Machine God with EX-rank talent (Deus ex machina)

Chapter 52: The Heavenly Demon (8)

When Hyun Suho returned to the Heavenly Demon Cult, the martial artists guarding the main gate greeted him with strict discipline.

“Have you returned, Commander of the Asura Corps?”

“Yes. Everything went well, I assume?”

“There were no issues during the mission, sir! But, may I ask when you went outside...?”

“You don’t need to know that.”

“Ah, understood.”

“Alright. Keep up the good work.”

“Thank you, sir!”

Dokgo Jeong was very popular among the young martial artists within the Heavenly Demon Cult.

He wasn’t just popular—he was almost idolized.

A martial artist who had proven his overwhelming strength without forming any factions.

He was kind to those under him and didn’t hesitate to teach them his secret techniques.

Even in the Heavenly Demon Cult, which had a harsh reputation, his good nature made it only natural for people to follow him.

Young martial artists eagerly sought to join the Asura Corps, where Dokgo Jeong served as the commander.

Dokgo Jeong would select the talented ones among them, train them, and make them his own people.

Hyun Suho remembered all the events that had occurred over the past seven years.

“He was quite capable.”

Of course, those years were far from peaceful.

On the contrary, Dokgo Jeong had faced countless crises, often teetering on the brink of death.

There were traps he had narrowly escaped from, ones he couldn’t have survived without a stroke of luck.

One interesting thing was the swordsmanship Dokgo Jeong had used up until now.

It was the swordsmanship that Hyun Suho and Nova had created together, which Dokgo Jeong had inherited and used.

Specifically, it was the swordsmanship that Hyun Suho had enhanced by stealing and improving Hyeok Rigwang's techniques in their final duel.

“The swordsmanship has been refined even further.”

Surprisingly, the cult leader had sincerely and diligently taught Dokgo Jeong.

With top-notch education and relentless effort, the swordsmanship had naturally advanced significantly.

And now, Hyun Suho had regained all of that.

After swinging his sword a few times in the air, he smiled with satisfaction.

“Not bad. After all, helping others really pays off.”

Following the memories, Hyun Suho naturally walked to his residence.

The place was not flashy but was neatly decorated, reflecting Dokgo Jeong’s tastes.

As he was about to rest after a long journey, he sensed someone’s presence nearby.

An ambush from someone hiding behind the folding screen.



As a sharp sword was swung at him, Hyun Suho quickly drew his sword to counter.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Over the past seven years, it wasn’t just the swordsmanship that had improved.

The once immature body of a 15-year-old had matured and grown stronger over the years.

Even though Hyun Suho had gained immense internal energy through the Gongcheong Seokyu technique (Empty-Handed Stone Technique), a strong foundation of physical ability was still crucial.

With more strength in his arms, his movements felt more refined and smooth.

‘I should hit the gym when I return to the real world.’

He had enough composure to entertain such thoughts.

Because the assailant’s sword was not as sharp as his, and most importantly, there was no killing intent in the strike.

Hyun Suho skillfully maneuvered, getting behind the assailant and grabbing their arm.

“That’s enough.”

The attacker, now restrained by Hyun Suho, bit their lip in frustration.

To his surprise, the assailant was a woman.

Her jet-black hair flowed smoothly, her eyes were intense yet clear enough to reflect his image.

She was a striking beauty with distinct features and a healthy aura.

As they got closer, a familiar scent tickled his nose.

Hyun Suho let out a small sigh and spoke,

“What’s with the attitude again, Saja?”

She was Dokgo Jeong’s younger sister and the cult leader’s daughter—his direct disciple.

Her name was Choi Hyun.

She was three years older than Dokgo Jeong.

And now, she was also Dokgo Jeong’s lover.

‘He trained, sought revenge, and still found time to fall in love?’

[Indeed, he seems much more competent than you, Master.]

At one time, she was also a formidable competitor to Dokgo Jeong.

She had aspired to become the first female leader of the Heavenly Demon Cult in history.

However, after being impressed by Dokgo Jeong’s abilities, she eventually yielded and became his most steadfast supporter.

Only after absorbing Choi Hyun’s faction could Hyun Suho stand on equal footing with the other disciples.

Choi Hyun, pulling her hand roughly out of his grip, shouted loudly.

“You didn’t show your face for ten days, and now you just appear? Do you know how busy I’ve been cleaning up after you?”

The fact that Dokgo Jeong had left the cult was a secret.

When the most crucial leader of a faction is absent for days, who knows what could happen?

So Dokgo Jeong had secretly gone out alone.

He had made an excuse about training, but Choi Hyun was furious that Dokgo Jeong had left without a word.

As usual, Hyun Suho embraced Choi Hyun tightly.

“There was something I had to do. I’m sorry.”

