Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in coincidences 3

 Elyan just chuckled softly before saying, "You'll find plenty of things in the books, but nothing you could find in the capital city…in any of our countries, actually," he said.

"Elyan...I don't think it's best to say misleading things to Nielle," Brelle said, "It'll have another explanation."

"Don't worry, he asked if I know something, not what I think it might be...I know a lot of such things, but I say that he will not find them in our countries," he clarified.

"I see, everyone but me knows that there is something like that, so kindly initiate me so that I can resolve the case," Nielle said.

"It won't do you any good, Nielle," Brelle said.

"I'll judge it myself," Nielle said and looked at Elyan, who led him to the desk next to him.

"We've been studying it for the last hour, but the most likely version will be one of these weapons, but like I said, the knowledge won't do you any good...and I'm nowhere near done," he said.

Nielle looked at the bundle of nicely illustrated swords that would surely take a long time to make, "Nice designs." He examined the outlined surface of the blades.

" won't find them anywhere and no one will make them for you," Elyan pointed out.

"What kind of weapon is this? What group owns them?" he asked. Since he was used to working with catching criminal groups, whether from Lacris, Rinsel, Equil, or any of the noble or church groups, it wasn't unusual for them to have specific types of swords.

"They owned," Elyan corrected his note, stating, "Last seen two hundred years ago, no record since then, and I doubt they'd show up in the capital and randomly kill two guys." he declared.

"Two hundred years ago?" Nielle, who was not much into history asked.

"Infeys, Nielle," Brelle sighed and walked over to them, "why didn't you ever listen in history class? Besides, it's the most interesting part of all the books."

,,Why? Have I ever used anything from history lessons at work?" he laughed.

"If you had listened, you would have today...I hope you at least know who the Infeys are," Brelle sighed.

"Of course I know... the church has them as the main source of faith," Nielle knew the basics, "the highest Infeys are said to be the guardians of the source of luck and the rest serve them... something like that. People believe in them, even though they have never seen them." he pointed out.

"You're not completely ignorant," Elyan commented.

Nielle looked at him amused and laughed lightly: "Are you provoking me on purpose? Brelle, must he still have stupid comments?" he looked at his brother.

Brelle just sighed, "Everyone is stupid to him, there's no point in listening to him," he remarked, "Anyway, the Infeys are the only ones who owned swords like this." he clarified.

"The only ones?" Nielle didn't know.

Elyan clarified: "When you listened at least a little, two hundred years ago our countries didn´t exist, there was only one. Every person was essentially an Equilan. Then something went wrong, in one part of the territory the luck is almost gone, in another there is more of it than elsewhere...Rinsel was born, Lacris was born...are you catching up?" he looked at Nielle.

"I'm really going to have you whipped," Nielle said irritably.

Elyan conjured up a strange half-smile that would send shivers down normal people's spines, before Brelle disgruntledly took the dangerous-looking knife from his palm.

"Don't make fun of him, Elyan...even a child knows the basics," Brelle sighed and put the knife on the table.

"I'm deeply sorry, I'm hungry," Elyan commented not very convincingly, "anyway, two hundred years ago, the Infeys were watching over was a group of people from the land of Infey...don't worry, you're exceptionally not the only one who doesn't know, where it is, no one knows," he declared, and before Nielle could react, he continued, "they came to the surface at regular intervals and blessed people, controlled the world, controlled order, kept an eye on the fair distribution of luck... or so it is said...actually it was only the nobility who were lucky enough to be born near the source of luck. Immortal, strong, the physical embodiment of luck...people worshiped them and couldn't wait for their arrival..." he chattered, but Nielle cut him off.

"What does it have to do with the case, I don't hear anything relevant in that long introduction," he said.

Elyan nodded, "I just felt like you missed your basics class," he admitted, "I'll get to the these Infeys carried these beautiful swords," he said, "so they could justly assassinate you if you didn't suit them...sorry, punish for something you didn't do," he sneered.

"For the fact that they lived two hundred years ago, you sound like you don't like them very much," he remarked, "one would think you knew them." he laughed.

"Though I work excessively, I don't think I look two hundred years old, Prince Nielle," Elyan commented, "I just don't like nobility in general, as you know."

