Machine God with EX-rank talent (Deus ex machina)

Chapter 21: Invaders from Outer Space (5)


A foreboding 16-sided cube.

As the researcher explained, it was more of a conduit connecting to some other entity rather than a dangerous object in itself.

"No wonder I didn’t sense any overwhelming magic from it."

Even the fog had a magical presence, but as I approached this place, I couldn’t feel any magic at all.

I had thought that meant it wasn’t very dangerous.

But after hearing the explanation, it turned out to be more hazardous than I imagined.

"So, what do we do now?"

The researcher shook his head, looking terrified.

"I-I don't know. Until now, it only occasionally generated a small amount of fog."

"You’re saying it’s generated fog before? How did you handle it then?"

The researcher nervously replied, "We sent in people to touch it until the fog stopped."

"You made people touch something that drives them insane?"

This was practically a human sacrifice.

As I glared at him, the researcher hastily explained, "They were all death row inmates or irredeemable criminals! The government suggested it first!"

Though I didn’t like it, this wasn’t the time to criticize the country’s methods.

"Didn’t you think of bringing in more death row inmates when the fog spread this time?"

"There’s a prison for death row inmates within the facility. Officially, they’re already listed as executed. Naturally, when the fog spread, we had them touch it."


"We used all 50 of the death row inmates, but nothing changed. Normally, three would’ve been enough..."

"Did they all go insane?"


"Then what?"

"They all died."


It was usually an object that could be controlled, even if it required sacrificial offerings. But for some reason, its scale had grown significantly, and the sacrifices of the death row inmates didn’t work.

I stared at the Necronomicon with a slightly tense expression.

"If it’s a conduit, destroying it recklessly might make things worse."

I considered using the plasma cannon but decided against it. I might make the problem worse.

While I was contemplating a solution, Jane suddenly stepped forward.

"I’ll make contact with it."


This was an object that drove everyone who touched it insane or killed them.

And now, even after using 50 people, the phenomenon hadn’t stopped.

Yet Jane was proposing to stop it.

"It’s my duty to prevent the fog from spreading further. If touching it can help, then I must do it."


At that moment, I remembered something I had briefly forgotten.

"Right. The quest’s objective wasn’t to destroy this thing."

This quest was, after all, a protection mission.

If I successfully escorted Jane Reiner to this point, the mission would be over.

In other words, if Jane made contact with the Necronomicon, I could complete the dimensional quest and receive my reward.

That meant I could say goodbye to this strange parallel world.

All I had to do was watch and I’d be able to return to my original world.

But... was that really the right thing to do?

"It’s too dangerous. There might be another way. If we think about it a bit more..."

"As long as I wear this uniform, I’m always prepared to take risks. The longer we wait, the more people will be in danger. As a soldier, I can’t stand by and let that happen."

Jane had already made up her mind.

No, she had probably resolved to do this from the moment she entered this place with me.

"You said... your family is waiting for you. Your son."

Jane hesitated at those words.

Unconsciously, she touched the locket hanging around her neck.

But then, with a mother’s strong yet gentle smile, she replied, "Don’t you know? Mothers are invincible. I will definitely return to my family."

There are many things in this world that can’t be resolved by sheer willpower alone.

She probably knew better than anyone that what she was saying wasn’t entirely true.

I’d felt a tickle in the back of my mind for a while now, and I was finally starting to understand why.

I’d grown up as an orphan, never experiencing a parent’s love.

A love that’s said to be higher than the sky and deeper than the ocean.

Like what Jane was showing right now.


Without hesitation, I grabbed Jane’s outstretched hand.

She looked at me in surprise, and I shook my head as I spoke.

"If anyone’s going to do it, it should be me."


Nova was the first to shout, more shocked than Jane.

[This is too reckless. And there’s no reason for you to do this.]

"If the Necronomicon drives people insane, and Jane’s extraordinary mental fortitude is the key to withstanding it, then that’s what we need to focus on, right?"

In terms of physical ability, the soldier who was turned away earlier had been much stronger than Jane.

And yet, I was instructed to protect Jane specifically.

Because of her exceptional willpower in the face of death.

"If that’s the case, then I’m far more suited for this than Jane, don’t you think?"

I was recognized by the system as having EX-level talent.

And not in terms of physical abilities, but in mental fortitude.

Even in this world, I should be much better suited for this than Jane.

[You can’t be sure it’s only about mental strength. It could be tied to her memories or experiences, like her family bonds. Besides, there’s no reason for you to take on such a risk.]

"Why wouldn’t I? If I save Jane, the reward will be even better."

The rewards from dimensional quests aren’t just based on the outcome but also the process.

Saving lives is just as important as eliminating threats.

[Do you think Jane is going to die?]

"Yeah, I do."

I can’t explain it, but my gut tells me so.

She'll be remembered as a noble hero who saved the Earth through sacrifice.

"That’s worthless!"

What the kid needs isn’t a hero. He needs a loving mother who will be there to protect him.

"Master, please reconsider..."

