Madness of the Heart

Chapter 185

Chapter 185 Fighting insects (35)

The surrounding dense forest suddenly heard the “rustling” sound of leaves being turned, and someone was slowly approaching the dilapidated building.

Ming Shu was very vigilant, sweat dripping from his forehead. Judging from the sound of footsteps, there should not be many people coming. Around seven people were wearing cowhide boots similar to Xun Xiaoyun.

“Don’t be nervous, they are just mercenaries I hired.” Xun Xiaoyun smiled, “If you are obedient, be a bug and show me your inner struggle, they won’t do it to you.”

Ming Shu squinted, only to see two men wearing camouflage have turned in from the window, and four men in the same costume followed behind them. These people are not tall, around 1.7 meters tall, which is in line with the average height of men in this area. The camouflage is not a standard, and the guns are not made in China. It seems that Xiangshan City has wiped out gangs in the past few years. Although gangs do not exist on the surface, some people have fled to the forest or abroad, transformed into mercenaries.

If there is no other person in ambush outside, then with Xun Xiaoyun, there will be seven opponents. Mingshu calmly observed their standing posture and the gesture of holding a gun, and he secretly knew-these people have weapons, and they dare to accept anything for money. They must have killed people in the past and have experience in gunfights, but they are fighting. It is not professional.

But in any case, the opponent has a numerical advantage, and the bullet does not have long eyes. If you are unlucky…

Ming Shu breathed slowly and deeply, his concentration was highly concentrated, and the layer of clothing next to his body was wet with sweat.

“You have two choices.” Xun Xiaoyun said in an extremely arrogant tone: “Go up and take down Xiang Lin’s bomb, and take him out of here. I promise, in the process of dismantling the bomb and leaving Xiang Lin with you. , My mercenaries and I will not point the guns at your head.”

“But…” Xun Xiaoyun said with a smile: “The bomb has a special setting. There is a transfer trigger device inside. You can only dismantle it there. You can’t take Xiang Lin away before dismantling. In addition, the bomb has a time limit, once the time limit expires. Just explode. And I can advance this time limit.”

Ming Shu’s eyebrows trembled inconspicuously.

“Afraid?” Xun Xiaoyun said: “Think I will start the bomb suddenly when you dismantle the bomb? Hmm…I really want to do this. Then guess, will I start it early when you dismantle the bomb?”

Xiang Lin’s cry came from upstairs again, as if to say-save me, I don’t want to die.

“Second choice.” Xun Xiaoyun continued: “You leave now. I swear not to stop you, and you can only watch Xiang Lin be killed.”

Mingshu opened his eyes and clenched his posterior molars subconsciously.

“Your criminal police colleague will never know that you let an innocent person be killed. Only I know.” Xun Xiaoyun’s eyes flashed with pride, “Of course, you can’t take me away.”

“Old classmate, how do you choose? Back then I was the only one who could save Xiang Haoming. What you found was only Xiang Haoming’s corpse. You lost to me. You can’t save your son. Can you save Laozi now?”

The image of the abandoned building was suddenly pressed into the water and became silent. Ming Shu could only hear his heartbeat.

Under such circumstances, the heartbeat should have been rumbling, but strangely, it gradually calmed down.

“Old classmates, aren’t you excellent criminal police all keen to sacrifice yourself?” Xun Xiaoyun said: “I want to see if you risk your life to save or go griefly.”

“You said you can let the bomb explode in advance.” Ming Shu said coldly: “I can also kill you first, and then go to destroy the bomb.”

Xun Xiaoyun seemed to hear a big joke, and tears were about to shed with laughter, “Old classmate. I’m not as good as you. I’ve recognized this a long time ago. I’m not your opponent when it comes to fighting alone or fighting alone. But when it comes to marksmanship. they……”

As he said, Xun Xiaoyun spread his hands and pointed at the mercenaries next to him, “Are they hired by me to play? Old fellow…”

Before the words fell, the gunfire had sounded!

Ming Shu moved extremely swiftly and drew his gun at the nearest mercenary and shot. At the moment of the firing, a smoke bomb was taken out of the tactical vest and threw it “Boom” with a muffled sound. The gray mist on the first floor exploded, and everyone was submerged in it.

