throwing the corpse, these two acts logically show that the murderer wanted to cover up the crime.

However, the corpse, which was determined to be discovered within half a month, showed that the murderer wanted to expose the crime.

Human behavior is driven by logic, and the logic of the murderer is self-contradictory.

Ming Shu retracted his gaze and looked at the corpse again.

After death, a person’s appearance will change drastically, and in many cases even relatives will feel “unrecognizable”. But this does not prevent him from initially judging the age of the deceased.

The victim was about 60 years old, slightly obese, with a visual height of 1.7 to 1.73 meters, and dressed in ordinary clothes. Inferior dark gray trousers and striped T-shirts were a lot of cheap items on the street.

The man has no sharp injuries on his body, but fresher injuries on his arms and back. There are large bloodstains in his mouth, nose, and chest, and his neck is severely injured, and the degree of distortion is very strange.

Ming Shu held his head and gently lifted it forward.

“The fatal wound is on the neck?” Fang Yuanhang asked.

“The cervical spine is broken.” Ming Shu stood up. At this moment, Xing Mu, the forensic doctor of the crime team, finally arrived.

One case was implicated in another case, and it was an abominable urban corpse throwing case. As soon as the case was reported to the Criminal Investigation Bureau, Xiao Yuan decisively decided to let the crime team take over.

This is the meaning of forgiveness.

“Sorry, I’m late.” Xing Mu is two years older than Mingshu. He is 1.8 meters tall and well-mannered. He is a forensic backbone in the municipal bureau. He has no skills or popularity, but it is hard to have a perfect person in the world. The fault of handsome Xing is that he is afraid of leadership, and he is afraid to the extent that it makes people laugh and cry.

When Ming Shu had not been promoted to the leader of the crime team, Xing Mu often referred to himself as “your elder brother”, “your father” and “your uncle”, and would tease him at every turn. He scored half of what he got. Picky eaters think the food in the cafeteria is not good, so they often hook his shoulders and invite him to the restaurant.

Everyone in the serious crime team could tell that Xing Mu felt the pain of Mingshu as much as his brother.

But after the previous team leader Liang Zhao was promoted, Ming Shu replaced Liang Zhao and became the youngest team leader after the establishment of the serious crime team. Xing Mu’s attitude changed immediately. He didn’t dare to tease anymore, and he didn’t invite dinner. The exchanges became more and more polite, and he always said that “leaders are good, and leaders have worked hard”.

Ming Shu knew that he was afraid of leadership, and he was born to be unable to fight with his superiors. He had a good academic degree, was innocent, and even a bit naive. It was the same virtue when facing Liang Zhao before, so he would not be in conflict with him. He cares. But after listening to words like “sorry” for a long time, I can’t help but feel annoying.

“Let’s take a look.” Ming Shu threw over his unused gloves and mask. “The deceased should have died of severe neck injuries. Both bare hands and utensils may cause such injuries. These two methods point to suspicion. People are completely different.”

Xing Mu nodded and immediately gave an accurate reply after examining the corpse, “The deceased suffered a blunt blow to the cervical spine more than once. The specific blow needs to be dissected to identify.”

“Do a pharmacology and toxicology test.” Ming Shu took a few steps and turned around, “Look if the deceased has been poisoned.”

Criminal Investigation Bureau, wee hours.

The first round of autopsy has been completed, and pharmacological and toxicological testing and DNA comparison are still in progress. Xing Mu hurried to the autopsy report with a ray of light in his eyes, although tired.

Ming Shu called Yi Fei, Xiao Man, Zhou Yuan and other key members to hold a case review meeting in the small conference room on the fifth floor.

“The deceased suffered from fatty liver and cardiovascular diseases. The cause of death was a fracture of the cervical spine. He was hit twelve times in the neck, and the scars were messy and uneven.” Xing Mu used an infrared pen on the detailed photo. Draw a circle, “From the perspective of life reaction, the murderer has beaten the victim at least once after he died.”

Ming Shu sat at the farthest position from the projection cloth, “Can you tell what the murder weapon is?”

“Yes.” Xing Mu bowed his back and drew quickly. “The weapon has an edge and is a triangular cylinder with a single side of 1.3 cm and high hardness. It should be made of steel.”

Yi Fei stretched out his thumb and index finger, and compared them in front of him. “One side is 1.3 cm, so the whole is probably that thick.”

“It’s thinner than I thought.” Xiao Man is the person in charge of the scar inspection department. He is not too old, but he has assisted Ming Shu and Yi Fei in solving many suspicious cases. “Usually blunt weapons are used to kill people. Fine. The finer the shot, the more difficult it is. If you can’t subdue the opponent at once, it is likely to provoke a counterattack. Why doesn’t the murderer find a thicker and easier-to-operate steel?”

