“President! What should we do!?”

Asia wasn’t the only one having a bad day. Though it took them some time to realize it, Sona couldn’t stay idle in the current situation as the one in charge of the school.

All the school students seemed to be under some sort of wide-scale mental control. As if it wasn’t enough, they could suddenly use magic as if they always possessed it. 

One or two students weren’t a problem, but when ten or so students suddenly used magic together, the result was quite threatening. As if it wasn’t enough, they were heavily restricted because they couldn’t hurt the students.

Looking at Saiji, Sona adjusted her glasses, “Your sacred gear will be very important for this situation.”

Saiji’s sacred gear was called <<Absorption Line>> and had the power to absorb the energy of those that were targeted.

Initially, Saiji could only use one line to absorb the energy, but ever since his first meeting with Basara, Saiji has been training like crazy, making his originally Low tier Gear more akin to mid or even high-level one. Now he could absorb the energy of multiple targets and even transfer that energy to other objects.

Since they couldn’t really hurt the students, then absorbing all their powers would do. 

“Tsubaki, you will take Saiji and half of the team with you. Your goal is to knock out as many as possible and take away their energy. Meanwhile, I and the rest of the team will try to find Mio and Maria.”

Since Rias peerage was absent, it was her duty to protect Mio and Maria. In fact, while it might be cold-blooded, the protection of those two was more important than saving the students of this school.

“Then, what about finding the mastermind and stopping him?”

Sona shook her head, “This go way past our limit. We will need to rely on Basara. Once I secure Mio and Maria, we will go give him our help as much as possible.”

Sona had seen what Basara was capable of and believed in his school. She also knew that he would certainly help protect humans. But, this wasn’t enough. They had to help him, as much as possible. 


Sona was right, Basara indeed had the intention of finding and fighting the mastermind, though it wasn’t what he had in mind currently.

It was more important to find Asia. 

Still, on his way, Basara had his eyes opened about one truth,

“Chisato…You are quite skilled. Are you a magician?”

On their way, they had meet many controlled students, but Basara didn’t even have to do anything. Chisato would always deal with them pretty easily.

While humans were quite weak, good magicians could be quite dangerous. The more skilled they were the more tricks they had under their hats. 

Chisato was a little taken aback and debated simply going with this conjecture of his but in the end, she shook her head, “While I can use magic, I am not really a magician. In fact, I…I am not even human.”

Chisato fidgeted a little as she said this. She was still on the fence about revealing her true identity to him since neither Jin nor Sapphire did so until now. Still, she didn’t want to lie to him and destroy the trust she built. 

Basara nodded, a little surprised but still expected it somehow.

“Let’s talk about this later.”

Now wasn’t the time to speak about their origins. It wasn’t like he had told her what he was either.

Like this, the two continued running in the hallway and knocking out students coming in their way, when they were forced to stop.

Feeling a gaze on him, he turned around and looked. Amongst the confusion and noise in the audience area –amongst the crowd, his gaze met with someone.

“Who is it…?”

Basara looked into the cold eyes

The one facing them this time was different from the other students. The student had a short, small-built figure, short blond hair with black hair clips, and red eyes behind a pair of Maroon colored glasses. At first glance, ‘she’ looked like a normal student, but it was only after taking a deeper look that Basara realized the student was wearing a male uniform.

But this wasn’t what got the most attention from Basara.

All this while he had been wondering who might be behind this attack. Red eyes and this aura, students who were clearly under bewitchment.

In Basara’s memory, there was one race that matched the current circumstance pretty well.

“A vampire?”


Chisato muttered worriedly, prompting Basara to throw her a glance.

“He is Tachibana. A first-year student. He was once part of the Student council when he was a middle school student in Kuoh but left it later on.”

Tachibana seemed to ignore them as he mumbled, “Sensei was right…They have ill intentions toward the member of the school. Exorcists are all like this.”

Basara frowned as he summoned his sword, he could feel the hostility of the young boy increasing greatly.

“Chisato, go take care of Asia. Her position suddenly changed but she should still be near the second year's classroom.”

Chisato hesitated a little but nodded. She already had an inkling about the identity of the culprit. So it moving alone was useful.

The faster she took care of this, the better it would be.

“Where are you going!”

The moment Chisato tried to move, Tachibana rushed at her with his nails transformed into a long claw and was ready to cut her, but Basara was faster and intervened.


“Got it.”

Tachibana growled, “Exorcists like you should simply all die.”

Basara scoffed and pushed back Tachibana with his sword.

It was really a pain, all around him was the unconscious body of students, so Basara couldn’t use his power as he wished.

Observing the situation, let a gap in his guard. A gap that Tachibana didn’t miss. 

But he reacted just in time, immediately jumping to the side horizontally, and a gust of wind blew past his side – no, to be accurate, it was not wind. In his view, those five fingers had sharpened, and the silhouette with the right hand thrust out turned around and said:

“……You really are amazing, Toujou-kun.”

“So you know my name.”

Tachibana sneered. Basara was still pretty popular in the school. While not to the extent of Kiba, in this school full of girls, the rugged and calm Basara was extremely attractive to the eyes of most females.

It was simply because he gave a more unapproachable impression, unlike the ever-smiling Kiba, that girls didn’t scream and swarm him at his sight.

Of course, Tachibana wasn’t about to explain all this. In his mind, the only thing necessary was to get rid of the exorcist and bring back the school to normal.

“…Tachibana is it? it’s really a pity.”

Basara did not care that a vampire was in this school. But what he did was not acceptable.

Raising Brynhildr and rejecting any form of pity, he looked at Tachibana. His eyes were cold and ruthless. Ready to strike down the boy in front of him.



In the moment the sights of the two persons met – both sides began moving simultaneously.

(AN: In Shinmai, Tachibana has a really awkward place. She is a member of Basara Harem in the end, but outside of Vol 4 where she is somehow important and volume 8 or 9 where she appears for like one chapter, she doesn’t have any scene until Vol 12 where she somehow gets impregnated. It was honestly a little forced in my opinion. 

Anyway, she isn’t important to the plot but I do like her character. I will see if she will become more important later on or if I will forget her like original author did.

Also, this little arc will be the last one of Vol 2. I want to end it by CH 80 hopefully. Vol 3 will be more about slice of life and relationship dev.)

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