Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in wine 1

At full strength, the Infeys had many special abilities. Ylre didn't know all of them, though as their direct servant he should have. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the chance to get to know them better. He knew that their healing was incredibly powerful, he knew that they had a strong relationship with all living creatures, he knew that they could manipulate the luck of ordinary people. He knew that they could take anyone luck and move it between some people. And he knew that they cannot give their own luck to anyone besides their protector. Never.

Generally, when Luck deemed it necessary to replace one of the highest Infey, it was permitted to make a new one. After his birth, it was only a matter of time before he was assigned a middle-class protector. Supreme Infey inherited his predecessor's luck and became the guardian of his share of luck in the world.

Ylre knew why the supreme Infey couldn't give his luck to any of the common people, but for a long time he didn't understand why the connection with their protectors was allowed. It took him some time to realize that unlike ordinary people, their existence didn't really matter...that they weren't actually considered living beings by luck. When the Supreme Infey gave his protector a portion of his luck, he became his slave in the sense of the word, although it wasn't called like that.

He lived only for him, he was there only for him, his life depended only on him. And if his supreme Infey realized that he no longer wanted his faithful protector, that he wanted another one or simply stopped being interested in him, he could take his luck back.

Giving luck to the middle-class Infey was like creating a connection between the source of luck in the supreme Infey and his protector. However, although they both drew from the same source, it was up to the main owner whether he would really lend it to his guard. But if he took it from him, it meant the end for his protector. 

As a protector, Ylre knew these basic rules, but he knew that wasn't the case with Rue. Although he was of the highest class, he was the only one of them whose connection with luck was limited as part of his punishment. He wasn't able to use it anymore, it was like he didn't even have any luck. And since most of the abilities the Infey possessed were related to their connection to the source of luck, Ylre had no idea which abilities Rue still had.

That's why he wasn't even surprised when Rue's injury didn't heal much. It wasn't like when a normal person was injured, the bleeding stopped almost immediately by itself and more or less healed anatomically, but the ugly wound still remained. It didn't threaten Infey in any way, but it must have been quite painful.

Ylre just sat beside him on the carriage, staring at Rue's severed arm, which he ignored as if he didn't care about his injuries at all.

"Don't you want to go to the village and treat your wound?" he asked.

"No need," Rue smiled, "it's not deep."

However, Ylre had the impression that Rue wouldn't go even if it was really deeper, so he was only thinking about how to convince him. Although he knew that some infection wouldn't kill him, it clearly could weaken him. 

Ylre sighed deeply, looked at the bunch of tied up guys on the side of the road that they couldn't let go. He then shifted his gaze to the place where he had buried the guy he had killed a while ago, as Rue had looked quite uncompromising when he suggested it.

They only sat for a while before the owner of the carriage finally returned from the village. As soon as he saw the scene in front of him, he quickened his pace and looked at them in shock: 

"What happened here? You were just supposed to guard the carriage?!" he shouted.

"We did just that, a beautiful expression of gratitude," Ylre glared at him mockingly. 

"How? It's broken...What is this supposed to be? Where did the sacks of potatoes go?" he looked around, "Can't you see they're all over the ground?! Where are the rest of the things?!" he shouted.

"Calm down," Ylre glared at him, "if you were here alone, it would cost you life. I told you that this is not the right way, one more word and I will bury you too." he nodded behind him, where the guy saw a makeshift memorial with a bouquet of meadow flowers for the thief.

The guy blinked in surprise and glanced at the bunch of tied up guys before he looked at Ylre suspiciously, "Did you kill someone?" He couldn't believe it.

"I won't let them kill us I guess," Ylre said as Rue joined in.

"It was an unfortunate accident," he said, "we were defending the goods." he clarified, though being outnumbered wasn't usually a problem for him.

"Idiots!" the businessman ran up to the guys and aggressively kicked one of them, "Idiots! Do you know how much work I will have because of you?!" he yelled for a moment before walking back to the carriage in exasperation, "I'm going to call the guards," he stated.

"Guards?" Rue asked, since he didn't know if they should avoid them, "Are we still traveling today? It's getting dark."

"No...I wanted to, but no...we'll settle down for the night in the village, I have an acquaintance there," he said.

"At least we know where you were hanging out while we were ambushed," Ylre remarked.

"Where should we go?" Rue smiled, "By the time you report them, we'd get the carriage there." He said.

"I don't know if I can trust you," the guy frowned.

"If we wanted to take something from you, we wouldn't be here. Moron." Ylre glared at him.

"Shut up, you bastard...I'm pissed off enough without your bullshit...if you don't want to sleep in the woods, better behave yourself," he growled.

"I don't mind being in the forest. But you could be more polite to us, after all, thanks to us, you have some goods left." Rue smiled softly, after which the merchant gave them a confused look as the Rues golden eyes and his deep tone sent a shiver down his spine.

After a while he sighed, "I get it, I get it," he declared, "judt walk to the end of the main street, don't turn until you reach the Yellow vineyard...two houses to the left is a tall house." he clarified.

"Thank you," Rue smiled and moved to the front of the carriage. He wanted to take the reins of the horses, but Ylre was already holding them.