“Can’t find it for a while?” Fang Yuan Channel.

“It’s not like committing crimes with passion.” Ming Shu thoughtfully, “The murderer should have made sufficient preparations.”

Yi Fei looked back, vaguely puzzled, “Then why…”

“Perhaps for the murderer, this kind of weapon is the most suitable.” Ming Shu looked at Xing Mu and did not explain further, “Brother Xing, you continue to say.”

When his boss called “Brother”, Xing Mu froze for a moment. The temperature of his face soared. Fortunately, most of the lights were turned off in the small meeting room, and he happened to be standing in the dark. Only the cold light of the projector hit his face, no one It can be seen that his face is turning from white to red.

“The victim’s death time was between 10pm and 12pm on July 2nd.” Xing Mu said: “Although the pharmacological and toxicological tests have not yet produced results, I found alcohol and sleeping pills in his stomach contents. ingredient.”

Fang Yuanhang stood up, leaning forward, “That means…”

“The murderer has given medicine to the victim, and only when the victim is unconscious or has lost resistance, did he kill him.” Ming Shu rubbed his eyebrows, and said after a moment: “The murderer may be a woman.”

As soon as this inference came out, everyone immediately discussed it fiercely.

At the beginning of the analysis of the case, it is not appropriate to point out the **** of the murderer, which is very likely to mislead the follow-up investigation.

Yi Fei looked at Ming Shu disapprovingly, “Team Ming, this conclusion is too early. It is not necessarily all women who prescribe the medicine.”

“This is just the first thought that came out of my known clues.” Ming Shu’s tone was flat, as if he was just stating a less important thing.

Because the projector was turned on, the lights were all turned off in the front near the screen, and only one light was turned on where Mingshu was sitting. There was a dark night outside the window, and a large area of ​​gray inside the window, but his surroundings were shining, like a peculiar light source.

“The victim is 1.71 meters tall. He is not burly. Depending on his size and medical history, he should not be considered agile and flexible. If the murderer has a murder weapon, he still needs to prescribe medicine.” Ming Shu said: ” This is in line with the general characteristics of the murderer being a woman.”

Xing Mu said: “I also tend to believe that the murderer is a woman. In most homicides, the violent crimes are more men, and women, due to physical and psychological reasons, many choose to poison.”

“The murder weapon and the victim’s cervical spine injury are also on the one hand.” Ming Shu stood up, frowning very shallowly-this expression made him look serious and calm, with a sense of not anger, “the murder weapon is thinner,” But this kind of’fineness’ is only for us. If the murderer is a woman, maybe she thinks this kind of thickness is just right.”

As he said, Ming Shu curled up the fingers of his right hand and made a gesture of holding a stick, “If the murder weapon is so thick, we can swing it freely, but for a woman, it may be too heavy and it will get in the way.”

Yi Fei thought for a while, “Twelve consecutive blows are either to vent their anger or to confirm the death of the victim. According to your analysis, the possibility that the murderer is a woman is indeed not low.”

“But it does not rule out that the murderer is a thinner man.” Ming Shu did not say anything to death, controlling the rhythm of the discussion, his index finger knocked twice on the table, “have any valuable traces been extracted at the scene?”

Xiao Man sighed, “The scene has been seriously damaged.”

“It’s okay.” Ming Shu turned to Zhou’s wish. “You have to work hard tonight in technical investigation. Check the monitoring of various intersections outside the popular science amusement park, focusing on July 2 after 8 o’clock in the evening.”

Zhou Yuan is in charge of video, photo detection, and the Internet. He has a lot of tasks and a heavy burden. He doesn’t talk much, and is as quiet as a girl, with a delicate appearance.

“Okay.” He replied solemnly. After finishing talking, he gathered up the documents lying on the table, got up and walked towards the door.

Mingshu understands his character, does not stop him, and continues to preside over the meeting.

Later, Xing Mu added another piece of information that was almost missed-the injury to the arm and back of the deceased was caused by the impact. Before the deceased was killed, it was very likely that the deceased had had a physical conflict with the murderer or someone else.

Soon, news came from the DNA comparison side, and the victim’s DNA information was not archived and the identity could not be confirmed.

“Then you can only check the missing persons one by one. The victim died on the night of July 2nd, and today is the 6th. People close to him may have reported the case.” Ming Shu raised his eyebrows towards Yi Fei, “First Determine the source of the corpse.”

The crime team is extremely efficient in investigating cases, and after Ming Shu’s confession is complete, everyone returns to their posts and performs their own duties.

Ming Shu stayed alone in the small conference room, checking the autopsy report in detail, and frowning inadvertently.

This is his habitual action, not because of distress, nor because the case is too complicated.