The mercenaries were caught off guard. Ming Shu saw the right time. He dodges and uses the pillar as a cover. After firing two shots accurately with his excellent hearing, he is short, avoiding the bullets fired close to the ground, and avoiding one. The dead end of the short pile, load the bullet, and shoot again!

The gray mist of the smoke bombs had not yet dispersed, and the dust on the ground was full. Ming Shu glanced at the stairs not far away, swallowed a mouthful of dry saliva, shot three shots, and a shadow in the thick fog screamed and fell.

Xun Xiaoyun obviously did not expect that Ming Shu would dare to use one enemy and many, and preemptively attack him. Those who were aggrieved and unwilling to come back in an instant, cast an indispensable shadow on his “victory”.

Only then did he realize that he still seemed unable to play Ming Shu as a superior person—just like He Yang played with bugs. He thought that Mingshu would struggle between these two choices, but before he could say anything, Mingshu shot and killed one of his mercenaries!

The anger was like a raging fire, burning Xun Xiaoyun in pain and madness. He pulled the assault rifle behind him, and while roaring, he shot continuously into the smoke.

“Ming Shu!”

On the contrary, Ming Shu was more calm, and retreated from the battle, and within minutes he had retreated from the center of the first floor to the stairs beside the wall.

He is going up. This building is almost an empty shelf, with only half of the ground between the second floor and the first floor covered. As long as you go to the second floor, you can form an absolute advantage over the first floor.

“Ming Shu!”

Xun Xiaoyun finished playing a magazine, quickly replaced it with a new magazine, and continued to fire the gun under the cover of the mercenary.

At this time, the smoke almost dissipated, and two mercenaries lay on the ground. The first one had his head headshot, and the second one might not have died yet.

A shuttle bullet came through the air, and Ming Shu flew into the air, suddenly a row of single holes appeared on the wall beside him. He turned around with a shot, hitting a mercenary in the abdomen.

This jump just sent him to the stairs. This was the most dangerous moment. The stairs were bare and without any obstructions. He was like a living target, exposed to several hot muzzles below.

“Bang bang bang—”

The sound of gunfire rang, and the sound of bullets tearing the air exploded around him, rushing over like a bloodthirsty net.

Ming Shu rushed forward, betting on his luck, and even more recently the judgment!

These mercenaries are not professional, not to mention Xun Xiaoyun, they have guns in their hands, and the bullets are dense, but they may not be able to hit the target!

The whole body’s functions were pushed to the limit, Ming Shu flew up the stairs, like smashing a shield of wind and gunpowder smoke, a bullet grazed his arm, tearing out a long thin line of blood, and he clenched his teeth. Looking at the second floor platform close at hand, Yu Guangli Xun Xiaoyun pulled the trigger again.


Ming Shu’s pupils suddenly closed, his right leg seemed to be bitten by something, and the non-violent pain spread with the gushing blood.

He knew that he had been shot, but he couldn’t stop it. The desire to “survive” **** everything, and he could hardly feel the pain.

With a fishy leap, he finally went up to the second floor, then turned around, crawled on the dusty floor, aimed at the mercenary approaching, and steadily squeezed the trigger.

The bullet was trapped in the flesh and blood, blood gushing out from the wound silently, and the pants had been soaked with blood. Ming Shu didn’t know if there was any damage to the blood vessels, and he didn’t have time to take care of it. He had to get rid of all the mercenaries. As for Xun Xiaoyun…

Xun Xiaoyun was able to detonate the bomb at any time, and he had just been attacked suddenly and almost defeated Xun Xiaoyun. As long as Xun Xiaoyun calms down, the explosive device may be activated immediately.

A minute and a second can’t be wasted, Ming Shu rolled on the spot, his wet pants and wounds were covered with a thick layer of dust. Putting on the magazine, Ming Shu aimed at the last mercenary, “bang”, hit his chest, and the mercenary fell down.

Without stopping for a moment, Ming Shu turned his gun to face Xun Xiaoyun’s heart.

Xun Xiaoyun’s eyes were dyed with furious fire, and she held her rifle and fired at Ming Shu violently.

The bullets splashed on the edge of the platform. Because of the angle, Ming Shu didn’t have to worry about them hurting himself.