Even though he had inherited the memories, holding someone else’s lover felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Choi Hyun seemed to calm down quickly. She gently pushed against Hyun Suho’s chest and spoke with a pouty expression.

“So, is your family’s revenge all settled now?”

Choi Hyun had an inkling about why Dokgo Jeong had left without saying anything.

Most of all, the sudden death of the Mount Hua Sect's leader couldn’t have been a coincidence.

For Dokgo Jeong, it was the most important matter.

Knowing that, she couldn’t stay angry any longer.

Hyun Suho nodded calmly.

“Yes, it’s all done.”

“…You’ve worked hard. Then, rest for today.”

“Thank you. Let’s talk again later.”

After Choi Hyun left, Hyun Suho sat down and organized the information he had gathered so far.

The sudden appearance of Hyun Suho in this world.

Of course, there was a possibility that it was just a coincidence with the name.

But it was too much of a coincidence to dismiss it as mere chance.

What are the odds that the name Hyun Suho would appear again among countless possible name combinations?

“Dokgo Jeong was convinced it was someone from the Heavenly Demon Cult.”

It wasn’t just a guess. After organizing a vast amount of information, he finally reached a conclusion.

Even Hyun Suho, who shared Dokgo Jeong’s memories, agreed.

The problem was that no matter how thoroughly he searched, there was no one in the Heavenly Demon Cult named Hyun Suho.

He had searched through the elders, the new recruits, even the maids and servants, but found no trace.

“What’s your opinion?”

[Do you think this is another version of yourself from this world, Master?]

“It’s something I’ve experienced before.”

[I’ve reviewed all of Dokgo Jeong’s memories, but there’s no one who matches your face.]


In the past, the phantom from the dimensional gate had an identical face to Hyun Suho.

If it were the same as back then, he could have found him by just looking at faces...

“Is it more likely to be someone else?”

[According to my calculations, yes.]


This is a world without CCTV.

No matter how advanced Nova’s abilities are, there are limitations to what can be done.

Without video devices, he had to rely on memories.

The fact that his face wasn’t among them—whether it was a good or bad thing—he couldn’t yet determine.

“There’s still not enough information.”

Regrettably, it seemed there were still tasks left to be done in this dimensional gate.

As he was considering whether there were any adjustments to be made to the information network Dokgo Jeong had established, someone came to him from outside.

“The Cult Leader has summoned you. You are ordered to come to the grand hall immediately.”

“The Master?”

In the Heavenly Demon Cult, the words of the Cult Leader were law and doctrine.

Hyun Suho had to move quickly, without even having time to rest from his journey.

* * *

When he arrived at the grand hall, he found not only the Cult Leader but also two other disciples who were his rivals.

The Cult Leader’s first disciple, Geum Ja-yun, and the third disciple, Hyeok Rigwang.

Of the seven disciples in total, only these three remained in the final competition.

The others had either died, voluntarily withdrawn, or, like Choi Hyun, allied themselves with other candidates.

Currently, the most likely candidate for the position of the Young Cult Leader was undoubtedly Geum Ja-yun.

Geum Ja-yun was originally of royal lineage.

There was a rumor that the royal family selected the most skilled martial artist among the royal members and sent them to the Heavenly Demon Cult, but only they knew the truth.

Geum Ja-yun’s backing was the imperial guard, a military force directly under the royal family.

He had even formed a marriage alliance with the Guhyang family, one of the prominent martial families of the demonic path.

Thanks to this, he maintained an overwhelmingly powerful faction.

The royal family had invested heavily in gaining control over the Heavenly Demon Cult, but surprisingly, the Cult Leader remained indifferent.

There was no way the Cult Leader didn’t know about them, yet he did nothing.

In contrast, Hyeok Rigwang had been relatively quiet after losing a duel some time ago.

The only time he caused a stir was two years ago when he fought with the second disciple who had mocked him for his loss.

It was an official duel with the Cult Leader’s permission.

Everyone expected the second disciple to win, but surprisingly, Hyeok Rigwang was the victor.

In that duel, Hyeok Rigwang ripped out the second disciple’s heart, showing everyone that he was still a force to be reckoned with.

The mad sword had returned.

Everyone thought Hyeok Rigwang would become active again, but surprisingly, he remained quiet until now.

At least, in Dokgo Jeong’s memories, there were no recollections of facing him.

Dokgo Jeong was likely the one he most wanted to kill.

Even Dokgo Jeong couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

Although Hyun Suho arrived last at the grand hall, the Cult Leader did not reprimand him and spoke indifferently.

“Welcome. You must be exhausted from your long journey.”

Even though Hyun Suho had tried to move without being noticed, it seemed the Cult Leader knew everything.

The Cult Leader hadn’t changed at all from seven years ago.

If anything, his hair had become more lustrous, and his skin even more radiant, making him look younger.

