Luxury Buff

Chapter 30

10. Hunting Class B Monsters

After defeating Istal in Gunsan, they head south. And as they briefed on the second monster, the extermination of the monster continued again.

So, every day, every day was repeated, and the fourth beast in class B went very smoothly without any major casualties.

On the seventh day, the hunt for the Class B monster, which was captured on a 10-day basis, arrived. It was 3 days ahead of the plan, but even in the meantime, talents were taking excessive relaxation and proceeding with a very comfortable raid.

None of the talents felt tired. Monster hunting was very smooth. Given that much relaxation, everyone is in the best condition.

And everyone was there to deal with the last of the B rank monsters.

Class B Monster Curose.

In the case of Class B monsters, information is not accurate. Only information remains in situations where he or he gave up on the radar based on appearance alone.

However, in the case of Quirros, only being named a Class B monster, no guild has ever fought a Quirros.

Curose looks like a giant caterpillar, but it is characterized by its entire body being covered with scales. The long body is pierced with several holes, but you don’t know what they do.

“You won’t be able to compare it to the B rank monsters before you, since we’re dealing with them for the first time. So as the last Raid Monster, I want you to take care of it! Here we go! ”

Cha Sang-hoon ran to the beast again.

Quiróz. A Class B monster who would decorate the last of their raids. If we finish him, we’ll all go home.

Moreover, everyone was excited about the reward for catching the Class B monster.

Cha Sang-hoon wields his hammer as he looks at the quirose. It appears to be no different from the rest of the B rank monsters.

Rather, the body was long and the method of attack was just to be struck through the trunk, so I felt more comfortable in the battle. Crouches and reaches for a single attack. That alone was a tremendous offensive force.

‘I feel uneasy…. ’

It was the feeling of a new peasant ship that saw Quiróz. Unlike other B rank monsters, he seemed to be the weakest of them all, acting as an anxiety to him. And the problem was the unknown holes pierced through the body.

‘What the hell…… is that hole? There are several holes pierced throughout the body just to call it a breath hole……. ’

Shin Minbae starts casting buffs in succession, avoiding anxiety.

It’s been about an hour since I started hunting. Then I noticed that Quirros opened once.

Cha Sang-hoon became nervous. I couldn’t predict what kind of attack would come.

Fufus 54523;!

Would it be different if Curose’s body stopped trembling at the same time? Strange liquids came from the holes in his body.

These liquids in green were splattered onto the ground or trees with the defensive powers around them.


And all of a sudden, the earth, as well as the wooden and defensive armor, began to melt.

“Huff!! Acid! Look out!! ”

Cha Sang-hoon was greatly surprised to see his shield melt slowly. Never before has he heard of a monster that emits acid. It was the same with the other talents.

“Ahh! Ahhhh!! ”

But isn’t it different? One of the defense systems, who was watching the acid buried in his armor, began to scream enormously.

The acidity in his body was melting not only in an instant, but also in his torso.

“Th, my God! What do you mean, it’s melting at an incredible rate? ”

The rate of melting was too different from typical acidity. If I had taken off my armor quickly, I would not have been harmed, but it was unimaginable to imagine that armor and shields were an essential item for the defense system to take off during a hunt.

“Ahhhh! Ahhhh!!

The screams of the defense continue to spread.

“Seong-tae, wake up! Seong-tae!!”

The defensive system, filled with agonizing screams, is soon silent…


And not only was his body bisected, but acidic acid was still melting his body and armor.

“Oh my god…! ”

It was not acidic in general. Other talents, as well as Cha Sang-hoon, began to tremble in fear of the poisonous acidity that seemed to melt everything around him.

Curoz was not a monster enough for them to do anything about now. Of course, if you insist on living to the death, you can solve anything, but now this acidity was being sprayed everywhere by Curose, so there is a high probability of death.

“Queek, I give up Quiróz! Retreat as you practiced!! ”

The first to retreat were those who came with support from the attacking community. After they retreated, the healing and defence system fled in a mobile vehicle.

The fleet quickly retreated by joining the offensive and support groups. And as I watched the faraway quiz, I understood why I felt anxious.

After everyone retreated in turn, Cha Sang-hoon quickly started to flee when the healers boarded the transport.

A tremendous speed unlike those who flee on the move.

Everyone retreated and gathered in one place. Until now, the atmosphere was quiet as if it had been covered with cold water.

It was an unexpected sacrifice, even for Cha Sang Hoon.

But this was not only Cha Sang-hoon, but all the other talents as well.

Who knew a monster could attack something so unseen? The embarrassment was the same for everyone.

“I will personally investigate Sung-tae. And the explanation to the survivors…. ”

There is no harm, because the whole body has melted already. How sorry would your family be if they heard that?

Knowing all this, Cha Sang-hoon is trying to fulfill his duty as guild leader.

“This is the end of this one. Rest well as soon as you get back. ”

The race, which was set to number 5, was concluded with number 4.

Raiding a Class B monster and killing one person is a huge harvest. However, no one laughed.

The Shin Minbae returned home after Raid was finished, and I felt sorry for her for the last moment.

‘What the hell…… How am I supposed to protect our abilities from those monsters? ’

Protecting abilities was the most important means of purpose to him, not in the defensive or offensive systems.

The shield can complement a certain degree of attack, but there’s nothing you can do about an attack like the acidity of Curose.

I kept thinking about Quirros for a while, but I didn’t really get it straight.

‘Yes, let’s forget it! It wasn’t the same guild, and you didn’t even know me. He’s also a person who has never had a conversation…… it’s natural that there will be damage to Class B Raid……. ’

I didn’t want to blame myself. He did everything he could. Nevertheless, the damage was not his fault.

He was the one who started the shower to clear his uncomfortable mind.

Artwork Reviews

When I wrote it, I noticed that 30 pieces were right in front of me.

So I decided to fill in page 30 right away.

Have fun, guys.

We appreciate the small amount.

The subtitle is different from the next part… It’s vague to disconnect…

And congratulations!

First of all, I’m not in the top 10 of the Today’s Best, but there’s a name on the line.

Everyone will be your strength.

Good. Good.

This is what I write for. ㅋ

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