What he now considers is whether to kill Xun Xiaoyun directly or to make Xun Xiaoyun lose his ability to act.

Killing directly is certainly the most undesirable option, but Xun Xiaoyun is extremely mentally abnormal, and even if he loses his ability to act, he may do things that people might not expect.

Mingshu didn’t have much time to think, the light in his eyes would definitely pop out of his mouth, shooting towards Xun Xiaoyun’s chest!

Xun Xiaoyun’s eyes were furious, her pupils shrunk to the size of needles, and her expression was shocked. She seemed to have never expected that she had done so much. It took a lot of effort to bring Mingshu here, and wanted to play a bug game with Mingshu. And Ming Shu escaped from this net of heaven and earth, and once again became the loser!

He thought, why can’t he win Mingxuan after he has achieved this level?

Ming Shu didn’t aim at Xun Xiaoyun’s heart, and the bullet that passed through his chest would not kill Xun Xiaoyun.

Xun Xiaoyun sat on the ground slantingly, the flames of revenge still burning in his eyes, even more vigorous.

Ming Shu stood up on his left leg, snorted, and poured cold sweat from his head.

This sound seemed to please Xun Xiaoyun. Xun Xiaoyun raised his head and smiled angrily, “Old classmate, you will also hurt? What are you still struggling with? I have already abolished your leg?”

Ming Shu went down to the first floor with difficulty, bound Xun Xiaoyun, who had lost the ability to fight, with a rope, and seized all the weapons he was carrying.

“I haven’t lost yet.” Xun Xiaoyun gritted his teeth, “Do you think I only set a bomb?”

Ming Shu gave a finger.

Xun Xiaoyun wanted to laugh, but had no strength, “Xiang Lin, Xiang Lin has one. Right here, there are two more.”

Ming Shu pinched Xun Xiaoyun’s neck with one hand, “What did you say?”

“Listen well, I have already avenged Duan Yun. The last thing I want to do is to win and beat you!” Xun Xiaoyun said, “Welcome, welcome to my game. I can’t start Xiang Lin now. You can dismantle the bomb. But if you think about it, once the bullet is dismantled, you and him will be blown up together! Because, because of the two bombs on the first floor, the detonation conditions are those of Xiang Lin’s body. The bomb was successfully dismantled!”

There was a “buzz” in Ming Shu’s mind, and all the sweat-covered parts of his body began to numb.

“Of course, there is a time error in this period, ten seconds? Or half a minute? If you are lucky, maybe one minute or three minutes.” Xun Xiaoyun said: “Old classmate, do you want to try your luck? If you are lucky, do you want to try your luck? , You might be able to run out with Xiang Lin, if you are unlucky…hahaha!”

Ming Shu forced himself to calm down. He was about to check the bomb on the first floor, and then heard Xun Xiaoyun say: “I know what you are thinking. Do you plan to dismantle the bomb on the first floor first? That Lin will die soon, the linkage device is mutual Yes, the error is no more than three minutes.”

Xun Xiaoyun shuddered suddenly, “Let me tell you one more thing. The two bombs on the first floor have a huge weight and complicated wiring. They are my masterpiece when I specialized in bomb disposal. Old classmates, you should not be able to dismantle them.”

Ming Shu ran to the landfill of the bomb pointed by Xun Xiaoyun, opened it quickly, and took a breath.

He is not proficient in bomb disposal. The criminal police rarely need bomb disposal skills. The fur he knows was learned a few times in the special police corps, Lu Yanzhou, and Zhou Ping. Ordinary bombs can still be dealt with, but this is what he sees. He couldn’t dismantle the bomb at all.

“Hahaha…” Xun Xiaoyun laughed again, “You don’t have to die, now no one is stopping you, you can leave now and bring someone to catch me. But I’m afraid that by then, there is already a sea of ​​flames here. You can’t save the innocent person upstairs, nor can you send me to court. Old classmate, you failed!”

Ming Shu closed his eyes and opened them again, dragging his injured leg to the stairs again.

Xun Xiaoyun stared at him, eyes full of surprise and incomprehension. Gradually, his vision blurred, Xun Xiaoyun opened his mouth, and finally passed out.

Ming Shu simply bandaged himself, and tried to climb to the third floor. The sky was extremely empty, and he watched everything that happened on this land without sorrow or joy.