He seemed like someone who could lead the Heavenly Demon Cult for several more years, yet suddenly, he made a significant announcement.

“The position of the Young Cult Leader has been vacant for far too long. Our shaman has determined that today is an auspicious day.”

At the Cult Leader’s words, an elderly woman who looked to be at least in her seventies stepped forward, leaning on her cane.

She was the shamaness of the Heavenly Demon Cult, who could foresee the heavenly will.

Usually, she performed rituals at the shrine and only appeared for important decisions.

With her appearance, Geum Ja-yun and Hyeok Rigwang, who had arrived earlier and were waiting, could not hide their excitement.

This meant that the long-awaited ceremony to appoint the Young Cult Leader was imminent.

“Shamaness, speak directly.”

The shamaness, barely bending her stiff back, bowed to the Cult Leader and then spoke to the three kneeling candidates.

“A divine revelation has been received. The next leader will be chosen on the upcoming first full moon of the lunar year.”

The first full moon of the lunar year was just the day after tomorrow.

The sudden announcement left all three candidates visibly flustered.

But the shamaness continued firmly.

“The method is very simple. You must retrieve the cult’s emblem, which is hidden in one of the valleys of the Ten Thousand Great Mountains. The approximate location will be provided on the day.”

With that, the shamaness revealed the emblem the candidates were to find.

It was an emblem engraved with the symbol representing the Heavenly Demon Cult.

At this, Geum Ja-yun shouted in disbelief.

“This is the ceremony to appoint the Young Cult Leader of the Heavenly Demon Cult. Are you really deciding it with a mere treasure hunt?”

The Heavenly Demon Cult revered strength.

In the past, candidates had fought to the death until only one remained or engaged in battles between factions.

This method was also one that all the followers could accept.

However, finding a small emblem in a vast mountain valley would depend more on luck than strength.

Even though the approximate location would be provided, the area would not be small.

Naturally, everyone was taken aback.

But the Cult Leader remained seated calmly, and the shamaness was resolute.

“The divine revelation has been received!”

The shamaness's revelations were beyond even the Cult Leader’s interference.

Although Geum Ja-yun still looked dissatisfied, he couldn’t protest any further and merely kicked the ground in frustration.

“Damn it!”

Geum Ja-yun’s reaction was understandable.

He had been expanding his faction significantly with the expectation of a war between factions.

Now, all of that effort had become useless.

In fact, this method was most advantageous to Dokgo Jeong.

After all, it was true that he was at a disadvantage compared to the two senior brothers.

As the shamaness, her expression stern, stepped back after finishing her speech, the Cult Leader spoke again.

“Until further special instructions are given, everyone is forbidden from leaving the premises. Remain in your quarters and wait.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Everyone bowed their heads in response and hurriedly moved to their respective quarters.

The shamaness had stated that only the three candidates could move, but there are always ways around the rules.

In the Heavenly Demon Cult, the one who gets tricked is considered a fool.

Knowing the exact location where the ceremony would be held would be a great help.

The other two candidates began to move busily to find out, and upon hearing the news, Choi Hyun responded immediately.

But Hyun Suho was troubled by a messenger who arrived late at night.

“They said to deliver this to you.”


The messenger had come shortly after Hyun Suho had returned to his quarters.

He casually unfolded the note, only to find something completely unexpected written on it.

[Give up the competition for the position of Young Cult Leader.]

A sentence without any context.

Of course, Dokgo Jeong’s goal wasn’t the position of Cult Leader but rather avenging his family.

However, even after fulfilling his revenge, he couldn’t just retreat into seclusion in the mountains.

As a disciple of the Cult Leader, he had already come too far.

If he gave up the competition, those who had supported him until now would be left with nothing, like dogs chasing after a chicken.

It would be one thing if they were merely considered fools, but historically, they would most likely be purged.

Especially Choi Hyun, who was also the Cult Leader’s daughter, was too dangerous a person to be left alone.

So this was an absurd demand.

But the problem was the sentence that followed.

“Hyun Suho…”

Beneath the short sentence, the name Hyun Suho was clearly written.

It was as if the criminal whom Dokgo Jeong had searched for seven years had walked right into his hands.

Hyun Suho glanced at the messenger who had delivered the note.

The messenger stood there with a puzzled expression, seemingly unaware of the significance of what he had just delivered.

That was probably true.

He had likely just delivered the note, nothing more.

“Who sent this to you... No, never mind. There’s no way you would know.”

Naturally, the hidden figure must have sent this while keeping their identity concealed.

But the messenger tilted his head in confusion, not understanding the question.

“Huh? This was a direct request. I was specifically asked to deliver it to you at this hour.”

“A direct request? From whom?”


The name that came out of his mouth was enough to throw both Hyun Suho and Dokgo Jeong’s memories into chaos.

“The shamaness.”

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