When assigning tasks to subordinates or reporting work to his superiors, his brazen eyebrows are often slightly frowned, which just synthesizes the natural upturn of his lips, and looks steady and reliable. But when there is no one around, the wrinkles between the eyebrows will gradually deepen, and the more focused you think, the tighter your eyebrows will be twisted.

However, concentration is focused, and if someone approaches his “territory”, he can still find it immediately.

The unobvious footsteps approached, and eventually stopped at the door of the small meeting room. Ming Shu immediately moved his gaze away from the autopsy report, and stared at the person who appeared at the door.

Xiao Yuan was not wearing a police uniform. He was wearing a smoky gray shirt and trousers and leather shoes. Two buttons were opened on the top of the shirt. The collar set off the sharp collarbone and slender and powerful neck.

Most people in the Criminal Investigation Bureau say that the Xiao Bureau is really not like a criminal police officer. Even if they wear a police uniform, they lack the taste of a criminal police officer.

But Ming Shu’s view is exactly the opposite. The criminal policeman’s character is inside and out. Even if Xiao Yuan wears such clothes that don’t match the police, the powerful power released from his eyes and standing posture is still very nerve-wracking.

“Xiao Ju.” Ming Shu stood up and caught a glimpse of the paper bag in his hand.

Xiao Yuan’s eyes were gentle, and he stepped in and put the paper bag on the table, “Thank you.”

“For me?” Ming Shu split the paper bag and asked knowingly.

Xiao Yuan smiled, “Is it embarrassing for you to report the extra meal to the autopsy report?”

In the paper bag was placed an adult’s palm and finger-sized steamed milk cake, the temperature was just right, and a cup of latte, the ice cubes had not melted yet.

Ming Shu took out both, his eyes curled up, “Thank you, boss.”

Xiao Yuan’s voice is mellow, like a bass organ in his throat, “Boss?”

“Aren’t you my boss now?” Ming Shu held the steamed cake, his brows stretched completely, and he closed his handsome face, showing a somewhat unusually childish manner.

This is why he frowns habitually.

Because the facial features are exquisite, the corners of the eyes and lips are pleasing to the eye, the skin is white, even if the face is expressionless, it looks smiling, and it looks young and friendly.

A small face is a good thing in many cases, but for serious criminal police, especially the leader of the serious crime team, it is more important to be stable and mature.

I don’t know when, probably after he graduated to become a criminal policeman, he used frowns to hide his smile, pretending to be deep, and seldom opened his brows completely.

But when facing Xiao Yuan, it’s a different matter.

Outsiders didn’t know his relationship with Xiao Yu’an, and he didn’t plan to just say when he met others, so that everyone would know that he and this new leader had known each other since childhood.

Both the Xiao family and the Ming family are quite background families. From what he can remember, he knew that there was a six-year-old brother next door.

There are many children in the Xiao family. Xiao Yuan has two older sisters and a cousin of the same age. The other partners are even more numerous. There are not many descendants of the Ming family. He is the only child, and there are not many cousins. He watched the Xiao family lively all day long and wanted to run to play with others, but he was embarrassed. He just dared to climb the tree and imagine himself. He is the youngest son of the Xiao family.

It was Xiao Yuan who reached out to him.

That day, he climbed to the tree again, not wanting to step on a branch in the middle. He could get up or down, and he almost fell from the tree in a hurry.

Xiao Yuan looked at him under the tree, opened his hands, “Come down slowly, I will protect you.”

The six-year-old gap is no longer obvious after adulthood, but for children, it is a world of difference.

He looked at Xiao Yuan and then at himself, and suddenly he was no longer anxious or afraid.

The elder brother under the tree was so tall and like a giant-of course Xiao Yuan corrected him later. He couldn’t see anyone taller than himself, and he felt that the other person was a giant, which was impolite.

He slid down carefully, then threw himself into Xiao Yuan’s arms. Although Xiao Yuan was much taller than him, his body was weak as a young man. After struggling to catch him, he stepped back several steps to be able to stabilize.

This episode became his most beautiful footnote when he was young. From then on, he no longer secretly watched the excitement of the Xiao family, but became a member of the Xiao family. He followed where Xiao Yuan was, wishing to move his bed to the Xiao family yard.

Xiao Yuan took him to ride a bicycle and taught him to read and write. The Xiao family’s tutoring is strict, and Xiao Yuan has been knowledgeable and reasonable since childhood. But whether the child is a child, Xiao Yuan is as perfect as a flawless jade in front of his parents, but when he plays with him, he is much more cheerful and interesting. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, four seasons cycle, good and bad, as long as children like it, Xiao Yu Antong has played with him.

He sticks to Xiao Yuan and relies on Xiao Yuan, much more than his parents who have not seen a few faces a year.