Xiang Lin was tied to a pole, the bomb was on his chest, and his body was only a gray gown covered with blood, and he was scrawny. Long before Xiang Haoming disappeared, he was controlled by Xun Xiaoyun. He may not know that his son had been brutally murdered.

“Please, save me!” Xiang Lin’s face was dirty, and his grief seemed to soak every inch of his skin. “I have a son, I want to go back to see him.”

Ming Shu suddenly felt a moment of inability to vent.

“I will save you.” I don’t know if it was due to excessive blood loss or excessive consumption in the previous battle, Ming Shu opened the bomb shell, and his hands were a little trembling.

The sky was bright, and he held the wrist of the other with one hand, and the trembling was not alleviated at all.

The bomb on Xiang Lin’s body will explode in 46 minutes. Compared with the bomb on the first floor, this bomb is not complicated and he can handle it.

But what about after the demolition?

Even if the time error is three minutes, he cannot escape to safety with Xiang Lin.

Xun Xiaoyun set him a dead end.

“Help me!” Xiang Lin burst into tears, “I don’t want to die!”

The helicopter hovered over the dense forest, the atmosphere in the cabin was tight, but there was a sense of order.

“Alright! Alright!” Fang Yuanhang clenched his fists and stared at the signal receiver, already sweating.

Xiao Yuan was wearing the black combat uniform of a special police officer, with a cold look, and his aura was completely different when he was in the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

“The signal is getting stronger and stronger.” Fang Yuanhang swallowed, his voice trembling suddenly, “Master…”

Xun Xiaoyun suddenly appeared, and neither the crime team nor the special operations team arrived. The colleagues in Xiangshan City were difficult to mobilize, and they were not familiar with each other, traps, or dead ends. Someone had to catch up.

Ming Shu had prepared the necessary equipment in the car early in the morning, made a prompt decision, threw the signal receiver to Fang Yuanhang, jumped into the car and rushed out.

The signal disappeared for a while, then intermittently, and finally stopped in one place.

Fang Yuanhang claims to be an optimist, but it is Mingshu who is in crisis. He is not optimistic at all. He is extremely anxious. He thinks countless times that the signal does not move. Is Mingshu dead?

This thought was driven away again and again, but it was always lingering.

Until Xiao Yuan finally arrived.

Below the helicopter are layers of green waves, and the rugged mountain roads can be ignored.

Fang Yuanhang felt that Xiao Yuan was very angry inexplicably, but he couldn’t tell from the tone and expression.

Is Qiming forgiving for not observing orders and chasing after it rashly?

However, in the situation at that time, it was impossible for anyone to not chase after him.

Maybe Xiao Yuan is more helpless and worried than angry.

Fang Yuanhang thought so, his eyes lit up suddenly, and a gray building faintly appeared in the green waves.

It’s a building!

The signal became stronger and Fang Yuanhang yelled: “Here!”

At the 17-minute countdown, Xiang Lin couldn’t help shaking, as if being held tightly by death.

Ming Shu has figured out the principle of the bomb in front of him, but he hasn’t started it for a long time.

He was waiting, waiting for the signal receiver handed to Fang Yuanhang to bring the person who saved him from desperation.


The loud noise of the helicopter came from a distance, and the gust of wind swept the leaves, making waves after waves.

Ming Shu narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the helicopter. After seeing the painting of the fuselage clearly, the numbness gradually dissipated from the injured right leg, and pain swarmed.


Ming Shu raised his hand, clenched his fist, and made a “peace” gesture at the helicopter.

“Master!” Fang Yuanhang exclaimed excitedly, “Xiao Ju! He’s okay!”

Xiao Yuan responded calmly, and immediately commanded the helicopter to descend.

The helicopter was supposed to be parked on the open space next to the abandoned building, but when it approached the third floor platform, the hatch suddenly opened. At the moment of hovering, Xiao Yuan climbed the rope and slid down.

“Master!” Fang Yuanhang yelled, lying on the side of the ladder door.

Ming Shu’s face was pale, and he signaled to Fang Yuanhang that he was okay, then he turned his eyes and fell on Xiao Yuan.