Despite Nova’s plea, Hyun Suho looked at Jane straight in the eyes and said, "Well then, I’m going in."

Hyun Suho gently pushed Jane aside and touched the Necronomicon.

In that instant...


Everything changed.

* * *

How much time has passed?

Hyun Suho blinked, as if waking from a light nap.

"...Where am I?"

It felt like I had just blinked, but now I was in a completely different space.

This wasn’t the cramped secret lab anymore, but a vast plain that stretched endlessly.

There was no grass, no mountains, no hills—just thick fog covering everything.

"A plain, huh?"

I looked down at my feet and couldn’t help but laugh.

Where I thought there was ground, there was only more dense fog.

I had entered an unknown space filled with nothing but fog.

Where was this place?

A dream? Or perhaps someone’s mindscape?

Was there something in this vast world?

Suddenly, the researcher’s words echoed in my mind.

"It’s said to be a monster larger than the Earth itself."


I understood everything.

This unknown monster or god that could be encountered by touching the Necronomicon.

This space itself was that entity.

A special being from the outer cosmos, larger than Earth itself.

Now I understood why everyone who came into contact with it either went insane or died.

This was something that completely transcended human comprehension.

It was impossible to communicate with, understand, or resist it. It was an entity whose malevolence, if any, couldn’t be confirmed—an overwhelmingly powerful and void-like alien presence that stood in stark contrast to human concepts of beauty.

In the face of such a being, human reason, willpower, civilization, order, and courage were all insignificant and powerless.

The overwhelming sense of helplessness, loss, and fear from merely perceiving it was enough to shatter the human mind.

It was like realizing, after thinking you were the center of the universe, that you were nothing more than a speck of dust.

As if affirming that thought, the fog around me suddenly began to roil.

*Woo... woo... woo...!*

At that moment, the entity’s thoughts started to flow into my mind.

And I understood everything.

To this cosmic being, humans were less than ants beneath its feet.

Do humans care about the bugs they crush as they walk by?

This being was the same.

It occasionally played around or acted mischievously out of boredom.

Just like when humans throw a stone into a pond while passing by.

The fog had been created by one such trivial whim.

But this time, it was different.

The emotion the being was feeling wasn’t boredom or whimsy.

Its will was communicated in an indescribable language.

But even so, it wasn’t a particularly grand emotion.


Just a simple caprice.

As if an ant that had been ignored suddenly caught its eye, the existence of Earth and humanity had started to bother this being.

A baseless sense of displeasure and annoyance.

That was the start of everything.

"That’s it?"

I realized I was different.

Maybe it was because I has an EX-rank talent, but even after realizing this immense being and feeling its irritation and displeasure, my mind didn’t break.

"Well... I already knew the world was going to end in ten years."

Looking back, I had even thought of fighting the Death Star, which had destroyed a Kardashev Type 3 civilization in an instant.

Anyone else would’ve either given up or gone mad by now.

"So I’m not really scared of a little whim of yours."


Did it understand what I said?

The fog began to seethe in anger.

Nova scolded me.

"I’m not sure if provoking it at this point is a good idea. Just because your mind isn’t breaking doesn’t mean your body will be safe."

"But I can’t just do nothing, can I?"

It was then.

The fog surrounding me began to move and started seeping into my body.


I tried to resist, but there was no way to stop it.

At first, I thought the fog would enter my body and destroy my organs, but that wasn’t it.

It was a much more fundamental attack.

"This is..."

Like a flood of memories, vivid images from my past began to unfold before me.

But they weren’t just simple memories.

They were the most embarrassing moments I wished I could forget, the painfully miserable days, and the terrifying memories that I never wanted to relive.

It was trying to break my spirit by triggering the darkest parts of my mind.

"How petty for something so massive..."

This entity was enormous, like a planet, but it wasn’t a physical being. It was a mental entity, a cosmic being that fed on fear and grew infinitely.

How many planets and civilizations had it devoured to grow this large?

Even though I didn’t think much of it when I first heard it, experiencing it firsthand was different.

It felt like a horrible nightmare.

The powerlessness and gloom from those memories were magnified hundreds of times, gnawing at my mind.


Even with EX-level mental strength, it was hard to endure this mental attack.

Anyone else would have gone mad by now.

It even dug up memories from when I was just a baby, memories I didn’t even remember.

Being teased for being an orphan during my school days.

Being oppressed as a repairman in my youth.

And above all, the most terrifying memory...

"The Death Star."

The destroyer that consumed planets and civilizations—a god of destruction.

In less than ten years, it would come to Earth.

Waiting for the approaching end was terrifying.

The entity amplified my fear of the Death Star.

And then...

Woo... woo... woo...!

The entity recoiled in pain.


I could sense emotions.

The cosmic being that fed on fear was feeling fear itself.

Was it overstuffed?

Or maybe...

"You... know about the Death Star?"

The entity and I were linked through memories.

As it felt fear, its memories flowed back to me.

The Death Star, which had annihilated the highest civilization of the Eos planet in an instant.