Later, when Xiao Yuan reached his age, he was sent to study abroad by Xiao’s parents. He was sad for a long time. He didn’t think about eating and drinking. He squatted at the door of Xiao’s house every day. He always felt that as long as he was sincere enough, Xiao Yuan would appear.

However, when Xiao Yuan returned, it was already the following summer.

Not seen for a year, my brother is taller than I remembered.

He followed in the footsteps of Xiao Yuan, from junior high school to high school, and then to university, just like running after Xiao Yuan’s bicycle when he was a child. But because of the age difference that could not be shortened, he could never stand on the same campus with Xiao Yuan.

When he was in elementary school, Xiao Yuan was already a middle school student, and when he finally entered junior high school, Xiao Yuan had already gone to the Public Security University.

His parents didn’t want him to be a policeman. As early as when he was in middle school, he paved the way for him, but he insisted on chasing after Xiao Yu’an, had a riot with his family, and became a policeman at the cost of almost severing relations. .

In fact, if he had to talk about his dreams, he didn’t want to put on a police uniform.

At that time, Xiao Yuan disappeared inexplicably, so he must be on top-secret mission. He was frightened, so he had one idea-to become a policeman and to spend the storm with Xiao Yuan in the future.

The family conflicts in those years have now eased, but it is precisely because of the lack of any contact with the family during the years when he entered the Public Security University, few people who knew him knew that he was from a powerful family, only when he came from an ordinary family.

That’s fine, at least you don’t have to face other people’s strange gazes.

When he determined that the relationship with Xiao Yuan was 23 years old, he naturally pursued it. From the beginning of a young man’s heart, he chased up to become a criminal policeman.

Over the years, he has always stayed in Dongye City, showing extraordinary criminal investigation talents, but Xiao Yuan has traveled with the special operations team to perform extremely high-level tasks. The two have always been together, and even when he was trained in the special operations team in the past year, he had not been able to meet Xiao Yuan.

Unexpectedly, before he left the special operations team, Xiao Yuan was directly transferred to Dongye City.

This means to settle down.

“What are your thoughts on the case?” Xiao Yuan asked softly.

Ming Shu came back to his senses and solved the steamed cake in a few mouthfuls. “Now there are many clues, and even the source of the corpse has not been determined.”

“Talk about your most doubtful place.”

Ming Shu’s Adam’s apple rolled gently, “The murderer’s behavior is a bit contradictory, the corpse is too shallow and it’s easy to be found. Does he want to be discovered? What is the purpose of this? Also, I was thinking about the death of Zhang Sihao. Was it an accident? It’s okay to see the two cases separately, but when they come together, it’s an excessive coincidence.”

“Zhang Sihao and Xu Linshan have a simple social relationship. Xu Linshan doesn’t know the deceased.” Xiao Yuan threw the steamed cake paper and empty coffee cup into the paper bag, and took out two tissues and handed it to Mingxue. “But now the murderer in this case took advantage of it It’s not easy to draw conclusions after passing them. Let me give you an idea—Is that rocky ground considered off the beaten track in the popular science amusement park?”

Mingshu hugged his arms and pondered for a moment, “The rocky ground is under the track of the bicycle, the ground is uneven, and it is difficult to walk. It is just summer, and it is hotter than the surroundings… Yes, except for deliberately adventurous children, most people I shouldn’t go there.”

“So the traces of the suspect are actually easy to be preserved.” Xiao Yuan said: “But after Zhang Sihao and Xu Linshan’s accident, our police officers and a large number of onlookers have destroyed all the traces.”

Ming Shu frowned again, fingers against his chin, “Xiao Man and the others really didn’t extract anything.”

The small meeting room was quiet for a while, and when Ming Shu was about to frown his brows deeper, he suddenly felt pressed by his familiar fingers.

He raised his eyelids suddenly, and his tight voice suddenly became soft.


Xiao Yuan rubbed his eyebrows, and finally separated two fingers, pressing each on the peak of the eyebrow.

He sighed comfortably, and his fatigue subsided a lot.

“Don’t be too rushed.” Xiao Yuan withdrew his hand, “I also watch the case. If you have any ideas, come to me anytime.”

Ming Shu usually turned his mind fast, but now he still recalled the comfortable energy just now, even his eyes were a little straight.

Xiao Yuan smiled and said, “I’m leaving now.”

Ming Shu quickly stretched out his hand, not holding the person, only the paper bag.

The two of them each hold half of the paper bag, and there is no difference between holding hands.

Ming Shu leaned over, kissed Xiao Yuan’s chin, cleared his throat and said, “Thank you, boss, for the supper.”

The next day, the identity of the deceased emerged. And suddenly there was news from the Beicheng branch—the suspect in the café murder case, Lu Kun, suddenly claimed that he had been deceived before he started to kill.

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