"I didn't notice," Nielle remarked ironically.

" about we don't fight today?" Brelle suggested.

"I didn't mean you," he looked at Brelle, "at least you try to learn useful things." he said.

Brelle smiled softly.

"So the Infeys possessed swords that could drain luck." Nielle thought.

"Not all of them...only the highest guards used to be you should know from history lessons...or from books where everything I'm saying is written in detail," he remarked.

"I don't know...go on. Are they stored somewhere or is there a place where they were seen?" Nielle wanted to know the essential information.

"Nowhere...not only has no one seen them, no one other than their owners can use them, so I say we should focus on another explanation," he clarified.

Nielle disagreed, "I don't think so...usually the first thing that comes to mind is the right one...couldn't some Infey have wandered in here and murdered them anyway?" he suggested.

Elyan laughed, "Prince Nielle, for all the respect I try to show you, the Infeys wouldn´t show themselves among humans."

"Why not?" he didn't understand.

"They haven't shown up in two hundred years, plus some of the people would have noticed them...they're not a normal species that would blend in with the crowd," he clarified.

"About time they came out, isn't it?" Nielle said, "And there are a lot of weird people in town." he noted.

"Nielle, you don't understand," Brelle interjected, "according to history, you can't help but notice them...special things happen around them, their luck is really...special...besides, their life is guarding the source of luck, they wouldn't come out to us." he said.

"If there are any at all," Nielle said.

"At the source of luck," Elyan said.

"I didn't hear that there was a source of luck somewhere on the map," Nielle laughed.

"It's not…they're it´s guards, no one knows where it is." Brelle handed Nielle the books.

Nielle looked at him: "I don't plan to read historical writings about some country that may not even exist. As far as I know, this is church bullshit. Brelle, I didn't think you were into church." he said.

"I'm not...but I believe that Infeys guard luck," he said.

"Alright... so some Infey murdered two employees of the arcade... and I'm supposed to tell the king what explanation?" he laughed, "Sorry father, the murderer is some Infey, whom no one has seen, but according to the weapon used, it will be probably one of them...I can't catch him because I don't know if there is any at all," he declared, "he'll be excited."

"Nielle, I'm not saying Infey did it…don't you have any normal suspects?" Brelle wondered.

"I have, but neither of them seemed to be Infey," he laughed, though he didn't know what their kind even looked like.

"And who are they?" Elyan wondered.

"One seemed to have more bad luck than luck...I met him yesterday after he became a suspect in a theft he didn't commit...and today he became a suspect in a murder," he said, "I don't think he is the perpetrator," he noted, "the other one who looks like a murderer was more brazen, I wanted to get him locked up, but something happened and I didn't make it...they didn't look like they had a similar sword...neither one was armed." he knew.

"They didn't have to," Elyan said as there was a loud banging on the door. With a deep sigh, he went to open it and after spotting a pair of guards, he called out to Nielle.

Nielle walked to the door and asked, "What's going on?"

"Your Highness, we heard you are at Elyan...there is a problem at the gate...the two suspects you ordered to detain have gotten out...our men are injured and no one knows where they have gone."

Nielle gave him an irritated look before heaving a deep sigh, "What were their weapons?" he wondered.

"What?" the guard didn´t understand.

"Swords, what kind of swords did they have?" he asked.

"Normal swords, sir...they were taken by the guards during the fight," he clarified.

Nielle looked at Elyan, "See...normal."

" Sir, what are the next steps?" the guard asked.

"How many did they kill?" Nielle wondered.

"Nobody, sir...they are just wounded, some just unconscious," he said.

Nielle raised his eyebrows slightly and laughed: "Suspect of one was killed...interesting...could I be wrong? Unusual." he said to himself. When someone committed a murdered, he usually didn't bother to leave the people who attacked him alive.

"Sir..." the guard hesitated.

"Was it really the couple I had described?" Nielle wondered.

"Yes, sir…red hair, blue eyes, and a burgundy uniform…black hair, gold eyes, and a black and gold uniform…it was them, sir."

Nielle nodded, "Send instructions to the guys in the nearest town to be ready for them," he said and after the guards understood and walked away, he re-entered Elyan's house.

"Where did we end up?" he asked.