This being, residing in the outer cosmos, was already aware of the Death Star’s existence.

Likewise, the Death Star had sensed this entity’s existence.

And then...

"You ran away?"

An overwhelming force that couldn’t be resisted.

Even as a mental entity, it wasn’t immune.

A presence deeper and darker than darkness itself.

The entity that fed on fear had felt fear itself, fleeing and hiding until the Death Star passed by, frozen in place on the far side of the outer cosmos.

"Were you that scared of the Death Star? Then let me show you more."

I deliberately intensified my fear of the Death Star.

Nova assisted as well.

"I’ll transmit every record in the database."

It was time for a counterattack.

The entity, startled, tried to sever the connection, but I didn’t let it off so easily.

Woo... woo... woo...!

The massive fog-like entity, larger than Earth, began to shake as if it were about to collapse.

Being a mental entity made it especially vulnerable to a mental assault.

The fear of death, the fear of returning to nothingness.

Eventually, it began to beg.

It pleaded for me to let it go.

"Then get lost! Never even think about Earth again!"

Woo... woo... woo!

Even though I couldn’t understand its words, I could tell that it was surrendering.

And then the world flipped again.

* * *


When I opened my eyes again, I saw Jane's worried expression and the researcher, who looked ready to bolt at any moment.

"Are you alright? Have you come to your senses?"

"Eek! This is bad! If Phantom goes mad, it's over! We need to kill him right away..."

"Who are you planning to kill?"


When Hyun Suho spoke, the researcher was so startled that he pressed his back against the wall.

After taking a deep breath, Hyun Suho asked Jane, "Check on the situation outside."

Jane’s eyes widened, then she seemed to understand and started talking into her communicator.

After speaking with someone for a moment, she approached with a look of amazement.

"The fog has disappeared. You did it."

"Just as I thought."

It had been a bit of a gamble, but in the end, I had succeeded.

[It wasn’t just a bit. If you ever try something that reckless again, I’ll kick your butt!] Nova scolded.

Hyun Suho chuckled.

[Don’t laugh!]

At that moment, I felt my body start to fade.

The quest was over, and I was about to return home.

Feeling this, Hyun Suho gave Jane a final farewell.

"Take care, invincible one. I hope to become someone like you..."

《Dimensional Quest Clear》

《Mission Success Rate: 150%》

《Contribution Rate: 100%》

* * *

"Back again?"

When I opened my eyes, I realized I was back in the Red Zone where I had first arrived. The Dimensional Gate I had cleared was, of course, gone.

"But a 150% success rate..."

It must have been because I saved Jane, achieving a success rate that exceeded 100%.

The results were far better than expected.

And that was confirmed by the rewards I received.

《Emblem Acquired》

◆ Emblem

Cosmic Horror Hunter

(Rank: SS)

Conditions: ??? Extermination  

Mental Strength +45%

God Slayer

I had obtained an SS-rank emblem.

But for such a high rank, it only had two options.

"Mental strength has increased again."

My stats had doubled. This was good, but the next option was what really mattered.

"Am I really becoming a god slayer?"

The "God Slayer" option. Even after tapping the status screen with my finger, no special details appeared.

"No idea."

Still, having it couldn't hurt.

I moved on to the next reward.

◆ Artifact

O-5 Universal Key


Unlocks all locks

It was just a single, antique-looking key. At first glance, it looked like a decorative key, but based on the prefix, it was one of the Foundation’s peculiar items.

"Is this really a universal key? Could it open all locks?"

[Congratulations, Master. You could switch to being a rogue now. It seems like there won’t be a lock you can’t open anymore.]

"...Even if it’s a Foundation item, it probably can’t open electronic locks, right?"

[Aren’t I here for that?]


So, the key would handle traditional locks, and Nova would take care of the electronic ones.

"That’s great."

It wasn’t equipment, but it was much better than most equipment I could’ve gotten. Especially for someone like me, who’s been soloing everything.

"Since I cleared the gate smoothly, let’s go. Beep! Back to motorcycle mode!"

Ddi... ddi... bbo!

The fog monster that could threaten Earth from beyond the outer universe.

Even such a cosmic entity was terrified of the Death Star.

The difficulty level had suddenly shot up, but for now, I decided to enjoy this small victory.

Could it be related to my high mental strength?

"Whatever! Let’s go!"

In ten years, I’ll figure something out! And if not, what’s the worst that could happen? Dying?

Enjoy life!


* * *

A boy was playing in the yard, dreaming of becoming a sailor.

His father waved to him but couldn’t hide the uneasy look in his eyes.

It was something he had accepted when he chose a soldier as his partner.

But for some reason, he had a bad feeling this time, as if something were about to happen.

Luckily, it was just his imagination.

A little while later, the boy’s mother arrived in a military truck.

Seeing his mother, the boy beamed and ran over to her.


The boy was covered in dirt, but Jane picked him up in her arms without hesitation.

The boy needed a loving mother far more than a hero.

A happy family life was still unfolding.

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