Ylre caught a glimpse of the merchant and after a moment's thought made his way into the village. He just casually glanced at the torn piece of clothing, through which Rue's ugly wound could be seen, and frowned displeasedly. No matter what Rue said, he didn't intend to let this go.


As Nielle walked into his chambers and stopped at his desk, Shane wondered what else he wanted from him today. He clearly didn't have the energy for any sexual, physical or psychological violence, let alone trying to convince Nielle to let him sleep, as he knew he wouldn't succeed.

Nielle just went to one of the drawers, took out a small bag and walked out of the room: "Wait here," he commanded Shane as if he was a dog.

Shane sighed deeply and raised an eyebrow in surprise after making sure that Nielle had indeed left the room. Shane didn't feel comfortable abou Nielle leaving him in his bedroom unattended when he knew he was after something. Still Shane took the opportunity and made his way over to Nielle's desk and casually tried opening his drawers.

 The first one was open, there were several bags in it, which when he examined, he found only regular money. One of the bags was his, so he took money out of it and put it in his pocket. He then took a little bit from each remaining bag and replenished his own, creating the impression that nothing had disappeared. He then put them all back together.

Since the money was his, it wasn't theft, and Shane wasn't going to be in this country penniless. Subsequently, he moved to the second drawer, which was closed, then to another but without result. He went to the other side, where he tried the same procedure, but all but one, full of files, were locked.

Sighing, he looked around the room trying to find a key somewhere, but knowing that Nielle wouldn't leave him alone for long, he wasn't going to try his luck today. He was in no condition for deeper investigation. That's why he just stood back where he was standing and waited for a while before he didn't feel like it anymore and sat down on the bed next to him. 

He waited for a moment, wondering what Nielle was going to do and why he left him here, before his head spun and he leaned back gently. He touched his neck with his fingers, which was throbbing strangely, and took a deep breath. He was really exhausted, so after a few minutes of waiting, he stopped resisting the urge and lay down on the bed.

He let out a soft breath at how comfortable it was. Nothing like the one in yesterday's torture chamber and nowhere near the one he got in the Lacrisan room upstairs. He could always fall asleep anywhere, but that didn't change the fact that he was comfortable now.

He slowly closed his eyelids and relaxed a bit since it didn't look like Nielle was watching him and intended to run into the room as soon as he did something. He didn't intend to fall asleep, he just wanted to rest a bit, but despite his efforts, he dozed off exhausted within a few minutes. It's just a shame that Nielle clearly didn't intend to let him sleep.


Ylre felt as if someone was watching them. From the time they entered the village, as they walked down the street until they stopped at the Yellow wine bar, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was staring at them. However, no matter where he looked, he saw no one, only normal people. He didn't even see the guards on the way.

"Strange village," he remarked.

"You think so?" Rue looked around, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"We're walking down the main street, but there's no guard," he remarked.

"It doesn't have to be in every village," Rue said, continuing to walk to the left of the wine bar.

"Didn't he just say a moment ago that he was going to call them?" Ylre remarked, "But we didn't see any guard going in his direction." he said.

"True," he nodded.

"Also, I find it strange that he willingly stayed alone with a bunch of bandits...tied up, but still..." Ylre added.

"We'll deal with it when it comes down to it...oh look, we are here." Rue stopped in front of a tall house.

"Teahouse?" Ylre didn't understand why would the merchant direct them here.

"Is it possible to sleep in the teahouse?" Rue asked, ,,Hi, luck with you," he stopped a guy who was just passing by and looked at them inconspicuously, "Would you watch the carriage for us for a moment, we need to go in and ask something." he smiled.

When the man nodded, they went inside, where the pleasant smell of a mixture of teas hit their noses. They stopped at a counter and Ylre, finding the whole place suspiciously tense, said, "Strange smell... do you sell anything else besides teas?"

The man behind the counter looked at them: "You are in a tea shop, only medicines and you want some?"

Since Ylre didn't seem in the mood to be polite, Rue took the initiative and briefly explained to the man the situation. Fortunately, the guy seemed to understand and had one of his helpers move the carriage to the back of the store behind the warehouse. For now, he led them upstairs, where some of the employees lived, to one smaller room.

"We have nothing better," he said.

"Thank you," Rue smiled and looked at Ylre, "really nice people."

Ylre sighed, "I don't know about that...I can smell blood everywhere," he remarked.

"Blood?" Rue asked in confusion.

"Nothing, you don't have to worry," he added, looking at Rue's injured shoulder that needed healing or bandaging. However, not knowing how to convince him, he chose option number one.

Rue noticed where he was looking, to which he only smiled gently and lightly covered his wound with his clothes: "Do you think we can get a bath here somewhere?"

"Bath?" Ylre wondered, "Some villages have baths...and there are lakes nearby."

"I'll ask," Rue said, walking out of the room.

"Wait," Ylre objected, "let's ask elsewhere."

"Where?" Rue didn't understand why.

"In that Yellow wine bar. Don't you feel like having a drink with me?" he suggested.

"Wine...I haven't had wine in a long time," he stated.

"I invite you," Ylre smiled.

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