"Nielle," Brelle looked at the door, "He said golden eyes? Who had golden eyes? One of them?" he didn't understand.

Nielle nodded, "Really rare, I've never seen nothing like that...they were...beautiful," he remarked, "even for Lacrisan."

"Lacrisians don't have golden eyes, Prince Nielle," Elyan commented, sitting down at his desk as if unsure.

Nielle sighed deeply: "I know...but this one had."

"Then it wasn't Lacrisan," Elyan said.

"What was he like, Nielle?" Brelle wondered excitedly, as if he had just discovered that Nielle had seen a rare species of lion.

"What? Normal...he had black hair, some yellow streaks, or orange, I don't know...golden eyes, he looked really rich, he wears expensive fabrics, better than us." he laughed.

"How did he behave?" Brelle's eyes shone with interest.

"I don't know." Nielle didn't mean to say that he felt a special kind of respect for him, as if he was his superior.

"Like you're the kid who needs to listen to him to find the right path?" Elyan asked.

Nielle looked at him in surprise: "How do you know?"

"You met Infey...congratulations, you can have it engraved on a stone, when he sees him in a hundred years, maybe he will remember you," he remarked.

"I feel like someone should really show you where your place is, Elyan," Nielle growled.

"Where would it be? In the study. That's why I know everything you all should know. But it's good that you're not reading, at least I have a job," he said.

"Did he really see Infey?" Brelle cheered.

"It seems so...I don't know the reason for their visit, but when it's obvious, I won't object...he met the golden-eyed Infey, and the killer will be probably the one next to him."

"Why not him?" Nielle didn't understand.

"Only the highest Infeys have golden eyes… and only their guardians carry swords… haven't you been listening?" Elyan sighed.

Nielle thought, "So I was right," he smiled, "and he allowed himself to lie that he had nothing to do with it," he laughed, "wait till i catch you, you red-hair bastard."

"I don't advise you to follow them," Elyan said.

"Why?" Nielle didn't understand.

"The Infeys are not someone you can lock in a dungeon...if you piss off the highest, you piss off luck...if you piss off luck..." he didn't answer.

"You think the one with the golden eyes is the highest, don't you? He didn't piss me off, only the other one did," he explained.

"You can be glad you're alive when you pissed him off," Elyan clarified.

"Nielle, Elyan is right...they live for hundreds of years, we are nothing more than children to them," Brelle explained.

"I've never met them, I don't see why I should be afraid of them when I've never heard of any Infey going out...he's a murderer, I lock up murderers, don't I?" he stated and started to leave before Elyan stopped him and stated.

"Prince Nielle," Elyan didn't sound too enthusiastic, "I will explain it to you in other way…if the king finds out that he is Infey, the whole country will be turned upside down." he declared.

Nielle thought, "True, I forgot, luck," he accepted, "Greedy, he'll want to find out where the source of luck is...though I don't think there is one at all." he declared.

"It doesn't matter if it is... the books say it is... and the king is a person who seizes such a chance," he clarified.

"True," Nielle accepted, "I only want an assassin...the king would want an interrogation for other purposes." he didn´t feel like starting something that could disturb the peace in the country and his peaceful life.

"Nielle...don't make them enemies," Brelle advised.

Nielle accepted: "Don't worry...I don't mean to," he said and walked out without a word.

Elyan and Brelle looked after him as if they wanted to say something more, but neither of them had anything to say. Nielle, who had just discovered who the murderer was, knew that he couldn´t immediately show him as the perpetrator to the king. Actually, even if he catches him, he couldn't do that in case the story with Infeys was really true, so he knew that he would have to improvise and come up with something else.

As he walked back to the palace, he didn't even realize that Shane was standing by his side the whole time and was just listening with surprise to the whole situation, which he couldn't absorb. He heard about the Infeys, he heard about the whole history, but he didn't see these tales as something real. That's why he couldn't just believe that they were seen. However, it didn't matter because his mission wasn't related to anything like that and he wasn't going to be swayed from his original plans just because of something that could change the course of the countries.

Because Shane didn't care about countries, he didn't care if Rinsel, Lacris killed each other for domination. He was just following the instructions of the person he worked for. Nothing more.

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