“Xun Xiaoyun is solved on the first floor.” Ming Shu suppressed a certain boiling emotion in his heart and tried his best to maintain reason. “The problem now is that once the bomb on Xiang Lin’s body is removed, the two bombs below will explode. .”

Ming Shu quickly informed Xiao Yuan of the situation and found that Xiao Yuan had noticed the injury on his leg.

“I have dealt with the gunshot wound, and it didn’t hurt the bones and blood vessels.” He said, “It’s okay for the time being. Brother, there are only 10 minutes left.”

Xiao Yuan’s chest visibly ups and downs, and his eyes are extremely heavy, “Can you deal with this bomb?”

Ming Shu nodded seriously, “I can!”

Xiao Yuan said: “Leave the following two to me and Hua Chong.”

Although there were a lot of team members who came with them, they were all criminal police officers and couldn’t deal with the bombs.

Xiao Yuan quickly went down to the first floor and checked two large-yield bombs.

Xu Chun was also a special police officer in the past, and couldn’t help being surprised when he saw these two bombs, “This damn… it’s a’dead bullet’!”

The so-called “dead bullet” means that it cannot be dismantled or is extremely difficult to dismantle.

Xiao Yuan shook his head, “There is a way. Flower team!”

Hua Chong stood up in front of another bomb, “It can be removed.”

The three bombs must be dismantled at the same time, and the safety time is within five seconds.

Hua Chong was born as a special anti-terrorist police, and Xiao Yuan was once a field elite of the special operations team. The serial bombs set by Xun Xiaoyun can only be dismantled by everyone present.

The risk of bomb disposal is extremely high, and it has never been said that it is “safe”. Xiao Yuan ordered the other team members to retreat to a safe area, and Hua Chong lay down south and north, and started dealing with the two huge bombs.

On the third floor, Mingshu was ready to separate the detonating device at any time.

“How is it?” Xiao Yuan’s voice was low and passed to Hua Chong and Ming Shu through the communication device.

“Give me two more minutes.” Hua Chong said.

“Five minutes left.” Ming Shu said.

“Yeah.” Xiao Yuan and Hua Chong responded at the same time.

Soon, the communication instrument sounded again, and Xiao Yuan said: “Prepare.”

Quiet is like a giant umbrella, suddenly opened in the forest, Ming Shu raised his eyes, looked at Xiang Lin’s eyes, and said in a very soft voice: “Don’t be afraid, we will protect you.”

Xiang Lin, who was constantly moaning and trembling, was tight at this moment, biting his lip, no longer making a sound, and almost stopped breathing.

The detonating conductor barrels of the three bombs were clamped, and almost at the same time, they were pulled out by three steady and firm forces.

The wind rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground, it turned twice, then rolled again, and it was covered with ashes and no longer fluttered.

The explosion hazard was successfully ruled out!

When everyone could move in the future, Xiao Yuan stood up, ran to the second floor, turned around, and rushed to the third floor.

Hua Chong breathed a sigh of relief, patted the dirt on his chest, and looked up at the roof.

Fang Yuanhang finally eased his suffocation at the last moment of bomb disposal, and ran away, also rushing into the building.

Ming Shu fell to the ground as soon as the dismantling was completed, as if all his energy had been spent, and there was no way to stand up anymore.

But in fact, he only knew subconsciously that someone would come to lend him a force, or just pick him up.

The rapid footsteps were getting closer, Ming Shu looked at the direction of the stairs, and suddenly, Xiao Yuan appeared there, three steps and two steps, and rushed towards him.

“Brother…” Ming Shu stretched out his hand and yelled softly.

Xiao Yuan knelt down and leaned very close to him, holding half of his cheek with one hand, heartache, anger, and fear in his eyes.

He felt that Xiao Yuan’s palm was shaking.

“Brother.” He whispered, “Luckily you have time…”

The last sound almost disappeared in Xiao Yuan’s breath. Xiao Yuan leaned over, buckled the back of his neck, pressed his forehead against his forehead, and breathed quickly.

At such a close distance, he was startled, and immediately experienced the familiar peace of mind.

“Master!” Fang Yuanhang rushed up and slammed the brakes on the side of the stairs, “Huh-ah!”.

Xiao Yuan has already beaten Mingshu upside down, “Ming team injured his leg, I will send him down.”

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